
Oct 26, 2017
Because cloud computing is the future and you can't give up on what everyone know is the future ...period

cloud computing is the future

affordable and good ISP's are not

You need one to co-operate first in order for the vision to take place.

ISP's need to fuck off, because as it stands any cloud based stuff is just going to suck up more bandwidth on a CAP that now probably affects 75% of the states thanks to ISP greed

Alexis Duprey

Feb 9, 2018
Idk, I've been excited about Xbox recently and maybe everything in this article is true but that doesn't mean that they cannot also focus on first party content. You have Phil Spencer tweeting about them trying and that it will take time. Them making great hardware does not mean they are not gonna make good games.
A kindred spirit?
Oct 27, 2017
Backwards and forward compatible as in how?

Would it mean Xbox 2 games have to run on xb1x?

I would rather there be a clean break and full BC if so.


Oct 27, 2017
Microsoft has no chance of winning any gens until they fix the Xbox brand world wide because they are only realistically competitive in US/UK. In a lot of countries people only care about Playstation/Nintendo and I'm pretty sure it's going to stay that way. The idea of winning next-gen is laughable but it's good for the brand that they are getting a bigger financial backing.


Oct 26, 2017
There's really very little specific here. Another seo/click-bait piece in the wake of recent speculation and other articles around next gen?

We should be wiser this gen than last...there was a lot of BS 'insider' rumbling from various corners. Now I don't know about Thurrot entirely, and maybe he has connections, but I do know his track record when he verged into the specific prior to last gen was very spotty, and IIRC unduly optimistic vs what reality bore out.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
Seattle WA
So business as usual at Xbox.

I have very strong doubts about Xbox lasting 2 more gens. Microsoft suits are focusing on Enterprise. If they go "all in" as in spend a lot of money and still come in 3rd I could see the division getting cut way back. Sonys 1st party devs are all in crazy beast mode right now it seems and come 2020 when it's new console decision time if ps5 has BC and costs $399 MS won't have a chance.

Deleted member 1062

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Ok a journalist say what he think about Ms and we have
- usual ppl not happy because the things that the journalist imagine about the future of cloud computing are not exciting for them so : f**k u Ms
- usual ppl not happy because they heard about Ms money so many times so : f**k u Ms
- usual ppl not happy because of they want Ms store on PC so : f**k u Ms
- usual ppl not happy because they don't know who thurrot is so : f**k u Ms
- usual ppl not happy because they haven't a good breakfast this morning so : f**k u Ms
Ahahah cmon guys ...give ms a break
poor Microsoft


Banned for use of alt account
Apr 18, 2018
it was obvious that they abandoned this generation. I mean. boys and gals. we're 5 years in. we might see one or two big games. but thats at most. the console already has less exclusives than almost any other console ever made.
Oct 26, 2017
It's great to finally hear it from someone else now too. They sure corrected their hardware mistakes with the launch of the X and their future vision and the only key thing left is a much better and more steady line up of first party content. Both SP and MP and both big budget and smaller budget.

It's great news that they are gonna go all out and my hope is that money goes towards big SP experiences as well because Sony's SP games sure showed that these games are far from dead. But MS needs studios for that too. So I wonder, will they start to build studios or buy them or make deals with third party developers to make a game for them?

Still many questions as to what the upping of investment really means.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
So when are we going to see the fruits of all this investment because it sounds like a couple more years of nothing.

We could see it at e3, but Phil also mentioned they're not going to announce any more games early, so perhaps in 2 years, around next gen.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly it seems like every few months a similar article pops up. Honestly, I think it's just hardcore XBOX guys dreams being displayed on the internet. Just in the last few months it was

XBOX buying Steam
XBOX buying Valve
XBOX buying EA
XBOX buying Developer X, Y, & Z for a slew of first party exclusives

More recently, when the exclusives were debunked it turned from acquisitions to marketing deals

And now with this new rumor it feels like the cycle is just continuing.

Phil Spencers actual on the record statements about the direction of XBOX is a service based future.


Oct 28, 2017
this is amazing news, next generation will be incredible!

Edit: when i think about it though, MS has been saying this since 2010. I really hope we see what their first party investments will be soon.


Oct 27, 2017
Sony has no reason to listen to any of this. MS is making the most pro-consumer choices ever yet it does not produce the sales to beat Sony. Apparently all Sony players want are single player games and nothing else. Which is fine for them. I want/need more out of my Xbox. My phone is used for more than calls and I want my Xbox to be just as versatile. If Sony players don't want that they are being taken care of. MS provides most of what I want from my Xbox, yes more exclusives would be nice, but they don't diminish my experience.
It is easy to say something like that in a bubble but I think it's more complicated than what you think. I don't own an Xbox but that doesn't mean I don't value pro consumer features like what Xbox offers. Games are just more important to me and it's not just Sony first party. I am a huge fan of Japanese games a lot of them just flat out skip Xbox. That being said, these pro consumer features will eventually make me get an Xbox and I hope that Sony will try and follow the good ideas Microsoft does have.


Mar 14, 2018
Streaming is good but it's too early for it, even after 4-5 years, imho.
What they need to do is to invest in 1st party studios, that's the only way if you want to have a bright future with a big and good portofolio of exclusives, like Nintendo and Sony did.
Also, don't think forward - compatibility is a good thing, i know that first years we will get a lot of cross-gen titles, but i expect at least some exclusives made from the ground for Nextbox / Ps5.


Oct 28, 2017
It's great to finally hear it from someone else now too. They sure corrected their hardware mistakes with the launch of the X and their future vision and the only key thing left is a much better and more steady line up of first party content. Both SP and MP and both big budget and smaller budget.

It's great news that they are gonna go all out and my hope is that money goes towards big SP experiences as well because Sony's SP games sure showed that these games are far from dead. But MS needs studios for that too. So I wonder, will they start to build studios or buy them or make deals with third party developers to make a game for them?

Still many questions as to what the upping of investment really means.
If they go on with money hating thridparty exclusives people will raise hell and that only hurts their image.


Apr 16, 2018
Future is always online and streaming. Sony can't carry SP offline bandwagon for long. When online infrastructure improves and everyone will go there then they will follow suit.

Also this article is not from official sources. Things can change drastically based on consumer market survey and data analysis nd all.

Mass Effect

One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
It will be fun to see how Microsoft and Sony will enter the new generation. Let's see how these rumors pan out.

Sony would really need to fail on a level comparable to the PS3 launch to provide Microsoft with the opening to leapfrog them a second time. Especially nowadays, in the era of online accounts and persistent online presences, it's going to take a herculean effort to make consumers who invested heavily in the PS4 ecosystem completely switch platforms next gen.

Never underestimate Sony's time-proven ability to fuck up a good thing, of course, but it feels like the opportunity for Microsoft to completely overshadow them just completely passed when they started to get complacent in the second half of last gen and let Sony build their strength back up.

Exactly. A lot of people on ERA seem to be underestimating the importance of being invested into an ecosystem. People aren't just going to move over and drop all their games and friends (and services). And posters expecting Microsoft to just steal away people from Playstation without Sony screwing something up don't realize how hard that will end up being.

I mean yeah, a sizeable amount of people here may be single-player-only gamers who don't really have anyone they play games with online so they can switch easily, but most people buying consoles now are doing it to play multiplayer games with their friends. And it's going to be very difficult to pull people away from the console where all their friends are.

But this also works for Microsoft as well, as they've done a great job of bolstering their own ecosystem and services. Things like backwards compatibility, Game Pass, and other features help keep people on their systems, especially those that grew up with Xbox/360 and the Xbox diehards.

Deleted member 25108

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
Every generation we hear how Microsoft's limitless financial backing means Xbox will be a guaranteed success.


Like with Jez corden and the Verge guy, this is another of Microsoft's controlled leaks. It's been obvious for a while that they are pretty much done with this generation and they are hiring and ramping up for the next one.

This is part of the first round of hype building. It's nonsensical that these articles are not giving a passing mention to Microsofts lack of success worldwide. If they did and mentioned, real concrete plans to address that, I'd consider some truth to them.

But pretending the problems with Microsoft are what the US based forum trolls talk about shows how deeply full of shit this stuff is.

Microsoft's problem is not simply it's first party. It's not simply because of its reveal. It's not because of Kinect or even it's price.

It's problem it continues to make products that serve one market only and barely gives token support worldwide. That is Sony's and Nintendos biggest strength.

Until that lesson is learnt, nothing will change.

Chris Metal

Avatar Master Painter
Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
A traffic jam in a racing game is my no.1 requested feature...

/s it's really not what I consider exciting for open world racing this cloud computing push talk. F:Horizon's current format is excellent. Crackdown 3 their big marketing tool for it hasn't even released yet.


Oct 25, 2017
Good, throw your money around MS. A cash-strapped, Kinect hangover Xbox division is just sad. Make another console like the OG Xbox or the One X and I will be there on launch.


Oct 27, 2017

Like with Jez corden and the Verge guy, this is another of Microsoft's controlled leaks. It's been obvious for a while that they are pretty much done with this generation and they are hiring and ramping up for the next one.

This is part of the first round of hype building. It's nonsensical that these articles are not giving a passing mention to Microsofts lack of success worldwide. If they did and mentioned, real concrete plans to address that, I'd consider some truth to them.

But pretending the problems with Microsoft are what the US based forum trolls talk about shows how deeply dull of shit this stuff is.
"Controlled leak."

I'm done.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
It will be fun to see how Microsoft and Sony will enter the new generation. Let's see how these rumors pan out.

Exactly. A lot of people on ERA seem to be underestimating the importance of being invested into an ecosystem. People aren't just going to move over and drop all their games and friends (and services). And posters expecting Microsoft to just steal away people from Playstation without Sony screwing something up don't realize how hard that will end up being.

I mean yeah, a sizeable amount of people here may be single-player-only gamers who don't really have anyone they play games with online, but most people buying consoles now are doing it to play multiplayer games with their friends. And it's going to be very difficult to pull people away from the console where all their friends are.

But this also works for Microsoft as well, as they've done a great job of bolstering their own ecosystem and services. Things like backwards compatibility, Game Pass, and other features help keep people on their systems, especially those that grew up with Xbox/360 and the Xbox diehards.

It feels to me like Microsoft's number one goal would be to try and find a way to convince the gamers who bought a PS4 and an XB1 this generation to just not get a PS5. But considering the strength and consistency of Sony's first party platform, that's going to be a really difficult task. They kind of managed it last generation by snagging or dragging a lot of "de facto" PS3 exclusives over to the 360, but that was before Sony's first party juggernaut roared to life. That strategy won't work a second time.


Oct 27, 2017
" Microsoft is making significant investments in hardware/content to close the gap with Sony and has the financial backing to go all-in on gaming to win the next generation"

Oh man I really hope so, bring back the glory days of og Xbox/early 360
Oct 27, 2017
I don't know how people ever saw Microsoft's investment into backwards compatability, powerful hardware, cross platform play, Game Pass and Play Anywhere and see a company exiting the gaming business.

It's definitely hope rather than realism for many. Going to be some feet stomping and tears when Microsoft come out with another round of new hardware.


Oct 27, 2017
Xbox y tho.

(Didn't we have promises of dynamic cloud assisted stuff around the leak of the Fortaleza roadmap?)


Oct 27, 2017
am I blind or is there nothing in the article to substantiate the claim that MS is making "significant investments in content."

Apr 5, 2018
Keizer, OR
It is easy to say something like that in a bubble but I think it's more complicated than what you think. I don't own an Xbox but that doesn't mean I don't value pro consumer features like what Xbox offers. Games are just more important to me and it's not just Sony first party. I am a huge fan of Japanese games a lot of them just flat out skip Xbox. That being said, these pro consumer features will eventually make me get an Xbox and I hope that Sony will try and follow the good ideas Microsoft does have.
it is not in a bubble. Let's take a couple examples. 1) you still cannot change your PSN name. This is a feature you can change on any other platform and has been asked for by Sony gamers for YEARS. 2) they responded to BC by calling it very difficult and don't know how they did it. That was from Shuhei. C'mon, it couldn't have been that hard to do, but they invested all that time and money into Gaikei so they decided to say "it was too hard" instead. People buying the PS4 while this is happening are speaking with their wallets telling Sony that they do not need to make any of the same decisions MS did. Speaking with our wallets is the only way this industry will listen. Phil has done an incredible job picking up the pieces that Don Mattrick threw all over the place.

Hurting Bomb

Oct 28, 2017
Microsoft has no chance of winning any gens until they fix the Xbox brand world wide because they are only realistically competitive in US/UK. In a lot of countries people only care about Playstation/Nintendo and I'm pretty sure it's going to stay that way. The idea of winning next-gen is laughable but it's good for the brand that they are getting a bigger financial backing.
No chance? Say hello to the 360....

As far as i am aware towards to end of last generation sales between the 360 and PS3 were more or less on par.