
Oct 25, 2017
I've been very disappointed with it. The stop/start approach to the game, the characters just almost stumbling into each other's story and never in the cutscenes, the tiny world map, the tiny dungeons, the formulaic gameplay...I will be trading this in soon


Nov 3, 2017
People grind in OT?
the game can't stop throwing xp at me to the point I'm at a risk of being severely overleveled.
I guess he has bills to pay, between this low hanging fruit and Bubsy 3D, he hasn't made good content in a while.


Nov 2, 2017
If anyone hated her chapter but grew to like the game I would be willing to give it a second chance if given a recommendation of someone else to pick.
Ophilia's story is one the weakest in the game, Primrose, Olberic, Cyrus and Alfyn are great, Tressa is also such a joyful character that makes her story fun.


Oct 29, 2017
The first 10 hours might as well be one huge prologue as you gather characters and 2nd jobs. You wont cover weaknesses or have good skills until that 10 hour hump.

I dont agree with this at all. I feel like I always have coverage for hitting something. I have the hunter, thief and apothecary and I have not found a battle yet where I struggled to hit enemy weaknesses. The only thing the apothecary added was ice, so I did pretty well before I had him too.


Oct 25, 2017
Oct 27, 2017
I feel like the dialogue is over blown. Bad parts for sure but not a weakness I haven't seen in other game and I'd say 80% of it is good


Oct 25, 2017
So is there any actual main thread that is a through line? Does the game really just make you play through all 8 stories with no real connective tissue or banter betwen the party? If so that sounds... how do I put it mildly....? BAD.

There is a connection and the stories come together somehow, i have not played to that point though. The beginning is very loose, characters help themselves out without much reason, but it has to be that way so you can travel the world how you want. And there is some banter between characters. It's not bad, they are nice little stories and it grows, but i have stil to find out how the stories connect in the end (i only know that they do)

Dunno, I think his Celeste review was the best one released, and his Sonic Mania one.

His "reviews" are often very sarcastic and he takes some things out of proportion and out of context. Especially when it comes to JRPGs. Of course i haven't seen all his stuff, but our tastes in JRPGs are diametrically opposed.

That's another reason for me to not use his videos for buying decisions.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm a dunkey fan, but I expected more from this. He clearly played a couple of the Chapter 1's and got bored, which is fine, but usually his videos have more to say than stuff like "random battles are tedious" and "'anime' writing and bad voice acting can get annoying"

Sly Chimera

Alt Account
Oct 29, 2017
Dude doesn't even like JRPGs. In what other medium do we listen to commentary of people like this. Imagine watching football with announcers who hate football haha.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 30, 2017
All that i feared he say it in his video. Next FFVI? Really???!!!


Oct 30, 2017
I really haven't. Started with Therion and travelled clockwise until I got Olberic (had 6 members at this point) and after that used thr same 4.
And with a bit travelling here and there to find some shrines or explore some caves I never needed to grind
In my case Therion has been the last I'picked up... I've started from the hunter and went clock wise.

I'm travelling in the direction of the Dancer second chapter and in this case also I expect I'll have to grind a bit


Oct 30, 2017
My question to you would be, if I don't share the same likes/dislikes as a reviewer why would I read or watch their reviews. Nothing against his reviews, we just don't share the same interests. I do the same thing with movie reviews. If a certain movie critic doesn't like Sci-Fi, me being a fan of that genre will not put much stock into that persons opinion of a Sci-Fi movie.

I should've clarified that my post was aiming at people that used to like dunkey that stoped just bc he didnt like a game they liked or people who say he's not qualified to review a certain genre.

Deleted member 7101

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I don't agree with him at all, I think OT is a wonderful game. I can't even get mad. It's a 3 minute video for Christ sakes.

Arcus Felis

Unshakable Resolve
Oct 26, 2017
Truth to be told, when I've first heard of OT, I was expecting the characters to meet and have their stories intertwined like in the Wild ARMs series. Reading that that aspect is not as developed as I hoped (ie. Not developed at all) left me a little disappointed. I still think I'll buy the game eventually, but I'll wait for a sale.


Oct 27, 2017
Man, didn't expect OT fans to be so salty! Secondly, he likes both Persona 5 and FFXV so it's not like he universally hates RPG's. From what I've seen of OT it doesn't seem to push the JRPG formula forward at all and its not unsurprising that it's a turn off for many people including Dunkey. I haven't finished most of the classic SNES RPG's but from what I heard they all combined an interesting story with good combat (Chrono Trigger, FF6, Earthbound etc.).

I'm actually really surprised that merely the combat being good in OT is enough for people to put dozens of hours into it. For me the appeal of a JRPG always seemed to be the journey with the people you play with, combining narrative with the hook of making them stronger along the way. To me it seems like the writing in JRPG's has taken an absolute plummet compared to the SNES/PS1/PS2 era.

Sander VF

The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Tbilisi, Georgia
I'm actually really surprised that merely the combat being good in OT is enough for people to put dozens of hours into it.
Maybe people like more than combat about OT?

The game has great worldbuilding with 90% of NPCs having some sort of a backstory, is impressively open-ended not only letting you tackle the story content in any order you like, but also having sidequests with multiple viable solutions and outcomes and the presentation which many find appealing. That's without mentioning the great soundtrack.

Furthermore, from what I have experienced so far, the writing are passable at it' worst, with some moments that are pretty great. Characters have clear arcs. The seperate story approach allows for stories to be different in tone. The scope of those stories is also refreshing in how grounded and personal they are.

Furthermore, so far, the stories have avoided some of the more problematic tropes that have plagued the genre. I mean, you can look at Primrose, a character who has spent years of her life working in a sleazy pleasure district and notice how she's dressed more tastefully than shy women in other RPGs and yeah...

All in all, the game has flaws, but for me those flaws aren't enough to detract from what is a rather engaging experience. It's good that it has been recieved so well, because a sequel that properly builds upon this game can become a masterpiece.
Last edited:


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Man, didn't expect OT fans to be so salty! Secondly, he likes both Persona 5 and FFXV so it's not like he universally hates RPG's. From what I've seen of OT it doesn't seem to push the JRPG formula forward at all and its not unsurprising that it's a turn off for many people including Dunkey. I haven't finished most of the classic SNES RPG's but from what I heard they all combined an interesting story with good combat (Chrono Trigger, FF6, Earthbound etc.).

I'm actually really surprised that merely the combat being good in OT is enough for people to put dozens of hours into it. For me the appeal of a JRPG always seemed to be the journey with the people you play with, combining narrative with the hook of making them stronger along the way. To me it seems like the writing in JRPG's has taken an absolute plummet compared to the SNES/PS1/PS2 era.
A lot of people actually like the writing and characters in Octopath, though. To pretend that people only like Octopath because of it's combat is disingenuous.

Dunkey's stated himself that the only traditional type RPGs he's ever enjoyed are Paper Mario 2, Skies of Arcadia, Ni No Kuni and Undertale. Outside of that he abhors both turn-based combat and anime, so even if you want to bring up exceptions there is no reason to believe that Octopath was going to convince him otherwise. Him liking Final Fantasy XV isn't a surprise when it leans more towards action styled game play.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
The biggest issue isn't him not liking the game or that his points aren't wrong or whatever. Its that its a 3 minute video where he shits on the fact that some of the dialogue is cheesy by cutting up a scene and that he doesn't like grinding with a small mention of "promising elements". Like what kinda shit is that? Am I suppose to take this video seriously at all? Its a minimum effort video.