Aug 12, 2019
Thank you Bernie, fucking thank you. Please for the love of everything decent, can we kick the piece of shit Trump out of office. Save my damn country, please

Getting rid of Trump doesn't save the country, it just gives it a couple more years of life support. Removing Trump is, and always have been, Step 1 of a laundry list of necessary steps if you want to "save the country."

Deleted member 7130

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I knew it was coming, but it's still ugly to watch people have to kiss the ring of such a terrible person as Biden. Even though Bernie was my compromise candidate.


Oct 25, 2017
Endorse a rapist or get hounded your whole life otherwise. Wonderful.

Uncle Rapist could have been shamed out of the party and literally any other candidate would be better but no, gotta circle the wagons and throw victims under the bus.

After this weak predator loses to a stronger predator it will dawn on us how far backwards we have leaped by turning a blind eye to rape and how much it will cost us moving forward.

Deleted member 3896

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It's incredible that Sanders will have a hand in shaping policy for Biden-- a much needed get imo. This gives more than enough cover for people who've said they support Sanders for his policies to vote for Biden now whether they personally care for him or not.

Jon Carter

Oct 27, 2017
What do you think guys, do we capitalize the f in for or not?


And now I'm mad the mods didn't fix it.


Oct 25, 2017
Shame on Sanders for endorsing this Rapist piece of shit.

I said it at the start of all of this bullshit that there's no circumstance in which I vote for Biden and that continues to be true. Fuck Biden and fuck his life long history of being a corporate bootlicker and trying to fuck over people like me and definitely fuck voting for a Rapist.


Oct 25, 2017
no shit, if Bernie thought something like a third party candidacy for president was viable he would never have been in the primaries in the first place


Oct 25, 2017
Coral Springs, FL
Yes, it is. You're enabling him to win. Trump's voters will turn out. Every voter that abstains, or worse, throws away their vote, is a vote in Trump's pocket. You're deluding yourself if you think otherwise, and need look no further than 2016 for the proof.

If you want to stay home, that's your prerogative, but don't stick your head in the sand.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Looking forward to the political threads becoming much less hostile now that we're all coming together to defeat Trump.


Nov 4, 2017
Just say you're a Trumper and stop wasting our time.

You are comedy gold, truly. You didn't even address my original point either. 10/10. And I'm all for that lesser of two evils shit, always have been. Just be careful before you accidentally lose possible voters on the fence with your arrogance. Some people's voting decisions are affected by internet conversations a good deal more easily than mine are.

Deleted member 8741

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Barring a great VP pick, Biden is going to lose to Trump IMO. They're both accused of sexual assault, both aren't great to undocumented immigrants (Trump is far worse of course but bad is still bad on Biden) but Biden picking up more of Bernie's policies (expanding medicare, student loan forgiveness) will help him. If he picked Warren as VP that would help him, but I'd be happy with Castro as well.

Though I think Abrams and Harris are strong contenders for his pick too.

I disagree with this take. I think Biden has a strong shot. He's a safe, accessible enough guy for moderate republicans to consider given the train wreck that is Trump. I know a good deal of people that are older that used to be conservative (and really still are), but aren't Trumpers. They're fine with Biden and feel much more at ease with him than Bernie. These are people that vote, every time, they show up and their friends do too.

I'm not a Biden fan at all. But he has a lot of mainstream appeal. Especially in this era of everything being uncertain and a disaster - people just want normalcy and an adult. People see Biden as that and the primaries show that.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
Trump won by 5,000 votes across a mere handful of states.

Not voting for Biden isn't literally a vote for Trump, but it is figuratively.

That's an easily achievable number to overcome as long as folks refuse to give in to apathy like they did in 2016.

How many people in these threads live in swing states would you guess?


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
And let me be clear. I was a Bernie supporter because of what he represented and his policies. This isn't a cult. We aren't going to just do what Bernie says.

You are the political equivalent of a console fanboy. You care more about your "guy" winning than doing the right thing for the country.

Bernie lost. Because more people wanted Biden as the nominee.

It's time to accept that fact. It sucks. It isn't what I wanted. But that's what happened and now we need to move forward.


Oct 29, 2017
Endorse a rapist or get hounded your whole life otherwise. Wonderful.

Uncle Rapist could have been shamed out of the party and literally any other candidate would be better but no, gotta circle the wagons and throw victims under the bus.

After this weak predator loses to a stronger predator it will dawn on us how far backwards we have leaped by turning a blind eye to rape and how much it will cost us moving forward.

uh he didn't endorse out of fear of getting hounded

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Where in the stream is the minimum wage talk, just tried to scrub through it and couldn't find it.

Biden asks Bernie if he has any questions for him, and Sanders mentions a $15/hr min wage and if Biden endorses it, and Biden says he does but then also gives a longer winded response about unions and other things. It's about..... ~14-15mins into the stream FWIR.


Oct 25, 2017
Lmao, kicking out Trump isn't saving the country. He's a reflection of how fucked the country is, Biden is a small bandaid. With the country being as fucked as it is, you'd think more socialist policies would be appealing but nope. Dems gonna be worthless and get Repubs to nominate a worse cunt than Trump if Biden wins.


Oct 25, 2017
Joe Biden isn't going to change and he's been accused of sexual assault. Doing this the day after the accusations reached the major papers is bullshit.

Bernie is a company man and he let everyone who worked hard and donated the little money they had to change America down.

If Biden thinks Bernie supporters are going to do the work his campaign refused to do they have another thing coming.

Young people aren't doing the labor to elect a rapist.
If there's anything Biden has demonstrated over his career it's willingness to change with the times and with the party.

Deleted member 2761

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Bernie evidently thinks better things are possible with Joe.

I agree with Bernie!

What part of their whole "not me, us" thing do you not understand? People who supported Sanders will come to their individual opinions about whether or not voting in self-defense is worth the cost of voting for an alleged rapist whose policies aren't substantially better than the 8 years preceding the Trump administration and the catastrophes the precipitated from it (e.g. kids in cages, climate crises like Maria, health crises like COVID19).

Anyway, the left don't rally behind figureheads the way the moderates do. What I'm trying to say is that this whole endorsement thing won't be enough; if you're so excited about Biden, go earn the votes for him with the same energy you go for the vote of "independent" votes and "moderate" Republicans. Or don't; it's no skin off my back.


Oct 29, 2017
Endorse a rapist or get hounded your whole life otherwise. Wonderful.

Uncle Rapist could have been shamed out of the party and literally any other candidate would be better but no, gotta circle the wagons and throw victims under the bus.

After this weak predator loses to a stronger predator it will dawn on us how far backwards we have leaped by turning a blind eye to rape and how much it will cost us moving forward.

In other words

Many of you that supported different Dem candidates are struggling right now. I will still fight to have my history with Joe Biden known that he sexually harassed & assaulted me when I was his staffer in 1993. You all need to vote for who you wish. For me there is no democracy.

I've been over America for a bit now, and it is what it is at this point. I will never put a +1 to an old segregationist and rapist who's never had to account for his actions to ascend to the highest office of the presidency.


Oct 25, 2017
This election is literally just the trolley dilemma

If you don't vote, the trolley runs over a group of 5 people.
If you vote for Biden it runs over one person.


Alt Account
Dec 6, 2019
not really.

Joe is going to pick Kamala Harris as Veep or someone compatible like her. Then move forward with the general with the rest of party.

the longer Liz stays silent, the longer she is forgotten

What indicates that he's going to pick Kamala Harris? I feel like that's just wishful thinking.

I also do not see how what you said address is Warren's resistance.


Nov 12, 2017
Trying to shame people that are uncomfortable voting for a rapist is pretty shitty.
How about shaming them for giving another rapist, liar, billionaire, narcisist idiot the power instead?

I mean for fucks sake in what world would you do anything but the maximum to ensure trump is out of office? Its like choosing between a turd and a turd that could end america....which would you choose? Ill go for the turd thank you very much

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if Biden makes his VP selection quicker than usually, maybe next week or the week after.

I know this is kind of alarmist but with the threat of COVID-19, I think it helps to have a VP nominee already in place.