
Oct 28, 2017
Terminator is probably the earliest R rated film that I distinctly remember... I must've been 5-7 years old based on where I remember seeing it.

Not sure what constitutes a "small child," but by 10 years old I'm sure I'd also seen Terminator 2, Alien, Aliens, Predator, Robocop, Trading Places, The Untouchables, Point Break, Speed, Shawshank Redemption, The Godfather Parts I and II, and The Good the Bad and the Ugly.
Oct 27, 2017
My parents taped The Thing off of TV and I remember watching it when I was pretty young, maybe 7 years old. The dog kennel scene made me cry lol but I still watched it with my older brother.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Syracuse, NY
I've posted about it before but I got T2 on VHS the Christmas it came out and I was like 5. I wasn't allowed to go see Jurassic Park in theaters when I was 7 because my mom said it was too scary.


Oct 27, 2017
Manhattan, New York
It was the 80s in Malaysia, during a visit to my grandmother's house. She had just bought a VCR, and it was still an era where not everyone had one (we didn't have one at home).

My mom's friend had lent us a whole batch of their videos. Since this friend was also a Muslim mom (like my mom), with kids my age, nobody thought about the content of any of the movies. Thus, my mom left me to the tapes while she went somewhere else and was doing something w/ my grandma.

Reckless (1984)


So honestly, I can only remember two scenes from this movie, as I was about 8 or 9 at the time. One scene was a 'game of chicken' on motorbikes, where for some reason the protagonist kept challenging himself to ride his bike fast to the edge of a cliff and stop only at the last minute. Exciting, right? At least it was pretty cool for me at that age.

The second scene I recall is a scene where a man and a woman (I can't remember what their roles were in the movie) are in front of a mirror, with the man standing behind the bra-only clad woman and massaging her breasts as they talked about something. I can't remember anything except being extremely transfixed by the massaging of the breasts, and this is when my mom walked in and saw what I was watching.

Her reaction, now that I recall it, was hilarious. First she was like "what the f-" and immediately turned it off while alerting the whole household to the calamity. Then she was like, "where did you get that tape", but obviously I quickly pointed to the pile of tapes her friend had lent us. Then she went into "crisis management" and began saying shit like "What a crazy movie. What was that man doing? People don't do that. I think he was trying to hurt her." I remember considering that a possibility but having serious doubts that the breast massaging was about trying to hurt the girl.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't even remember what movie it was. Must have been early 80s, maybe '81-'83. Horror movie about some kind of monsters living under the house that would open up holes in the floor and drag people down. And another one about some kind of alien invasion, that I think was actually supposed to be a comedy, but to a small child, it was straight up horror.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
At 6 years old I started watching horror, and it began with Hellraiser. My parents took me to see T2 in theaters as well as Robocop 2. As long as there was no nudity, I could watch whatever. Then I snuck into Showgirls because I just had to see Jessie Spano naked.


Oct 25, 2017
I watched most of JCVD's catalog, Terminator 2, and some other R-rated movies by age 7 or so. Having older brothers is a big reason why, and I don't think my parents knew what they were watching. I'd seen the Burton Batman movies and Indiana Jones trilogy which have their fair share of violence, so by that point going R was not much of a stretch. T2 and Bloodsport blew my mind.

Most notably I watched RoboCop when I was about 5 and a half. I was too young to really make sense of the over-the-top violence, but age 5 is a bit early for RoboCop. Jesus!


Oct 25, 2017
our dad didn't really care what we watched, Robocop, Terminator 1 and 2, Halloween 1-4, American Werewolf in London (this is the one I remember freaking me out) etc all before we were 12


Oct 27, 2017
When I was a kid, Belgium still had the immensly backwards censorship laws for movies that state: all movies are forbidden for kids under 16, except those issued an exception. Most movies got that exception by the shady commity, so only very few movies where 'kids not allowed'. There was no middle ground. No 12+ allowed, no kids allowed if accompanied by an adult, etc. (I think this law is actually still in effect, but cinema's now offer more age guidance)

Anyway, the result was that many, many, many Rated R movies got the exception. Basically only erotic mainstream movies and horror got the KNT (Kinderen Niet Toegelaten - Kids Not Allowed).

So, at age 11 I saw Saving Private Ryan in theaters, while I was barred from the Scream movies (which I saw on VHS anyway, as my parents didn't give a fuck), lol. My aunt actually tried to smuggle me in Scream 2 or 3 by buying tickets in advance, but we didn't succeed so we had to change tickets to another movie. Which was Three Kings, where you see graphic footage of bullets entering intestines, and lungs filling with blood and puss. :')


Oct 31, 2017
An American Werewolf In London was the first horror movie I ever saw. I was only five or six years old at the time, so it left quite an impression on me! Man, the nightmares I had after watching it. Good times.
Nov 2, 2017
I saw Halloween and Alien when young and that started my love affair with horror. Nightmare and The Terminator both came out that year but didnt see them until later in 1985 on a video rental. Instantly got hooked. First R rated theatre experience was a double feature of Nightmare 4 and The Blob.


Oct 27, 2017
I never actually saw the movie back then, but I remember my local VHS rental place had Cannibal Holocaust on the shelves. The cover had an impaled naked lady on it, which made quite the impression on 6 or 7yo me.


Oct 25, 2017
Terminator 2 when I was 4. Scared the crap out of me but became one of my favorite movies. Come to think of it, as a young child in the 90s I was exposed to a lot of Mature & R rated content.


Oct 28, 2017
Blair Witch Project. It messed me up bad. Also Sixth Sense. Not sure of their ratings but I was definitely too young for those.


Oct 25, 2017
All of them; my parents never restricted us and my Dad had a habit of finding every NC-17 or suspiciously Unrated film in existence and renting them. We got our first VCR when I was 5 and that first night he rented Terminator and some foreign film full of dong and bush.


Oct 25, 2017
Total Recall totally scarred me. First time I saw so much blood, so many "cops" died by this psycopath with a gun, and in the end his eyes nearly popped out of his head, and i was confused because the big bad mass murderer got happy ending at the end.


Oct 27, 2017
Queens, NY
Saw T2 when I was 7, but my parents made me close my eyes when Arnold cut open his arm and when T1000 did the dad in.

At 9, we were home and our friend Jaime, from down the hall, was over. My dad was letting us watch Full Metal Jacket. Well, another time when we were watching a movie with Jaime and my dad said to cover our eyes, jaime peeked, it was a naked woman, and everyone thought it was hilarious. So, when my dad told us to cover our eyes during Full Metal Jacket, we all thought it'd be funny to peek like Jaime had done before. So we all peeked on D'Onofrio blowing his brains out thinking it'd be hilarious too. It was not and my dad didn't think it was funny, he was pissed and made us go to bed.
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Melody Shreds

Oct 25, 2017
Terminal Dogma
Of the top of my head, Alien, Aliens, Terminator 1 and 2, Predator 1 and 2, most of the Halloweens, most of the Friday the Thirteenths, The Evil Dead films, and literally hundreds of other 70's and 80's horror movies, all before I was 12.
Nov 2, 2017
I saw Halloween and Alien when young and that started my love affair with horror. Nightmare and The Terminator both came out that year but didnt see them until later in 1985 on a video rental. Instantly got hooked. First R rated theatre experience was a double festuee


Oct 27, 2017
I'm pretty sure it was Caligula. I remember some weird shit on the TV and later looked it up and that is what came up for the movie. I haven't seen it as an adult.


Oct 25, 2017
Western Canada
Looks like I have many brethren and sistren who watched Terminator as a kid.

Also watched The Omen trilogy pretty young. The first one is still my favorite Richard Donner flick.


Oct 27, 2017
The worst I saw as a small child were Jurassic Park, some James Bond movies at age ~10 and Power Rangers. Hard 90s fake breasts appeared in commercials of late hour reruns of stuff I recorded at night, but no one really cared for that, so it did not, as far as I can tell, influence me much. I also only had sex in my twenties, but that was due to being single up to that point.


Oct 25, 2017
Topeka, KS
My local Hollywood video put all of their rental anime alongside the other cartoons and didn't age gate any of it, so, as a 13 year old, I was able to rent stuff like Ninja Scroll, Fatal Fury The Motion Picture (still my favorite anime movie of all time) and Wicked City with no issues.


Oct 25, 2017
Predator, Robocop..The Witches, just a small example how we as kids where parked in front of the tv without knowing how goddamn bloody or scary it was.

Lady Murasaki

Scary Shiny Glasses
Oct 25, 2017
I watched a bunch of these 80's action movies mentioned before and thought they were awesome and innocent mainly due to my father really liking these movies from his youth. But I also had some bad experiences watching some violent movies like The Green Mile (even though I was really used to watch war movies since I was very small). I watched it with family when I was 11 years old and had nightmares about the rapist/maniac guy and the dead girls. It took a long time to shake it off. When I was a little older (14 years old) watched Changeling unaware of what it was about and ended up wanting to throw up at some scenes. Deeply disturbing, the same experience I had with The Green Mile.

But I think the first rated movie (that I wasn't supposed to watch) I watched was The Blue Lagoon, which is funny since it was aired on TV in the afternoons when a lot of older kids were at home with nothing else to do. Lots of nudity and also some disturbing urban legends that they were siblings (they weren't lol).


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Basically all the action and horror movies from the late 80s and early 90s.


Oct 25, 2017
If a film starred arnie or sly it was automatically ok to watch, so probably one of those from the late eighties


Oct 27, 2017
I remember going to see Robocop 2 in theatres at a very young age. There were a few scenes that were pretty disturbing. haha.


Oct 29, 2017
The Wicker Man is my dad's favorite horror movie and for the longest time he hid his copy from us kids. So of course I pulled off a grade A heist to sneak that bad boy out and give it a look.

I didn't understand it, but boy howdy did it do something to my brain


Oct 29, 2017
The Matrix
Nothing to Lose

Those are the ones that immediately come to mind. I guess I was 7 or 8 when I saw them. I still think Nothing to Lose is an under appreciated comedy.


Oct 25, 2017
The Terminator
Terminator 2
South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
Lethal Weapon series
The Matrix
and plenty more.

My dad was responsible for letting me watch several of them. Others I learned about through friends and watched with them.


Oct 25, 2017
I saw the last half hour or so of the American Guyver when i was like 6... it explains a lot about me now.

Caped Baldy

Dec 11, 2017
After their divorce, my dad had no qualms about showing me and my younger brother his favorite R-rated movies. Terminator, Predator, Alien(s), and a few new releases in the late 90s.

However, holy shit. The first, and only, time I've ever seen my dad offended at a piece of media is when he took us to see the South Park movie. I think it was halfway through Terrance and Philip singing "Uncle Fucka" that I heard him incredulously exclaim "Jesus Christ!"

I was 11, my little brother was 7. As we were walking out of the theater, "You CAN NEVER tell your mother you saw that movie!"

He usually went against my mom's wishes just to piss her off, but he knew he fucked up with this one lol


Oct 30, 2017
anybody born in the 80's probably seen some shit, my older brother picked all the movies I was only allowed to pick the kungfu flicks


Oct 27, 2017
I know it's not R rated but I used to watch Jaws 3 religiously every day after pre school.
I also saw the exorcist when I was 5.
Now that I think about it I watched a lot of horror movies when I was really young like Pet Semetary and poltergeist etc.
In terms of sexual films I remember watching Porky's Revenge as a kid.
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Oct 26, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
I watched Nightmare on Elm Street when I was 9 or 10.

I noticed in the TV guide that it was on at 11pm and totally knew I could handle it, so snuck out of my room late and watched while my parents were asleep. Had to have the light off too to avoid anyone noticing if they got up for the toilet.

Yeah...I couldn't handle it. Had nightmares about dead bodies in bloody bodybags chasing me for months.

I was watching plenty of other R-rated action films no issue though.