Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
Great. Maybe Bernie can influence Biden a little on his policies. I'm still holding out hope that Warren is the VP.


Nov 4, 2017
User Banned (3 days): inflammatory accusations
Today, Liberals discover that they're projecting when they think Bernie supporters are a cult

Deleted member 8741

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Listen, I don't like Biden and these rape allegations make me extremely uncomfortable. Anyone who doesn't vote for Biden because of that I totally understand.

In this case, I feel like I gotta vote for him. If allegations come to light even more, you work on him being removed afterward and let the VP take over. I don't care about Biden holding the office, I do care about all the others that come along with it.


Oct 27, 2017
Is it possible Bernie waited until those stories came out in the major media because they make him feel more comfortable going forward with the endorsement?


Oct 25, 2017
And let me be clear. I was a Bernie supporter because of what he represented and his policies. This isn't a cult. We aren't going to just do what Bernie says.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm glad even Bernie realizes the biggest threat to progress is not electing Biden, but keeping Donald "A couple thousand deaths are inevitable" Trump and his GOP lackeys in office


Oct 27, 2017
lmao all of the Biden Bros are about to find out that Bernie WASN'T just a cult of personality when the left doesn't get in line behind him without more concessions than lowering the medicaid age to 60. We'll see how much influence he really gives Bernie.


Oct 27, 2017
Beat Trump. All costs.

This. I am not alone in having friends, family, and loved ones fighting for their lives against COVID right now. and Trump is doing everything he can to make it worse. My girlfriend works at a hospital that had their shipment of N95 masks taken by the feds and now she is sick at home with the virus.



Oct 28, 2017
And let me be clear. I was a Bernie supporter because of what he represented and his policies. This isn't a cult. We aren't going to just do what Bernie says.

yep. I was a super militant die hard supporter of Bernie, but the fact that he couldn't just hold out a tad bit longer until the sexual assault story was further investigated just infuriates me. I guess people were right he doe value friendships and loyalty over everything. lmao

Deleted member 5666

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
And let me be clear. I was a Bernie supporter because of what he represented and his policies. This isn't a cult. We aren't going to just do what Bernie says.
Well good thing he is taking what he represented and his policies and helping Biden achieve them by heading up Biden's policy task force and working closely with the Biden campaign.


Jun 10, 2018
lmao all of the Biden Bros are about to find out that Bernie WASN'T just a cult of personality when the left doesn't get in line behind him without more concessions than lowering the medicaid age to 60. We'll see how much influence he really gives Bernie.
Quit trying to make Biden Bros happen.

Ziltoidia 9

Oct 25, 2017
One thing that Bernie could do is the expanded M4A benefits for people who DO get medicare due to age. Meaning Hearing, Dental, and eyes. Even more props if he can get those things in the public option.


Oct 25, 2017
And let me be clear. I was a Bernie supporter because of what he represented and his policies. This isn't a cult. We aren't going to just do what Bernie says.
And the best way to get anything near Bernie's policies now is this. He's exerting pressure and helping craft policy while ensuring one of the worst presidents in our history doesn't get a second term. He's helping make sure the Supreme Court is secured for future progressives like him. Taking your ball and going home now is the worst thing you can do if you want Sanders' policies to ever happen.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
Anyway I'll say what I always say: don't worry about Bernie voters who will protest vote in California and New York. Get those swing states back that Hillary lost. The Biden campaign would be wise to not repeat her mistakes.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
User banned (1 week): inflammatory accusations and hostility over a series of posts
And let me be clear. I was a Bernie supporter because of what he represented and his policies. This isn't a cult. We aren't going to just do what Bernie says.

It takes a lot of privilege to say something this out of touch. It is a cult. And you are a Trump voter if you stay home. There is no other way around it.

Deleted member 5666

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I guess people were right he doe value friendships and loyalty over everything. lmao
Or he values his policy goals? The stuff Bernie campaigned on? Biden is helping Bernie achieve him by bringing Bernie to work on his policy goals. Bernie cares about working to push the country to the left. Biden is giving him that opportunity.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyway I'll say what I always say: don't worry about Bernie voters who will protest vote in California and New York. Get those swing states back that Hillary lost. The Biden campaign would be wise to not repeat her mistakes.
He's already avoided her worst sin, in the eyes of the electorate, by not being a woman.


Oct 25, 2017
Look to Virginia for why this is the right move. Northam was the moderate candidate who had a freaking blackface controversy, but Virginians still went out to vote D down the line and completely flipped the state for democrats. Now, the democrats have been furiously working to unfuck Virginia within Northam's first term.

The point is this is like a long term play for future progressive candidates. You have to unfuck the US first in order to pave the way for a future progressive candidate. I guess you can argue that democrats at the federal level might not be as efficient as the Virginian democrats have been at the state level in terms of unfucking. But that's arguable, and one thing that's definitely not arguable is the fact that not voting and letting the GOP win any branch of government would continue to set back the progressive movement.

Yep. Northam has been letting the state legislature take the lead, headlined by some fairly progressive members, and they've been making great progress. You have to get the Republicans who are actively fucking things up for their benefit in the House and Senate out to have the political power in place to get things done like making voting better, removing the draconian pension pre-funding rules on the USPS that were put in place so it would fail, etc.


Oct 27, 2017
And the best way to get anything near Bernie's policies now is this. He's exerting pressure and helping craft policy while ensuring one of the worst presidents in our history doesn't get a second term. He's helping make sure the Supreme Court is secured for future progressives like him. Taking your ball and going home now is the worst thing you can do if you want Sanders' policies to ever happen.

The Party and the voters made the calculus that they can get Biden elected without the help of the Left by courting moderate Republicans. So, it would be more useful for you to spend your time dialing and knocking doors for Joe than arguing with people on Resetera.


Oct 27, 2017
Old white male endorse old white male in order to dethrone old white male.
As a non american, I'm happy to not be in your situation.


Nov 30, 2017
Honestly it's 100% Ok to say you will vote Biden and complain about it the whole time. If Bernie was the nominee that's what my centrist neoliberal self would do.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Oct 25, 2017
Elizabeth Warren is surely holding out because she's Biden's VP pick, right?


Oct 29, 2017
And let me be clear. I was a Bernie supporter because of what he represented and his policies. This isn't a cult. We aren't going to just do what Bernie says.

so silly that you can go from "we need to vote Bernie because people are dying" to this even though Biden is objectively better for the people you pretend to care about than Trump


Nov 4, 2017
It takes a lot of privilege to say something this out of touch. It is a cult. And you are a Trump voter if you stay home. There is no other way around it.

'Vote Blue No Matter Who' - Very free thinking and not cultish

'Idk, not sure I wanna vote for a rapist regardless tbh' - Obvious cultist

Seems legit and very much capable of winning votes
Oct 25, 2017
I'm sure if we go along with the DNC and corporate media this time things will turn out much differently the next time the working class assembles to try to better their conditions in this country.

Third time is the charm right?


Oct 27, 2017
Somewhat surprised Bernie openly endorsed Biden this early. That said, I suppose that now, moreso than in 2016, it is very much clear what another 4 years of Trump will bring. Bernie seems like he's swallowing his pride if it means even a slightly higher likelihood of Trump losing.