Deleted member 10908

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
How so? The deal has many holes for Iran, its actually kind of pathetic that the USA would agree to such terms.

First, the plan limits Iran's access to uranium until 2025 to 2030. After that, these uranium protections expire and they are free to do whatever the hell they want.

Second, the deal completely fails to adequately address Iran's ballistic missile program. The deal allows Iran 14 days to object to a site inspection, followed by a 7 day review period by the arbitration committee, and then permits a 3 day window for Tehran to set up an inspection. In total, this allows Iran 24 DAYS to relocate, conceal, or destroy illegal materials.

Third, Iran military sites are prohibited from any regulatory inspections. How this was agreed on by the Obama administration, is truly fucking baffling.

Coupled with the fact that Iran received $150 billion worth of released assets from lifted sanctions, and $12 billion worth of immediate sanction relief upon simply signing the agreement, yeah.. I would say it's absolute dog shit.
Is this true? Going to research after work today but just curious about this. If so, then it puts the whole thing on a different light

Rocket Man

Oct 25, 2017
Correct me if Im wrong, but EU companies cant do shit if the US unilaterally denies them from its banking institutions. The deal is dead without the US in it.


Oct 27, 2017
Was this agreement ratified by the Senate as a treaty? What gives the President the power to just back out of these things? Or is it another instance where Congress has neutered itself?

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I'm repeatedly being told here that a majority of Americans oppose Trump and his policies. Yet, nothing happens.

Living in a democracy is more than casting a ballot every few years.

Voting is literally the only way to enact policy change and remove people from office outside of impeachment, which again is a statistical impossibility.

So, please explain how how to radically influence policy outside of voting or an overthrow of government.


Oct 30, 2017
Let's see: Iranian market vs American market.

Hmmm....decisions, decisions...

It is not that easy. If something happens in the middle east, another wave of millions of refugees will go to Europe, and that is not a good thing for most European countries trying to fight the wave of nationalism in Europe.

Deleted member 17092

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Was this agreement ratified by the Senate as a treaty? What gives the President the power to just back out of these things? Or is it another instance where Congress has neutered itself?

Yeah what the fuck. Why can't Congress say hold the phone, the president doesn't have the authority to pull us out of international treaties.


Oct 28, 2017
How so? The deal has many holes for Iran, its actually kind of pathetic that the USA would agree to such terms.

First, the plan limits Iran's access to uranium until 2025 to 2030. After that, these uranium protections expire and they are free to do whatever the hell they want.

Second, the deal completely fails to adequately address Iran's ballistic missile program. The deal allows Iran 14 days to object to a site inspection, followed by a 7 day review period by the arbitration committee, and then permits a 3 day window for Tehran to set up an inspection. In total, this allows Iran 24 DAYS to relocate, conceal, or destroy illegal materials.

Third, Iran military sites are prohibited from any regulatory inspections. How this was agreed on by the Obama administration, is truly fucking baffling.

Coupled with the fact that Iran received $150 billion worth of released assets from lifted sanctions, and $12 billion worth of immediate sanction relief upon simply signing the agreement, yeah.. I would say it's absolute dog shit.
those released assets you condemn as absolute dogshit is the money and the right of the Iranian people. what gives you the fucking right to claim ownership??
it was never yours to begin!


Oct 27, 2017
Striking and demonstrating for change on a daily basis is acting like a third world country?

I guess that's american democracy for you.

But i guess actually demonstrating is too hard when you can just complain on social media.
Ehh we have ways to take back our country and the process is well under way.

Not to mention that we have protests on the regular. Im not sure what are not so vaguely hinting at with this bullshit but our democracy is fine despite the recent attacks.


Oct 25, 2017
Seriously In nov we need to take the house and the senate and first order of business is impeaching this orange fucker. So sick of this shit

Deleted member 17092

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Voting is literally the only way to enact policy change and remove people from office outside of impeachment, which again is a statistical impossibility.

So, please explain how how to radically influence policy outside of voting or an overthrow of government.

I mean, sustained massive protests have resulted in heads of state stepping down in other democracies.

It is hard to do in a country of 300 million people though, and I don't see Trump stepping down just because of massive protests either.

We actually have had massive protests though, the problem is they aren't specifically directed at Trump stepping down, which is dumb.


Nov 21, 2017
User Warned: Arguing in bad faith, antagonizing other users.
Still waiting....

I am starting to seriously consider that your only skill is to parrot talking points and that you have no cards beyond that play.

I respond to the short posts on my phone, and respond to the long posts when I get home to a computer.

You'll get a response, don't you worry cupcake.

Deleted member 431

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
How so? The deal has many holes for Iran, its actually kind of pathetic that the USA would agree to such terms.

First, the plan limits Iran's access to uranium until 2025 to 2030. After that, these uranium protections expire and they are free to do whatever the hell they want.

Second, the deal completely fails to adequately address Iran's ballistic missile program. The deal allows Iran 14 days to object to a site inspection, followed by a 7 day review period by the arbitration committee, and then permits a 3 day window for Tehran to set up an inspection. In total, this allows Iran 24 DAYS to relocate, conceal, or destroy illegal materials.

Third, Iran military sites are prohibited from any regulatory inspections. How this was agreed on by the Obama administration, is truly fucking baffling.

Coupled with the fact that Iran received $150 billion worth of released assets from lifted sanctions, and $12 billion worth of immediate sanction relief upon simply signing the agreement, yeah.. I would say it's absolute dog shit.
lmao this is like a greatest hits post of fake Iran Deal "facts". A+!


Oct 27, 2017
Alexandria, VA
Was this agreement ratified by the Senate as a treaty? What gives the President the power to just back out of these things? Or is it another instance where Congress has neutered itself?

Yeah what the fuck. Why can't Congress say hold the phone, the president doesn't have the authority to pull us out of international treaties.

No, this agreement was never ratified by the Senate as it was never submitted to the Senate for ratification because Obama knew that it wouldn't pass with a Republican majority.

It's not a "treaty" per se, but rather an "agreement" that was implemented by executive order.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Syracuse, NY
I mean, sustained massive protests have resulted in heads of state stepping down in other democracies.

Absolutely no controversy gets a reaction from anybody in power in this country, what is a fucking daily protest going to do. The people who voted for these people just eat it up and keep claiming how much winning they're doing because people are protesting against them.


Oct 30, 2017
Is this true? Going to research after work today but just curious about this. If so, then it puts the whole thing on a different light

24-day thing doesn't apply to declared nuclear sites like Natanz where they were doing enrichment previously, which the IAEA can inspect at will; they also shipped all enriched nuclear material out of Iran as part of the deal and placed centrifuges in storage under IAEA supervision, significantly increasing the time required to make a bomb - The US got quite a bit out of this deal. Other than that, mostly true, but killing the deal makes no sense since Iran is then free to pursue a nuclear agenda and force the US to the negotiating table. Them receiving frozen assets as a result of sanctions being lifted is hardly shocking, and trying to negotiate missile testing alongside the nuclear deal would be almost impossible (and the US is sanctioning them for that separately.)

lmao hot damn


Oct 29, 2017
Is this true? Going to research after work today but just curious about this. If so, then it puts the whole thing on a different light
Yes and no. The deal is not indefinite, but no deal ever would of been or can realistically expected to ever be.

Any country has the right by international law to deny inspections, drafting a formal process for how that works is not some crazy notion. But if Iran started playing those games(which it should be noted they have not) it would be grounds in that arbitration court to reimpose the entirety of the sanctions and then some. How that is somehow a worse situation than not having any agreement and no eyes on Iran is an argument I haven't heard being made successfully.

The poster attempts to infer this is some good faith arrangement when in fact there is a robust inspections and verification program in place. And to the man they have passed those inspections.


Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
We know limited strikes wouldn't do squat to Iran's nuclear program though. You need massive sustained strikes followed by ground operations.

Right, but at this point it feels like the best hope is that Trump makes ineffective strikes, feels secure that he's established what a big boy he is, and we all go home without getting entangled into the sort of giant war that would actually be necessary to disarm Iran.

Yeah this doesn't add up. He can't have that much power can he? Can the courts step in and say fuck you?

Obama couldn't get any of his deals through Congress as actual treaties, so they're merely "executive agreements", which future executives can back out of. It's another instance of GOP obstruction paying off for them. It's similar to how he was able to pull out of the Paris agreement.


Oct 26, 2017
Guys like Xando and Dilly literally want us to have an armed insurrection and civil war, and because we're not rushing into one we're "complacent"

Lmao, civil war.

If your elected government does not listen to pressure applied by its constituents, you keep up the pressure. The size of a protest doesn't matter if you pack up and go home the day after.

France is on its ass by protests fueled by outrage of social reforms, and that is small potatoes to what the American government is doing to its own people and to the world.

But whatever, the rest will suffer again while you are safe on your own continent.


Dec 19, 2017

Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics."



Oct 29, 2017
I respond to the short posts on my phone, and respond to the long posts when I get home to a computer.

You'll get a response, don't you worry cupcake.
You were able to write up that laundry list of talking points, not seeing the problem here?

Or were you just copying and pasting and now trying to buy time to find more talking points?


Oct 27, 2017
Lmao, civil war.

If your elected government does not listen to pressure applied by its constituents, you keep up the pressure. The size of a protest doesn't matter if you pack up and go home the day after.

France is on its ass by protests fueled by outrage of social reforms, and that is small potatoes to what the American government is doing to its own people and to the world.

But whatever, the rest will suffer again while you are safe on your own continent.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Does that matter to you?


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not sure if you're being serious or not.

What do you think the preferred delivery method is for a nuclear weapon?

Good grief.
The point of the deal was to suspend Iran's ability to create nuclear weapons. Ballistic missiles not tipped with nuclear warheads are not nuclear weapons.

I'm not arguing in favor of Iran having a robust ballistic missile program, I just think this talking point that the nuclear deal is flawed because it does not contain non-nuclear provisions is dishonest. Nor is it a reason to scrap the deal entirely, it's a reason to continue building on it. Because now without the deal, you have nothing stopping Iranian ballistic missiles AND nothing stopping Iranian nukes. You've traded down.


Nov 8, 2017
First, the plan limits Iran's access to uranium until 2025 to 2030. After that, these uranium protections expire and they are free to do whatever the hell they want.

Yeah, that's totally worse than them being 'free to do whatever the hell they want' right now.

Time to start teaching our kids to become conscientious objectors to war, because Trump's dragging us towards one at breakneck pace.

It was a fantastically horrible deal, not sure why our was elected in the first place. But hey this is something to get mad at Trump about just because!

Your posts are usually bereft of any critical thought, but this is a new low.