
Oct 26, 2017
good to hear the lockdown is coming - cheers for the insight.

My partner works in a council with no wfh. What happens to her salary?
Oct 25, 2017
I think I have it....sudden developed cough (it has started hurting my lungs too) and I am slowly building a temperature. It ain't a cold because every cold I've ever had the symptoms start in my upper nose....I didn't even have time to panic buy 😔

Trouble is I cant even get tested!!

Sounds like its time to self isolate and get on a waiting list to have shopping delivered!


Oct 25, 2017
Talking to my local pub landlord. Apparently the industry talk is saying they'll be officially closed by the government on the 23rd.


The Moyes are Back in Town
Oct 25, 2017
Talking to my local pub landlord. Apparently the industry talk is saying they'll be officially closed by the government on the 23rd.
Needs to be sooner. Some people are taking heed but every pub here was packed last weekend and it won't be much different this coming weekend.


Nov 10, 2019
Make your own hand sanitiser, from the world health organisation:

Isopropyl alcohol 99.8% 7515 ml
Hydrogen peroxide 3% 417 ml
Glycerol 98% 145 ml

Be wary buying Isopropyl on ebay. It's quite hard to find elsewhere but not impossible.

You don't need to use as much, just the correct ratio. Pretty sure it's the Isopropyl that kills it, the glycerol makes it easier to spread on your hand and the hydrogen peroxide ... for keeping it extra sterile? :S

There's a formulation with ethanol instead of isopropyl alcohol as well.
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Oct 26, 2017
Probably been posted already, but I heard McDonalds closes tomorrow for sit in.

Too far, coronavirus. Too far.

Deleted member 34788

User requested account closure
Nov 29, 2017
Just get the feeling that lockdown is coming... Schools closing etc .... Maybe announced on Friday?

The bad thing is the nudge theory is still a thing, the good news is the actual medics and scientists worth a damn in the government response team has nudged the 2 bit pretender scientists and modellers out of the fucking way and had a plan ready to go before the herd immunity shtick came and fucking dropped away.

The suppression method and plan directly leads into a lockdown, even though you won't catch the government say as much out loud. I think a sufficent number of people are good enough to accept one now, the mood in my office has changed radically in the last few weeks and many seem resigned or accepting of a lockdown. There was those who did the whole it's just a flu shot but now they too are accepting this is much more then that. When I went back into the office to pick up some further equipment to WFH, not a single smile was seen. Reality has hit for a lot of folks.

I will give praise to the boffins who forced the gov, or duped them, to go on air and say this will last for many months and being the only country so far who saying long term planning is essential, and building a plan around it. Thank god a plan B, or now plan A, was worked on. That kind of Frank honesty and lack of bullshit is welcoming after what the tories always do with lying barefaced.Them going on air and drilling in the many months message to millions upon millions of brits is much needed. I am concerned for those countries who do implement the lockdowns measures for a few weeks knowing they need to be done for a much longer period of time. I do hope the G7 and G20 allows everyone to become much closer and start working on a global response.
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Oct 27, 2017
Going to visit my high risk parents tomorrow for the last time for the forseeable future, both are house bound. My Dad is actually bed ridden with alzheimer's and isnt swollowing food properly so it goes into his lungs and due to my job at a university libary i have come into contact with hundreds of people this week alone so i am somewhat anxious. Thankfully me and my sister got my mom a tablet so she shops online. I am going to bung skype on there so we can chat and have some visual contact but its still going to be heartbreaking to not go there at weekends (not just for the awesome sunday dinner my mom makes)


Oct 28, 2017
Anyone knowhow I can get on a waiting list to have food delivered?
Nvm got a booking for April 7th. Just gonna have to ration until then lol
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Oct 27, 2017
Anyone knowhow I can get on a waiting list to have food delivered?
Nvm got a booking for April 7th. Just gonna have to ration until then lol

If you are going to stuggle there might be a covidmutal aid group you can ask help for on facebook - my area (wolverhampton has one) so i am guessing others have been set up. Loads of helpful people willing to help out aswell as offer advice on where has needed items
Oct 30, 2017
Going to visit my high risk parents tomorrow for the last time for the forseeable future, both are house bound. My Dad is actually bed ridden with alzheimer's and isnt swollowing food properly so it goes into his lungs and due to my job at a university libary i have come into contact with hundreds of people this week alone so i am somewhat anxious. Thankfully me and my sister got my mom a tablet so she shops online. I am going to bung skype on there so we can chat and have some visual contact but its still going to be heartbreaking to not go there at weekends (not just for the awesome sunday dinner my mom makes)

As heartless as this may seem, don't visit them. They're already at risk, and from what you've said, visiting seems like an unnecessary risk.

I'm sorry for your situation. I truly am. I live in Japan and I'm very worried about my mother and grandmother in Scotland, who are both considered to be at risk.


Oct 28, 2017
If you are going to stuggle there might be a covidmutal aid group you can ask help for on facebook - my area (wolverhampton has one) so i am guessing others have been set up. Loads of helpful people willing to help out aswell as offer advice on where has needed items
I'll be okay I was exaggerating a bit. There's a little tesco extra and a spar (really expensive for some reason) near me and that'll keep me going until I can get the big shop in


Nov 17, 2017
A lot of teachers are being told they'll be expected to work through the school closures, providing remote teaching and the suchlike. Support staff won't necessarily be getting time off either. Just shortening holidays wouldn't be very palatable. Not to mention the families with holidays booked in advance.

That's what happened here, albeit it is in Japan the work friendly capital of the world. The schools in my area closed so we were being "strongly advised" to arrange tutoring sessions online and "teach" that way. There was no real information about what to do from the Ministry of Education so each school was basically left to handle it however we want.

Unfortunately the kids in my school all have iPads so there wasn't really anyway out of that one. That only has to continue until the normal end of term though which is tomorrow. After that, we will still be here as always of course but we don't have to bother with trying to teach a gaggle of 12 year olds rolling around their bedrooms through a video conference. No word on what happens after spring holidays though.

Anyway, hope it all works out for everyone teaching back there.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
We've been told Google Classroom for ours, teaching via video stream seems like an utter nightmare.


Nov 17, 2017
We've been told Google Classroom for ours, teaching via video stream seems like an utter nightmare.

We were using three things at the same time because it turns out none of them (or the cheap editions of them we have) could actually do everything you need. So, we used one thing to bung out the material and check they got it, another for them to submit what they did and then yet another to talk to them directly / check on them. Great, great fun.


Oct 28, 2017
So my work has asked me to helping support the development of the ventilators needed. It doesn't sounds like an insurmountable task, actually.

Have they mentioned anything about GxP compliance? I work in this type of environment and it's mind boggling to me how any company could get to these standards in a hurry.


Oct 27, 2017
Have they mentioned anything about GxP compliance? I work in this type of environment and it's mind boggling to me how any company could get to these standards in a hurry.

We already do some medical manufacture, so it's fine. That said, these are pretty crude, mechanical devices. I can't really understand why that level of compliance would be necessary tbh.


Oct 28, 2017
We already do some medical manufacture, so it's fine. That said, these are pretty crude, mechanical devices. I can't really understand why that level of compliance would be necessary tbh.

In my experience everything we touch needs this and every year the regulations go further. If you already do medical manufacture though that's different, I was more thinking about car makers, Dyson etc that I'd heard mentioned.

My company are hopefully going to be working on the vaccine very soon. We do biological testing.


Oct 25, 2017
Still in the office today. Employer has decided that only people with serious conditions get to work from home which is a will full misreading of the government advice and puts us and our families in danger.
I despair.


Oct 27, 2017
In my experience everything we touch needs this and every year the regulations go further. If you already do medical manufacture though that's different, I was more thinking about car makers, Dyson etc that I'd heard mentioned.

My company are hopefully going to be working on the vaccine very soon. We do biological testing.

I don't know for certain, but you'd expect that there's going to be waiving for this. The timeframes are very short.

The alternative to a risk of faulty ventilators is no ventilators *shrug*


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Still in the office today. Employer has decided that only people with serious conditions get to work from home which is a will full misreading of the government advice and puts us and our families in danger.
I despair.
Again, until Johnson is more stringent, corporate stooges will continue to be corporate stooges.


Oct 28, 2017
Cumbria, UK
I'm thinking of starting to self isolate from today, i don't have any symptoms but my wife is stressing out more and more as the days progress and my workplace seems content to let us all come in and gives zero information.


Oct 25, 2017
Decided to place an order with Muscle Food and thought I'd post the link here as it's a pretty good deal and will keep you stocked up on meat for a while. I guess I'm not the only one as earliest delivery is the 30th.

(Not an affiliate link, I just genuinely think it might help a few people out)

Healthy Online Food Shop - UK Meal Delivery | MuscleFood

High-protein foods, lean meats, and healthy meal plans, all delivered to your door. Shop now & reach your health & fitness goals! 💪🥩🚚


Oct 28, 2017
My work finally sent an email out yesterday saying you get two weeks full pay when self isolating. After sick people had already been coming into work because there was no communication and they were worried about the financial consequences. So stupid (by my employer).

They've emailed out saying they're going to stay open as we are "critical" staff. I fully expect the place to be a ghost town now they've (finally) clarified the pay situation as no one wants to be there.


Sausage Tycoon
Oct 25, 2017
We were using three things at the same time because it turns out none of them (or the cheap editions of them we have) could actually do everything you need. So, we used one thing to bung out the material and check they got it, another for them to submit what they did and then yet another to talk to them directly / check on them. Great, great fun.

We are using Showbie to share the work with the kids, they can also upload it back to the teachers. We have also set up a tech support group in Showbie where children/parents can request login information for sites like Mathletics and Times Table Rockstars. Google Meets will be used for face to face.

These services will be put under a lot of strain, so I'm sure there's going to be unforseen problems, but we'll deal with those when we get to them.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't know for certain, but you'd expect that there's going to be waiving for this. The timeframes are very short.

The alternative to a risk of faulty ventilators is no ventilators *shrug*

The hoops we need to jump through with a simple thermometer, a fridge stuff like. I think they will need to be perfect. That's not to say they can't be but expertise may need to be pulled from companies already building them.


Feb 14, 2018


Oct 25, 2017
I work for one of the major grocery retailers in their head office. As of this week, we've been instructed to work from home - fair enough. But we've also been asked to do as many shifts in store as we can, which seems to me to run entirely counter to the idea of social distancing and reducing risk. I TOTALLY understand the stores are facing unprecedented demand and the spirit of pulling together, but it is hard to accept that I'm being asked to put myself and my family at additional risk by exposing myself to hundreds of customers in a job that isn't at all what I signed up to do.


Nov 15, 2017
Decided to place an order with Muscle Food and thought I'd post the link here as it's a pretty good deal and will keep you stocked up on meat for a while. I guess I'm not the only one as earliest delivery is the 30th.

(Not an affiliate link, I just genuinely think it might help a few people out)

Healthy Online Food Shop - UK Meal Delivery | MuscleFood

High-protein foods, lean meats, and healthy meal plans, all delivered to your door. Shop now & reach your health & fitness goals! 💪🥩🚚

I ordered from these guys in January and highly recommend them. Ideal for stocking up the freezer. The microwave pots are awesome and good value at 10 for £20 too.