
Oct 25, 2017
Kinda? But not really. It has horror elements but it's there as a vehicle for the larger narrative.


Jan 14, 2019
It can get really fucking tense when you're sneaking around the clickers. More than most horror games imo.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017

The Last of Us is mostly tense as others have said. Some enemies like clickers and bloaters come across as scary, but they're not the typical horror type of enemies. They are more akin to wild animals.

Ferocious animals, ofcourse.


Oct 29, 2017
As many others have said the generator part is the only section I got sweaty palmed with. Its a tense game, not openly scary. The section above did enough to make me not want to replay the game though lol (I'm not good with scary games)


Oct 27, 2017
Era, I have not played The Last of Us. I know, I know this is a travesty in the eyes of many, but I haven't had the opportunity to get it (my PS3 died early on in its career with the YLOD).

Now I do have that chance thanks to PS+ on my PS4 with The Last of Us HD Remastered. I have avoided hitting that download button because of one thing: I cannot handle horror games, or anything designed to get me scared...because I get scared quite easily. I don't know much about anything regarding this game, but my impression is that this is a horror/thriller type game. Is my impression correct?

Should I go for it?

I mean, if you don't really like the zombies in the Resident Evil games, then you might not like the Clickers. For me at least, the initial part of the game was the best, because it had the most horror elements (there are other sections too, but they are somewhat sparse). It's mostly just a stealth action game with some light horror elements here and there.

For me at least though, I can't really relate to something being "scary" in the sense that many give that word to mean around here. To me, being "scared" is just being on edge, or worried/anxious/fearful about a tense situation, and TLOU has plenty of those that have nothing to do with the stereotypical definition of horror.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I don't enjoy scary games. I've completed The Last of Us 6 times.

There are a couple of moments (the hotel basement - already mentioned) but overall not so much. But I don't consider Bioshock scary once you've left Medical Pavilion.


Oct 27, 2017
Not that scary.
I can't play scary games. For example I LOVE to play Alien: Isolation and other games like Soma and RE2&7, but just can't!
But The Last of Us wasn't that scary for me and finished it 2 times on PS3 and now play it on PS4. It has some scary parts (like the generator part that made me scare like a little baby), but whole thing isn't a horror game in my opinion.


Apr 27, 2019
The humans are more scary than the monsters in this game. Which is why it's such a good game.


Oct 28, 2017
If I can make it you can too. I could barely stand RE7. Getting more scared with every year. But I don't look at TLOU as a horror game at all.


Nov 27, 2017
There is one particular segment that made me threw my headset across the room, but other than that it's not a horror game. But like many said: it can be pretty tense. All in all it's still mainly a survival adventure game with heavy focus on stealth and melee.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
So I only got to play the game for like a half hour last night. My kid went to bed late. The little that I did play already has me feeling some type of way though. I didn't do much gameplay since the beginning of games like this are mostly story beats, but I was already feeling emotional.

SPOILERS to follow.

I knew that Joel's daughter was going to die. These type of stories start in tragedy so I knew what was coming. Despite knowing that, there I went formulating some type of attachment. What pissed me off was that it was a soldier that killed her instead of one of those zombie people, or even worse if she was infected and Joel would have to be the one to put her down.

I definitely understand what you guys are saying about it being intense though, but I'm enjoying it so far. Will see how it goes when I get more time with it. I wanna sink some serious hours into it.

Deleted member 6263

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Nice, glad to hear you're enjoying it so far OP. Keep us updated, I'll be replaying the game w/ you after many years.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
LTTP: The Last of Us

I don't think I will continue this game. Before you jump on my back, hear me out. So far I'm LOVING the story of this game. It's truly engaging. The characters shine, and the voice acting is top notch stuff. However I'm not a fan of the gameplay of this game.


I'm at the point in the story where I just finished the mission where we had to travel across town to find a car with the character, Bill. Shortly after we are ambushed by some humans and we killed them. I'm not sure how far along in the story this is, but as far as the gameplay goes, I think this is far enough to determine whether or not I wanna continue, in which I've decided not to.

My main complaints are as follows, the game feels slow, and the controls feel wonky to me. There is a dedicated run button, but even when I'm running I feel slow, and I can't help but get frustrated. Outside of some set piece scenes, it's basically moving from one stealth section to the next. This is doubly frustrating when there are certain actions that Joel must do like climb this ladder, or go up this ledge, and I'm hammering away at the X button and Joel just stands there and stares. It's also happened to me twice where I got stuck in a climbing animation, and then I fell into a game over screen. Not game breaking by any means, but still worth pointing out.

This leads into the fear factor, which was the original premise of this thread. Let me see how I can describe this...

I'm not scared while playing this game. The novelty of the Clickers wear off really quickly. Actually, Runners scare me more than the Clickers because, once they spot you, all hell breaks loose. I'm not scared while playing this game, but I feel DREAD. I feel hopeless. And to ND's credit, maybe that's what they were going for. This is not a pleasant feeling for me, and I find that I can't wait to just get to the next cutscene. See where the slow pace of gameplay becomes frustrating in that regard?

Overall, I love this story so far, but I don't love this game. I've elected to just watch a Let's Play of the game to get the story side of things and not have to worry about reacting to things myself. I love Joel and Ellie, and their whole dynamic. I look forward to seeing how their relationship develops.

If anyone has questions I would be happy to answer the best I could.


Oct 25, 2017
LTTP: The Last of Us

I don't think I will continue this game. Before you jump on my back, hear me out. So far I'm LOVING the story of this game. It's truly engaging. The characters shine, and the voice acting is top notch stuff. However I'm not a fan of the gameplay of this game.


I'm at the point in the story where I just finished the mission where we had to travel across town to find a car with the character, Bill. Shortly after we are ambushed by some humans and we killed them. I'm not sure how far along in the story this is, but as far as the gameplay goes, I think this is far enough to determine whether or not I wanna continue, in which I've decided not to.

My main complaints are as follows, the game feels slow, and the controls feel wonky to me. There is a dedicated run button, but even when I'm running I feel slow, and I can't help but get frustrated. Outside of some set piece scenes, it's basically moving from one stealth section to the next. This is doubly frustrating when there are certain actions that Joel must do like climb this ladder, or go up this ledge, and I'm hammering away at the X button and Joel just stands there and stares. It's also happened to me twice where I got stuck in a climbing animation, and then I fell into a game over screen. Not game breaking by any means, but still worth pointing out.

This leads into the fear factor, which was the original premise of this thread. Let me see how I can describe this...

I'm not scared while playing this game. The novelty of the Clickers wear off really quickly. Actually, Runners scare me more than the Clickers because, once they spot you, all hell breaks loose. I'm not scared while playing this game, but I feel DREAD. I feel hopeless. And to ND's credit, maybe that's what they were going for. This is not a pleasant feeling for me, and I find that I can't wait to just get to the next cutscene. See where the slow pace of gameplay becomes frustrating in that regard?

Overall, I love this story so far, but I don't love this game. I've elected to just watch a Let's Play of the game to get the story side of things and not have to worry about reacting to things myself. I love Joel and Ellie, and their whole dynamic. I look forward to seeing how their relationship develops.

If anyone has questions I would be happy to answer the best I could.
So you are stopping because of the feeling of slowness? That's fine, just watch a video of the game if you are invested in the story.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
So you are stopping because of the feeling of slowness? That's fine, just watch a video of the game if you are invested in the story.
It's also the sense of dread that I mentioned too. You combine the two and it's just not translating into a fun experience for me. But yes, I already started watching a Let's Play this morning. :)


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
It's also the sense of dread that I mentioned too. You combine the two and it's just not translating into a fun experience for me. But yes, I already started watching a Let's Play this morning. :)
Huh I'm surprised you feel dread to that level. I myself can't stand horror games but forced myself to play through re7 because it was a gift. That game made me feel dread like no other. Didn't help that I played it in vr :P
i had a friend present for re7 so that definitely made it feel a lot less scary
I finished it!


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017

I pushed through for a bit for the story's sake but I stopped playing for a while once I got to the infamous generator section that everyone mentioned. I had started watching a Let's Play that covered that section, but still I couldn't get past it (I'm a wimp I know, lol) when it came to me trying to play it myself. What I did was have my cousin who came to stay with me for a while visiting from the US, to play the section for me since he knew the game. After that i continued playing, and while there was always this sense that shit could go down at any moment, it wasn't as bad once I started playing again.

This game and its characters really makes you feel like I've never experienced in a game before. The storytelling is superb. Naughty Dog did an impeccable job in that department. The gameplay was good, not great. The controls still felt kinda wonky to me, but I adjusted to it well enough. By this point I was totally invested in the characters. I felt joy, panic, love and grief. I felt it all playing this story.

Henry and, I really wish things turned out differently for them. I'm an optimist by nature, but this game brings you back to Earth real quick. I was heartbroken when they died. I wanted so bad for them to survive.

When Joel almost died, I couldn't imagine the series without his character anymore.

When Ellie was kidnapped by David and his men, I so desperately wanted to get her back. David got exactly what he deserved....

When we finally got to the Fireflies. And it was revealed that Ellie would die if they went through with the surgery, I understood Joel's actions completely. Imagine losing your baby girl. Imagine being so cold after a tragedy like that. Imagine coming in contact with someone, getting to know them for a year, taking them under your wing, growing to love them like your own, and then having to give that person up. Would you do it?

All in all, a wonderful experience for the story. Would I play it again? I don't think so. But I'm glad I did play it. I'm glad I 'pushed' through.