
Powered by Friendshipā„¢
Oct 26, 2017
What I love about these embeds too is that you don't accidentally open another tab/window if you click the picture/video.

My caffeinated nerves go nuts on some platforms.
Oct 27, 2017
It's already better at images than image-focused app Instagram?

At this rate, IG is going to end up a glorified portfolio.

I kid! It's obviously gonna get fully morphed unto ZuckZok.
As someone who hasn't touched Instagram pretty much at all other than to make a Threads account - isn't Instagram like actually, objectively awful for images? I remember I tried to follow some artists on it at some point and I very quickly abandoned it because of the terrible compression and maximum display size. Felt like I was looking at blurry images for ants. Twitter, Mastodon, Tumblr - they were all far better. As is Threads.


Oct 25, 2017

Grimes right now:



Oct 28, 2017
First thing in the morning I would usually check twitter for news and whatever. I haven't done that in two days. Just need a web app and I'll be completely done with Twitter. Even without it though I'm checking Twitter once a day now just to see trending.

We had a shooting in Toronto that killed a 44 year old woman bystander and there was a article on it that I saw on Twitter. I clicked the comments and it was like 3 twitter blue posters blaming "left wing" Olivia Chow for the shooting. She was just elected and hasn't even taken office yet... Saying goodbye to Twitter Blue subs forever will be a great day.


Oct 25, 2017
Wow, those embeds look great!
Due to them calling it Threads it makes it almost impossible to google it properly, but - do they have good embeds in slack and discord?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Huh, so weird. I can't even get to load for me, on Edge or on iOS Safari. Checked my router just in case something weird was happening content block wise, nada.

The app is working fine, so this is definitely something odd on my end, not with whatever Era installed for embeds.

Sounds like you might need new/better DNS servers set up on the router if the whole domain isn't loading up network wide.


Not actually the youngest mod ā€” AP Fact Check
Oct 24, 2017
As someone who hasn't touched Instagram pretty much at all other than to make a Threads account - isn't Instagram like actually, objectively awful for images? I remember I tried to follow some artists on it at some point and I very quickly abandoned it because of the terrible compression and maximum display size. Felt like I was looking at blurry images for ants. Twitter, Mastodon, Tumblr - they were all far better. As is Threads.

I wouldn't say IG is worse than Twitter in my experience. And no experience with Mastodon. But definitely worse than Tumblr, yeah.

But so far Threads beats all of them. I'm noticing people who don't usually comment on things like image quality noting how much better their content looks on Threads.

All in all, this just shows that IG has been in dire need of a backend overhaul for quite some time. And they should get on thatā€¦instead of a waging a losing battle against TikTok.


Powered by Friendshipā„¢
Oct 26, 2017
Another nice thing: despite being rooted in Instagram, you can easily save the pictures without having to get an extension or screengrab. Good for those of us who follow a ton of artists and like new wallpapers.

How does one embed a Threads?
Click the media button - it's up there with links and embed images on Era. Then post link. You can get a link by hitting Share in Threads and copying the link.


Oct 27, 2017
Another nice thing: despite being rooted in Instagram, you can easily save the pictures without having to get an extension or screengrab. Good for those of us who follow a ton of artists and like new wallpapers.

Click the media button - it's up there with links and embed images on Era. Then post link. You can get a link by hitting Share in Threads and copying the link.
Thank you!


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
I have so much meme account clutter on my twitter, good riddance. Thread feed is accounts I actually follow. I just need the ability to search terms and hastags and twitter can peace out.


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
People are complaining about white Threads embeds and I'm like what but it's dark? Turns out I forgot that I've been using dark reader extension.


Oct 25, 2017
embed working as intended. the issue with twitter was that when you try to play a video it would just open a new tab. sometimes it plays the video but most times :shrugs:


Powered by Friendshipā„¢
Oct 26, 2017
I feel like not enough people are taking advantage of the larger limit of pics too! A lot of four pic posts. Y'all I think the limit is 10!

I've been considering doing "show and tell sundays" since I have a ton of obscure collectibles and vintage crap that people might find interesting.


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah the image carousel is definitely the best improvement for Threads from a software standpoint. It's so smooth and easy on the eyes. My only complaint is that you can't really zoom in on pictures at the moment.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
A few days of pretty deep contemplation and monitoring impressions and goings on of Thread and I admit that I feel more compelled to sign up than not. Giving myself just a couple more days to think it through and actually just set my personal expectations and boundaries.

I'll just state that what triggered my departure from social media was some of the replies I got from "friends" after my dad passed away suddenly in 2018. I basically got told by several people that I grew up with that they had zero sympathy because of some then-recent political posts I had made. Not only was I emotionally dealing with my father, but seeing long time friends kinda act that way because of the political climate really hurt and caused me a lot of anger. It really hurt my perception of social media, which obviously lingers up to this day. But I do frequently engage with social media content without an account (how can you not in this internet age??) and do miss the up sides of direct engagement often.

I was listening to The Vergecast in the wake up Threads' launch and Alex Kranz posed the question to the other Verge staffers if they were consciously trying to use Threads in a different way than other social media and admitted she was approaching Threads that way, and it kicked off me contemplating if I might have the potential to jump in and consciously use it in a way that mitigates my negative experiencesā€¦ and I'm mostly convinced that I can do that, even with Threads' limited current tools.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Threads conceptually is cool, but the platform is super boring and has all these growing pains which is weird when this Meta's third social media platform and you have twitter as an example of what features you need. Right now there's no discoverability unless you're an influencer or whatever algorithm decides to bless you by putting your post in front of others. The lack of a chronological timeline, one that caters toward your interests, and one that let's you see posts from the people you follow is all baffling. Like why am I on Threads if I don't have anything to look at?

Contrast that with twitter where I have two time lines: one that shows me tweets from people the algorithm deems I'd be interested in and another chronological timeline from the people I'm following. I don't recall the last time I used the latter timeline because the former is just really useful and Always on point.. Meanwhile, I'm blocking and muting people left and right on Threads.

And then twitter also let's me search posts and see what I've favorites. You can't do either on Threads for some weird reason. What's the point in making a post if you don't have a big following? You're just talking to nobody.


Oct 26, 2017
Now that we have embeds, shoutout to WaPo for using the image carousel in a unique way:


This might be dumb, since its linked to instagram which I barely use, but I'm finding myself going out of my way to follow artists and photographers because images look so great in this app.

If you all follow any and want to share links to good artists or photographers I'd be happy to add them!


Powered by Friendshipā„¢
Oct 26, 2017
A few days of pretty deep contemplation and monitoring impressions and goings on of Thread and I admit that I feel more compelled to sign up than not. Giving myself just a couple more days to think it through and actually just set my personal expectations and boundaries.

I'll just state that what triggered my departure from social media was some of the replies I got from "friends" after my dad passed away suddenly in 2018. I basically got told by several people that I grew up with that they had zero sympathy nice because of some then-recent political posts I had made. Not only was I emotionally dealing with my father, but seeing long time friends kinda act that way because of the political climate really hurt and caused me a lot of anger. It really hurt my perception of social media, which obviously lingers up to this day. But I do frequently engage with social media content without an account (how can you not in this internet age??) and do miss the up sides of direct engagement often.

I was listening to The Vergecast in the wake up Threads' launch and Alex Kranz posed the question to the other Verge staffers if they were consciously trying to use Threads in a different way than other social media and admitted she was approaching Threads that way, and it kicked off me contemplating if I might have the potential to jump in and consciously use it in a way that mitigates my negative experiencesā€¦ and I'm mostly convinced that I can do that, even with Threads' limited current tools.

First of all, I completely sympathize with you, and I'm sorry that all of that happened around the time you lost your father.

I lost a lot of my close friends during the trump years for similar situations, some of which were people using my own weaknesses against me as if my shit posts about their president were grounds to bring up "that one time your heart was broken by that fucked up thing that happened to you". Like sociopathic.

But my real reason for responding is this is how myself and a lot of people seem to be doing Threads. Great minds think alike maybe. I think everyone just kind of decided that this would be a good time to start over fresh.

For me, I'm really only following people who I feel are not constantly negative or condescending in a toxic way.


Oct 25, 2017
Threads conceptually is cool, but the platform is super boring and has all these growing pains which is weird when this Meta's third social media platform and you have twitter as an example of what features you need. Right now there's no discoverability unless you're an influencer or whatever algorithm decides to bless you by putting your post in front of others. The lack of a chronological timeline, one that caters toward your interests, and one that let's you see posts from the people you follow is all baffling. Like why am I on Threads if I don't have anything to look at?

Contrast that with twitter where I have two time lines: one that shows me tweets from people the algorithm deems I'd be interested in and another chronological timeline from the people I'm following. I don't recall the last time I used the latter timeline because the former is just really useful and Always on point.. Meanwhile, I'm blocking and muting people left and right on Threads.

And then twitter also let's me search posts and see what I've favorites. You can't do either on Threads for some weird reason. What's the point in making a post if you don't have a big following? You're just talking to nobody.
it's known that this is very 1.0 and they launched it in a rush to take advantage of twitters high visibility failings over a span of a few weeks. This was smart given their growth. Hopefully they don't take long to add in some of the obvious features. A lot of this stuff is coming.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
First of all, I completely sympathize with you, and I'm sorry that all of that happened around the time you lost your father.

I lost a lot of my close friends during the trump years for similar situations, some of which were people using my own weaknesses against me as if my shit posts about their president were grounds to bring up "that one time your heart was broken by that fucked up thing that happened to you". Like sociopathic.

But my real reason for responding is this is how myself and a lot of people seem to be doing Threads. Great minds think alike maybe. I think everyone just kind of decided that this would be a good time to start over fresh.

For me, I'm really only following people who I feel are not constantly negative or condescending in a toxic way.

Someone else in this thread pointed out that the behavior we all loathe about social media was literally happening from its very owner under Elon Musk at Twitter, which also helped me kinda come to this realization. My participation and my emotional investment in social media before (with much looser boundaries) is at least partially at fault for my years-long negativity on the platforms. I will just need to make a stronger effort to curate my social media experience and just be reasonably aware of what to expect now. In 2018, maybe I was lucky it lasted as long as it did, but I hadn't really had my own moments of vulnerability and emotional distress exploited for culture war participation -- that was a first and it hit at a particularly rough time when I was NOT going to tolerate that.

I say that knowing I won't ever fully escape the negativity -- hell, a lot of my account-less engagement with social media (viewing and responding to embeds, linking those embeds to other friends via Discord or something) still revolves around those negatives. But I guess as an active user, I will be attempting to not let it get to me, and for people who want to directly try to get me to engage, it's going to be very liberal use of the ignore and mute buttons and making sure my acocunt doesn't see their account anymore. If DMs ever open, I'm personally going to shut them off (if I'm able).

I don't want to ignore things that are politically important to me, and being more aware of how those things are evolving is one of the upsides to social media that I miss, so it's not like I want to avoid difficult content completely, I just do not want culture war casually-delivered threats and shit surrounding those tough topics.