
Oct 25, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
How is going after a new demographic (Go players, casuals, even younger kids and non-gamers) a deflection? They are using nostalgia and the same battle mechanics as the core games to keep at least some of the core fans on board which it looks like they have. But their main focus is on a new demographic, that is why they announced the 2019 game at the same time. The idea with the games is to make the Switch more appealing to non-gamers and casuals and to bring in more people to the Pokemon game series.
They aren't deflecting anything. The people defending this game are. If they're going out of their way to make core fans that think this looks shitty want to buy the game, defenders saying that the game "isn't for you" or is just "going for a new demo" is complete trash and utterly invalid.

Deleted member 8001

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
We know that the number of Dark and Steel types is still absurdly low, and there's a single viable Ghost type. Heck, the reason for the Alolan forms in this game is an attempt to cover the balancing issues without betraying the 151 concept.
If you truly know a lot about Gen 1 balancing you would also know that Special Attack and Special Defense use to be all in one stat which in itself makes a difference.

Not only that but I'm kind of confused on how this matters? Are you expecting this to be a competitive release? I certainly hope not as that would be setting yourself up for disappointment. This is meant to be a casual game with Pokemon elements with everything toned down to meet that criteria.


User Requested Self-Ban
Nov 1, 2017
Can we please drop the "this game isn't for you" argument? It literally is a nonsensical statement, since Game Freak keeps trying to convince us we should buy this game anyway.

Deleted member 8674

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
If you go in expecting mainline Pokemon you will be disappointed, if you go in expecting a casual alternative to the series that is meant to be focused and smaller, you will have the right set of expectations because that is the intent of this game.

Gen 8 is next year, and no matter what Gen 8 would've been next year as it needs proper dev time to be a good game because obviously they are gonna put more effort into that than this smaller title.

GF specifically said this is a core series.

Deleted member 8001

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Can we please drop the "this game isn't for you" argument? It literally is a nonsensical statement, since Game Freak keeps trying to convince us we should buy this game anyway.
I never stated that at all, that's your assumption. Try rereading what I said properly this time instead of using your emotions to dictate what others state.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 28, 2017
My issue is I haven't seen a good argument for removing wild Pokemon battles and a whole bunch of online features.
It's paired down, but is still full price.
Also, it seems the co-op just makes the game even easier. So that's even more disappointing


User Requested Self-Ban
Nov 1, 2017
I never stated that at all, that's your assumption. Try rereading what I said properly this time instead of using your emotions to dictate what others state.
The world doesn't revolve around you, hence why I didn't quote you. I was talking to the dozens of people parroting that on the previous page.

lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
Can we please drop the "this game isn't for you" argument? It literally is a nonsensical statement, since Game Freak keeps trying to convince us we should buy this game anyway.

Games are always "for everyone" because companies like money. We have the power of deduction to come to our own conclusion with what we're actually shown of the game and not phrasing that sounds like Reggie Fils-Aimé PR speak.

im not sure, did people really expect them to say "these aren't for experience players" or anything that directly states that its not for them?


SNK Gaming Division Studio 1
Oct 24, 2017
I honestly think that removing wild battles might be the best idea they've had in years.

Traveling was always a chore thanks to fighting nonsense battles with no real tension or challenge. It just amplified the level of attrition you have to deal with over the whole game. Constant 6v1 battles never served to make it more challenging in an interesting way. It just made it more of a grind with more item usage or center trips. Especially if you were just hunting a specific mon to catch.

If they actually adjust the game to have tougher trainer battles in order to balance the change, I think it would be a great direction.

I don't really have confidence they have thought it out that far, but I can hope...

Deleted member 8001

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
GF specifically said this is a core series.


How do you think the core RPG players will react to the Let's Go games? I know Pokémon Go was immensely popular but it had quite a mixed reaction amongst more 'hardcore' players - how do you appease those players and is it more a case that they should wait to 2019 for the game they're after?
Masuda: So the first thing I can say is that... I've been the director on the main series Pokémon RPGs - most of them, up until now - and there are a lot of kind of core tenets or rules of the series that I've never broke up until now, for example the whole idea of the flow of going into a battle against wild Pokémon, reducing their health and then catching them. That was one of the things that we just never wanted to change but, with these games specifically, I wanted to create a new experience for kids and with this time I decided to shift that towards more of a kind of casual, lighter experience. So that's one of the things I wanted to do.


Oct 25, 2017
Can we please drop the "this game isn't for you" argument? It literally is a nonsensical statement, since Game Freak keeps trying to convince us we should buy this game anyway.

I think it makes way more sense for you to drop the "this game is supposed to be for me" basis of criticism, its literally nonsensical. The game is obviously different than usual and they said they are targeting a younger more casual audience. If that means nothing to you then you are delusional and creating unreasonable expectations for yourself. They are merely hoping that traditional fans enjoy it, which isn't that crazy, these guys made Sun and Moon, and X and Y, its not like they think traditional fans are hardcore gamers in the first place ?


User Requested Self-Ban
Nov 1, 2017
Games are always "for everyone" because companies like money. We have the power of deduction to come to our own conclusion with what we're actually shown of the game and not phrasing that sounds like Reggie Fils-Aimé PR speak.
My conclusion is the exact opposite of yours, though. You think they're only aiming this game at one specific group. I think they're trying to have their cake and force us to eat it, too.


I don't know. I am a core fan and I am looking forward to this game and so are most of my core Pokemon playing friends. It just looks charming and fun, and the game existing does not take away from Gen 8 next year. Why not have both? I'm excited and it looks like it will be very fun.


Oct 25, 2017
Everything I have seen from this game i'm not particularly fond of besides you can transfer pokemon from go.

So I can't say I trust them.

Gold Arsene

Oct 27, 2017
Less Pokemon to design, less effort involved in designing the game and less mechanics for casual fans to have to endure.

For the longest time this series has stacked on more and more complex mechanics that have made it difficult for even veterans to get too in-depth with, this game is meant to not only appeal to new fans, but people who are rather sick of how complicated the newer games have gotten and perhaps this'll make it easier for them to delve into the mainline releases again.

So why not grab from all Gens instead of giving only Gen 1 special treatment?

Grabbing from the other six gene would not make this game any more complex then it already is. What mechanics would someone have to endure if I wanted my Gardevoir?

Or even just keeping the Gen 1 evolutions? It's not like getting Rhyperior is any more complex then getting a Machamp.


Oct 25, 2017
Guys game freak said this game is for regular fans so i expect it to be super hardcore and difficult LMAO


User Requested Self-Ban
Nov 1, 2017
I think it makes way more sense for you to drop the "this game is supposed to be for me" basis of criticism, its literally nonsensical. The game is obviously different than usual and they said they are targeting a younger more casual audience. If that means nothing to you then you are delusional and creating unreasonable expectations for yourself. They are merely hoping that traditional fans enjoy it, which isn't that crazy, these guys made Sun and Moon, and X and Y, its not like they think traditional fans are hardcore gamers in the first place ?
I don't think the game is supposed to be for me. I think they've made a product that outright goes against a lot of what I like about the series, and they're trying to go above and beyond to convince me and others to buy it.

I also think their concept driving this product is flawed, for the exact reason you cited.

Deleted member 2809

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Well thats something I can agree with. Taking IV and EV would help get the casual to play this game. Its a rather grinding mechanic, so I could see the game going smoother without it.
They're invisible stats. You can just ignore them. Never in the main story do you have to breed for IVs or farm to EVs. So removing them makes no sense whatsoever. Same goes for natures.

lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
My conclusion is the exact opposite of yours, though. You think they're only aiming this game at one specific group. I think they're trying to have their cake and force us to eat it, too.

Of course they are, but we're adults and can make what is a very simple deduction. They weren't shy of making it known that its a more casual experience in interviews either.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
"And because of that we really wanted to expand on that kind of idea of what a Pokémon RPG could be, something that's broader, for everyone, and that's why we work on these games."
What's your point here?

Have you seen a single second of footage from the core RPG?

Have you gotten a big inside scoop about the core RPG that the rest of us don't have?

If not, don't get bent out of shape about it.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
N. Vancouver, BC, Canada
I will have tons of fun with this, and also hope that the 2019 games are more hardcore because of it. I was a little put off at reveal but knowing theres traditional games coming, im fine. This is a different experience.

Anyone not expecting a different experience than usual from the moment they saw the trailer is so delusional, theres really no point in trying to understand it.

The salt will make this that much more delicious.

Im excited to see what a Pokemon Lets Go meta game will look like lmao

I'm more concerned about Game Freak adding the mechanics from this game into the upcoming Generation 8 entries, as X/Y & Sun/Moon already made those games passive with A LOT of handholding & linearity, along with forcing you to be friends with a bunch of candy ass nimrods that I didn't give a damn about (never mind the game constantly interrupting me about how to use a Pokémon Centre or how my emotionless avatar is not reacting to the things that are happening in-game).

That is my main concern, as I missed what Black/White & Black/White 2 had offered, both in pacing, difficulty, & post game content.

Rand a. Thor

Oct 31, 2017
I mean, its their franchise, of course they can be trusted. I honestly believe that a side series as to not plague the core series with casualization like it has been the last 5 years is the best plan, and have been suggesting it for years. Gen 8 is gonna be crazy thanks to the existence of this game, I can feel it from now.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
You act like the 2019 game is guarenteed to be free of the bullshit that ruined this one, when there's zero proof of that.

If anything, next year's game will be even more likely to be loaded with shitty tutorials and handholding, because they'll want to cater to the people who apparently needed it in Let's Go.
Aren't the current mainline games full of handholding already? Seems to me like people are complaining about Let's Go because it isn't targeted at them. Game Freak has stated the 2019 games will follow the more hardcore mechanics several of the fans are used to by now, if anything people should direct their concerns at that title and make sure GF knows they shouldn't water it down, instead of shitting up every Let's Go thread.


Oct 25, 2017
I trust them to do good with what they have, but what they have isn't something in interested in

I'll be back for gen 8, hopefully


Oct 25, 2017

This whole "they also said its for everyone tho so nuh-uh! I expect a regular pokemon game!" makes no sense to me. Like, they don't even treat regular Pokemon fans like we're older than 12, why exactly does them outright stating the above suddenly not count just because they hope regular fans will enjoy baby handhold snoozefest, which is basically a spiritual sequel to XY and Sun and Moon, in that regard?

Deleted member 17388

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
So title should be translated using Google too:
Pokemon Co. dice "Confía en nosotros" con Pokemon Let's Go
ポケットモンスターはポケモンと一緒に「Trust us」と言う
Pokemon dice "Confíenos en nosotros" con Pokémon
Pokemon says "Trust us" with Pokemon

Also needs the now classic "MOD EDIT: Read OP"

Deleted member 8001

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
My conclusion is the exact opposite of yours, though. You think they're only aiming this game at one specific group. I think they're trying to have their cake and force us to eat it, too.
No, no. That is not what I'm saying at all I'm stating that this is their main focus, they still want to appeal to several groups of people, but that's just it, you can't appeal to everyone trying to appeal to everyone that doesn't work. So the slant of this game is in fact more for casuals, they are trying to appeal to several types of groups here but what fans need to understand is this isn't going to cater to only them and things they might like will be changed to appeal to a wider audience.
So why not grab from all Gens instead of giving only Gen 1 special treatment?

Grabbing from the other six gene would not make this game any more complex then it already is. What mechanics would someone have to endure if I wanted my Gardevoir?

Or even just keeping the Gen 1 evolutions? It's not like getting Rhyperior is any more complex then getting a Machamp.
In fact it does, that's a lot of mechanics, abilities, move types, things to catch for someone completely new to the series. Perhaps for someone who's played for over a decade it isn't a concern, but this is meant to appeal to MORE than just veterans of the series, and more than just typical gamers. I've seen many women so excited to play this with their husband or boyfriends, even my brother's wife this'll be the first Pokemon game she'll buy because of the simplicity and co-op.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm more concerned about Game Freak adding the mechanics from this game into the upcoming Generation 8 entries, as X/Y & Sun/Moon already made those games passive with A LOT of handholding & linearity, along with forcing you to be friends with a bunch of candy ass nimrods that I didn't give a damn about (never mind the game constantly interrupting me about how to use a Pokémon Centre or how my emotionless avatar is not reacting to the things that are happening in-game).

That is my main concern, as I missed what Black/White & Black/White 2 had offered, both in pacing, difficulty, & post game content.
Valid concern, Im also hoping they keep the little good things were seeing in this entry. I hope they can handle this nuance....probably not lol


Oct 31, 2017
After the last two generations were the worst in the series and everything revealed about this game makes it look worse and worse, I can't trust them. This will sell millions anyway, and I can only hope future games don't start being more like it going forwards


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
"Metroid prime : federation force is a game that absolutely belongs in the metroid series".

Besides my sarcasm, the problem I have is until I see it, I don't believe that they're going to undo any of the handholding over simplifications that the 'hardcore' series single player campaigb has undergone, even with this second series. Ironically, if the game were more like RBY were in spirit, rather than 'only gen 1 Pokémon!' I might be more interested.

Deleted member 32018

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2017
They aren't deflecting anything. The people defending this game are. If they're going out of their way to make core fans that think this looks shitty want to buy the game, defenders saying that the game "isn't for you" or is just "going for a new demo" is complete trash and utterly invalid.

There's a difference between a hardcore fan and core fan. Many on this forum are hardcore players who care about IV/EV's and competitive play. Yes the game most likely isn't for them as it doesn't have a competitive component. With regards to general core fans I personally think it is different. I see myself as just a normal core fan and I will buy the game and enjoy it for what it is. Do I like every change they've made? No of course not and I don't except anyone else to like everything about the game either. I will still enjoy my time with it and will be waiting with interest for the 2019 game too.


User Requested Self-Ban
Nov 1, 2017
No, no. That is not what I'm saying at all I'm stating that this is their main focus, they still want to appeal to several groups of people, but that's just it, you can't appeal to everyone trying to appeal to everyone that doesn't work. So the slant of this game is in fact more for casuals, they are trying to appeal to several types of groups here but what fans need to understand is this isn't going to cater to only them and things they might like will be changed to appeal to a wider audience.
Again, I wasn't talking to you. I actually quoted someone else outright in this instance.


Jan 25, 2018
I mean i want to play it, because i love pokemon games. But please have pro controller support for this game. I mean im all for experiments in games but make it optional. I really dont see myself playing this for 20 hours or more with one joycon.

Besides it should be that hard for them to add pro controller support(unless they want to force a perticular control method, wich is never a good idea in my book..) they colud litterally rip the controll method for portable/handheld mode and put assign it to the pro controller.

The pro controller has gyro, so aiming with gyro and press A button to thow a pokeball should work.

Deleted member 42686

User requested account closure
Apr 26, 2018
They're invisible stats. You can just ignore them. Never in the main story do you have to breed for IVs or farm to EVs. So removing them makes no sense whatsoever. Same goes for natures.

They are but they also make big differences during the gameplay as well, the same goes for natures and EVs. Not saying I would be happy with that but I understand the reasoning.


Jan 19, 2018
Since it's heavily tied to Pokemon Go and i have in no way the kind of time that Pokemon Go demands, it's not for me. Looking forward to the 2019 game though.
Open-world, do it Gamefreak!