
The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
Xena gave Hercules the fucking smackdown.

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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I live in a giant bucket.

So there's some disagreement on how this tweet frames Mo Brooks' message, but at best it ultimately comes across as apologism for yesterday's attack. ("Well, golly, they just didn't F E E L it was a faithful election, so they just made the mistake of invading the Capitol!)

Not to mention, uh, it's not even consistent with his constant messaging that it was an antifa attack.


The GIFs of Us
Jun 25, 2020
the wilderness
It's still just hysterical to me how, once Trump realized he could be in deep legal shit for his role in instigating a fucking terror attack on the Capitol, he just completely threw his most loyal cultists under the bus after they literally committed treason for him.

"Hey thanks for the support by the way y'all are probably going to jail for a long time so best of luck with that and peace out! #MAGA2024!"

Let's all be thankful that this whole attempted coup that has been going on since November wasn't made by more competent and prepared people. US democracy already sustained irreparable damages, just imagine what a more capable group could have done. I hope it will become a real wake-up call.
Aug 27, 2018
I'm listening to Conan O'Brien's most recent podcast with Ronald Reagan's son...and like...he's super liberal and seems super likeable. Kind of took me off guard.

Ron Reagan - Earwolf

Political commentator Ron Reagan joins Conan to discuss the insurrection at the US Capitol building on January 6th.

Baji Boxer

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
I'm listening to Conan O'Brien's most recent podcast with Ronald Reagan's son...and like...he's super liberal and seems super likeable. Kind of took me off guard.

Ron Reagan - Earwolf

Political commentator Ron Reagan joins Conan to discuss the insurrection at the US Capitol building on January 6th.
Yeah, Ron Reagan has been a liberal political commentator for awhile.


Oct 27, 2017
LOL at the an-cap flag background to his posts calling for a fucking monarchy. An-caps are a fucking joke.

It really does seem like the concept of a good faith ancap is nearly nonexistent. There's guys truly trying to live some ancap dream, like that idiot who got himself killed by a Mexican cartel trying to make it happen. But since the Trump era, libertarian and ancap imagery/talking points have been taken up by fascists and literal monarchists.

Even the "real" ancaps are insipid morons at best. But it's still alarming how people fully into Trump's cult of personality, who desperately want to be ruled, have so completely dressed themselves up in imagery that implies the opposite.

Greg NYC3

Oct 26, 2017
wtf, which one is it? just rt'ed by the house appropriations account


The FoP lied earlier because they know how bad this is about to get for all their MAGA buddies. It would be possible to charge everyone involved in the attack yesterday with murder of a police officer since he died while they were committing a felony.


Nov 25, 2017
I'm listening to Conan O'Brien's most recent podcast with Ronald Reagan's son...and like...he's super liberal and seems super likeable. Kind of took me off guard.

Ron Reagan - Earwolf

Political commentator Ron Reagan joins Conan to discuss the insurrection at the US Capitol building on January 6th.
I listened to this earlier, He was great I wish the podcast was longer though, it seems like they just scratched the surface.


Nov 5, 2017
Xena gave Hercules the fucking smackdown.



I missed this post before. Lucy for NZ PM once Justine is done.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
I legitimately had no idea, but he seems super sensible. Also, him doing a Ronald Reagan impression while asking where his bong is...*chef's kiss*
Ron Reagan has been a radio host for a long time and yeah he is super cool. His brother Michael Reagan one of those never-Trumper conservatives but also firmly anti-democrats as well.
Oct 25, 2017
Racoon City
I mean he still could. A video saying sorry doesn't absolve you of crime. I can't burn a guys house down and then be like shit sorry, that was my bad, and then get away with it. Does he think he's good now? I'm just not understanding lol.

Well, to be fair some actions can be absolved if you write "that's not who I am, and I'm ashamed of my actions." Anything to do with oppressing and terrorizing black people for instance.


Oct 25, 2017
mod edit: please do not post content from sources like this

Appears to be how it started. I searched for the tweet here and didn't see anything
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Oct 27, 2017
Do we even know the condition of any of the other officers? Just crazy that there has been zero public briefings on, like, any aspect of this.


Oct 27, 2017
This has probably been discussed but besides hunting down all the terrorists that attacked the Capitol, are we going after the cops that helped them?


Oct 25, 2017
mod edit: please do not post content from sources like this

Appears to be how it started. I searched for the tweet here and didn't see anything
I wouldn't signal boost this dude. He's the one who proudly boasted about being in Pelosi's office going though her computer and then deleted that tweet.
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Oct 27, 2017
NYT article

Still in disbelief of what happened.
The best people deconsacrating one of the most symbolic place in the country with the police being basically powerless (or complicit).
This day will live in infamy...
I shouldn't be shocked by the complicity of the police but god damn that's just crazy. There are so many heads that need to roll. Imagine the damage that could be done if Trump wasn't so incompetent.


Oct 25, 2017
This has probably been discussed but besides hunting down all the terrorists that attacked the Capitol, are we going after the cops that helped them?

Having terrorists sympathizers guarding the capitol is not a tenable situation. At this point, police reform is starting to look more and more like a national security issue in addition to a civil rights issue and corruption issue.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
mod edit: please do not post content from sources like this

Appears to be how it started. I searched for the tweet here and didn't see anything
That's, what, ten cops at the barricade? After weeks of the right going apeshit about a Jan 6 fight? What a joke.
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Oct 28, 2017
mod edit: please do not post content from sources like this

Appears to be how it started. I searched for the tweet here and didn't see anything

It's astounding that someone thought that was enough officers and barricades to stop even a mildly aggressive mob -- not that super aggressive one being urged on with megaphones.
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▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Fresno CA
mod edit: please do not post content from sources like this

Appears to be how it started. I searched for the tweet here and didn't see anything
Can we not post this fucking chodes tweets here like he's a good guy? The dickbag runs a right-wing podcast or some dog shit and was the one bragging about taking pics with that fucking terrorist that shot innocent people at the BLM protest. He's a fucking cock mongrel and we shouldn't be boosting him.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Can we not post this fucking chodes tweets here like he's a good guy? The dickbag runs a right-wing podcast or some dog shit and was the one bragging about taking pics with that fucking terrorist that shot innocent people at the BLM protest. He's a fucking cock mongrel and we shouldn't be boosting him.
Please feel free to post the same video from someone else. I haven't seen it before.