
Oct 25, 2017
Your Throne 1-25

Now this is excellent. I still have quite a bit of backlog to go but this is definitely a cut above the "villainess" type comics I've read so far. It starts out quite a bit edgy and typical "gotta get back at my old man and that wench" like the other two I mentioned but it very quickly went in ways I didn't expect
with the body swap with the "pure heroine" character where Medea is actually able to see things from her own eyes and eventually sympathize her. At the point I stopped reading the two girls have actually decided to team up and it's so satisfying to watch play out.
. This is more of a political thriller than a romance and that's perfectly fine.
Yeah, the slightly different path the story took changed things up a lot and maybe it really interesting to read. I also enjoyed seeing the character progress past their stereotipycal role. And it's also one where you get satisfaction in seeing well-crafted plans succeed.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Platinum End 1-58 END

Since the anime got announced, I wanted to read through this since it's not very long. I did hear mumblings about how it had a bad ending, and it did have an epilogue that spanned a couple chapters, and I kept wondering "what's so bad about this?" Then that last chapter hit, and I took a bit for it to sink in, and here's my thoughts... I think I know where they were trying to go with this, and I get why people don't like it, but I guess it's up to interpretation.

So throughout the manga, there is a theme on human happiness, and also the idea of suicide. You have Shuji Naukami who is a big "what's the point?" and supports euthanasia and suicide if people so chose to do so. Because of how he grew up and lived, he only knew that apathy and life. Other characters like Mirai, grew to understand what happiness is, even through the life he lived and ultimately both wanted to live and found someone he found more important to him, where both life and hers brought his happiness.

Then you get Professor Yoneda in the mix, who focused on science and was more on the numbers side of things, didn't care for being around others, and was out of touch on emotions of others (which had his plan fail with trying to make Shuji kill the other candidates). The theme he brought into the story, was one of atheism to combat the theism. We don't know about who this God is and what the candidates would be replacing. So this was a mystery.

Leading up to the final chapter, is showing everyone finding their own happiness with living and "what does it mean to be happy?" with a few pages on everyday people just talking about their small joys in life. The new God Shuji is pleased with looking at both people who wanted to be happy and being happy, along with those who wished for death didn't need help in getting it. He wondered on what's the point of even being a God? Humanity is doing their own thing! Then he saw the awfulness of the world, with things like famine, murder, etc. and wondered why the previous God did nothing? Goes into that "Free Will" thing, where I guess God left people do their own thing, where there was both happiness and sadness and all that.

Prof Yoneda kept contemplating the chicken or the egg scenario with "did people create God?" and was convinced this was the case. The previous God did confirm to Yuji that yes, God DID create humanity, but had no idea who created God itself, furthering the mystery of the universe. So, when Yuji saw everything with the world, the idea of how some people pray to a God, some do not, but ultimately God did nothing before with humanity, then why is there even a NEED for a God to exist? Thus he comitted suicide.

In most JRPGs the trope is to "kill God" because of corruption, usually. This seemed more like a case to me of "well, whether God exists or not doesn't seem to even matter?" So why even exist if humans are already doing their own thing without intervention? He gave Yoneda his answer, as every living thing started to disappear in the world. What was Yoneda's answer? What I think was trying to be conveyed here is "it doesn't matter if the idea of God exists or not, humans cannot completely live without the idea of a God". So if God didn't exist, neither does life itself. Yoneda was wrong about both that God was a human "creature" construct, as well as seeing the outcome of "we don't need a God", because the idea of a God and life itself is intertwined.

Some compared this to End of Eva...
Just because "bodies disappear", but it was a completely different thing. Everyone died, but in the end after Shinji accepted himself and others around him, made the decision NOT to end things, and the ability to bring them back. This was a very different thing.

So yeah, those are my thoughts on it. Was it a good ending? Well, I guess depends how you saw it. I'm neutral, but in this interpretation of mine, I think I get what they were trying to get at, but something that would not leave everyone satisfied.

I can respect that interpretation of the ending, but I also think the mangaka could have had that idea of the ending without it feeling so abrupt and unsatisfying. Like perhaps
Like instead of having all life just blink out of existence due to the lack of a god, have the god commit suicide but be "revived" because people still believe in him. Perhaps god stays half alive half dead in a suspended animation due to those who believe in him, with a "once all of humanity stops believing, he will die and all life will end". Then you flash forward to many, many years later where most of humanity has wiped itself out with war and climate change, etc, then when the last person who believes in god dies or "loses faith" then the rest of humanity dies. I think there are several ways the ending could have been done to leave people feeling more satisfied. Heck having the MC be given a last second "you can die and become the new god to save everyone, or spend your last moments with your current happiness" would have framed the ending better.


Oct 26, 2017
I can respect that interpretation of the ending, but I also think the mangaka could have had that idea of the ending without it feeling so abrupt and unsatisfying. Like perhaps
Like instead of having all life just blink out of existence due to the lack of a god, have the god commit suicide but be "revived" because people still believe in him. Perhaps god stays half alive half dead in a suspended animation due to those who believe in him, with a "once all of humanity stops believing, he will die and all life will end". Then you flash forward to many, many years later where most of humanity has wiped itself out with war and climate change, etc, then when the last person who believes in god dies or "loses faith" then the rest of humanity dies. I think there are several ways the ending could have been done to leave people feeling more satisfied. Heck having the MC be given a last second "you can die and become the new god to save everyone, or spend your last moments with your current happiness" would have framed the ending better.

Hmmm yeah I think the first scenario there might have worked. They prob moreso wanted the idea to be not about
what does humanity think of the idea of God, but moreso the idea of what does someone from outside of that celestial realm also think of humanity? Shuji could already see that there were some devotees praying to him (including the past candidates), but ultimately the idea of believing/praying to him wasn't what he wanted since there is still bad stuff in the world. I don't think he wanted to actually kill all life either, but it did end up being the outcome.

Now that I think about it, for that "some still believe/God half-alive" scenario to happen, that would also mean that Yoneda was still correct in his theory - the idea of a creature, held together by the beliefs of man, and would have completely changed the outcome of the entire idea itself. I do think it would've played out to be a more satisfying ending for the reader, however.

If they keep this all the same for the anime tho (I keep having a suspicion they will change it), it should be as interesting as seeing reactions for that, as well as Chainsawman, in the Anime OT >_>


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Hmmm yeah I think the first scenario there might have worked. They prob moreso wanted the idea to be not about
what does humanity think of the idea of God, but moreso the idea of what does someone from outside of that celestial realm also think of humanity? Shuji could already see that there were some devotees praying to him (including the past candidates), but ultimately the idea of believing/praying to him wasn't what he wanted since there is still bad stuff in the world. I don't think he wanted to actually kill all life either, but it did end up being the outcome.

Now that I think about it, for that "some still believe/God half-alive" scenario to happen, that would also mean that Yoneda was still correct in his theory - the idea of a creature, held together by the beliefs of man, and would have completely changed the outcome of the entire idea itself. I do think it would've played out to be a more satisfying ending for the reader, however.

If they keep this all the same for the anime tho (I keep having a suspicion they will change it), it should be as interesting as seeing reactions for that, as well as Chainsawman, in the Anime OT >_>

Chainsaw Man will be far better received because it's such a wild series. If Chainsaw Man had ended like Platinum End did people would probably call Fujimoto brilliant for it. Also by the time the Chainsaw Man anime "ends" part 2 of the manga will be well underway so even if people are unsatisfied with part 1's ending the allure of part 2 won't leave people as cold as PE's did.


Oct 25, 2017
Platinum End 1-58 END

Since the anime got announced, I wanted to read through this since it's not very long. I did hear mumblings about how it had a bad ending, and it did have an epilogue that spanned a couple chapters, and I kept wondering "what's so bad about this?" Then that last chapter hit, and I took a bit for it to sink in, and here's my thoughts... I think I know where they were trying to go with this, and I get why people don't like it, but I guess it's up to interpretation.

So throughout the manga, there is a theme on human happiness, and also the idea of suicide. You have Shuji Naukami who is a big "what's the point?" and supports euthanasia and suicide if people so chose to do so. Because of how he grew up and lived, he only knew that apathy and life. Other characters like Mirai, grew to understand what happiness is, even through the life he lived and ultimately both wanted to live and found someone he found more important to him, where both life and hers brought his happiness.

Then you get Professor Yoneda in the mix, who focused on science and was more on the numbers side of things, didn't care for being around others, and was out of touch on emotions of others (which had his plan fail with trying to make Shuji kill the other candidates). The theme he brought into the story, was one of atheism to combat the theism. We don't know about who this God is and what the candidates would be replacing. So this was a mystery.

Leading up to the final chapter, is showing everyone finding their own happiness with living and "what does it mean to be happy?" with a few pages on everyday people just talking about their small joys in life. The new God Shuji is pleased with looking at both people who wanted to be happy and being happy, along with those who wished for death didn't need help in getting it. He wondered on what's the point of even being a God? Humanity is doing their own thing! Then he saw the awfulness of the world, with things like famine, murder, etc. and wondered why the previous God did nothing? Goes into that "Free Will" thing, where I guess God left people do their own thing, where there was both happiness and sadness and all that.

Prof Yoneda kept contemplating the chicken or the egg scenario with "did people create God?" and was convinced this was the case. The previous God did confirm to Yuji that yes, God DID create humanity, but had no idea who created God itself, furthering the mystery of the universe. So, when Yuji saw everything with the world, the idea of how some people pray to a God, some do not, but ultimately God did nothing before with humanity, then why is there even a NEED for a God to exist? Thus he comitted suicide.

In most JRPGs the trope is to "kill God" because of corruption, usually. This seemed more like a case to me of "well, whether God exists or not doesn't seem to even matter?" So why even exist if humans are already doing their own thing without intervention? He gave Yoneda his answer, as every living thing started to disappear in the world. What was Yoneda's answer? What I think was trying to be conveyed here is "it doesn't matter if the idea of God exists or not, humans cannot completely live without the idea of a God". So if God didn't exist, neither does life itself. Yoneda was wrong about both that God was a human "creature" construct, as well as seeing the outcome of "we don't need a God", because the idea of a God and life itself is intertwined.

Some compared this to End of Eva...
Just because "bodies disappear", but it was a completely different thing. Everyone died, but in the end after Shinji accepted himself and others around him, made the decision NOT to end things, and the ability to bring them back. This was a very different thing.

So yeah, those are my thoughts on it. Was it a good ending? Well, I guess depends how you saw it. I'm neutral, but in this interpretation of mine, I think I get what they were trying to get at, but something that would not leave everyone satisfied.

I only read it monthly and I never went back to it since it ended, but was it really just the last chapter that people disliked?
I remember getting soured on the story before, especially during the talks between the two last factions. I read it to the end to see where they were going with it, but it wasn't nowhere as satisfying as Death Note. Speaking of which, I didn't enjoy M and N a lot, but at least the ending brought everything together.
To be fair, I also wasn't too much into Bakuman and personally found the highlight of it being all the fictional mangas shown, so maybe I just don't enjoy the duo as much as I thought.
Oct 25, 2017
Witch Watch 24

Loved Keigo getting friends. Cute panel.

Mission Yozakura Family 92

Pretty great conclusion, Taiyo becoming one of my favorite lead characters. Also love the light speed rapid shutter.
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One Winged Slayer
May 22, 2018
wtf why are next week's chapters set to drop on the 9th?

Are they switching to Mondays now? I really liked having a Sunday morning manga routine :(
Oct 25, 2017
Candy Flurry 14

I hope Misaki does get a big battle before this ends.

Me & Roboco 51

Chizuru is cute, fun. Also Motsuo and Gachi both being after Taira is cute.

Elusive Samurai 26

Kojiro's time to shine and earn his lords affection? Hype.
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▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Blue box 15
So I guess that is how she discovers she also likes Taiki, and in the worst moment too, it isnt like he was exactly hiding that secret from her.
And yeah, I also wonder if Chinatsu has a messed up fetish
Oct 25, 2017
Neru 4

Smart male lead in a tournament series? Sign me up. Great chapter. Cheering for its success.

Blue Box 15

I dont know about this, Chono just was never appealing enough to even be a serious second contender for Taiki's affection, she just seemed more fitting for their best friend, and the final page just seems contradictory to all that she's been doing these past 15 chapters. Odd writing direction.

Sakamoto Days 33

I want to see this chapter animated.

Red Hood 5

Didnt need to take up like half a volume to just leave the village. DId like this chapter, but thought it would have been fine happening at chapter 3.

Personally, dont like the ethics and morality in the series. Still no reason for the guild to just exterminate all non humans.

Mashle 72

Give Finn his chance to shine.
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One Winged Slayer
May 22, 2018
I couldn't even follow the action in this week's Candy Flurry, the artist just does not seem good at drawing fights.

Witch Watch 24
"Morihito's opponent is a werewolf familiar" yes, Narrator, we get it. What is with this series and squeezing in unnecessary text. Still not feeling this "serious" arc, this whole thing could have been set-up better.

Sakamoto Days 33
This series continues to be a ton of fun. That cut to all the bad guys being beaten up as Sakamoto catches Aoi was so good
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▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
red hood
nice conclusion for the prologue. Many people dont like it took 5 chapters, but I like that the author took their time with the prologue, all other manga are so fast with it.


Oct 25, 2017
red hood
nice conclusion for the prologue. Many people dont like it took 5 chapters, but I like that the author took their time with the prologue, all other manga are so fast with it.
Yeah, that was a nice conclusion to the start of the series and did a good bit in setting up not only the wider world, but gives Velou an actual reason to leave his village and keeps some of the mystery surrounding that village in particular.


Oct 25, 2017
I couldn't even follow the action in this week's Candy Flurry, the artist just does not seem good at drawing fights.
Yeah, Irie's fight was pretty messy

Witch Watch 24
"Morihito's opponent is a werewolf familiar" yes, Narrator, we get it. What is with this series and squeezing in unnecessary text. Still not feeling this "serious" arc, this whole thing could have been set-up better.
I'm also not sure if the recap at the beginning was really needed
July 2021 UNrecommendation


Oct 25, 2017
July 2021 UNRecommendation
Shounen no Abyss (by a real sick fuck Minenami Ryou)


Misery Porn | ongoing work, no one will license this
In a town with nothing, in the middle of a daily life with seemingly no signs of change, high schooler Reiji Kurose was "just" living. Family, dreams for the future, childhood friends. All of them were binding him down to that city. He thought he would "just" keep on living like that. Until he met her. Is there hope in living? Is there light waiting ahead? It's the start of a boy meets girl series which reflects the "now".(source)

I don't know why the hell I did this to myself. I am hooked yet I hate this. It is like a car wreck you just can't look away from.
I am not gonna read that shit.
i feel like this thread delights in 'recommending' manga that are the equivalent of big red buttons that say "DO NOT PRESS - WILL DESTROY WORLD" and give you an electric shock when you read them

How does this keep getting worse? This manga is such trash.
Boy's Abyss is hella funny. Comedy of the year.
No one is allowed to leave our town
I love how everyone can either be classified as Pro-Suicide or Anti-Suicide, and it's amazing how quickly people flip from one team to the other.
Content warning: This work contains depictions suicide, suicidal thoughts, pedophilia, and explicit sexual content.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
red hood
nice conclusion for the prologue. Many people dont like it took 5 chapters, but I like that the author took their time with the prologue, all other manga are so fast with it.

Well if in 6 months we look back on it's cancelation the slow prologue is gonna be cited as probably the biggest thing that hurt it.


Oct 25, 2017
Sakamoto 33
What an absolutely great chapter. Dude can't even catch a break when all he wants to do is treat his wife nice and give her flowers.


Oct 26, 2017
Choujin X 05

Seeing these snake powers on display makes me worry somewhat that Ishida freed himself from the restrictive cage of kagune powers only to ... lock himself in another ability system that's going to be limited and/or simplistic. While clearly there is a wide spread of these powers our protagonist is fundamentally, locked into being a vulture/esque creation.. What's he going to do for the rest of the series, attack people with his beak, throw feathers at villains ?

Red Hood

If this default situation is still what we've arrived at then yeah, maybe it should have been done in one. The action in this can be undecipherable at times.


Press F for another victim of the ultimate villain, the power of friendship.

Candy Flurry

This really doesn't have the chops to pull off the humor it's attempting. At this point I think I'm reading in because I think the axe will free me in a moment.

Blue Box 15

Smug, S-tier athlete, helpful winggirl, great detective and totally not in love with our emulsified butter of a protagonist !


Oct 26, 2017
La France
You mind posting a source for this?

I saw the actual show before it got nuked since it was illegally uploaded on Youtube lol
There's a transcript of what they said here though

ジャンプ担当編集が語る『ヒロアカ』のすごさとは? 川島・山内のマンガ沼web - ラフ&ピース ニュースマガジン

麒麟・川島とかまいたち・山内が「面白いマンガ」に沼のようにハマって楽しむマンガバラエティ『川島・山内のマンガ沼』。前回放送された「マンガ家ガチアンケート特別編」の模様をお届けします。 第1話のデクが飛び出す絵を見て「ヤバ […]

Taguchi Hikaru, the current editor in charge of My Hero Academia hyped up Red Hood when the hosts asked about what manga readers need to keep an eye on. He mostly praised the art, saying people compare it to Horikoshi's.


Oct 31, 2017
I saw the actual show before it got nuked since it was illegally uploaded on Youtube lol
There's a transcript of what they said here though

ジャンプ担当編集が語る『ヒロアカ』のすごさとは? 川島・山内のマンガ沼web - ラフ&ピース ニュースマガジン

麒麟・川島とかまいたち・山内が「面白いマンガ」に沼のようにハマって楽しむマンガバラエティ『川島・山内のマンガ沼』。前回放送された「マンガ家ガチアンケート特別編」の模様をお届けします。 第1話のデクが飛び出す絵を見て「ヤバ […]

Taguchi Hikaru, the current editor in charge of My Hero Academia hyped up Red Hood when the hosts asked about what manga readers need to keep an eye on. He mostly praised the art, saying people compare it to Horikoshi's.
Worth noting that Taguchi was also in charge of Samurai 8. It's their job to hype up series, so I wouldn't look into it too much.


Just keep an eye on how it's doing in the ToC, whether it gets color pages, how the first volume sells, etc.
Oct 27, 2017
July 2021 UNRecommendation
Shounen no Abyss (by a real sick fuck Minenami Ryou)


Misery Porn | ongoing work, no one will license this

Content warning: This work contains depictions suicide, suicidal thoughts, pedophilia, and explicit sexual content.

On the wall of shame I go. Well deserved for picking up this shit despite the warnings. No one to blame but my sense of curiosity
Feb 1, 2018
Worth noting that Taguchi was also in charge of Samurai 8. It's their job to hype up series, so I wouldn't look into it too much.


Just keep an eye on how it's doing in the ToC, whether it gets color pages, how the first volume sells, etc.
Furthermore, that particular editor isn't very good at their job.

Anyway, thanks Kurita for posting the source.


Oct 25, 2017
Sakamoto Days - 33
What I really love about this series is the way it sets up most chapters like a gag manga, and manages to bring the laughs mixed with extremely well choreographed action sequences and a lot of heart as well.

Red Hood - 5
This series took 5 chapters to cover what a lot of series try to do in their first chapter alone. It's not a bad thing, just very deliberate pacing.


Oct 25, 2017
It's definitely a bad thing for the magazine it's trying to succeed in.

Slower paced new series really don't survive in Jump nowadays.
Yeah I meant that in the sense that I personally didn't mind it. I agree that you do this at your own peril in Weekly Jump.

I kind of wonder how this would fare as a monthly series, it has that sort of vibe IMO.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Red hood has been doing better than any new series in mangaplus this year, including things like sakamoto days and blue box
but i dunno how much mangaplus matters if at all


Jan 10, 2018
Red Hood has been doing well in jump+ views, like Witch Watch level iirc.
Should be somewhat safe. Clearly more than Candy Flurry and Neru. Let's wait for the its rankings, and then its sales, when volume 1 releases (November?).


Oct 25, 2017
Good volume sales for Red Hood wouldn't necessarily reassure me. Phantom Seer's volumes sold quite well IIRC and it still got unceremoniously canned right as it was really hitting its stride in terms of quality.
Oct 25, 2017
Red Hood still hasnt shown what its even about. What is our main characters motivation now that his home is gone and that he lacks any family or friends?

It just seems strange to me for one to cling so tightly to something that has mishandled writing.


Nov 27, 2017
Really liked today's Neru, always appreciate a "He's not dumb, he just has a hard time finding ways to focus" with an actual solution. Plus the practical and the written being mixed was nice


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
boku no hero: vicariously experiencing the manga only through twitter reactions edition because I'm waiting for the current anime season to end before catching up
me seeing mineta discourse on the tl: huh wonder what bullshit he did this time
me reading about mineta's latest discourse: huh


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
boku no hero: vicariously experiencing the manga only through twitter reactions edition because I'm waiting for the current anime season to end before catching up
me seeing mineta discourse on the tl: huh wonder what bullshit he did this time
me reading about mineta's latest discourse: huh
Right? Totally out of left field.


Oct 26, 2017
lol wow this was a sudden axe! Have to say, it's prob been my least favorite shoujo isekai I've read, but it felt like it was at least going somewhere? Global Manga+ is a chapter behind, so it looks like the next/last ch will be out Aug 12th. I'm guessing "rushed ending" over "time skip" or "the journey continues".

Kira Etō's World's End Harem ~Britannia Lumiére~ Manga Ends

Spinoff manga launched in June 2020, went on hiatus from December 2020 to June 2021 due to author's health


Nov 27, 2017
boku no hero: vicariously experiencing the manga only through twitter reactions edition because I'm waiting for the current anime season to end before catching up
me seeing mineta discourse on the tl: huh wonder what bullshit he did this time
me reading about mineta's latest discourse: huh
Go read MHA Smash, great series and they treat Mineta like the monster he is


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
lol wow this was a sudden axe! Have to say, it's prob been my least favorite shoujo isekai I've read, but it felt like it was at least going somewhere? Global Manga+ is a chapter behind, so it looks like the next/last ch will be out Aug 12th. I'm guessing "rushed ending" over "time skip" or "the journey continues".

Kira Etō's World's End Harem ~Britannia Lumiére~ Manga Ends

Spinoff manga launched in June 2020, went on hiatus from December 2020 to June 2021 due to author's health

That's a shame, series felt like it was finally going somewhere. I have to imagine like Soloist in a Cage the series wasn't doing that well before the hiatus and the mangaka was given a complementary chance to come back and wrap up their already canceled story.


Oct 25, 2017
Destroy All Humankind, they Can't be Regenerated 32

I feel that we are getting very close to the end of the manga- we have had both main girls confess (to some degree), Hajime has made up his mind, and we have the big match between Hajime and Sawatari on Day 2 of Regionals starting, with Sawatari admitting this is the final tournament she will ever enter due to a promise from her mom. There was a lot of plot progression with the date at the Aquarium with my favorite game "find the MTG card"

Im going to be really sad when this is over, I still am not over the fact that this manga exists....