
Oct 27, 2017
The Netherlands
A genuine question for you guys: With the multitude of Twitter alternatives that are currently available or upcoming, (Bluesky, Mastodon, Hive, Spill, Threads, Tumblr), which of these platforms do you guys think you'll end up using the most going forward?

I've been happy with Mastodon so far, most accounts/people I'm interested in moved over to that.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
A genuine question for you guys: With the multitude of Twitter alternatives that are currently available or upcoming, (Bluesky, Mastodon, Hive, Spill, Threads, Tumblr), which of these platforms do you guys think you'll end up using the most going forward?
Whichever one breaks the most news leading to embeds within threads on Resetera.
That'll probably wind up being Threads... but there's still time for them to do something stupid to prolong Twitter's death throes for some time longer.


Oct 26, 2017
This is such an informative post! (I cut it just cause mine was already long enough lol), I'm gonna go check your post now about Mastodon!
Thank you! If you have any questions feel free to ask, it's not ideal but it's where we're at. Remember there's more options than just Mastodon for getting a Twitter-like experience on the Fediverse :p.

If you don't get it or it doesn't work for you that's fine no worries. I'd appreciate if you let me know what you didn't like or struggled with though if you can.

I've sort of obsessively been researching Fediverse stuff for the last 4 days. Going insane. It's fine.


Oct 29, 2017
New York
Whichever one takes off.

If all the brands flock to one, that'll be the one. If they don't, I don't think any will take off. Waiting game for me.
I honestly didn't even think of this as a major reason to wait, now that you do mention it, I think it's gonna be interesting to see where these brands account move to. Though, I do fully expect that to be Threads.

Oooh! Nice write-up!

One thing I'd add about Tumblr: All of these social media platforms trade in cultural capital, and what that capital is varies depending on what platform you're on (Instagram is Photography/Lifestyle, Twitter is Politics/Memes, TikTok is…nonsense). You'll find a little bit of everything on any social media platform, but as it stands, certain types of "content" does better on particular platforms.

For Tumblr, it's cultural capital is definitely FANDOM. Whatever you're a fan of (especially is it's television/comics/manga), you'll find thriving communities on Tumblr.
Thank you!

I honestly think Tumblr doesn't get enough love here because it's just so foreign to some people since they've never visited the site or made an account. And it's to the point where, a whole thread could be made just explaining things to people and how it works in general so they can at least see that it's a viable long term option since it's also available on phones and tablet.

And more importantly, a better reason is exactly what you just said: Tumblr is a site dedicated to Fandoms, just like Era kind is in its own way. Tumblr is a massively nerdy website where people have so many interests and talk about so many things all and once you get embedded into any community it kinda pays off because people are friendly and simply love discussing that same interest rather than fighting about takes like we see on Twitter. Plus, the whole idea of following the hashtags and being able to explored missed posts and the site pushing those missed posts to you is legitimately amazing and honestly better than the way clicking on hashtags function on Twitter (in my opinion of course lol)


Oct 27, 2017
The Netherlands
It was supposed to launch at the end of the month. Pushing it up probably meant cutting out some countries.

I think needing to comply with EU/GDPR rules is a more logical reason :p I mean, this is not something that is just a "few weeks of work".

Meta will not launch its new Twitter rival, Threads, in Ireland or the EU for the foreseeable future.

It might not "officially" release at all in the EU.


Oct 27, 2017
Asked earlier in the thread but didn't get an answer, anyone know if is gonna be the desktop site for this platform or just a countdown for mobile app launch? I need that desktop support day one.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Ya know, if the EU has (or rather would have?) a problem with how this app works then maybe its a good thing to keep a certain level of hesitation? Like we all want to be done with Musk and are looking into the new thing but the Zuck isnt really that much better of an alternative in the grand scheme of things, least we forget where Meta gets its name from.


Oct 26, 2017
Ya know, if the EU has (or rather would have?) a problem with how this app works then maybe its a good thing to keep a certain level of hesitation? Like we all want to be done with Musk and are looking into the new thing but the Zuck isnt really that much better of an alternative in the grand scheme of things, least we forget where Meta gets its name from.

This app may not launch with EU-compliant servers and Meta has already has a data transfer issue they need to solve.

Even though the nature of the ActivityPub protocol keeps everything decentralized, the Irish DPC forbids certain data transfers in order to protect it's citizen's information from foreign bad actors.

It's an issue with an easy fix, but it probably isn't as high of a priority as just launching a stable app with a very short beta period to millions of users on one day.

Asked earlier in the thread but didn't get an answer, anyone know if is gonna be the desktop site for this platform or just a countdown for mobile app launch? I need that desktop support day one. will be the domain/server for all Threads communication, yes. We don't know if it's launching with a webapp.

Digging deeper into the code, our team has also found that Threads may indeed have a web app. At the very least, we've found that the service's profile links will look quite similar to Instagram profile links, simply appending your username after the base "" URL.​

Threads, Meta's Twitter clone, starts launch countdown, plus a few details on how it works

Ahead of the app’s launch later this week, Meta has launched a landing page for its Twitter competitor, “Threads,” counting...

Ohhh you guys see a countdown? I only see "Threads" and a spinning background.

Are you using Firefox? Do you block tracking or Facebook?


Oct 25, 2017
A genuine question for you guys: With the multitude of Twitter alternatives that are currently available or upcoming, (Bluesky, Mastodon, Hive, Spill, Threads, Tumblr), which of these platforms do you guys think you'll end up using the most going forward?
The one that not full of annoying-as-fuck, terminally-online horny shit posters, so Threads.


Oct 30, 2017
Ohhh you guys see a countdown? I only see "Threads" and a spinning background.
Are you from Europe? I just checked: with the European VPN there is no countdown, but with the American VPN there is. Looks like they really won't be launching in Europe anytime soon.
Makes sense honestly. Twitter has basically no users in the EU, and I doubt Meta are going to cultivate a whole new audience there.
100 million is "no users"?
Twitter on Thursday said it had 100.9 million average monthly users in the EU, based on an estimation of the last 45 days.

Tech giants from Google to TikTok face tougher EU rules

Tech giants including Facebook, Google, Twitter and TikTok face stricter online content rules in the European Union due to their huge number of users.


Aug 2, 2020
Twitter has basically no users in the EU


Oct 27, 2017
A genuine question for you guys: With the multitude of Twitter alternatives that are currently available or upcoming, (Bluesky, Mastodon, Hive, Spill, Threads, Tumblr), which of these platforms do you guys think you'll end up using the most going forward?
If Threads and Tumblr join the fediverse like they say they will, then I'm just going to stick with Mastodon and follow people through that. If not, probably a combination of the 3.


Oct 25, 2017
Makes sense honestly. Twitter has basically no users in the EU, and I doubt Meta are going to cultivate a whole new audience there.

What? It's silly season in football right now and twitter is the place for transfer news and rumours. That alone bring millions of EU users.


Oct 26, 2017
We already know that's not happening. Zero chance.

Maybe not zero.

If Meta drags their ass with an EU and APAC version but joins the Fediverse, there could be room for other services like Mastodon. People just want to talk to their friends and find other interesting people at the end of the day.


Oct 25, 2017
EU is an important market so Im sure Meta is working on compliance and releasing in approved regions in the meantime. the doom and gloom is hilarious. its not like their other products dont already exist in the EU…


Oct 25, 2017
People just want to talk to their friends and find other interesting people at the end of the day.
There's a million other ways to talk with friends that aren't mired in the bullshit of social media giants, I don't think that's what people are missing on Twitter since its implosion. For me specifically it's the chronological feed of news and opinions from people I respect but don't personally know. Like, the NBA playoffs were a completely different experience for me this year compared to the past… 13, 14 years? without the live reactions on Twitter. People still use it but it's a literal shell of its prior self since Musk took over and specifically since they killed third party apps.

I guess what I'm saying is.. whatever effectively brings back the original microblogging approach to Twitter with the biggest userbase is what will be the "actual" replacement. Federated platforms are novel and I understand the appeal but it's not what I'm looking for if the mass userbase isn't there. Of course having the masses there means the moderation needs to be up to snuff. A baseline of "no Nazis" is an extremely low bar to clear but hopefully it's there from the outset.


Apr 7, 2022
Meta sucks, but as someone who already has Instagram at least I don't have to set up a whole new digital presence. Just give me my up to the minute sports news and I'll be good.

Deleted member 910

Oct 25, 2017
I'm convinced this is the one that's going to kill Bird app.

I'm EU so I cant use it.

But the idea of a competent Twitter clone without constant hate stream, alright fuckos, blue checkmarks suckers, crypto bro scammers etc... is.... appealing.

Also they will never let it be as bad when it comes to spam. Or basic functionality.

You forgot me, so that's 4 ! I also know a guy on Twitter in Europe, so i guess that's 5 ?

Zuck is losing big time by ignoring us 5 people.
I like how this policeman only appears in like, 2% of the movie, but I immediately know what are you talking about here. Anyway, I'm full embedded into Meta's Instagram algorithm, give me Threads!

Wait a sec tho, this is going to kill the NSFW artists out there, isn't it.
Yeah artists and sex workers are likely going to prefer Bluesky provided that doesn't take much longer to go public.