
Oct 27, 2017
I got a call yesterday evening saying my laptop was ready to pick up from repair and that I should go in and get it today.

Then the government closed all electronics stores.

I'm a teacher and thus a key worker so kind-of could do with my laptop; luckily we were already on holiday (weird term dates) but I'm not really sure what my options are with this. I have enough other tech that I will be able to still work, but I don't much fancy teaching from the couch at my TV, or swearing at my iPad for not being able to do anything I need it to. I've been in touch with the repair shop (an Apple premium reseller) who said they were "consulting with company directors" - I'm hopeful that something can be arranged but somewhat doubtful.

I know this is ridiculously minor in the grand scheme of a pandemic, but having worked so hard to properly social distance in the prior days and getting very frustrated with people not doing so, I am annoyed that the behaviour of the great British public over the weekend in particular has shafted me somewhat. I'd rather not have to wait three weeks to pick it up - IF the government even relaxes restrictions then, which I think is very unlikely.

Bugger it!

If it's currys you're going to be contacted to arrange a delivery


Oct 28, 2017
Manchester, UK
Isn't it a bit BS that some people get to sit on their ass doing nothing for weeks and get 80% pay while others have to actually work still for effectively the 20% difference?

I'm still working, I'd rather sit at home for all the difference the 20% makes (not a lot).

That 20% extra definitely isn't worth it for a supermarket worker being shouted at by gammons annoyed they can only get 3 bananas, no


Oct 28, 2017
Manchester, UK
That text is fake as hell, all they need to do is rename a contact to UK_Gov and have them copy paste the original text we got sent by the government.


Oct 28, 2017
The US stimulus package makes ours look so shit in retrospect. Ours is almost completely targeted at businesses. How can a country ran by Trump help the folk that need it better than us.


Self-requested ban
Aug 13, 2019
That 20% extra definitely isn't worth it for a supermarket worker being shouted at by gammons annoyed they can only get 3 bananas, no

Well played.

how much does everyone get, and for how long?

Senate, White House agree $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus ($1200 checks & 4 months of expanded unemployment benefits) Update3: Signed into law! COVID Senate vote should be later today, House will likely follow soon after if leadership is able to reel in dissenters. Summary of what’s included in the bill: FAQ on the bill...


Oct 28, 2017
what is the us stimulus package - and why is it better than whats happening in the UK?

The help the government is giving. Almost everyone is getting money for them and children think it's around $1200 for them $500 per child and there is a big unemployment payment of $600 a week on top of state payment for the next 4 months for starters. I think we increased universal benefit by £20.


Oct 26, 2017
I went to work today and was told there wasn't much to do, why did I need to go then?

I left, I'm not putting my partners health at risk just to be there.


Oct 27, 2017
Went to the supermarket this morning. There was an employee at the door letting people in only as others had left the store. They had a capacity of 24 people, and people were waiting outside patiently. Another staff member came by with a trolley that had bags of Mini Eggs that people queuing could have for free.

The whole thing was really well done. You could also only go in by yourself, so any spouses etc had to leave/wait in the car (which makes total sense). Managed to get everything we wanted to - even loo roll.


God and Anime
Oct 25, 2017
Trump is fighting an election in a few months, Boris is solid for 5 years.

Also the opposition has a meaningful hold in legislative affairs due to controlling one of the three branches. Whereas Johnson and co can ignore Labour as they wish, meaning it's purely down to personal ambitions and how scared the situation makes them


Oct 27, 2017
Also the opposition has a meaningful hold in legislative affairs due to controlling one of the three branches. Whereas Johnson and co can ignore Labour as they wish, meaning it's purely down to personal ambitions and how scared the situation makes them
Yeah that too. Trump actually needs to work with the Dems if he doesn't want to risk being seen as having done literally nothing. The Dems did water down their bill to work with him though I believe? But still, much better than what we've got.


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah that too. Trump actually needs to work with the Dems if he doesn't want to risk being seen as having done literally nothing. The Dems did water down their bill to work with him though I believe? But still, much better than what we've got.

Ours is so laser targeted towards businesses you would think it had came from Trump and his pals. The furlough thing for a start, has to be though the company. If they just get rid of you, there's nothing you can do at all.


Apr 26, 2019
I thought it was Prince Philip at first, which at Philips age, would practically be a death sentence.

Charles should be fine as he'll have the best medical help money can buy.

it will be a good test of medical science, as this is an elderly patient with the best care possible. the outcome will be interesting (and i hope its a very good outcome)


Oct 26, 2017
My text came from UK_Gov fwiw.

Oh, actually: if you look at the time, both messages were sent next to each other. There should be another timestamp for the second message surely to indicate it came later than the first?
they had two phones.
They renamed the contact and sent two text messages.

The grammar shows how gormless they are.

Iron Mike

Sep 28, 2019
I thought it was Prince Philip at first, which at Philips age, would practically be a death sentence.
Do you have any reference for that?

I read this article yesterday:

The Covid-19 risks for different age groups, explained

Different age cohorts have different vulnerabilities to Covid-19, but nobody’s risk is zero.

I'll use the 75-and-older numbers from the CDC: For ages 75 to 84, hospitalizations (30.5 percent), ICU stays (10.5 percent), and deaths (4.3 percent) are already high, and the key metrics go up even higher for people 85 and older; 31.3 percent hospitalized, 6.3 percent in the ICU, 10.4 percent fatality rate.


Oct 27, 2017
Hell has truly frozen over. I find myself in agreement with Julia Hartley Brewer re. Prince Charles testing.
Oct 25, 2017
I actually think our way is better because going via the employer hopefully increases the chances that your job is there at the end of it. The US way takes people off of payroll.

Agreed. Unless there's also a wage coverage scheme in the US bill, if I had to chose between 80% of my income indefinitely and a guaranteed job at the end of this, or a cheque for £1200 quid today, I know which I'd take.

The big issue here is the lack of coverage for the self employed, contractors, (ambiguity about zero hours contracts?) and the level of SSP and benefits generally. I'm sure until Sunak finally acts, those people would take the certainty of upfront money over what they're currently entitled to (very little support).


Oct 27, 2017
Do you have any reference for that?

I read this article yesterday:

The Covid-19 risks for different age groups, explained

Different age cohorts have different vulnerabilities to Covid-19, but nobody’s risk is zero.
For a good chunk of the people on this site, for anyone over 60 that gets this:


I get that this is a scary situation but the hyperbole on display from some really doesn't help. I had to withdraw from the main Corona thread on here about 2 weeks ago as it was doing no good for my mental health the way some people talk about all this.