
Oct 27, 2017
Why are you so insistent on defend NASCAR over everything else? That seems to be your number one priority in this thread.
Because this site is being hypocritical about what it stands for by saying blanket statements about a group of people. It offends me that people think that I'm racist because I like the racing in NASCAR.


Oct 25, 2017
Look, I know you feel for some reason like you're on trial for watching and enjoying NASCAR, but you're not. Pretty much everyone knows that not everyone who participates in or watches NASCAR is a racist. However, given the comparative amount of confederate and MAGA flags waving at NASCAR events compared to every other sport in America, I think it's unreasonable to deny that there's a significantly stronger relationship between NASCAR and racism than other American sports. And regardless of where the drivers come from it's a cultural thing that pervades the environment of NASCAR.

It might be easy to ignore the writhing mass of hatred in and around the stands of a race when you're watching on TV, but when you're actually attending all of those events you have to be willing to tolerate it constantly. And given the permissive attitude toward racism at its venues by NASCAR, it shouldn't be surprising to learn that many of the staff, drivers, mechanics, etc. are drawn to the sport because of the miasma of racism that surrounds it. Remember, it's not just non-fans who view NASCAR as being a bastion of racism. Many people became fans because it's a bastion of racism.
great post and sums it up perfectly. i don't think most owners/drivers would say this sort of thing (At least i hope not!) and this young driver may just be an entitled idiot edgelord gamer who's using it more in that vain. but regardless there's no excuse for it, and he should get the full brunt of criticism for his stupidity. And he really did the sport a disservice with this shit. You already had this undercurrent of skepticism by many people and this only makes people feel more unwelcome.

as you said, it's one thing to watch on tv and engage online from afar, but you go to most any NASCAR event and I'd imagine it's not a very welcoming environment for minorities, unfortunately. And that's really it. As long as that overtly contentious fandom, which permeates the sport, is tolerated, they will be unable to successfully build bridges to outsiders looking to become involved. No minority wants to willingly be inundated with confederate flags, MAGA hats and Trump worship.
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Torpedo Vegas

Oct 27, 2017
Parts Unknown.
He will be driving the My Pillow car next season


Oct 26, 2017
he said it so casually as if he was still in November, 2004 (Halo 2 reference when the worst of the worst polluted your ears)

he most likely says it all the time

fuck this guy


Oct 27, 2017
User banned (permanent): inflammatory false equivalence around race, prior ban for concern trolling regarding bigotry.
Why are you so insistent on defend NASCAR over everything else? That seems to be your number one priority in this thread.

Some of these posts are terrible drive by generalization posts. Generalization/Stereotyping is the bedfellow of racism itself. Not the same but similar.

Because this site is being hypocritical about what it stands for by saying blanket statements about a group of people. It offends me that people think that I'm racist because I like the racing in NASCAR.


great post and sums it up perfectly. i don't think most owners/drivers would say this sort of thing (At least i hope not!) and this young driver is just an idiot edgelord gamer using it more in that vain, and he should get the full brunt of criticism for this. And he really did the sport a disservice with this shit. You already had this undercurrent of skepticism by many people and this only makes people feel more unwelcome.

as you said, it's one thing to watch on tv and engage online but you go to most any NASCAR event and I'd imagine it's not a very welcoming environment for minorities, unfortunately. And that's really it. As long as that overtly contentious fandom, which permeates the sport, is tolerated, they will be unable to successfully build bridges to outsiders looking to become involved. No minority wants to willingly be inundated with confederate flags, MAGA hats and Trump worship.

So don't blame us when we both rage at Larson for what he did AND the people making these generalization posts. We are trying to fight the stereotype and be a positive influence in a dark spot.

Quality post.


Nov 6, 2017
So up until today then? Because this has never happened before.

hell if you listen to the in car audio feeds during races the drivers and crew often swear up a storm between each other, and yet funnily none have so far been heard to say a racial slur.
Some NASCAR driver even dropped the n word on an interview a few years back.


Oct 25, 2017
Some of these posts are terrible drive by generalization posts. Generalization/Stereotyping is the bedfellow of racism itself. Not the same but similar.


So don't blame us when we both rage at Larson for what he did AND the people making these generalization posts. We are trying to fight the stereotype and be a positive influence in a dark spot.

Quality post.
No one is blaming any Nascar fans on here at all, at least I'm not. And i'm a Nascar fan too! I'd love to go to Bristol one day, especially for a night race.

But even if it's a generalization, it's what many people think right now and those beliefs are now more hardened because of this idiot.

As I said and as the other post stated, it's the other idiots that ruin it for the rest of us. It's a lot for minorities to deal with, especially when you probably won't encounter that sort of vibe at IndyCar events, for example.

What sort of culture do you want to see in the future? An inclusive one? well, that's what we should all be fighting for. But it's a hard road when old southern culture is so intertwined into the fabric of the sport and fandom. They go full-on and they risk alienating many of their most ardent fans and risk killing off the sport entirely, especially as money/attendance has lagged compared to the highs of the 2000s.

NASCAR fans: Confederate flag still important symbol

As protests and rallies continue around the nation and debate on what to do with Confederate symbols rages on, some NASCAR fans fly flag with pride.
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Oct 25, 2017
Surprised he had a heated gamer moment like that especially for something like this, though more surprised it never happened during a race, then again during the a race we can listen in on them.

Now Im just thinking that he regularly says things of this sort.

Was never really a fan, especially when he just got on a losing streak.

oh well, will forever be a ChaseBlaney fan and number18 fan forever


Oct 25, 2017
I can guarantee you that one of his personal sponsors is gone. No way iRacing keeps him on board, especially since he did this WHILE ON THEIR PLATFORM. I wonder if they're going to remove him as one of the eNASCAR Series team owners, too.

Plus they have other drivers that they'll work with. They don't need him.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
I won't blame all of NASCAR on this, as most of the drivers seem to be decent guys. My issue is with a majority of white, southern NASCAR fans, from which I have personally encountered racism, sexist comments towards others, fat shaming, and underaged wet t-shirt contests when I worked in Alabama at a NASCAR testing facility. However, I will not generalize an entire sport nor their fans on the actions of a few. We're supposed to be better than that.

Glad to see his sponsors are pulling out and NASCAR suspended him though.

Deleted member 42472

User requested account closure
Apr 21, 2018
Good on Nascar for acting but...
What is the impact of a suspension right now? Sponsorships would still be at the team/racer level and not being involved in the official nascar iracing events doesn't really mean they can't be involved in other streaming stuff.

Am I missing something?


CEO of Traphouse Networks
Nov 3, 2017
"Insensitive language"

I guess we ain't calling spades, spades anymore.
Oct 25, 2017
which xfinity driver will get to take his place now (should have kept the sponsors for the car though, so we can maintain the current car numbers on the field)


Nov 29, 2017
Because Larson isn't Nascar. Nascar isn't Larson. I don't know why this concept is hard to understand.

He is already suspended without pay. His team owner will likely fire him. His sponsors WILL drop him.
The community of Nascar has already shown their distaste for what he did.

What else does the community of Nascar and Nascar ownership itself need to do to further relay the fact they do not condone what he did?
Does it surprise you that so many people on this website that play video games and talk about video games haven't even batted an eye at all of the comments saying he did this because he's a gamer, let alone gotten as defensive as you have for Nascar fans?

Deleted member 1086

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Boise Area, Idaho
which xfinity driver will get to take his place now (should have kept the sponsors for the car though, so we can maintain the current car numbers on the field)
I think if they kick him out of the car they shouldn't lose any sponsors. Who knows though.

I also think that CGR was already looking at replacing him, since he was rumored to be a potential successor to Jimmie in the 48. No way does Hendrick pursue him now though.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, I think all white people use that word regularly around their other white friends only. Then that moment in the heat of the moment they blurt it out by 'mistake' every time.

I am black and I never use that word with, 'er' or 'a'. So when I get angry I never blurt it out by mistake. Why do all white people do it by mistake?

If it is not part of your regular vocabulary then you would not say it my 'mistake'.

I know he is Japanese but I am sure the majority of his acquaintances or white.
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Oct 27, 2017
Honestly, I think all white people use that word regularly around their other white friends only. Then that moment in the heat of the moment they blurt it out by 'mistake' every time.

I am black and I never use that word with, 'er' or 'a'. So when I get angry I never blurt it out by mistake. Why do all white people do it by mistake?

If it is not part of your regular vocabulary then you would not say it my 'mistake'.

Completely agree. Do not believe any apology that comes from his "PR" team.


Oct 25, 2017
Not even a Heated Gamer Moment.

Not even a "friendly A".

Just the whole word. Unprovoked. Just...said.


Deleted member 18502

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Good response from Nascar with the indefinite suspension. Chip Ganassi is also not going to allow his reputation to be tarnished by this, I think he's driven his last laps for Ganassi.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone who uses that word, in any context, deserves to have their career obliterated. There is no situation in which that word is acceptable. It's even worse if it's in a "heated moment".


I'm Your Favorite Poster's Favorite Poster
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
He was one of my favorites after all of the retirements the last five years.

I'm never rooting for him again.

Deleted member 1086

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Boise Area, Idaho
GamerGate proved to me that a lot of gamerz are super trash.

But a lot them are super dope too (see; SonicFox).

There is nothing wrong with calling out and shaming the abhorrent parts of a given fandom/hobby.
I agree. Much like saying Kyle Larson is trash, as are the certain fans that still fly the rebel flag at Talladega, and not dogging on NASCAR or its fans as a whole in a generalizing way.