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Oct 25, 2017
Is it needless? He's taking coded shots at everyone in the thread but won't actually defend his points with a logical progression. I'm approaching him with the same tone and attitude he has (mirroring) and challenging him to improve the level of discourse.

Of course you have to speak on the level of the interlocutor you are addressing. If he had made an initial attempt to appropriately rebuff my statements with some sort of coherent analysis, I'd have responded in kind. So I'm simply living up to his expectations of me.

Don't be passive aggressive. Do you have something to say to me?

you're actually the only person ITT that I've snarked. Everybody else got fleshed out points, but you're here on page 9 with a stale take about victim culture in a thread about racism. And I found it funny cause you spent nearly 400 words to say very little.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
What does that mean? Come at me buddy. Let's go at it. Have something of substance to say or going to try to use some codified language to avoid a proper rebuttal?

Don't hide. You already have the benefit of anonymity. Show me what you are made of, as they say. I'm very much excited to see what you can do.
Oh come on.


Nov 16, 2017
As I already explained, that's not how human beings work. Very few people are 100% committed to a cause, especially if they're not directly affected by it. If you only want those people, go ahead, but then don't be surprised if your numbers are few. Would it be better if more people were really committed to the cause? Sure. But that's not the reality. It sucks, but that's how it is. Now you can try to change things with the people you have 100% committed to the cause, or you can try to get those on board who are just slightly sympathetic to it. Whether you want to do that or think it's even helpful is your call. I personally can only say that nudging people in the right direction worked much better for me than trying the heads-on approach.

That's an argument politicians here use to state that there is no such thing as poverty, because people elsewhere have it far worse.

I don't want your half ass shitty boy support of why I should be treated like a human being with diginity.

Get this shit out of here.

Y'all really fake as fuck round these parts.

This ain't a fucking game for us. I know people who've been killed for this shit.

This ain't a fucking game, you think we fucking playing out here


Oct 25, 2017
What does that mean? Come at me buddy. Let's go at it. Have something of substance to say or going to try to use some codified language to avoid a proper rebuttal?

Don't hide. You already have the benefit of anonymity. Show me what you are made of, as they say. I'm very much excited to see what you can do.
A mess


Oct 25, 2017
Hooray for you and your anecdotal experience, and If that's the case, then they can at least do us the courtesy of stepping out of the way, since they have no empathy or mortality to speak of.
You may characterise them however you want, but that's just the reality of the situation. Yeah, people do things more willingly if it makes them feel good. That's never going to change. Ever. I'd just rather make use of this fact than lament over it or even trying to change it. I know that's a very "realpolitik"-like argument, but I honestly think it works best.

Are you implying POC in this country have not endured centuries of oppression at the hands of white people?
I really don't know how you reached this conclusion. No, my argument is that people who feel shitty generally don't care when you tell them other people feel even more shitty. They might care, however, if you tell them that they could feel less shitty by helping other people feeling less shitty as well.

I think there is a lot of truth in this post. It is a perspective that is very utilitarian and devoid of emotions and tries to look at the reality we live in instead of the reality we want to live in where things should be like x or how y shouldn't be a thing, but is because this is the reality we live in.
I'll readily admit I made this post as dry and emotionless as possible on purpose. That doesn't mean I'm always arguing in this fashion or would even require others to do so. It's just a description of what I feel is the reality of the situation which at some point has to be recognised as such. "Everyone else should react differently to x" is an argument you'll always lose, completely independent of how good it is.

I would be ideal if racists would actually stop being racists but that's just not humanity, y'know?

You got a great point about the response to gay marriage but ultimately those bigots just shut up with do the future much better. Even if they raise their kids to be shit, they'll be better confronted by the children of gay people and their friends and their friends and either those kids come out better, or the cycle slowly dies with them.
Well, yeah, then the question becomes how many racists there are who are, well, I used that term before, 100% committed to the cause. I don't think there's that many, though I'll readily admit a latent xenophobia is probably part of human nature. But I think that "confronting" this xenophobia doesn't even have to be an active thing. People are generally more xenophobic if there's fewer foreigners in a region or city. Just, well, "different" people being there actually helps.

No, that definitely doesn't mean that you should say "Well, problem solved, I was great today!" But I do think that it speaks to my point of people in generally being much more lazy than actively malignant. I undestand completely if you at the receiving end don't care all that much whether it was just intellectual laziness or actual malice that put you at said end, but if you want to change that, I'd argue it's better if you recognise whether it's one thing or the other.
Oct 28, 2017
User Banned (3 Days): Attempting to dictate the terms of discussion surrounding race.
Your make an inane attempt to make a rather mundane point that evokes a series of tired, boring, and unprovoking rhetorical points.

"So it benefits us to propagate a world where our flavor of suffering holds a greater weight,"

Imagine saying such a thing in a thread about racism. There's little reason to engage with the rest of your drawn out post when you lead off with such another tired "culture of victimization" take.

So first off, this isn't a thread about racism? Then what is it?

Why is it 'inane'? Because you describe it as such? Are you trying to suggest that people don't engage in the behavior I describe? Are you basically diasavowing human behavioral science?

It absolutely benefits people to do so. You, as someone who has suffered under the pressures of institutional racism, feel that is the most severe of all forms of oppression. Is that more severe than a pacifist suffering under a culture of war? You are suggesting so, but is murdering other humans for profit and power an ethically better behavior than disliking them based on skin color?

Both stem from human natural instincts and need checked by civilized behavioral controls. These controls are instituted at a society wide level both via culture and education.

You completely misunderstood my point because you are caught in your own battle. And it's a noble one, no doubt. Don't assume people disbelieve in institutional racism just because they are giving you ideas as to a better strategy with which to accomplish your goals. That's short sighted and shows you didn't really read, absorb, and comprehend what I wrote...that you dismissed it out of hand and assumed it was coming from the same place you assume everyone that criticizes you comes from.

So what do you do on a daily basis to interact with the institutionally disadvantaged? Do you work with the poor? The mentally ill? The disabled? How are you involved with other segments of society that are equally disadvantaged regardless of skin composition? Equally invisible, neglected, loathed...called losers out of hand by people of all backgrounds. Or is your only issue, one issue that is personal and specific?

You just attempt to adopt a distasteful, dismissive point of view that doesn't allow any new information into your world. It's unhealthy for building any allies or comprehensive society wide power structures which could in fact be used to turn the weight of set institutions away from the people you claim to care about.

You are a provocateur, when you should be trying to be a leader.

Bold One

Oct 30, 2017
I for one think that Black Panther was just average, its just being propped up by its cultural relevance

The #notallwhitepoeple defence force is simply the result of not being able to perceive your own privilege and reluctance to acknowledge being a beneficiary of a racist system.

Deleted member 2210

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
You make an inane attempt to make a rather mundane point that evokes a series of tired, boring, and unprovoking rhetorical points.

"So it benefits us to propagate a world where our flavor of suffering holds a greater weight,"

Imagine saying such a thing in a thread about racism. There's little reason to engage with the rest of your drawn out post when you lead off with such another tired "culture of victimization" take.

But he broke out the thesaurus though...
Oct 25, 2017
I don't see how this applies specifically to women? All white people do this (and should stop and face accountability) to some extent. The headline comes across as sexist to me.
Nov 9, 2017
In regards to America its not like black people haven't already been doing the vast vast bulk of the work already. The coming together stuff would work if the side with power actually, you know, came together.

Not saying this to be abrasive or combative but the reality is, if minorities could just work really hard and fix this shit themselves they already would have.

The people with the power have to want to and be willing participants in the change. Even though it really aint the wronged people's job to fix shit, the reality is they already are out here putting in the work. The gains have been slow. Something else needs to happen.

Everything has a tipping point. It seems so far away now, but I really do have faith we can get there eventually. Yes the majority in power absolutely have a greater responsibility to enact said change. I just feel that if everyone can do their part (this definitely includes white people acknowledging their own privilege and voting against it) that eventually we can tip the scales towards equality. Most of the younger people I interact with truly feel like we are all equals and the more they are inclusive and respectful of different races (even in very brief interactions with each other) the better off we will all be in the future. We can all try to be better in that area IMO.

Son Lamar

Oct 27, 2017
I don't see how this applies specifically to women? All white people do this (and should stop and face accountability) to some extent. The headline comes across as sexist to me.
I like you and respect your opinion lol

But seriously tho off topic but I always have white at my job customers telling me to behave? Like bruh tf you telling me this for


Oct 25, 2017
If anything good at all came out of 53% of white women voting for Trump it's that a lot of people are finally fucking done with white women acting like they're the vanguard of feminism.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't see how this applies specifically to women? All white people do this (and should stop and face accountability) to some extent. The headline comes across as sexist to me.

I think it's because it's literal tears. Men tend to not get away with that.

But I agree. Tears don't need to be saline to be shed


Oct 25, 2017
I do agree we need to realize how bad things are now regarding current inequalities and we all need to be better (especially priviliged white people). I just don't see how we are going to make things better when all we do is tear each other down based on generalizations. We need the good people in this world of all races to work together to end inequality. There will be no progress until all races are able to join hands and move past all the bad history together. I just don''t see how "white people are shit" fits in to this.
This is an easy ideal to have as a white person. It's a lot to ask, though. We, as in white people generally, haven't exactly made it easy for others to feel kindness toward us.

As long as white people are still generally racist, I don't take offense when people generalize. Not only is it based on truth, but it's coming from an underdog position where the norms are justifiably different.

Whether that strategy is more effective or less effective is another debate. I think both have merits. Sometimes overwhelming kindness is effective, but sometimes it's not.


User requested ban
Oct 24, 2017
Locked. This could have been a productive conversation but it has, instead, devolved into an exchange of hostile comments designed to bait other users into losing their temper.
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