
Oct 25, 2017
I'm confused.

Why are people saying she's "too late"?

She's not a politician. She's never said anything controversial as far as I can recall?


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Who fucking cares?

She sat on the sidelines for years until it became more-or-less uncontroversial to say shit like this.

Like I'm glad she spoke up, sure, but I'm not going to give her a tiara and scream YAAAS QUEEN for doing the bare minimum when it was convenient for her. And I'm sure as shit not going to issue an apology.

What a tone deaf thread, honestly.

Yeah, I am on this line.

I mean it's nice stars are stepping out, but it's like...lol. It's the MINIMAL amount of work at this point. I too want a star next to my name for being against some abhorrent shit. Mark me down against child molestation!

And honestly, it's not even about Taylor, but how generally a large amount of White American's do the minimal amount of work when convienient and want a star. Queue this thread


user requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
You don't get a lot of super popular celebrities on ya'll side, especially white ones, so just take any victory you can get.

Don't forget she has a gigantic fan base.


Oct 27, 2017
Who fucking cares?

She sat on the sidelines for years until it became more-or-less uncontroversial to say shit like this.

Like I'm glad she spoke up, sure, but I'm not going to give her a tiara and scream YAAAS QUEEN for doing the bare minimum when it was convenient for her. And I'm sure as shit not going to issue an apology.

What a tone deaf thread, honestly.

Super tone deaf thread yeah, like I guess this is how low standards have fallen now, we're applauding and apologizing for the bare minimum now.


Nov 6, 2017

Taylor Swift’s voter push wasn’t enough to turn Tennessee blue

Swift’s anti-endorsement of Republican Senate candidate Marsha Blackburn failed to sway voters on Election Day.

better luck next time I guess

What does this have to do with this thread? Why are people dumping on her for making the political statements they've been clamoring for her to make? I'm confused. I'm not even a t swift fan, but damn the vitriol is pretty unwarranted.


Nov 6, 2017
You don't get a lot of super popular celebrities on ya'll side, especially white ones, so just take any victory you can get.

Don't forget she has a gigantic fan base.

Hmm I don't think that's true. I feel like the majority of hollywood is to the left. in fact the right often tries to weaponize this by pointing to them as "liberal elites"
Oct 25, 2017
For what it's worth that Netflix documentary it sounded like her family didn't want her being political. Doesn't seem like she just started thinking this way in 2018.


Oct 25, 2017
a city in flames, a black man's trachea crushed on a public street, and white people celebrating other white people tweeting a weaksauce call to vote in November lol


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
She didn't wait 4 years. She was big against the GOP in the midterms too and slammed the "homophobic racist" politician in her home state of Tennessee. She's been at this at least a couple years to my knowledge.
She needs to crusade every waking moment or it doesn't count sorry


Nov 6, 2017
Now isn't the time for garbage pop stan stuff. She did the bare minimum

I just disagree with this. I think these celebs joining up to push the youth to get out and vote is valuable. Youth turnout is basically impossible to really increase, but stuff like this can help even if just a little bit.


Nov 6, 2017
I'll take what I can get and I'm glad for the support but the "apologize to her" stuff in the title is honestly garbage

Yes that part is pretty tone deaf. The posts about how it's worthless or even dumping on her for trying to sway the vote in Tennessee and "failing" (is it really her fault in any way? ) are bizarre seemingly misdirected anger.


user requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Hmm I don't think that's true. I feel like the majority of hollywood is to the left. in fact the right often tries to weaponize this by pointing to them as "liberal elites"
How many of them are as popular as her with the fan base that are very active on social media? I honestly don't recall a lot of people on hollywood coming out on social media against Trump.

I'm not saying people need to put her on a pedestal but just learn to appreciate the help no matter how minor or major.


Alt account
May 19, 2020
Yeah it's really disheartening at times. This should be seen as a positive and here we are dumping all over her still.
I think it's more....should we really be celebrating a white celebrity or give them a pat on the back or shower them in apologies because....they said white supremacy is wrong? Especially when things are in the state they are currently in? Like it's definitely nice that she tweeted this, but it's also like the bare minimum she can do.

Deleted member 8901

Account closed at user request
Oct 26, 2017
Lol, the apologize now line is embarrassing. Oh yay a tweet. I'm sure it took hours of negotiating with her PR managers to get that through.

ginger ninja

Oct 25, 2017
Popera and stans in general are the fucking worst bro. Like yea let us all worship celebrities for doing the bare fucking minimum. Jfc


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe it's the "you need to apologize" line in the thread title?

I mean you're free to change it if you so desire I won't even complain.

But yeah because she's been shit on for existing for years, literally people made her the villain of Kayne ruining her awards speech. She's been called a snake, she's been tied to white supremacy based on absolutely nothing.

She genuinely actually is owed an apology from a lot of people.

I t seems I was overzealous but she's long been someone I've admired for her compassion and admiration of her fan base and her willingness to connect to them, visit them, and basically never forget them despite how fucking huge she got. Yet when she's interrupted at an awards speech, or had her music sold out from under her.... She's always been derided... her voice was always demanded politically despite her not being a politician, and despite few others celebs being asked the same, especially no male celebs. So it's just really genuinely great to see her speaking so openly like this as frankly you don't actually see it a lot from that level of superstardom.... But hey if I fucked up on the thread title I fucked up on the thread title.


Nov 6, 2017
How many of them are as popular as her with the fan base that are very active on social media? I honestly don't recall a lot of people on hollywood coming out on social media against Trump.

I'm not saying people need to put her on a pedestal but just learn to appreciate the help no matter how minor or major.

That's probably true, although I remember basically the entire cast of the avengers, which is probably the most recognizable group of actors right now, campaigning hard for anybody but trump.

I think it's more....should we really be celebrating a white celebrity or give someone a pat on the back or shower them in apologies because....they said white supremacy is wrong? Especially when things are in the state they are currently in? Like it's definitely nice that she tweeted this, but it's also like the bare minimum she can do.

Yes I agree with that. I was more discussing the people seemingly dumping on her for past "failures" or just dumping on her in general. The celeb worship part is frustrating, but I do like big names like her landing shots on Trump I think it CAN potentially help if more chime in. So I agree, good on her for tweeting it, but no need to apologize or worship that's pretty gross.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not rewarding her for doing something she should've done years ago. Good that she said it but it doesn't really remove criticism that she said nothing when she should have.
Oct 31, 2017
Never said it was new but out right calling his shit white supremacy which a lot of celebs don't even do is pretty sweet

most people talking about racism don't even do that and instead speak about it like it's a two way street so she does get props for that from me

obviously when a hate group holds you up as a symbol, you have to denounce them outright.