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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Totally expected answer. Didn't expect him to be willing to open the national archives though.

I get the feeling that if they're that confident, there likely won't be much of interest found, but let's see what the investigating turns up.

Memento Mori

Oct 26, 2017
Hillary was always screwed because of those emails that got deleted. I don't think releasing the University of Delaware files would end this entirely, but it would squash a bug that is currently standing out. There's no downside for him to do it either.
If Reade herself is saying she didn't file a complaint, there wouldn't be any corroborating document in the University of Delaware or The National Archives.


Aug 22, 2018
This is a pretty dangerous line of thinking, most commonly used to justify police states.

"If you're innocent, why wouldn't you just let the police search you? This is assuming you're not hiding anything however"

"If you're not a criminal, why would you care that the government is accessing doorbell cameras/phone records/web metadata and surveilling everyone? This is assuming you're not hiding anything however"

"If you're innocent, why would you plead the fifth? Assuming you're not hiding anything however"

etc etc

It's expected that presidential candidates release their tax records, which certainly doesn't apply in a police investigation.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 29, 2017
You understand that this will never happen though, right? He can do this privately (not that I believe he would), but publicly it would be an automatic Trump + 4 years.

He shouldn't have run for office in the first place. If Trump gets another term it won't be the fault of Tara Reade, Bernie Sanders, people who didn't want to vote for a rapist or even the electoral college, it will be the fault of Joe Biden for running and the DNC for going all in despite his creepyness, the sexual assault allegation and the fact that he may be the second most incoherent politican in America behind Donald Trump.


The Jackrabbit Always Wins
Oct 25, 2017
New York
Hillary was always screwed because of those emails that got deleted. I don't think releasing the University of Delaware files would end this entirely, but it would squash a bug that is currently standing out. There's no downside for him to do it either.
There's likely a metric ton of downside for him to do because there's probably skeletons in that closet. If there was no downside do you really think he would be refusing?


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
He shouldn't have run for office in the first place. If Trump gets another term it won't be the fault of Tara Reade, Bernie Sanders, people who didn't want to vote for a rapist or even the electoral college, it will be the fault of Joe Biden for running and the DNC for going all in despite his creepyness, the sexual assault allegation and the fact that he may be the second most incoherent politican in America behind Donald Trump.
No it would be the fault of the people who want him to be the president more so than anyone else. Those people being voters


Oct 27, 2017
Why do some of you guys want Biden to fail. He's our only hope. Though luck. There's no alternative. Just swallow it full. It isn't fair? God knows it isn't. Welcome to planet earth.

I could never support a rapist.

Don't tell me there's no alternative, there are plenty of alternatives. I'm not going to start supporting rapists. I understand others will for various reasons, but for me there is a line and he has crossed it.

Perhaps thankfully, i'm not in a position to vote as I am not from the US, but I would not be voting for Biden. This isn't me just being 'Bernie or nobody', there are plenty of Democrats I would personally vote for as the 'lesser of two evils' (e.g. Clinton, Warren, Klobuchar). I draw the line at a rapist.

I will never describe a rapist as 'our only hope'.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly that is a much better response than I expected. Addressing the inconsistencies. calling for a records review, what else could he say?

That is if he didn't do it of course.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Good response. I don't know what else people expected him to say.


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Shitty, but expected. I wouldn't have been satisfied with anything less than "im stepping down"". This is going to come back and bite him in the ass come November.


Nov 10, 2017
I agree with this ostensibly. Except for the fact that Joe Biden is a public figure. A simple search for files with her name in it would be enough.

He has explained why there would be no personnel files there. Any "search" of thousands of boxes that the University says aren't even cataloged yet would open a ridiculous fishing expedition. Tara Reade claims a complaint was filed. Joe pointed to where it would be. Let's see what turns up


Jul 28, 2018
He shouldn't have run for office in the first place. If Trump gets another term it won't be the fault of Tara Reade, Bernie Sanders, people who didn't want to vote for a rapist or even the electoral college, it will be the fault of Joe Biden for running and the DNC for going all in despite his creepyness, the sexual assault allegation and the fact that he may be the second most incoherent politican in America behind Donald Trump.
It is so frustrating how so many people here act like Joe failing is anyone's fault but his. His one job from now until November is to get people to vote for him. If he can't do that, why the hell did he even run?


Oct 25, 2017
I agree with this ostensibly. Except for the fact that Joe Biden is a public figure. A simple search for files with her name in it would be enough. He is entitled to not give it up, the police shouldn't force him, but the people he expects to vote for him should expect him to. If he doesn't then the public should hold him accountable politically. Additionally, if his goal is to defeat Trump and he is innocent then it's a moral necessity for him to fully discredit this story.

It's not a "simple search" because it's hard copies of information in various boxes (I think 1800+?) and we're in the middle of a pandemic. Library is shut down at the moment. You'd need a team of people to read through everything even if it's already sorted by year and that'd be quite a project.

We might see them figure out something but it's pretty worthless if Tara Reade doesn't agree to whoever is doing a search. That person/people would also have to agree not to leak stuff that didn't directly relate to Reade. Even if she's happy with the search you'd have people cooking up conspiracy theories at this point if it doesn't turn up anything.


Oct 27, 2017
He shouldn't have run for office in the first place. If Trump gets another term it won't be the fault of Tara Reade, Bernie Sanders, people who didn't want to vote for a rapist or even the electoral college, it will be the fault of Joe Biden for running and the DNC for going all in despite his creepyness, the sexual assault allegation and the fact that he may be the second most incoherent politican in America behind Donald Trump.



Oct 25, 2017
I'm not trying to judge this on a curve or anything along those lines. I have intentionally not jumped in to these discussions prior because I'm not quite sure how to feel about it. If anything resembling a credible accusation emerges, societal expectation should be that the claim should at least be investigated - At least. But in a lot of threads where it has nothing to do with anything, in a lot of threads where this is discussed, it seems like no matter what is said or done, some users here and elsewhere aren't going to give Joe Biden credit for anything at all here.

To be clear, Biden wasn't my first, second, or third choice for the nomination of the Democratic Party. But in this scenario, I have literally no idea what those users actually want from him if they're being genuine and sincere. He denied these allegations pretty strongly a year ago. He's now put out what I, at least, consider to be a more than decent statement with regards to this issue, and actually welcomed an investigation into this. He's made a request to bring up these documents if they exist so that everyone can see it. He will have no control over what they put out. But some of you are still acting like this isn't enough.

Insofar as the University of Delaware stuff, I'm sure that's where all the latest conspiracy theorists will go to, but I mean, who would donate personnel files to that specific archive? It doesn't really have any bearing there, and never did. I don't understand why that would be "suspicious" or acting like he's hiding something. This seems to be a more than earnest effort to clear his name. Taking claims of sexual harassment or assault seriously is a good thing, but in this case, we should look at the totality of the situation and at least afford Joe Biden some semblance of innocent until proven guilty here.

This is pretty much where I'm at. If additional concrete evidence appears, it's more to reconsider.

To overturn wholly unrelated leaves --which is what is in the university and makes it an acid washed emails sitch -- makes it seem more like an axe to grind than anything and just is being done in the name of potential oppo. It's supposed to be about justice.

Speaking for myself, If a non sham investigation is done and beyond-reasonable-doubt conclusions are missing, that's good enough for me. That satisfies my understanding of the importance of "believe women" (that is, take each and every claim seriously and investigate it thoroughly; don't dismiss out of hand), and ensures there is some relatively objective measure to find justice. Texture changes if something is found in the related archive with personnel documents, however.

Overall I think the appearance helped Biden. Unless he's heinous and things are found, this should serve as his statement for a while.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
I agree with this ostensibly. Except for the fact that Joe Biden is a public figure. A simple search for files with her name in it would be enough. He is entitled to not give it up, the police shouldn't force him, but the people he expects to vote for him should expect him to. If he doesn't then the public should hold him accountable politically. Additionally, if his goal is to defeat Trump and he is innocent then it's a moral necessity for him to fully discredit this story.

The line of thinking you use feels similar to when people justify saying horribly offensive things with "But freedom of speech" (Obviously you're acting in much better faith than the people that use that argument, but you get my point nonetheless). Just because something is legal does not mean it is moral and arguing against an action does not mean you think it should be illegal.
I agree here. I was mostly going after the "unless you have something to hide" part of what I was quoting. Biden not doing something that could exonerate him isn't and shouldn't be read as evidence itself of guilt. In the same a missing email server can't itself be presumed to contain damning Benghazi emails or whatever.

What I'd want to know is if Biden's claim that the complaint would be in the National Archives is true or not (is that actually where they all go, I don't know)?


Oct 25, 2017
There's likely a metric ton of downside for him to do because there's probably skeletons in that closet. If there was no downside do you really think he would be refusing?
Yeah there's something in there he doesn't want people to see. Whether it's related to Tara Reade or not, we may never know.
Nov 21, 2017
Hillary was always screwed because of those emails that got deleted. I don't think releasing the University of Delaware files would end this entirely, but it would squash a bug that is currently standing out. There's no downside for him to do it either.

There is an obvious downside. There's a reason files like these are usually only released after a politician retires. They reveal 'how the sausage is made' with regards to law-making, foreign affairs, and general politicking. They reveal frank, candid, and ugly discussions and quotes that could be used as political fodder. Just think of all the mileage that was gotten from all of the Clinton campaign emails

Simon Belmont

Oct 25, 2017
User banned (1 week): Tone policing other assault victims
That tweet from 2017 where she refers to him as "My old boss" doesn't sit right with me. Maybe it's just me, but I know I don't refer to the guy who tried to get me drunk and rape me as "My old drinking buddy". I wouldn't like a bunch of his tweets. I wouldn't like a bunch of tweets praising him. I know people do funny things, but I just get so much cognitive dissonance when I try to reconcile that stuff.


Nov 26, 2017
I agree here. I was mostly going after the "unless you have something to hide" part of what I was quoting. Biden not doing something that could exonerate him isn't and shouldn't be read as evidence itself of guilt. In the same a missing email server can't itself be presumed to contain damning Benghazi emails or whatever.

What I'd want to know is if Biden's claim that the complaint would be in the National Archives is true or not (is that actually where they all go, I don't know)?
This cnn article at least has a statement to that effect.


Oct 25, 2017
There is an obvious downside. There's a reason files like these are usually only released after a politician retires. They reveal 'how the sausage is made' with regards to law-making, foreign affairs, and general politicking. They reveal frank, candid, and ugly discussions and quotes that could be used as political fodder. Just think of all the mileage that was gotten from all of the Clinton campaign emails
The demand isn't that he release the whole set of records, only that he allow a search for records relating to Tara Reade and release any that are found.


Apr 6, 2018
That tweet from 2017 where she refers to him as "My old boss" doesn't sit right with me. Maybe it's just me, but I know I don't refer to the guy who tried to get me drunk and rape me as "My old drinking buddy". I wouldn't like a bunch of his tweets. I wouldn't like a bunch of tweets praising him. I know people do funny things, but I just get so much cognitive dissonance when I try to reconcile that stuff.
This is really bad I'm sorry. This is the reason women don't come forward. We can be better than this


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, you can definitely tell he was a federal prosecutor as he's more concerned with poking holes in the story than finding the truth (also the weird Sanders - Russia connection he not so subtly tries to make). But I'm guessing a (far better) PR version of the main topics will end up as the main argument against the allegation. Even if it's not fair to the accuser.

It's a shitty situation where neither side can ever prove themselves right and the truth could very well be in a gray area. All we're ever gonna get is hot takes from 3rd parties. There's no winners to be had here, especially for other victims of sexual assault.

I'd argue he must've been a shitty prosecutor if that's how he thought of victims of sexual assault. Anyone with experience in that realm knows that delayed reporting, leaving out key details (especially to a man), not remembering specific details, etc. all of that is common for victims of sexual violence.

That tweet from 2017 where she refers to him as "My old boss" doesn't sit right with me. Maybe it's just me, but I know I don't refer to the guy who tried to get me drunk and rape me as "My old drinking buddy". I wouldn't like a bunch of his tweets. I wouldn't like a bunch of tweets praising him. I know people do funny things, but I just get so much cognitive dissonance when I try to reconcile that stuff.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Often times victims try to downplay the abuser's behavior and excuse what they did, especially if they personally liked the individual before the incident. Things like "boys will be boys" is actually an excuse victims themselves will repeat.

Mar Tuuk

Oct 31, 2017
I had to put these two headlines together


Oct 25, 2017
Good response. I don't know what else people expected him to say.
Barring new victims or evidence coming to light, this was always going to be the eventual outcome. He handled this about as well as he could politically (for now) and did it without trashing Reade like Trump has done with his victims with defenses like "she's not even my type".

He wasn't going to sway everyone but he did enough to probably assuage his political allies on the left.


Oct 25, 2017
It's one thing to have said nothing, but to have publicly praised the person? Come on, she could have said or liked nothing. It's weird to have publicly praised him.
really who knows? i'm sure similar dynamics are at play when victims of abuse from family members don't speak out, or indeed, act as if everything was good. it's a pretty bad situation. not that im saying that this is what happened here. but i dont think it's unreasonable that this is something quite common.


Apr 6, 2018
I agree here. I was mostly going after the "unless you have something to hide" part of what I was quoting. Biden not doing something that could exonerate him isn't and shouldn't be read as evidence itself of guilt. In the same a missing email server can't itself be presumed to contain damning Benghazi emails or whatever.

What I'd want to know is if Biden's claim that the complaint would be in the National Archives is true or not (is that actually where they all go, I don't know)?
It's good we can come to an agreement here: "unless you have something to hide" was definitely wrong phrasing on my part.


Oct 27, 2017
Fuck. Joe. Biden. Opening the National Archives doesn't mean jack shit to me for the following reasons:

  • Documents are stolen on a regular basis from the National Archives and enough people are actually caught for it which makes me immediately question the reliability of the info.
  • Not allowing access to the University of Delaware files where his campaign had been suspected of scrubbing docs because "there's nothing there" is damning as fuck.
  • Releasing a hand-picked single library of documents explains absolutely nothing. Proves absolutely nothing.
  • Biden was a Senator for 30 years. No Presidential campaign would open the archives if there was any risk in doing so. If this results in not finding a single bit of useful info Republicans could use against him - that would be suspicious in-of-itself.

Simon Belmont

Oct 25, 2017
really who knows? i'm sure similar dynamics are at play when victims of abuse from family members don't speak out, or indeed, act as if everything was good. it's a pretty bad situation.

But that's usually in the context of the family dynamic, not from across the internet long after the family dynamic no longer exists.

Just doesn't make sense to me.


Apr 6, 2018
It's one thing to have said nothing, but to have publicly praised the person? Come on, she could have said or liked nothing. It's weird to have publicly praised him.
It's weird? Maybe she hadn't processed what had happened to her yet or dissociated from it. I don't know how hard I can hammer home the idea that: this kind of talk makes women stay silent.

Why he couldn't have raped you. You guys were friends for years after!


Oct 27, 2017
At the end of the day, this is good enough for me. Let's see if a complaint is there. If it's not, I hope we can all move on.


Mar 8, 2019
Holy shit, i just watched the clip of him trying to answer why he won't allow access on a search for Tara's name in the files and it's so damn obvious he's lying. His body language and stuttering says it all.

Edit: I was unaware Joe had a stutter and have since apologised after having it brought. to my attention. Sorry
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Chaos Legion

The Wise Ones
Oct 30, 2017
Yeah there's something in there he doesn't want people to see. Whether it's related to Tara Reade or not, we may never know.
In files he donated for preservation. Lol.

Holy shit, i just watched the clip of him trying to answer why he won't allow access on a search for Tara's name in the files and it's so damn obvious he's lying. His body language and stuttering says it all.
His physical disability is your barometer of truthfulness? The fuck.


Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (3 days): drive-by trolling
now is half of this thread getting banned or did we stop believing women


Oct 25, 2017
really who knows? i'm sure similar dynamics are at play when victims of abuse from family members don't speak out, or indeed, act as if everything was good. it's a pretty bad situation.

You have to take both the inconsistencies into account and the fact that it's something that can commonly happen when sexual assault victims come forward because they were scared/embarrassed/traumatized etc of telling the whole story publicly.

We have a plausible explanation as to why the story may have changed, but that doesn't mean any inconsistencies don't matter at all. Ultimately we should be trying to determine what we think actually happened based on reporting/facts.


Master of the Reality Stone
Oct 25, 2017
Metro Detroit


He's already addressed his creepiness. Hidden behind boomer logic, but says he'll do better.

I feel like these gifs need repeating in every thread on the subject... They all make my skin crawl... Red flags galore...



The thing is I really want to go canvassing and campaigning against Trump during the election. I just refuse to do so for a sexual predator. Please resign.

Deleted member 203

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
That tweet from 2017 where she refers to him as "My old boss" doesn't sit right with me. Maybe it's just me, but I know I don't refer to the guy who tried to get me drunk and rape me as "My old drinking buddy". I wouldn't like a bunch of his tweets. I wouldn't like a bunch of tweets praising him. I know people do funny things, but I just get so much cognitive dissonance when I try to reconcile that stuff.
wow this post fucking sucks. we're really just grasping at straws now to call rape victims liars huh
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