
Oct 27, 2017
White supremacists come in many varieties; all it requires is for one to sell their mind and soul to grifting off the white supremacist movement (see: Candace Owens, who's recently had breakout success making excuses for Hitler) or to otherwise be so utterly consumed with hatred of foreigners that you buy into the whole mythos.


Oct 26, 2017
How very like the GOP to not be able to see past the circumstances of one's own birth. Shocked.

Deleted member 9305

Oct 26, 2017
Miller is Jewish, yet instrumental in creating concentration camps for brown people? WOW, just fucking WOW.


Oct 25, 2017
Miller is Jewish, yet instrumental in creating concentration camps for brown people? WOW, just fucking WOW.

Some folks love their oppressors more than they love themselves as a way to survive and, relative to others, thrive. He's the spearhead of a movement that literally murders Jews. Like, recently. Pittsburgh, for example.
Oct 31, 2017
I remember when Donald Sterling said black people are treated like dogs in Israel and literally no one on the planet batted an eye

but he can't be a white supremacist because he's Jewish, apparently


Oct 25, 2017
This is a very good piece. http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019...ht-stephen-miller-is-a-white-nationalist.html

We can't look into Stephen Miller's heart, or search X-rays of his body for signs of "racist bones." But we do know that he has tried to ban Chinese students from American universities and pushed for the deportation of Vietnamese refugees who have been in the United States for decades — a policy with no national-security, economic, or assimilationist rationale. We also know that Miller reportedly told a colleague, "I would be happy if not a single refugee foot ever again touched American soil"; and a middle-school classmate, that they couldn't be friends anymore because of the classmate's "Latino heritage." And we know that he wrote in his high-school yearbook, quoting Teddy Roosevelt, "There can be no fifty-fifty Americanism in this country. There is room here for only 100 percent Americanism, only for those who are Americans and nothing else."

Given all this, it seems both fair to describe Miller as a white nationalist and nearly impossible to ascribe a non-racist motivation to his political behavior.
It is true that Stephen Miller is Jewish, and that white nationalists have historically targeted Jews for persecution. But this does not mean that Miller cannot be a white nationalist. There was a time in the U.S. when white supremacists were virulently anti-Catholic, and considered the Irish to be a subhuman race. That has not made it impossible for an Irish Catholic like Steve Bannon to openly endorse white-nationalist novels and thinkers. "White people" is not a coherent biological or ethnic category. It is a social caste with semi-porous borders. And by all appearances, Miller identifies with that caste. More to the point, there is no evidence whatsoever that Omar directed her criticism toward Miller because of his Jewish heritage and not because of his (undisputed) status as the White House's most influential and hardline immigration adviser.
But the GOP's decision to brand Omar's comments as anti-Semitic is something much worse than unfair or unsupportable. It is confirmation that the party sees anti-Semitism less as a scourge to be combatted than as a political cudgel to be exploited.

Last fall, Stephen Miller encouraged the president to focus his midterm message on the threat posed by a caravan of Central American migrants. Trump proceeded to tell supporters that this caravan was an "invasion," that "the Democrats had something to do with it," and that he "wouldn't be surprised" if the Jewish billionaire George Soros was financing this "invasion" in an attempt to rig the midterm elections.

Lee Zeldin did not object to these remarks. In his view, it was not anti-Semitic (or even irresponsible) for the president to suggest that a wealthy Jew was orchestrating an invasion of the United States, using nonwhite immigrants as his shock troops — even though the president was saying such things just days after a neo-Nazi had murdered 11 people in a Pittsburgh synagogue because he believed that Jews were orchestrating an invasion of the United States, using nonwhite immigrants as their shock troops. Instead, Zeldin chose to demonstrate his solidarity with American Jews last fall by inviting Steve Bannon to headline one of his campaign events.
It is worth noting that even if Trump's revanchist nativism didn't contain traces of anti-Semitism, it would remain a form of politics that endangers Diaspora Jews. Jewish reactionaries like Stephen Miller might be able to assimilate to the form of Americanism that Trump champions. But the vast majority of American Jews are liberal, cosmopolitan, and secularist. Which is to say: They are the "globalist" villains in Trumpism's Manichaean fable of American decline.

And even if Trump's politics did not endanger Jews, anyone who has ever uttered "never again" in earnest would still be obliged to oppose him. If you are a Jew who has "zero tolerance" for anti-Semitism — but infinite tolerance for a president who describes immigrants as an "infestation," and directs extrajudicial cruelty at their children — then you aren't so different from the Nazis' apologists. You share their conviction that some populations are entitled to basic rights, while others are not.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Let's hope the dems dont draw up another resolution to condemn her and actually, you know stand by her this time. Or maybe im asking too much


Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
It would be cool to see the Dems come together to defend Illhan Omar for continuing to speak the truth.

They won't.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Stephen Miller is one of the most vile people I've ever had the displeasure of laying my eyes on. Whenever I see him, I genuinely get that slightly Ill feeling you get when you have to be in a room or meeting with someone who you know has absolutely no moral fiber but you have to force it down. I get that just by hearing him speak or seeing his face now.
Oct 26, 2017
South Carolina
This will happen over and over and over. They will not let this info op go unutilized, even if it's friend-to-no-one Steven Miller is who they're using to defend.

Hell, they're probably itching to use it to distract from the hellscape they wont help fix.


Dec 3, 2018
Rep. Omar has said anti-semitic things in the past and I do find her problematic based on those statements, but calling this statement anti-semitic is a stretch at best.

Posts like this is why left has not stood firm with Rep. Omar and has let republicans control the narrative. Hell the first instance of her Benjamin's tweet outrage from democrats was after house minority leader McCarthy said he will make sure Ilhan Omar is kicked out because of antisemitism. Lo and behold, Pelosi said how many sentences do you want me to write that letter against Ilhan Sir McCarthy
Oct 25, 2017
I feel like Miller being Jewish makes his love of white supremacy so so so much worse.

Fun fact: he is 33 years old. He looks the way he does at 33


Oct 25, 2017
Didn't a Republican congressman read Mein Kampf into the congressional record last week? But of course it's Omar who has an issue with antisemitism.


Oct 25, 2017
the GOP saw this being used as a stick against democrats, and now think it's a stick that they can use to hit democrats in the head whenever they want....but it doesn't work like that.

except for the percentage that votes for trump.


Oct 25, 2017
Strong Island NY
Candice is a white nationalist and is black. Like it's known. These people feign ignorance to attack Dems.

Fuck atta here. That shithead is a white nationalist through and through.

Yung Coconut

Oct 31, 2017
Everything I'm reading in this thread is just a play on, "I can't be racist because I'm friendsly with a black person."

1. Not actually friends. Strangers.

Jews can't be white nationalists, Christians can't be bigots and racists, dogs and cats can never be friends, and women don't actually fart. Got it.


Oct 25, 2017
Republicans don't give a fuck about antisemitism. If they did, they would have to chastise themselves every time they use parentheses echo or scapegoat George Soros.


Oct 25, 2017
Ypsilanti, MI
User Banned (Permanent): Trolling, inflammatory false equivalence. History of severe infractions.
All of these stuff just seems childish from both parties. Trying to run a country, but they rather resort to name-calling and finger-pointing, it's crazy to think that anything gets down in Washington.

This person is this label... that person is that label.. most of the time it's overblown, but they can't get out of their childish behaviors. Everyone is a victim, everyone blames someone else for their issues, it's ridiculous.


Oct 27, 2017
This faux outrage from Republicans makes my blood boil. Ironically, it is dripping with islamaphobia. Yet, somehow they manage to control the narrative. Partially the media's fault and partially the Dems fault. (edit: their fault for letting Rs control the narrative)

I'd really like to see democrats come to her defense in a big fashion. I mean, like, get up there and air all the dirty racist laundry (and there's plenty of it) from all the Republican members of congress, one by one, bringing along the receipts (screenshots, pictures, whatever) so it can't be refuted. Should've been done before that resolution that passed after the last claims of anti-semitism against Omar. If the Republicans really want to call out bigotry in Congress, then let's get it all out there. See how genuine their concern is.
Oct 27, 2017
All of these stuff just seems childish from both parties. Trying to run a country, but they rather resort to name-calling and finger-pointing, it's crazy to think that anything gets down in Washington.

This person is this label... that person is that label.. most of the time it's overblown, but they can't get out of their childish behaviors. Everyone is a victim, everyone blames someone else for their issues, it's ridiculous.

Yep, both sides are just as bad!


Deleted member 3058

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
"White people" is not a coherent biological or ethnic category. It is a social caste with semi-porous borders.
Lee Zeldin did not object to these remarks. In his view, it was not anti-Semitic (or even irresponsible) for the president to suggest that a wealthy Jew was orchestrating an invasion of the United States, using nonwhite immigrants as his shock troops — even though the president was saying such things just days after a neo-Nazi had murdered 11 people in a Pittsburgh synagogue because he believed that Jews were orchestrating an invasion of the United States, using nonwhite immigrants as their shock troops.
Those two parts stand out. Great article.

Ary F.

Oct 30, 2017
Latino (but White passing) Jew here.

Reminder that White Jews are White. We are targetted by supremacists, but still benefit from White privilege due to not having to worry about systemic racism.

Claiming that Jews aren't White is a slippery slope that kinda always leads to the erasure of non-White Jews who don't benefit from White privilege.

So, yes, Stephen Miller is racist and you can definitely be Jewish and racist.
Latina (non white) Jew here. Not many people know there are diverse Jews beyond Ashkenazi. Its a literal struggle to have my Sfardi identity taken seriously by non Jews because they have no idea what the fuck that is, because Ashkenazic centric representation of Jews is that of a neutered, nebbish, man of eastern european descent. I can only imagine how much harder it must be for Mizrahi or Ethiopian Jews. Shit isnt being helped at all by Netanyahu's Ashkenazi superiority rhetoric. Seriously fuck that guy. And fuck the GOP. You absolutely CAN be a white supremacist and a Jew. It is possible to recognize the persecution and violence, in modern memory, of Jews while recognizing the racism that exists within Jewish communities. It also inspires a backlash of Jewish victimhood that undermines any attempt to reckon in a thoughtful and rigorous way with simultaneous Jewish privilege: Jews can't be racist, the thinking goes, because they aren't allowed to be white.


user requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
It's really an issue of semantics because White Nationalism and White Supremacy are usually associated with Neo-Nazi and anti-Semitic ideologies which would seemingly preclude Jews from partaking but clearly, those categories and designations have shifted in the last few years and regardless, Miller is a fucking racist.

He's also creepy as fuck.

Omar isn't wrong.