
Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
If we're going to get the parallel with the way things happen for women, you know it's gonna be mildly agressive most of the time
Insert albatross post


Oct 25, 2017
newport beach, CA
I'll take that as a no then. Context is a thing.
I'm sorry my lived experience of being harassed by men on a near daily basis and living with several other women who share the same experience is inconvenient for you. I'm sorry it's more comfortable for you to be an uncaring asshole who presumes loftiness over the whole affair instead of seeing the hurt that exists.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
I'm the person that they quoted. So me giving the backstory on why I didn't know it was frowned upon, asking my wife how she felt about it, saying that I learned something and would pass the lesson on and being thankful that I'm no longer dating so I won't be potentially making anyone uncomfortable again...that makes me think women aren't equal? And alpha? I've never been alpha anything. I haven't even approached a Woman I didn't know since 1999.

My post wasn't directed at you. There are plenty of post in here that make women sound like some prize to be won.

His particular post was pointing out many of the, "but girls have told me" posts in this thread.

It wasn't meant as an attack on you, but sorry if you take it that way. And to be clear, I am not discounting what anyone has been told by the women in their lives.

Just pointing those who use it prop up their life experience over the words of others (especially when there are female posters in here telling their stories/experiences).

Deleted member 19003

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Exactly I can see both POVs. The funny irony is the guy usually is the one who is more terrified than the other way around.

The "dick who just guys around cold approaching everyone and keeps doing it even though he gets rejected all the time" is kind of a very, very rare breed.

I had one friend who was a "bar star" who was pretty good at starting up conversations in that context, but really only in a bar. And even then he was terrified of ever approaching a woman who was even an inch taller than him. Couldn't do it, would go totally silent, just completely intimidated, which to me was always kind of funny.
I mean, I can empathize with the terror and/or embarrassment of rejection and all, but the woman's worst fear is of being raped, kidnapped, or killed by a crazy stranger guy who just wants her for her body. Bit of a difference in worst outcomes.


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
Exactly I can see both POVs. The funny irony is the guy usually is the one who is more terrified than the other way around.
The guy is terrified of wounded pride, rather than having to consider whether wounding that pride will lead to harassment, stalking, assault etc. Not exactly comparable.


Oct 27, 2017
Ha ha ha no.

Jesus just no

Go find random guys that will willingly go chat up attractive women they don't know in non-social situations with no hesitation. That's not the reality of the situation for most people.

I would bet pretty good money not even 5% of the men on this board wouldn't be able to cold approach an attractive woman at the snap of finger.
Dec 2, 2017
Exactly I can see both POVs. The funny irony is the guy usually is the one who is more terrified than the other way around.

The "dick who just guys around cold approaching everyone and keeps doing it even though he gets rejected all the time" is kind of a very, very rare breed.

I had one friend who was a "bar star" who was pretty good at starting up conversations in that context, but really only in a bar. And even then he was terrified of ever approaching a woman who was even an inch taller than him. Couldn't do it, would go totally silent, just completely intimidated, which to me was always kind of funny.

I refuse to believe you are serious about this. Think for a second.
It must be heaven being a guy. The entitlement alone.

Deleted member 23381

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
User banned (72 hours): Dismissing concerns of sexual harassment.
I'm sorry my lived experience of being harassed by men on a near daily basis and living with several other women who share the same experience is inconvenient for you. I'm sorry it's more comfortable for you to be an uncaring asshole who presumes loftiness over the whole affair instead of seeing the hurt that exists.

lmao at all this from my post.


Oct 25, 2017

Of course...

I'm sorry my lived experience of being harassed by men on a near daily basis and living with several other women who share the same experience is inconvenient for you. I'm sorry it's more comfortable for you to be an uncaring asshole who presumes loftiness over the whole affair instead of seeing the hurt that exists.



Oct 27, 2017
My post wasn't directed at you. There are plenty of post in here that make women sound like some prize to be won.

His particular post was pointing out many of the, "but girls have told me" posts in this thread.

It wasn't meant as an attack on you, but sorry if you take it that way. And to be clear, I am not discounting what anyone has been told by the women in their lives.

Just pointing those who use it prop up their life experience over the words of others (especially when there are female posters in here telling their stories/experiences).

Don't sweat it, sorry for the mix-up,


Oct 25, 2017
Go find random guys that will willingly go chat up attractive women they don't know in non-social situations with no hesitation. That's not the reality of the situation for most people.

Ok, and I can find a far larger percentage of women who are afraid the next guy talking to them will kill them for saying no so NO, the man is most definitly NOT the one more scared.


Oct 27, 2017
I can't imagine that it would be something women desire, even if the person is not persistent about it.

It's one thing if they're in a social or group gathering, but pestering them when they're out and about and minding their own business is pretty sleazy.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
I live in Berlin which, granted, is a pretty sexually open (and aggresive) city. But my girl friends have never had a problem with this. One of my best friends, a girl from France, and I often talk about tinder/dating/sex ect and she loves being approached by guys randomly (with respect) because of the confidence it takes.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Go find random guys that will willingly go chat up attractive women they don't know in non-social situations with no hesitation. That's not the reality of the situation for most people.

Women literally don't know if a no will put their safety at risk. Get even a modicum of rationality bro. I;d say empathy but I'm not Jesus and can't work miracles.
Dec 2, 2017
I live in Berlin which, granted, is a pretty sexually open (and aggresive) city. But my girl friends have never had a problem with this. One of my best friends, a girl from France, and I often talk about tinder/dating/sex ect and she loves being approached by guys randomly (with respect) because of the confidence it takes.
I lived in Berlin for years. I went to university there and I worked at several well known clubs. It is a huge issue for many women there.


Oct 27, 2017
Women literally don't know if a no will put their safety at risk. Get even a modicum of rationality bro. I;d say empathy but I'm not Jesus and can't work miracles.

The issue can have some nuances. One can acknowledge that approaching women is quite often terrifying for men while acknowledging the other side of the coin. You want everything to be black/white when it's not.


Nov 3, 2017
I live in Berlin which, granted, is a pretty sexually open (and aggresive) city. But my girl friends have never had a problem with this. One of my best friends, a girl from France, and I often talk about tinder/dating/sex ect and she loves being approached by guys randomly (with respect) because of the confidence it takes.
I'm sure she loves being catcalled and groped in the subway, I mean it takes confidence to do that amirite.


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
Go find random guys that will willingly go chat up attractive women they don't know in non-social situations with no hesitation. That's not the reality of the situation for most people.

I would bet pretty good money 5% of the men on this board wouldn't be able to cold approach an attractive woman at the snap of finger.
That still doesn't make fear of rejection, lack of confidence or wounded pride or whatever anywhere close to the fear of whether someone that's bigger and stronger than you will take rejection so badly they'll become dangerous.


Nov 8, 2017
Really depends on the setting and circumstance imo.

Quite a few years ago I was on transit going home after a night downtown watching the hockey game. Struck up conversation with a girl. It went well, she was clearly engaged in the conversation. At my stop I asked for her number, she smiled and gave it to me.

Looking back it seemed like a pretty neutral, safe setting I guess? I'm alone, she's with friends. Other people on transit as well. I'm not intimidating at all either hah.

I've also straight up just had women not say a word and walk away from me. Like the girl that sat beside my on the train and had some crazy comic book leggings on. I made a random comment about the panel that happened across her knee. She gave me a weird look, got up and walked away.

Every girl is different. I'd say just don't be pushy or forceful. Be aware of body language and setting. Maybe that girl walking alone on the sidewalk in the middle of the night isn't an ideal time to be asked for her number.


Oct 25, 2017
The issue can have some nuances. One can acknowledge that approaching women is quite often terrifying for men while acknowledging the other side of the coin. You want everything to be black/white when it's not.

Men are afraid of women rejecting them. Women are afraid of men killing them.

No, it's far more black and white than you think.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
"Look women, you should have some empathy for men who see you, on the street, as just an object of conquest, it's very scary for them to act on their objectification, so come on remember men are human beings!"


Oct 25, 2017
"Look women, you should have some empathy for men who see you, on the street, as just an object of conquest, it's very scary for them to act on their objectification, so come on remember men are human beings!"

Oddly, this consideration to consider others as human beings don't extend to women for some reason.



▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
ITT: Women, how do you feel about being cold approached?
Women: "No, we don't like it"
Men: "Now hang on a minute..."

Fucking Yikes. 8 pages of fucking yikes. Guys do better than this.


Oct 30, 2017
Go find random guys that will willingly go chat up attractive women they don't know in non-social situations with no hesitation. That's not the reality of the situation for most people.

I would bet pretty good money not even 5% of the men on this board wouldn't be able to cold approach an attractive woman at the snap of finger.

The issue can have some nuances. One can acknowledge that approaching women is quite often terrifying for men while acknowledging the other side of the coin. You want everything to be black/white when it's not.

Yea but no, you're on the wrong side of this. Look at what women have responded with and accept it as the reality. Because it is, they just told you.

Do you think they are lying to you????


Nov 3, 2017
Oddly, this consideration to consider others as human beings don't extend to women for some reason.

Of course, they're not humans because they're prizes to be won.
When you see Lewis Hamilton holding a trophy you don't wonder what he tells the trophy before showing it to the world.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
ITT: Women, how do you feel about being cold approached?
Women: "No, we don't like it"
Men: "Now hang on a minute..."

Fucking Yikes. 8 pages of fucking yikes. Guys do better than this.

And remember if it's this bad here, imagine what the conversation is like elsewhere, where people are less constrained by a somewhat decent TOS.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
And what percentage of men do you think murder people for not reacting well to their advances? Do all men really need to be painted with that brush?

How are we gonna know you won't kill us until you either do or don't?

What's next you gonna say it;s sexist for women to be concerned about their safety when strange men hit on them out of the blue?


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
I'm sure she loves being catcalled and groped in the subway, I mean it takes confidence to do that amirite.

But that wasnt the question.

If the question was - Women of Era, how do you feel about being catcalled and groped in the subway - I would have given a different answer.



Oct 25, 2017
newport beach, CA
The issue can have some nuances. One can acknowledge that approaching women is quite often terrifying for men while acknowledging the other side of the coin. You want everything to be black/white when it's not.
The terror you feel about whether or not you should harass someone should be a loud and clear sign: DO NOT APPROACH. That's not just the comfortable thing to do, that's the right thing to do.


Deleted member 36086

User requested account closure
Dec 13, 2017
For the most part, I don't mind if people talk to me out of the blue, but I'm very cautious due to multiple bad experiences while living in San Francisco. I've been attacked by a random woman and have been approached by many random men in San Francisco who were really blatant about what their intentions were. Like to the point that most here would consider it to be sexual harrassment. I'm a guy btw and I just deal with it lol.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Are you a man?

Can you walk up and cold approach a woman without any nervousness? I doubt it.

How many men do you think that honestly can do that.

This is a good thing, more men should be afraid to do it.

But I get it dude it's easier for you to relate to wanting to fuck a random woman stranger you see on the street than it is to imagine that said random women stranger might just want to get to work without being propositioned for a fuck.


Nov 3, 2017
But that wasnt the question.

If the question was - Women of Era, how do you feel about being catcalled and groped in the subway - I would have given a different answer.

the question was about cold approach, catcalling is actually just that.
It's a shitty ineffective type of cold approach.