Oct 25, 2017
His music is shitty, but this is modern popular music so what am I supposed to feel about Post-Malone.

He's a gimmicky dude with face tattoos who started rapping because rapping was cool and is the dominant popular musical genre.

Artists gravitate towards popular music genres they enjoy. He's a privileged stoned-out college-aged kid who got lucky.

I guess he's a good target to take down. The evisceration was funny, but I feel this evisceration could be used on basically every manufactured gimmick group.

This packaging of pop stars didn't start and end in Hip-Hop. It didn't start and end with rock music or jazz crooners. It didn't start and end with female solo vocalists or boy bands.

Vapid, un-political pop stars are as old as time. They rise to the top, slowly recede, and only in a recent phenomenon, return as nostalgia acts.

Maybe he will evolve and do something memorable or unique. It seems the author of this article is mostly angry about this dude being another white dude who skipped to third.

His music being forgettable and derivative is almost a B or C-Plot. His marketability and his audience is what the author appears to have contempt for, because these white children shower the new pop star with attention.


Oct 25, 2017
It is pretty obvious he does hip-hop because that's where the money and fame is. A lot of these dudes are like that, he's just more obvious about it.
I think that's something that is really apparent from the article. Also, the whole, I play guitar thing, but can I really shit on him for trying to market and brand himself.

I have only heard about Post-Malone from award shows and stuff. I feel like there are a lot of people going into popular music genres for that reason.


Oct 26, 2017
It's a good screed but too many words wasted on an artist that would be interchangeable for any other pop icon of the time. The core conceit of the piece is that somehow Post Malone is an emergent force brought on by our unique era but the author never proves anything of the sort and instead goes on to remind us that at any given decade of pop music there will ALWAYS be a Post Malone.

Like, if you cover pop music but you think Post Malone is some unique aberration that could only exist in 2018 you ain't know pop music.


Nov 7, 2017
I mean

It's just music. Damn


"Just music"


Oct 28, 2017
His music is shitty, but this is modern popular music so what am I supposed to feel about Post-Malone.

He's a gimmicky dude with face tattoos who started rapping because rapping was cool and is the dominant popular musical genre.

Artists gravitate towards popular music genres they enjoy. He's a privileged stoned-out college-aged kid who got lucky.

I guess he's a good target to take down. The evisceration was funny, but I feel this evisceration could be used on basically every manufactured gimmick group.

This packaging of pop stars didn't start and end in Hip-Hop. It didn't start and end with rock music or jazz crooners. It didn't start and end with female solo vocalists or boy bands.

Vapid, un-political pop stars are as old as time. They rise to the top, slowly recede, and only in a recent phenomenon, return as nostalgia acts.

Maybe he will evolve and do something memorable or unique. It seems the author of this article is mostly angry about this dude being another white dude who skipped to third.

His music being forgettable and derivative is almost a B or C-Plot. His marketability and his audience is what the author appears to have contempt for, because these white children shower the new pop star with attention.
yeah. him and the countless other soundcloud and trap hip hop shit is nearly all interchangeable. Hes just the easiest target.


Oct 25, 2017
If I was an artist and someone did this to me I would say "bruh wrote about me and I didn't read it. I don't even know his name. He sure knows mine though"


Mar 19, 2018
I don't really know Mr. Malone outside of his Nardwuar interview, but I always believe that young people shouldn't be making music that oldsters like me or the author like.


Nov 8, 2017
I definitely enjoyed reading that article. That festival of his sounds like trash.
Having said that, I feel the same kind of article could have been written about any of the other interchangeable contemporary pop stars (so echoing what others already said basically). And if the kids going there enjoy it, why not let them go?

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Oct 25, 2017
As amusing as this article is, I'm not gonna front, I do like some of Post's music even if I dislike him and what he represents.


Oct 27, 2017
San Francisco, CA
I'm so over gate-keeping. If Post's music brings a smile to your face then who gives a shit.

I haven't heard a Post Malone track since he dropped "White Iverson", and I'm not particulary fond of his music but I couldn't care less. The amount of effort trying to dump on Post Malone says more about Jeff Weiss being salty. He just sounds so pretentious and nerdy shitting on a mainstream rapper. Like, who caaaaares! Fuck this guy, I hope Post Malone is laughing at this.
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Oct 25, 2017
I definitely enjoyed reading that article. That festival of his sounds like trash.
Having said that, I feel the same kind of article could have been written about any of the other interchangeable contemporary pop stars (so echoing what others already said basically). And if the kids going there enjoy it, why not let them go?
because those other artists didn't shit on the art form they're reaping money and rewards from and throwing other contemporary artists under the bus.

This seems to be a fundamental either misunderstanding or completely ignoring the point that Post Malone has proven time and time again that he doesn't actually give a fuck about hip-hop. he doesn't give a fuck about the culture, the people who created it and the language he adopted to make himself millions of dollars. he's using the imagery of black artists, a lot of whom will never be able to leave their regional fame or lack thereof while he copies their style (pathetically) and takes in millions of dollars and adoring fans while completely half assing "the work" he does. this isn't undeserved by any regards. he deserves all of the hate and vitriol he gets because he's a theif. plain and simple. other pop artists do their own thing and are completely vanilla earworm music. he isn't that.

You mark my words now. It may not be a year from now, two or five, but in the future he will take his millions of dollars, get lazer surgery to remove his face tattoo's and denounce his "wild and crazy 20's" as just a phase when he steps into the realm of country and abandons one spotlight for another.


Oct 25, 2017
He and the other SoundCloud rappers feel like the modern version of late 90s/early 00s rap/rock. Like the kind of shit people are going to he embarrassed to admit they listened to in 5-10 years.


Nov 6, 2017

I haven't heard a Post Malone track since he dropped "White Iverson", and I'm not particulary fond of his music but I couldn't care less. The amount of effort trying to dump on Post Malone says more about Jeff Weiss being salty. He just sounds so pretentious and nerdy shitting on a mainstream rapper. Like, who caaaaares! Fuck this guy, I hope Post Malone is laughing at this.

Comes across as hoping somebody remembers his name two minutes after they are done with the article.

I hear some of my kids friends saying "you are a try hard" and now I understand. Though, In their context it is in online video games.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't really get the boner you guys get from that kind of prose. Once the writer made his point about him being a mediocre vulture it's just wordy metaphores and completely meaningless drivel. It barely even says anything, you could write those overly long sentences about literally anything.

I guess if you already hate the guy it feels good to read.