
Oct 25, 2017
So weird question. The main reason why this thing is so contagious is because of asymptomatic/presymptomatic carriers. So in that case if we can cause enough of a decline so then when we can go out and mask usage is used on a wider scale wouldn't that heavily reduce the contagiousness of the Virus alone?

Assuming everyone uses it correctly most of the time. We're already seeing dumb things people do w/ PPE on very limited outings when tensions are highest. There isn't a snowball's chance in hell that this can be sustained on a daily 9-5 or school day.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm really surprised at how my local government has handled this whole thing. They just revealed a map with "infection/recovered cases" zones, in order to indicate which areas have registered cases, it's just a regular ass map without specific locations to avoid possible hostility towards sick people (yeah, they went "don't be an asshole on these people, please" in the press conference) and luckily my area hasn't registered any cases, and they're more focused in the exit towards the main metropolitan area.

I'm sorry if I'm just throwing words around here without context, but I suppose this kind of info can help people to know which areas aren't "safe" for outsiders. And so far, the ICU beds have been doubled by uniting efforts with public and private hospitals, so should the serious cases percentage increases, we'll still have a good buffer to avoid a collapse. I'm still angry at the federal government, but local one in Nuevo León is kicking ass right now. I feel a lot better mentally after today's news.
You shouldn't feel good, Mexico's numbers are a big fat lie. They are using the "centinela" method which is saving money (for the gov of course), they only test people if they're almost dying (I know a doctor who has all of the symptoms, even pneumonia and they still have not tested him becaue he is not grave enough) you can look up the interview with that Gatel dude. You really think Mexico would have such low numbers?, really?, have you looked outside your window and seen all the stupid people out and about with no protection?.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't wait to hear Trump talk about how they are only doing that to make him look bad :/

Do you know what's in the package that the dems would vote against?
Not sure if it's in this but initially the Republican plan takes power from the governor and gives the Republican-controlled Joint Finance Committee the ability to make state budget cuts as it deems necessary and eliminate a raise for state workers next year if state revenues dip dramatically. Basically they can cut without any input from the governor at all because they have a veto proof majority.

Edit: That provision is NOT in this bill, so I'm not sure yet. Brostoff is generally a good dude so I'm sure he has some good reason.
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Oct 26, 2017
*sigh* people I know from work that live in another state, seem to think that the shutdown in CA is "almost over" cause "it's a seasonal virus" and "keeping people indoors does not help with immunity". Like, no. Just no. Coming from someone who has a strong educational background and geeze it's amazing that some people think like this...


Oct 27, 2017
You shouldn't feel good, Mexico's numbers are a big fat lie. They are using the "centinela" method which is saving money (for the gov of course), they only test people if they're almost dying (I know a doctor who has all of the symptoms, even pneumonia and they still have not tested him becaue he is not grave enough) you can look up the interview with that Gatel dude. You really think Mexico would have such low numbers?, really?, have you looked outside your window and seen all the stupid people out and about with no protection?.
I'm talking about Nuevo León right now, I'm furious with the federal government and the CDMX for not stopping Vive Latino. Actions in here began to take place long before AMLO and his cronies decided to order social distancing, when we began doing that stuff weeks before, when Pal Norte got oficially cancelled. Municipal governments have been trying to do testing, isolating zones and doing contact tracing for confirmed cases in the best way they can it shows it's working, people are being obtuse for not using masks at stores and ignoring social distancing, but that's beyond the government reach if they don't want to listen.

Also, it's been a couple of rough weeks and knowing they're actually doing shit to delay the infections is giving me a bit of confidence, so I'm gonna feel good if I fucking want. It's like someone in the US feeling confident towards their local government actions and reminding them about the whole clusterfuck Trump is doing, of course I'm gonna care more about my local area first if the president and Gatell are looking clueless about how to deal with this whole thing.


Nov 4, 2017
At this rate Covid-19 will have killed more Americans than combat deaths in WW2 in 10 days or less. Wow.



Jun 12, 2019
For information about vaccines.
The first Chinese vaccine has entered Phase 2 of clinical trials, Beijing, China. Trial started april 12th, will end January 1st 2021.

a new vaccine has entered Phase 1 clinical trials in Kansas City (Missouri) and Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) , USA -> started april 3rd, completion : November 2020

reminder. the other Phase 1 clinical trial is in
Decatur (Georgia), Bethesda(Maryland), Seattle(Washington) , USA -> started March 3rd, completion: June 2021.

Reminder: there are 4 phases in clinical development:
Phase 1: small (tens) -> we are blind, what does our lab engineered stuff really does in humans ? result => better understanding of the dynamics, the production rate of antibodies, and tolerability
Phase 2: medium (hundreds) -> ok we see more clearly, are the results consistent when expanded to larger group, do we need boosters ? What's the best dose ? Is it Safe ? => we know if it produces the desired effect, confirm absence of major toxicity, get an optimal dose and administration
Phase 3: large (thousands) => ok, scale it up, thousands of people (up to 80000+), is it stil safe ? => APPROVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL !!! BUBYE SARS-COV2
Phase 4: usage & long term effects => real life data, surveillance (pharmacovogilence)

Of the others in pre-clinical , a French laboratory will start Phase 1 in early S2... but we've not been told which one will start first... most likely Sanofi, but unsure.


Oct 25, 2017
Regarding coronavirus deaths in Spain. Some of the regions are starting to give some extra numbers with more information from deaths that could be possibly be due to Coronavirus, in this case Madrid:

Madrid registra 2.820 mayores fallecidos con síntomas de Covid-19 en residencias.Un total de 2.820 ancianos con síntomas de la enfermedad han fallecido en las residencias de mayores de la Comunidad de Madrid, según ha informado el consejero de Sanidad, Enrique Ruiz Escudero, mientras que 616 personas sospechosas de haber contraído el virus han muerto en domicilios y 4 en la vía pública. La Comunidad de Madrid acumula al menos 10.017 muertos que dieron positivo por coronavirus o eran sospechosos de tenerlo, puesto que a los 6.568 que refleja la estadística oficial del Ministerio de Sanidad se sumarían 2.820 muertos con síntomas en residencias, 616 en domicilios, 4 en la calle y 9 del Instituto de Medicina Legal. El consejero ha dado estos datos durante una comparecencia por videoconferencia en la comisión de Sanidad de la Asamblea de Madrid, en la que ha reconocido que seguramente el número de fallecidos fuera de hospitales sea "mayor" debido al "decalaje" entre la notificación de estas muertes y su registro por parte de Salud Pública. En su opinión, "con todos esos datos" se irá clarificando "la cifra real de fallecidos" en esta pandemia. (Efe)

Basically a minimum of 3500 extra deaths that are suspected to be related to coronavirus.

Other likely regions that will se a big jump would be Catalonia and Castilla la Mancha.

Deleted member 21709

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
I posted this the other day, but I moved to nyc last summer. I've been down at my families house in the south since the end of February because I had a feeling things would get bad. My lease ends at the end of July and I'm not sure I'll stay in nyc.

The thought of being afraid to use the subway and being trapped in my tiny apartment for so long terrifies me. I don't think my mental health could handle it.

Yeah, it's fucking tough. I hope it ends soon. Good that you managed to leave in Feb!

For every single one leaving a dozen will try to take their place.

And they're welcome - this city belongs to the world. I definitely wonder how I'll view this situation and city after the fact though.

Edit: didn't see it posted above

RIP :(


Sep 28, 2019

Asia Today: China wet markets panned, India extends lockdown

BANGKOK — Australia’s prime minister has described as “unfathomable” the World Health Organization’s support for the reopening of markets where live animals are butchered in Wuhan, the Chinese city at the centre of the coronavirus pandemic.“We need to protect the world against potential sources...

What is the WHO thinking? How does this help anyone? Can someone explain to me how this does not worsen the situation or rearms the virus for a second wave. Why not be cautious and keep these markets closed and reopened when they are deemed not to contribute to health crises local and abroad. The WHO is dropping the ball here.


Oct 25, 2017
people are going to have to accept that life (with lots of adjustments like conferences, concerts, movie theaters, etc) is going to go on without the vaccine, that schools will be open in the fall and all will not be perfect. The world is not going to shut in until a vaccine is developed and it's not good for your mental health to anticipate that when


Oct 25, 2017

Just briefly looking at it, I think it's actually laid out pretty carefully. Similar to what the governor of California mentioned. There is risk of course but if we can get our testing numbers substantially higher then it's possibly to mitigate depending on area

edit: I probably should add the success of this plan entirely depends on Trump letting the CDC run things...which means this plan likely will fail


Oct 25, 2017
Just briefly looking at it, I think it's actually laid out pretty carefully. Similar to what the governor of California mentioned. There is risk of course but if we can get our testing numbers substantially higher then it's possibly to mitigate depending on area
In a vacuum it makes sense but it's still the Trump administration and they want to go quicker than a lot might like, but biggest of all I'm not sure any state will have testing capabilities needed to open by May 1. That's the biggest sticking point. We need to ramp that up A LOT.
people are going to have to accept that life (with lots of adjustments like conferences, concerts, movie theaters, etc) is going to go on without the vaccine, that schools will be open in the fall and all will not be perfect. The world is not going to shut in until a vaccine is developed and it's not good for your mental health to anticipate that when
No one expects the world to be completely shut in until a vaccine.


Oct 25, 2017
In a vacuum it makes sense but it's still the Trump administration and they want to go quicker than a lot might like, but biggest of all I'm not sure any state will have testing capabilities needed to open by May 1. That's the biggest sticking point. We need to ramp that up A LOT.

No one expects the world to be completely shut in until a vaccine.

i think you aren't reading the same thread I am


Alt Account
Dec 6, 2019
My fiancee is in South Dakota at her mom's.

There will be hell to pay if either of them get this.

Fuck, I hate Kristi Noem, fucking bitch.

I'm sorry to hear. I hope things turn around before it's too late. I just read an article about how in one city, there are 50 hospital beds and the next closest hospital is 140 mi away.



Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017

Asia Today: China wet markets panned, India extends lockdown

BANGKOK — Australia’s prime minister has described as “unfathomable” the World Health Organization’s support for the reopening of markets where live animals are butchered in Wuhan, the Chinese city at the centre of the coronavirus pandemic.“We need to protect the world against potential sources...

What is the WHO thinking? How does this help anyone? Can someone explain to me how this does not worsen the situation or rearms the virus for a second wave. Why not be cautious and keep these markets closed and reopened when they are deemed not to contribute to health crises local and abroad. The WHO is dropping the ball here.

Because they're the source of food for millions of rural Chinese? It's like asking why people don't just close supermarkets in the West.

Do you want poor Chinese mainlanders to not be able to buy food?

Btw plenty of wet markets operate outside of China.
May 21, 2018
My dad's cousin is a retired ER doctor who's a heavy conservative and believes the news about New York lacking ventilators and other supplies is entirely fake and thinks the virus is completely overblown.

Now I've got a Ben Carson in my family orbit.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm sorry to hear. I hope things turn around before it's too late. I just read an article about how in one city, there are 50 hospital beds and the next closest hospital is 140 mi away.


There's lots of places like that all over the country.

Here's a breakdown by county, for every state, of hospitals with an ICU and without.

I live in rural California and our hospital has 25 beds and no ICU. The nearest hospital with an ICU is Reno, 80 miles away.

We're seriously going to be fucked hard if this thing hits hard.

Luckily, my fiancée and her mom live 40 miles from Rapid City, which does have the major hospital.

My issue is that I'm in California and can't be there if something were to happen (and vice versa with me).

Noem's response, or lack there of, is par for the course for that useless sack of shit.

Sioux Falls is getting fucked hard because of her inaction and she could care less.

Minnehaha County, where Sioux Falls is located, has 768 confirmed cases, the entire state has 988.

25% of the state's cases are in one county and that's a direct result of her having her head shoved up Trump's ass.

There's a reason why she's pushing for hydroxychloroquine study, using the citizens of South Dakota as guinea pigs.

The only person I hate more then this vapid bitch is Trump.

Senator Toadstool

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
That is a true statement even if we assume the numbers are 100% accurate in the US and ignore that they are under testing so there are likely a lot of unconfirmed cases, and ignore that a lot of people viewed Easter as a cheat day like on a diet and though "it's just one day." before they went to see their families and friends.

easter wouldn't show up until tomorrow or thursday at the earliest as anyone who got it is in incubation


Alt Account
Dec 6, 2019
There's lots of places like that all over the country.

Here's a breakdown by county, for every state, of hospitals with an ICU and without.

I live in rural California and our hospital has 25 beds and no ICU. The nearest hospital with an ICU is Reno, 80 miles away.

We're seriously going to be fucked hard if this thing hits hard.

Luckily, my fiancée and her mom live 40 miles from Rapid City, which does have the major hospital.

My issue is that I'm in California and can't be there if something were to happen (and vice versa with me).

Noem's response, or lack there of, is par for the course for that useless sack of shit.

Sioux Falls is getting fucked hard because of her inaction and she could care less.

Minnehaha County, where Sioux Falls is located, has 768 confirmed cases, the entire state has 988.

25% of the state's cases are in one county and that's a direct result of her having her head shoved up Trump's ass.

There's a reason why she's pushing for hydroxychloroquine study, using the citizens of South Dakota as guinea pigs.

The only person I hate more then this vapid bitch is Trump.

Is there a large Native population there? In SD?

I'm incredulous AF about testing.


Oct 26, 2017
Is there a large Native population there? In SD?

I'm incredulous AF about testing.

Yes, there is.

Here's a map of the reservations in South Dakota.


If this thing starts spreading through the reservations, they're fucked and Noem won't lift a goddamn finger to help.

Native Americans in that state are still getting fucked over by the state government.


Nov 28, 2017
Actually yes they do don't be narcissistic and speak for everyone else.
Those people would be in the massive minority. At best it is 3-5 years before most of the world is inoculated. Do you think people can last that long without work or living lifestyles where they can barely leave their home? Unlikely.

In the face of that, governments would shut down international and state borders alike, then manage it on a local level with the hope of eradicating new cases before expanding rights.
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