Dec 4, 2017
US Democracy right now



One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder how many House Republicans will be expelled? I don't think we'll get all 140 that had been reportedly planning to vote in favor, but I bet we can get north of 60, though obviously it will depend heavily on how many vote in favor of objecting the election results


"This guy are sick"
Apr 8, 2018
That video of the fascist helping the fascist walk down the steps makes me fucking seethe.


Oct 29, 2017
y'all please stop trying to make mike pence into some fucking anti hero

it's easily the dumbest shit I've seen this year

The only way Pence does anything right will be because he feels an overwhelming pressure and support from his own party(which won't happen) and sees an opportunity for a light at the end of his dead end career choice of being a toady to a fascist. Which also is not gonna happen.

It will be "we need to certify and respect the democratic process. This violence stops and ends with these rioters and they should be dealt with to the full extent of the law....ELECTION STOLEN, STOP THE STEAL, WE STILL NEED ANSWERS!"

like they always do, Republicans will pay lip service just as much as is needed and then continue the creep toward outright fascist governance by stoking fear and hatred of the "other" because it is the most expedient way to generate enough broad support for a party that works on behalf of the rich.

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
Nah, you have to be white in order to calmly escorted in. No fucking way a mob of POC would make it this far.
There were more than a few MAGA-gear wearing POC in that crowd that made it into the Capitol building.

No doubt it helps to have a protective sea of whiteness around to duck behind. I mean, just sayin'.


Jan 11, 2018
I feel like I'm watching Olympus Has Fallen or White House Down. Complete fucking madness and it infuriates me to no end.


Dec 1, 2017
Huh? It's the US Capitol building during the certification of a general election with like most of the elected federal government inside the building. Where were the hundreds of cops with riot gear and military-grade weaponry?

Rhetorical question.
Especially when these fuckers have been in DC for a few days and have stormed state capitals in the past.


alt account
Aug 1, 2020
If this was BLM or Antifa they would've legitimately been mowed down without second thought and there would've been far more Lw enforcement. Fucking pathetic display
Last edited:


Dec 4, 2018
We make jokes about Americans, sure, but what the world is, is fucking terrified that your country bullies the rest of us with its military power, develops thousands of atomic bombs and creates a process to safekeep that power that seems absolutely weak and pathetic considering what's at stake.

America invested for decades in army, army, army, making higher education inaccessible to most, teaching people not to trust science or expertise, never investing in social policy or healthcare, making people more and more disenfranchised and pushing them to the extremes. Violence, weapons, the military, the flag, the anthem, you combined ultra nationalism and constant positive depiction of violence, a superiority complex called American exceptionalism and fed it with extreme social and economic pressure towards low and middle class people.

It was a ticking bomb and it is exploding and I just hope you can contain the explosion, and I don't mean today's coup, I mean, how do you reform such a corrupt system when the problems are so widespread and most people idealize such system to the point any other ideology is seen as pretty much satanic?
Exactly. People outside the US aren't enjoying the last season of a reality show, they're seeing how the country with a big number of the people who influence what happens everywhere else, and posses one of the worlds most numerous, dangerous and risky destructive complex of the whole planet, is both losing control of itself and letting lose unacceptable behaviors produced by designed, consented and applied systemic bad faith.

If there was any moment america should had been held under the world's watch, it's this one.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
Good thing they're white then.

To be fair, even white domestic terrorists like McVeigh, Boston Bomber (who I'm pretty sure is on death row), and the Unabomber never got to/will get to see the light o day again. Hopefully the book gets thrown at all these terrorists as well...and if it means packing the Supreme Court to make sure it happens, I say so be it.


Editor-in-chief at
Oct 28, 2017
So... If people want a revolution they can just enter Government buildings and face zero consequences now?

I wonder how long it would take for a bunch of people sprinting across the White House lawn to get shot.


Oct 6, 2018
We know that a violent rioter did get shot is in critical condition.

They were "prepped" and instructed accordingly for the BLM and George Floyd protests. They didn't "expect" this riot, and probably had the normal amount of police around the area and Capitol police manning the barricades.

At a certain point, all they can do is retreat, lockdown, and pray for reenforcements knowing that Trump was never going to call for any.
So what you're saying is that the guards are useless?

I get your point, I really do, but at some point you gotta ask what they were doing there. It's the Capitol building, not a Walmart. I don't want anyone dead, but these fuckers would have murdered Nancy Pelosi if she was in close vicinity. They attempted an actual coup. When DO you use guns if not then?
I know, this would have led to further escalation but ugh, it's just so frustrating. Doesn't help seeing them help down some terrorists down the stairs.


Oct 26, 2017
Huh? It's the US Capitol building during the certification of a general election with like most of the elected federal government inside the building. Where were the hundreds of cops with riot gear and military-grade weaponry?

Rhetorical question.

It makes me want to throw something. But I'm black and would get shot on sight if I did.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Regarding the 25th Amendment: it doesn't apply here at all. The whole point of it, and the way it is written, is if the President is too ill to pass control to the VP, then Congress can pass the job to the VP. But the moment the President is able to make a written statement that he's fine now, he automatically gets the job back. That statement can be overwritten by Congress...but it would require a 2/3 majority of both House and Senate. And it's all about being unable to do the job, not unfit to do the job.

Oh, here I was digging up a good explanation, but you edited your post from the original, where you stopped at "automatically gets the job back".

There is plenty of room for interpretation, however, as well as I'm sure years of legal challenges, but if there were ever a time to test and clarify the vague wording of the Amendment, now is it. He is currently actively using the tools and the powers of the Presidency to incite violence and insurrection attempts.

Here's the link I pulled up anyway, for those questioning the potential use of the 25th Amendment:


Oct 25, 2017
The Twilight Zone


Oct 25, 2017
Remember when people were tone policing the fuck out of people wishing Trump would croak from COVID?