
Oct 27, 2017
You don't have to share the same opinion as other people.

We get so many threads like this, lol.


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
i don´t like the device at all..lackluster games, awkward to hold in mobile mode and underpowered. just keeping it for Fire Emblem and Metroid Prime 4.

it is like paying the Nintendo tax to play a few games for me, the device is severely lackluster and i play since 1987.

it just doesn´t do anything for me. honeymoon was over at launch when i played an hour of BOTW, stuttering along the plateau. it dawned to me that it was underpowered and i didn´t like BOTW at all.

this year i played 2 games on it: Hollow Knight and The Messenger. won´t even play a third game on it because i am not hot on Pokemon nor Smash Brothers.


Oct 28, 2017
I like the Switch, but it's not te revolution a lot of guys say it is. Good buy for me also because I like indies.


Nov 1, 2017
Gainesville, FL
Flipping through third party releases offers better results, but it's largely late ports and indie games that ended up elevated to retail releases. I'd definitely like to play Doom, Crash, and Skyrim someday, but $60 for any of those is tough to swallow when it's a fraction of the price on other platforms.

If you don't even own those platforms, why should it affect your purchase decision? You're going to pay $30 for Sushi Striker, but it's a stretch to double up for experiences orders of magnitude bigger? Ummm, ok...

Sell them when you're done then. I bought Doom for $48 and it still goes for $40 on eBay currently. Values stay high. I profited on many if the titles I bought during black Friday last year.

Third party is where Switch really falters vs Wii U.

The comparison of 1st party doesn't make any sense to me. The first year of Ninty software was NSMBU, NintyL, G&W, Pikmin 3, and 3DL. And there were 7 whole months in between the launch titles and G&W (critically panned). Kirby even has the same meta score as Rainbow Curse.

I think you're just losing interest in games (or Nintendo games specifically).

I get the digital concern. I bought LCU and regretted it immediately. Still, the titles are much cheaper and you can research the ones you should be purchasing like any other title. Letting it keep you from experiencing anything is ridiculous.

I probably wouldn't be crazy about the Switch either if I willingly ignored the majority of its library.


I like the Switch, but it's not te revolution a lot of guys say it is. Good buy for me also because I like indies.

I almost felt bad for the "Nintendo has turned a new leaf" people. I believed that once. They let me down as I expect them to every time now. It is the best hardware they've released in a while (actual build quality aside. I need a model that is made out of terrible plastic immediately).

i don´t like the device at all..lackluster games, awkward to hold in mobile mode and underpowered. just keeping it for Fire Emblem and Metroid Prime 4.

it is like paying the Nintendo tax to play a few games for me, the device is severely lackluster and i play since 1987.

it just doesn´t do anything for me. honeymoon was over at launch when i played an hour of BOTW, stuttering along the plateau. it dawned to me that it was underpowered and i didn´t like BOTW at all.

this year i played 2 games on it: Hollow Knight and The Messenger. won´t even play a third game on it because i am not hot on Pokemon nor Smash Brothers.

You're definitely in a very selective group with the Zelda impression considering that experience on its own caused shortages. It was exactly what I asked for out of Ninty's next portable. I wanted Wii U graphics, and that's what I got and more.
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Mar 8, 2018
Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

It's been a year and a half and I own 28 physical Switch games, 13 of which were released in 2018. I didn't own a Wii-U, so ports are brand new and exciting to me. I'd also rather buy multiplats on Switch because I want to be able to take games on road trips, or play when someone else is using the TV.

Meanwhile, I've had a PS4 since 2014, and have half as many games for it. The most recent release I bought on PS4 was Prey. I find it hard to get excited for releases like God of War or Spider-Man even though many people love those games.

I guess this is just a consequence of my preference for portable gaming over console. My first gaming device was a GBC, and since then I've owned more portable games than console games in every gen.

What I'm getting at is: the Switch can simultaneously have an incredible year for one person while being lackluster for another. It all depends on what you're looking for. Do you lean handheld over console? Do you value flexibility or performance in multiplats? How broad is your taste in genre? Financially, can you only afford to buy GOAT tier games, and there just weren't any on Switch this year? Have you already played ports?

These are all legitimate questions, and no one is "broken" for answering them in their own way.


Aug 5, 2018
EDIT: Also, I don't get ppl saying the switch is THE indie system, for many ppl like me it's not. the games play better and are cheaper on steam. Most of these great games ppl are mentioning here work very well on laptops with higher res, AA and fps

I feel it's mainly dependent on how much you value the portability of the Switch. As someone who travels a lot and legitimately can't justify getting new stationary consoles unless I want to lug them everywhere, the Switch is a godsend since it's such an upgrade compared to the 3DS. While I also have a decently powerful laptop, I value the ability to play anywhere like a handheld highly as someone who also commutes regularly. It's easier to find time to play during an incredibly busy day with a Switch on hand. When portability has that much value, any game is essentially enhanced when it offers that handheld portability. That's why so many people are willing to double dip on indies especially on Switch despite definitely owning more powerful hardware, since the graphical hit is low in exchange for that portability.

Granted, if the handheld aspect of Switch is completely useless to you, than it's basically just a weaker stationary console. There's no reason to get the Switch version like you said, since every other place has it cheaper and can usually run it better. But those are definitely not the people who say they're willing to double dip on indies, and are essentially the minority when looking at total Switch owners. The reason the majority of Switch owners either use it exclusively as a handheld or use it as both a stationary console and handheld is because that handheld portability aspect gives every Switch title extra value compared to all the other versions for those people. It's a niche many people didn't even realize they fit until getting a Switch.


Oct 27, 2017
Not everyone has to be crazy about everything because it's popular. We're not sheep.

I have a Switch and while I love the hardware, I own only 3 games, one I have finished, the other I have dropped half way through, and the third I didn't like at all. And I'm struggling to find anything else that interests me on the console, not at the Nintendo Price anyway.


May 12, 2018
I've definitely enjoyed what I've played, but I feel that there's this overwhelming sense that the Switch is the best thing since sliced bread and I'm just not seeing it, especially compared to Nintendo's previous efforts.
Though you asked if you're broken, but it seems it more than that.

You mentioned games you haven't played, but then excuses for not playing them. You mentioned games not been there, but then ignore the games out there.

Maybe you just need to stop buying things and focus on what's out there and what you have.

You don't need to play Switch every day just because you bought it. You have two Xenoblade games. Play them, then see if you still feel like playing the recent one. Plus who knows what other Wii U and 3DS games you have. While that happens more Switch games will be out, prices or deals for games will be there.

Is like over the years, people just live in the now. And not in the concept of living in the present and ejoying things, but rather on wanting everything now and if everything is not there now, then it sucks and want to move onto the next "now".


Oct 25, 2017
Why do people think it's a bad thing to not enjoy something that others do? You don't like the Switch, and that's fine.

Big G

Oct 27, 2017
I love the Switch and play it almost daily, but you're not broken for thinking Nintendo's first-party lineup has been underwhelming so far. It'd be forgivable if they didn't cut back Wii U support during its last two years and if they weren't still releasing 3DS exclusives. Their 2018 lineup should not have been this weak.


Oct 25, 2017
This is all ignoring the selection of Digital games on the Switch, of course but digital games on any platform are tough to swallow for me. Buying any is a major risk because if you end up not caring for it, there's no recourse to getting your money back. No returns, no refunds. And with the huge number of digital games on the Switch eShop, trying to sift through the pile to find the gems is a real pain.

On top of that, once you finish a game, you're just stuck with it. No trade-ins, no re-selling it, even no giving it away. It makes it really hard to justify spending $20 or more on a digital game that I'm stuck with over a retail game that I have a bit more flexibility with.

It would help if there was a master list of "These games are worth your money" somewhere, but with so many indie games released every week, it's almost at steam levels where if you don't make it your business to pay attention, software slips through the cracks and you will basically never know it exists unless you make an effort to keep up with it.
The eShop does help to alleviate some of these issues at least a little bit. Not completely by any stretch of the imagination, but at least somewhat.

For one, there are now a decent number of games with free demos on there. Go to the search and hit the "Games with demos" option, and you'll get a whole list, so at least some things you can try before you buy. I've done this with games like Octopath Traveler, Dragon Quest Builders, Mighty Gunvolt Burst, Yoku's Island Express, Valkyria Chronicles 4, and Mega Man 11 to name a few. Some (like Octopath) even let you carry over progress to the main game. There's a best sellers list that is frequently topped by the best/hottest indie games as well as a featured games section that is usually populated with pretty good stuff. There's a channel on the News feed on the Switch that highlights indie games (I feel like the News section is an underrated feature in general). Despite being seemingly pretty bare bones, the Switch eShop actually does a pretty good job of making the best stuff discoverable.

They also have the coin system now where buying digital games gives you coins that you can then cash in as currency for other games. It's a pretty meager amount per item, but it can add up if you have a few things you want to buy. That's obviously not even close to being a replacement for being able to return games or get refunds, but it is at least something.


Oct 27, 2017
While I love the switch and have much more games I want to play then time to play those games, I can somewhat understand the op. Mainly because the switch is laclack that special anticipated game that's fun to get hyped about.

They had two of those last year. Smash Bros and Pokémon are huge but iterative sequels that don't do much for myself. I'm also not sure what they're gonna have in stores next year. Probably nothing that would match mario or Zelda.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm still banking on Nintendo's output in the future myself. All these old indies and old WiiU games that get re-released don't exactly make the Switch an attractive system for me; you can get indies on so many other systems and years earlier sometimes and with better performance. It certainly doesn't give the Switch any kind of identity.

Really the only selling points at this point are Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade 2 and its portability and that means jack shit to me (Zelda is also on WiiU and perfectly playable on it too). As of right now I'd say the Switch is probably the worst console Nintendo brought out next to the N64 (Virtual Boy is dead last of course). I still have confidence Nintendo's gonna bring the goods in the future, but as of now it's extremely slim pickings.

This is all just personal opinion of course, but even exclusive games like Mario Tennis, Octopath, Arms, Splatoon 2, 1-2 Switch, Kirby have either been disappointing or just more of the same. Upcoming games like Super Mario Party, Smash, Let's Go Pokemon also look like solid, but really predictable games. Nintendo is taking a shockingly long time to bring the goods and this comes from a borderline Nintendo apologist. I've never throughout my life been as down on Nintendo as I am right now. I'm really hoping they nail Metroid Prime 4, but at this point I have very little confidence they even understand what makes a Metroid game good.

Well it's a portable console, if you don't like portable consoles (handhelds) i can see why indies are nothing special for you on the switch. And Switch has a better lineup in it's first 1,5 years than Wii u had.

And no: "Zelda is also on WiiU and perfectly playable on it too"

It's not perfectly playable on Wii U, the Switch version is much better and i played the Wii U version for 200 hours.

In fact Switch already has awesome new 1st party games and will get much more in the future, plus all the Wii U games + more 3rd party games be it indies or not.

Deleted member 5535

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I love the Switch and play it almost daily, but you're not broken for thinking Nintendo's first-party lineup has been underwhelming so far. It'd be forgivable if they didn't cut back Wii U support during its last two years and if they weren't still releasing 3DS exclusives. Their 2018 lineup should not have been this weak.

It's not weak and the Switch isn't only a Nintendo machine as you can see by the best-selling games on the eshop. The problem is that for many of you it's just Nintendo when the console isn't just it. And even just Nintendo, they released more than 10 games on the console this year with 8 being new games.


Oct 27, 2017
It's that weird dry period. I remember it well from the Genesis days. There was this spell of so-so support after what was a very strong launch, and then it really picked up and didn't let up after that. I'm expecting we'll see the same heading into 2019 and beyond.

I have Octopath, Ys 8, and a ton of indies that I have yet to play. I'm kinda glad in a way things are slow because must-play games on other platforms aren't helping at all heading into these last few months of the year.

Big G

Oct 27, 2017
It's not weak and the Switch isn't only a Nintendo machine as you can see by the best-selling games on the eshop. The problem is that for many of you it's just Nintendo when the console isn't just it. And even just Nintendo, they released more than 10 games on the console this year with 8 being new games.
Sorry, the number of non-Nintendo games selling well on the eShop doesn't change my opinion of their first-party lineup being weak. Why would it? C'mon, no need to straw man me...


Oct 28, 2017
The Switch did end the endless handheld battle ("The PSP was all about console ports and didn't have real handheld games") and indies started to count ("off Vita only has indie games").

So it did something really good. Now a lot of people are waiting for the next Zelda or Mario: Odyssey.

I just finished Cat Quest on Switch and had lot's of fun!
But I don't see anything new for me the coming months (I never liked Smash and I don't like spin-off Pokemon). So I do understand OP, in some way.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, if you're were intending to rely on physical releases only and already played a bunch of Nintendo's 3DS and Wii U titles, I can see feeling as if the release schedule was thin. You should really get into digital purchases especially if you havent played a lot of indie titles outside of Nintendo platforms. They'll eventually be cheap enough that surely you'd be willing to lose some physical benefits and risk buying titles you might not be into after all right? And so many of the titles worth checking out on Switch have released elsewhere, surely there's enough coverage and consumer opinion available to reduce risk as well.
Oct 27, 2017
I pretty much bought it for Smash and BOTW. I've always viewed Nintendo systems to be supplementary to a primary console/PC.

Slam Tilt

Jan 16, 2018
Try this for fun.

1. Go into one of the Nintendo eShop threads (here's the current one)
2. Post a question like "Hey, can you recommend a few Switch games I should get?"
3. Get drowned with recommendations.
4. Buy a few games and enjoy.


Oct 28, 2017
The system and the game lineup haven't been everything I hoped for. Actually, they've fallen really far from what I wanted.

This Direct did nothing to help that. I'm not going to re-buy Mario U that I already played 6 years ago.

I've never owned a Playstation console and the only Microsoft platform that I've ever owned was the Xbox 360, so I've largely been a "Nintendo Only" gamer for the last 10 years or so. This isn't by any sort of blind fanboyism, simply a matter of free time and budgetary concerns. After all, if I was a millionaire with all the free time I could ever ask for I'd have every goddamn platform imaginable along with a ridiculous gaming PC.

I absolutely lovely the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS and still play both often. I have a ridiculous backlog for both platforms that I doubt I'll be done with anytime soon. I was a champion of Nintendo's software output in their darkest hour, almost to an exhausting degree, and even though many would argue that the Wii U was lacking software, I never found a time where I was out of things to play, though this may be thanks to my limited free time as an adult.

Honestly, get a PS4. It's kicking so much ass right now.
Jan 7, 2018
I love the concept of the switch, but the games have in general been really underwhelming. The only that i liked a lot was BOTW, which i actually played on the Wii U (couldn't not play it on day 1). Odyssey was okay, but Xenoblade 2 was legitmately one of the most disappointing games I've ever played. Octopath couldn't grab my attention, but I'm willing to give it another chance after I'm done with GoW on the PS4. Nothing else came close to interesting me. The pokemon game looks awful, but everyone knows that.

I'm eagerly waiting for Fire Emblem and SMT V tho. Hopefully they don't disappoint me.


Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA
If this direct didn't do anything, ya blew it.

There's tons of games in there that I'm sure are going to be great, but only a handful that I'm anxious to get my hands on.

[Edit: Katamari Damacy is a must buy, as is Super Mario Party and Starlink, but not a whole lot else sticks out in my head at the moment.]

[Edit 2: I'll likely also pick up Diablo 3 once it gets a few price drops. Played Diablo 2 to death back in the early 2000s but Diablo 3 ran like trash on my iMac at launch and thus I never really got around to playing it.]

Kinda starting to think I might just be growing out of (modern) videogames. :(
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Oct 28, 2017
I'm not necessarily trying to stay Nintendo exclusive, I just don't really have the money to spread around to other platforms right now.

That is a big concern, of course. But if you feel unhappy with your Switch, you might consider selling it off or trading it in to get something else. Then when/if the game lineup gets better, it's highly likely the system has seen a price cut or a hardware revision which would actually reward selling it off and buying it back later.


Oct 30, 2017
The Switch is humanity's greatest invention since the wheel.

Damn you nerds that are able to sit in front of a television all evening without the mrs. wanting to watch something!

Deleted member 3017

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
There's tons of games in there that I'm sure are going to be great, but only a handful that I'm anxious to get my hands on.

[Edit: Katamari Damacy is a must buy, as is Super Mario Party and Starlink, but not a whole lot else sticks out in my head at the moment.]

[Edit 2: I'll likely also pick up Diablo 3 once it gets a few price drops. Played Diablo 2 to death back in the early 2000s but Diablo 3 ran like trash on my iMac at launch and thus I never really got around to playing it.]

Kinda starting to think I might just be growing out of (modern) videogames. :(

Yeah, I think the last line sums it up pretty well. You're excited about a remaster of a game from 2004 but completely scoff at the dozens of great modern ports on the system, the vast majority of which aren't on any other Nintendo platform. You're willingly avoiding a slew of great games....just because, I guess? And "because they're digital" is a lame excuse, as many of these receive retail releases. If you owned another modern platform, I'd get it...but you don't.

Switch isn't the problem here.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
You've never owned a PS or Xbox. Dude you should swimming in Switch games then lol. Give something a try for once. Download a demo, jeez


Oct 25, 2017
I'm also on the boat with the people that aren't all that crazy or interested in the Switch. I have had it from day one and it's my least used system of the four I play most often (including the PC in there). The only Switch exclusive games that have interested me are Mario Odyssey, XC2 and Octopath. Beyond that it has been mostly ports of WiiU games that I already own, indie games that I have on PC/PS4/X1 already or new indie titles that I would rather play on the PS4. Even with the Direct today there were some interesting games that I'm looking forward to playing such as Luigi's Mansion 3 and maybe Animal Crossing, but the biggest news was all of the Final Fantasy games most of which I have already bought a few times each.

It's a shame that the people going crazy over the Switch didn't give the same support to the WiiU when it was relevant.


Oct 28, 2017
Raleigh, NC
This is the problem with putting all of your eggs in one platform's basket. You seem to have an emotional attachment to Nintendo as well (this isn't a slight) that will only make things worse.

I do think you're trying to keep up with the zeitgeist instead of just picking and choosing from what you already have. Disconnect from places like these. Let go of 'keeping up', make some headway with your backlog and when you're ready in months or a year for something new on the Switch, it'll be there.


Dec 5, 2017
As a Wii U owner, the Switch has been a major letdown.

In terms of software titles that interest me, Wii U had a much better 2 year launch window than Switch. It's a good thing Zelda and Odyssey were so great and lasted so long...or I'd be pretty pissed off. Thankfully, late 2019/2020, should be much better.


Oct 25, 2017
I like my Switch but yeah, I'm not blown away by it like a lot of ERA is. I don't care about the handheld aspect much so to me it's just a weaker companion console to my PS4 Pro. I buy the few exclusives I like and that's really it.

Boiled Goose

Nov 2, 2017
As a Wii U owner, the Switch has been a major letdown.

In terms of software titles that interest me, Wii U had a much better 2 year launch window than Switch. It's a good thing Zelda and Odyssey were so great and lasted so long...or I'd be pretty pissed off. Thankfully, late 2019/2020, should be much better.

I couldn't disagree more.