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Oct 29, 2017
It was the third best piece of anything related to the Alien franchise. Simple story, but well done. Beautiful and amazingly well realized world. Beautiful sound and visuals. Fucking super intense gameplay, I was genuinely terrified and nervous very often. It's a shame we couldn't explore the Alien world further through games because I think the devs would have done a way better job than anything in this franchise done by Ridley in the last few years...



Oct 25, 2017
Best Alien game ever and my GotY of 2014. I agree it could use a sequel but I'm happy it can stand on it's own rather than being stretched thin, watered down, and otherwise ruined.


Oct 27, 2017
Game was too scary for me. I never even got to see the beastie itself, the atmosphere was palpable and I had to check out.


Oct 25, 2017
This game shouldn't get a sequel. Hot take. I love it, it was my GotY of 2014, but it stands on its own and I don't want to go back through the motions.


Oct 25, 2017
I never ended up getting it due to the complaints it was far too long and over stayed it's welcome. Game still has a lot of fans but the general consensus is what could have been an incredible 7-8 hour experience was dragged to 15-16 hours.


Oct 28, 2017
I never ended up getting it due to the complaints it was far too long and over stayed it's welcome. Game still has a lot of fans but the general consensus is what could have been an incredible 7-8 hour experience was dragged to 15-16 hours.
It's most certainly true, but despite the length issues it's still ends up being one of the best horror games ever made and certainly worth playing, especially for the kind of price you can find it for now.


Oct 27, 2017
This game shouldn't get a sequel. Hot take. I love it, it was my GotY of 2014, but it stands on its own and I don't want to go back through the motions.

I agree with this. There's not much to improve upon and it would either feel like repetition or too much of a deviation from what made the first work. Not every great game needs a sequel.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a massive game, uniformly excellent, and it really seems like a case where they milked the maximum potential of that universe and concept. Probably more interesting at this point to see the dev tackle something else about which they're super passionate. :)


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
I don't think it sold very well being such a early PS4 game

Also creative assembly is just too busy making Total war


My ass legally belongs to Ted Price
Oct 17, 2019
This game was too good for this world. My head-canon is that this game and Arkane's Prey's spirit are frolicking hand in hand in game IP heaven, all the while us sad fuckers are praying that Dead Space might one day leave IP limbo and come out of it's coma.

Beth Cyra

Oct 26, 2017
I thought the game was good, not great so I wouldn't have minded a sequel that improved on it.

I do wonder how the Switch port sold as I was shocked they even put it on the platform.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Oct 27, 2017
It didn't need one. It's a great one-off experience imo.

I honestly think they did everything they could with the concept except for maybe VR.


May 6, 2019
There was a sequel! Alien: Blackout was a mobile game that came out last year and it was a direct plot followup to Isolation. It's essentially Five Nights at Freddy's: Alien Edition, though that might be overselling it. It clearly had a tiny budget. It was an interesting experiment, but very short and simple. I can't really recommend it. There was also a line of comics that continued Amanda Ripley's story. Plus a "movie" adaptation of Isolation that mostly consisted of awkwardly lit and animated character models from the game superimposed over gameplay footage. It was baffling.

But yeah, a true sequel would be awesome. Isolation is still the best implementation of the "stalker" focused horror gameplay concept, and deserves to be iterated on. I've always imagined a sequel having multiple Alien archetypes to hunt and be hunted by, sometimes working as a pack, with abilities and tactics you need to play around with your gadgetry. Co-op would be a natural fit for this style of gameplay too, though maybe as a side mode rather than the main course.

And no way was Isolation twice as long as it should've been. They could've cut, like, two chapters maybe.

Lol, to be honest, very few good games got a sequel this gen. :-(

My main gripe is that Alien Isolation never came to PSVR.
Maybe it's best as one off experiencejust want see it ported to vr.
If you have a PC capable of it, MotherVR is there for you. There's probably even a way to use a PSVR headset on PC to play it this way, though it might not be an ideal experience. I played the whole game in VR in 2018 and it was awesome.
Oct 27, 2017
I would have loved for the studio to do other horror works instead. Imagine them doing for Friday the 13th, Terminator, the thing or Halloween what they did for Alien. So much potential.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a disgrace, really. Isolation is one of the best horror games of the generation, and probably the best Alien-related media piece in decades.

I wish Sega gave them another chance. They got some amazing talent and genuine love for the property. I remember in the previous forum posting some threads, despite me hardly ever creating threads, since it was obvious it was flying under the radar for almot everyone.

Shame it's gonna remain just that, a cult classic. Which at least is more than many games, at least.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I wish the dev got rewarded for their efforts. As a major Alien fan, seeing that world come to life so perfect is incredible.

Virtua Saturn

Oct 27, 2017
Probably my favorite horror game this green. Also, scariest media I experienced. Nothing scares me like that did. Give me Jurassic Park Isolation or Terminator Isolation.


Jun 19, 2019
They did a comic series sequel and phone game. Both are alright. What they really should have done was add a 5v1 multiplayer game in it but not being able to kill the alien and the alien always being AI.


Nov 14, 2017
Yeah, it is. My GOAT horror game and also in my top 10 of all time. So damn good.

I never ended up getting it due to the complaints it was far too long and over stayed it's welcome. Game still has a lot of fans but the general consensus is what could have been an incredible 7-8 hour experience was dragged to 15-16 hours.

My first playthrough was like 35 hours. I wish it was 1000 hours long personally.
Oct 25, 2017
It is a tragedy. It surely had more content than it needed, but fuck, it was such a special game. I really wanted to see how CA could evolve the Alien and other stuff. :(


Oct 25, 2017
I never finished the game. It was kind of boring.

Now, I know that it's probably controversial but Dead Space managed to make an engaging shooting game that was horror so why couldn't Alien? I understand they didn't want to make a shooter but the game ended up being way too long and tedious


Nov 2, 2017
The game is great and while it's not scary it's probably the most tense a horror game has made me. I wish the story was more original and that there was a proper ending.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Oct 29, 2017
Creative Assembly could probably do an amazing take on The Thing...


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know what they could've done with a sequel that wouldn't have felt like a rehash, but I would've been interested to see. It's a very special game, and clearly the dev team put in maximum effort to capture the world of the first movie. The audio design is just incredible, and obviously the Alien AI was unlike anything I had seen before.

It wasn't a sales failure, but still probably not worth how much money got put into it. Honestly I think it coming out only a year after Colonial Marines completely shit the bed killed a lot of its sales potential.


Nov 12, 2017
I wonder what it would take to green light it. It may become more action based with the hopes to get more sales because many people don't like the feeling of helplessness. I'd take whatever they would give me at this point, but prefer they keep the tone of the original but have it take place in a huge alien ship that humans found hidden on a planet. Perhaps also have it be underwater. The 2020 movie Underwater was bad, but the concept had potential.


Oct 27, 2017
Look, Sega, if you're not going to do us the courtesy of following this up with a sequel then the least you can do is give us Jurassic Park Isolation instead.


Game Designer
Nov 5, 2017
I really, really, wanted to like this game but I stopped playing at one of the Working Joe moments. Not exactly 'isolation' when your game filled with zombie style enemies.

I bought the DLC for the solo/random mode but the tool controls were too complex without playing the campaign. I was usually lost and bored, and relieved to lose.

I wonder what a 6 hour version of this game would be like.


Nice thread btw :)
Oct 25, 2017
Man this gam was too good for this world, if you completed you would understand on why it's the greatest hame adaptation of a movie franchise.

Creative Assumably made a cult classic, much like the original movie.

I would have loved for the studio to do other horror works instead. Imagine them doing for Friday the 13th, Terminator, the thing or Halloween what they did for Alien. So much potential.

This x100000000000000000000000


Aug 31, 2018
I cant praise this game enough

It's one of the Top 5 of this generation, imo

They nailed absolutely everything.

I even love the games length. It really felt like a journey, I was fucking exausted and relieved at the end, as I should be, just like Ripley.

I doubt that they would be able to surpass this masterpiece with a sequel, so I'm good.

Having a Switch port so I could play it anywhere was just the cherry on top


Oct 27, 2017
Maybe we get at least a remaster for next gen for PSVR2.

And I am still dreaming about that one terminator game someone on this board proposed and a proper The Thing game.

John Frost

Oct 27, 2017
I never ended up getting it due to the complaints it was far too long and over stayed it's welcome. Game still has a lot of fans but the general consensus is what could have been an incredible 7-8 hour experience was dragged to 15-16 hours.

It doesn't drag that much, why not give it a go still? It's cheap as hell.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
No doubt in my mind the reception of Aliens Colonial Marines had an impact on Alien Isolation's sales.


Alt Account
Apr 16, 2020
This has been on my To Play list since first hearing its reception when it was released, and it's built within me an Alien Isolation guilt complex haha because I regularly see the cult following the game has, and never end up playing it.

I recently built my first Gaming PC with overkill GPU and I have Sony Noise Cancelling Headphones as well. Is now the time to scare the hell out of myself :P

RE7 is another one I haven't played and have similarly built a guilt complex around not playing. What's scarier. RE7 in VR or Alien Isolation?

Also I think perhaps what I say to myself is a guilt complex is actually a fear complex haha


Jun 7, 2018
Isolation is one of the best games released, but I would love a Aliens marine sequel instead, made by CA or any other competent studio not called Gearbox, still mad at the crap we got in the form of Aliens Colonial Marine.


Oct 28, 2017
I never ended up getting it due to the complaints it was far too long and over stayed it's welcome. Game still has a lot of fans but the general consensus is what could have been an incredible 7-8 hour experience was dragged to 15-16 hours.
For what's worth, I thought it was the perfect length. The game had really good pacing and changed things up enough throughout. But obviously if you don't enjoy the base gameplay then you'll be sick of it all halfway through the thing.

If anything I do think the game doesn't have a very strong opening.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah I just wanna add to the people saying it was a great game. Best Alien sequel in my opinion. I hope Creative Assembly make another horror game at some point.
Mar 22, 2020
A great, great game and even though Creative Assembly is still primarily an RTS developer, they did a bang up job. That said, I've read somewhere SEGA thought the sales figures were a tad disappointing.


Sep 23, 2019
One of the best game of the generation, even if I played only the (very good) Xbox 360 version.

I finished the game on hard, but I can't ever get into the DLC, tho.