
Legendary Duelist
Oct 25, 2017
Costa Rica

There is only one correct answer for number one:


Nothing will ever be as hyped, or as disappointing. BECAUSE of The Phantom Menace. TROS didn't have 1/100 of the hype.

The Rise of Skywalker was made following a checklist of complains from chuds to try and get on their graces and relayed important backstory information via a Fucking Fortnite event.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
I feel like "disappointed" implies people expected a lot of these movies to be good, and I dunno if that checks out.

Incredibles 2 is up there for sure. The original is my favorite Pixar movie and the sequel was utterly forgettable.


Oct 27, 2017
Denver, CO
Rise of Skywalker is immeasurably worse than The Phantom Menace. Yes, TPM is boring and skews way too hard into (actual) politics, but RoS shits on the entire SW body of work and delivered some of its backstory using fucking Fortnite. There's no contest here.
Last edited:
Mar 17, 2024
I'd also replace Jurassic Park 2 with 3. 2 I still enjoy a bit even if it is nowhere close to the first one, but 3 was genuinely dreadful to me, even when I was younger.

That was my experience too. The Lost World ain't bad on its own, without high expectations. It had some interesting ideas going for it. But Jurassic Park III did absolutely nothing to me.


Oct 25, 2017
If you were disappointed by TROS or Terminator Dark Fate you failed to manage your expectations correctly.


Nov 7, 2022
TROS is objectively a worse film than TLJ, but I left TLJ feeling so much more annoyed and angry by the writing decisions that TLJ made, that I wasn't even disappointed and upset after watching TROS.


Jan 17, 2018
I don't know if I'd call Dark Fate the worst sequel, but I absolutely think it was the most boring one. For all its faults Genesys at least had some interesting setpieces and Clarke was an effective antagonist. Dark Fate completely wasted Luna despite his Terminator being the most conceptually terrifying since T2 and I've never bought Dani as a John esque messianic figure. Border patrol slaughter slaps tho.


Nov 16, 2017
The Lost World needs to be way higher.

I recently rewatched it and holy shit the drop in quality in every single department from the original is just incredible.


Oct 27, 2017
My guess is Genisys's ad campaign (cough photo shoot cough) was so underwhelming there wasn't anything to be disappointed by with the final product.


Sep 1, 2018
Die Hard 4 and Speed 2 really arent that bad at all. They're actually pretty decent action movies.
Im a little suprised Matrix 4 isnt there. Probably the only time Ive ever really been totally disappointed by a sequel. Even as someone who really enjoyed 2 and 3, I honestly had nothing positive to say about 4.
Also Robocop 3 should probably be there. Its actually crazy how bad it is compare to the first 2 ones.


Oct 25, 2017
Sanjuro might come after me for this but TMNT 2 should be on this list

Those trailers made kids think they were getting Bebop and Rocksteady but instead we got the "we have Bebop and Rocksteady at home" versions. Oh and they made them babies. Then Super Shredder looked fucking *iconic* before going out in a dumb way 15 seconds later.

No amount of peak Vanilla Ice was saving any of that

As usual, this is a dumb list and from a dumber source who thinks terrorism is sexy.

In their top 10, there are two valid examples. Some other notable ones in the mix, though the effort seems unfocused. I do see the lazy Batman & Robin, when Batman Returns is a better case study.


Jun 1, 2024
I would defend half of these with a fight to the death, a few I prefer to the originals.
RS just seem to post these lots for internet hate


Sep 27, 2019
It's Phantom Menace as some others said.

TLJ is a personal 2nd for killing the entire franchise (for me).


Mostly Positive
Oct 25, 2017
Norway but living in France
I was never a big fan of Stars Wars but I've enjoyed them to a good degree throughout my life and there's definitely some nostalgia.
Rise of Skywalker destroyed any goodwill I had to its story and lore. It's absolute garbage and has essentially destroyed the franchise. A worthy number one. Don't worry, I have probably only expressed my utter disappointment in maybe five or so posts across the Internet since seeing it, there's better stuff to focus my attention on.

Still I very much enjoy the spin off series but that's because I purely take pleasure in their directing and spectacle and ignore the larger franchise picture.


Oct 25, 2017
This a prequel though? unless this list is covering sequels as in movies that came afterwards

Semantics. It's a sequel, it's a follow up, you're meant to watch knowing what happened in the original trilogy.

The Rise of Skywalker was made following a checklist of complains from chuds to try and get on their graces and relayed important backstory information via a Fucking Fortnite event.

Yeah it's real bad, no doubt.

Still nowhere near the disappointment that was TPM. The Star Wars trilogy was so beloved it was basically legendary in the late 90s. Nothing will ever be as hyped as a follow up to the Star Wars trilogy. And we got that absolute turd as a follow up.

TROS being bad wasn't that huge of a surprise. Outside of the prequels already establishing that Star Wars could be bad, they brought in JJ last minute and it had a super rushed production. Disney already put out two mediocre/okay Star Wars films in Rogue One and Solo. And as I mentioned earlier in the thread, we also had Mandalorian airing at the same time, which was great, so the sting of TROS being awful wasn't so bad.

TPM being bad... you had to hold that shit until 2002, hoping the next entry in the prequel trilogy could turn it around. And... well...


Oct 25, 2017
I was never a big fan of Stars Wars but I've enjoyed them to a good degree throughout my life and there's definitely some nostalgia.
Rise of Skywalker destroyed any goodwill I had to its story and lore. It's absolute garbage and has essentially destroyed the franchise for me. A worthy number one. Don't worry, I have probably only expressed my utter disappointment in maybe five or so posts across the Internet since seeing it, there's better stuff to focus my attention on.

Still I very much enjoy the spin off series but that's because I purely take pleasure in their directing and spectacle and ignore the larger picture & franchise.
I just called out Batman Returns. I really enjoy The Last Jedi, but if we are talking about a disappointment AND only the sequel trilogy, I'm looking directly at that one. In either scenario, they should be notable, but not making a serious cut at #1 like that.


Oct 25, 2017

As usual, this is a dumb list and from a dumber source who thinks terrorism is sexy.

In their top 10, there are two valid examples. Some other notable ones in the mix, though the effort seems unfocused. I do see the lazy Batman & Robin, when Batman Returns is a better case study.

Speed 2 and Highlander 2?

Two movies that could cease to exist and nobody would care
Feb 21, 2022
TLJ is when I stopped caring so TROS being what it is was no longer surprising by that point. For that reason I would put TLJ on there instead of TROS.


Feb 6, 2019
It might be too much of a deep cut but The Hills Have Eyes Part II needs to be on the list.

It's on par with Highlander II and Speed 2 as disappointing sequels by the original director.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Or they made him a coward who hid when things got tough and his family and friends died.
Crazy that to this day a movie literally about the flaws of hero worship and the effect it can have on a person when they fail to live up to that ideal still to this day has so many takes specifically about how they "should" have unironically let us worship the hero in question instead of portraying him as a person with feelings.


Oct 27, 2017
Airplane 2 doesn't deserve to be anywhere near that list. I can easily think of 10 sequels better suited for a spot on this list.


Oct 26, 2023
Crazy that to this day a movie literally about the flaws of hero worship and the effect it can have on a person when they fail to live up to that ideal still to this day has so many takes specifically about how they "should" have unironically let us worship the hero in question instead of portraying him as a person with feelings.

Yes? Always loved a good bigger than life hero. I see enough flaws in the real world. Don't need them in my fantasy. Especially for a hero I grew up watching and reading since the early 80s
Oct 25, 2017
Highlander II was the first I thought of.
Though I kind of love the Renegade cut as a bad movie.

Highlander: The Source is a much much worse movie though.
I'm still in awe of how bad it was. Like it was scientifically engineered to be as offensive as possible to everything Highlander.


Dec 6, 2017
Haha I forgot they tried to make another independence day.

I would have put Jurassic Park 3 over 2. I remember seeing it on my 16th birthday and knowing the magic was gone.


Oct 8, 2018
I don't really have strong feelings about Star Wars in general, but I look at TRoS and feel sorry for anyone who cared.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
Basic Instinct 2 is another one that should be on the list. The first film was one of the seminal sexy crime dramas of the 90s and maybe ever. No one was asking for a sequel 15 years later.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah TROS tracks. Just a huge huge letdown for the end of the sequel trilogy and the Skywalker saga.

I probably would put Incredibles 2 up there as one of the most disappointing sequels as well.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
TROS being bad wasn't that huge of a surprise. Outside of the prequels already establishing that Star Wars could be bad, they brought in JJ last minute and it had a super rushed production. Disney already put out two mediocre/okay Star Wars films in Rogue One and Solo. And as I mentioned earlier in the thread, we also had Mandalorian airing at the same time, which was great, so the sting of TROS being awful wasn't so bad.

TPM being bad... you had to hold that shit until 2002, hoping the next entry in the prequel trilogy could turn it around. And... well...
TROS was worse than I expected, and I was concerned when they announced Palapatine's return. Things I didn't expect was Rey kissing Kylo Ren at the end who has been trying to seduce and kill her throughout the films, and they reveal her parents sold her to protect her which is a crazy story idea.


Nov 7, 2022
Crazy that to this day a movie literally about the flaws of hero worship and the effect it can have on a person when they fail to live up to that ideal still to this day has so many takes specifically about how they "should" have unironically let us worship the hero in question instead of portraying him as a person with feelings.
When you change up a legacy character's personality from how they were portrayed in previous movies (in this case Luke) and have them act in a way that's contrary to how many fans hoped and expected they would, you're going to obviously get some criticism and backlash from the fans. We can argue all we want about whether the fan backlash makes sense, but the fact still remains that as a writer, when you do this type of stuff to beloved legacy character's like Luke, many people might not leave satisfied with it.