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Oct 25, 2017
People are so thirsty for competence and most people don't know shit about Cuomo's record as a politician otherwise. I get it.

But yeah, makes my stomach lurch, too.

Pretty much. I mean, almost anybody is preferable to Trump. Still tho...

I continue to enjoy being oblivious as I've never gone in those threads, and I like it that way.

Meh. I choose not to spend any time in that filth. They have nothing to offer me.


Oct 27, 2017
Lima, Peru
(In fairness, I think a lot of them are younger, and when I was younger, I also didn't really know how to do the work, so I will guess that at least a few of them get there. And by "get there," I mean realize that you'll never get all the way there and that it takes consistent work for your whole life.)
oh this reminds me of a thing i heard in chapo, the importance of working as hard as possible, because otherwise you"ll regret not getting as involved as you could have for the rest of your life.
Oct 25, 2017
Fox News: Biden 49-40 h2h.

Steven Shepard on Twitter

“Inbox: The @foxnewspoll survey that showed President Trump's approval rating ticking up to 48% (equaling a high-water mark set early in his adminstration) also shows Joe Biden leading Trump by 9 points among registered voters, 49-40%.”


Oct 25, 2017
Fox News: Biden 49-40 h2h.

Steven Shepard on Twitter

“Inbox: The @foxnewspoll survey that showed President Trump's approval rating ticking up to 48% (equaling a high-water mark set early in his adminstration) also shows Joe Biden leading Trump by 9 points among registered voters, 49-40%.”

At 48% approval and still losing by nine points.

Granted, Fox News tends to be one of his worse high-quality polls, at least in H2Hs, but as Kyle Kondik said, Trump underperforming his approval in polling is a consistent trend.


Oct 25, 2017
Fox News: Biden 49-40 h2h.

Steven Shepard on Twitter

“Inbox: The @foxnewspoll survey that showed President Trump's approval rating ticking up to 48% (equaling a high-water mark set early in his adminstration) also shows Joe Biden leading Trump by 9 points among registered voters, 49-40%.”

Some interesting tidbits contained in the article:

The race remains a nine-point advantage for Biden over Trump when looking only at those voters extremely interested in the election (52-43 percent) and the former vice president has an eight-point edge in battleground states (48-40 percent).

However, Biden's advantage grows to 25 points, 57-32 percent, in close counties (where Hillary Clinton and Trump were within 10 points in 2016).

In the matchup, Biden is the choice among liberals, non-whites, moderates, suburban women, and voters ages 65 and over.

Trump leads among conservatives, white evangelical Christians, those who attend religious services regularly, white men, and whites without a college degree.
Lmfao. What are these categories for Trump? There's so much overlap there.

Oh, also:


Oct 25, 2017
At 48% approval and still losing by nine points.

Granted, Fox News tends to be one of his worse high-quality polls, at least in H2Hs, but as Kyle Kondik said, Trump underperforming his approval in polling is a consistent trend.

Its also consistent with 'why' his approval ticked up. Dems giving him too much credit but won't be voting for him in the GE anyways.


Nov 30, 2017
Everything feels so baked in with Biden vs. Trump. There doesn't feel like there are any undecided voters to fight over, it's just who gets their people out the most in the most important places, that is bitcofer xtreme election modeling.

Speaking of baked in-I think most of us would do good to find the most comforting, trashiest food possible and just enjoy it to get away from it all right now.



Nov 4, 2017
Okay, fineeeeee, put Warren as VP even though she's above that position. All the data I need to get my fantasy back in play.
Oct 27, 2017
This press conference today is really really incoherent, the most coherent of it all is him admitting he wanted governors to kiss the ring, and told Pence not to make contact with the governors of Washington and Michigan. The rest is not even bad information, but just nonsense. He's going to Norfolk tomorrow to wave goodbye to the hospital ship.


Nov 30, 2017
Those numbers with 65+ and especially just being down -13% w/ white men(!) are kind of unreal.

edit: many of the small business loans are set up to basically be written off by the government if they are used to keep the business alive and keep the employees on payroll. They are structured as loans because that is the fastest way to get the money to businesses since it works through the existing banking system.

edit2: I don't think Trump is selective helping or ignoring any states. To be clear, dude isn't helping anyone. He's just using his TV show to air out grievances, because that's what he does.

The rest of the government does what it can to help out the states more or less behind his back at this point.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm down with some Biden-Warren action (hell, he can step down immediately. Yes plz to President Warren), but not sure where it leaves us in 2024. Plus, are we at risk of anything if she leaves her Senate seat?


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
I really don't understand the appeal of Biden Warren. Super white, super old. Sorry.

Name recognition probably. Warren has a larger base (me for one) and Klobuchar really doesn't bring much new to the table and Harris dropped out too early to really make a difference. As a Warren supporter I still don't think she should be the VP nominee unless Biden planned to have her do a bunch of work behind the scenes similar to how much Biden did for Obama behind the scenes. I would much rather have someone to curate the Dem Party into 2024 and 2028 and beyond so someone younger then Warren.


Oct 27, 2017
idk maybe because we're in the middle of a global recession and Warren is absolutely the best person to handle it?
The Vice President is not there to set policy or "handle" things.

It would be a complete waste, unless you're hoping that Biden dies a month in and she assumes the office.

Soul Skater

Oct 25, 2017
Hillary lost voters over 65: 45% to Trumps 52%.

Obama 44- Romney 56

Biden winning 65 and over by that much would cause an absolutely ridiculous and absurd EC result

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, even the white male number is horrible for Trump.
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