Red Arremer

Oct 26, 2017
Even when I get into a bad depressive funk the most I can go without a shower is a couple days. Just feels so gross...

I absolutely can understand not being able to work up the executive energy to shower (and even then I at least wash my ass and groin) for a day or two, but a whole two months?

OP, please go wash up.


Nov 16, 2017
it's been a day over 2 month.
normally, I shower I brush my teeth and shower every single morning. I often have a quick shower before I sleep.
I decided one day in my quarantine to not shower. It was because of laziness, but then the next day I didn't shower and I came up with an excuse. I remembered reading that some populations of the world have some kind of hormonal chemicals that deters body odor. I wanted to test this for myself. After the third day, my pits started smelling pretty bad, but instead of going back to showering, I just put on deodorant. My crotch and my ass daily got bad too, so I wash those daily with wet whips. But other than those areas of my body, till this day of not showering for so long, I think I'm okay. I dont work out, I've been naturally lean my whole life, so I dont sweat and get buildup on my skin. My hair got very oily and uncomfortable though, so I just started shampooing over the sink after brushing my teeth.

you're probably thinking I cant detect my stink myself but others do. but I occasionally see close friends, especially in the last couple of weeks, and they havent noticed a change.
so ya, showering has just been a waste of water for me all this time.

It isn't that showering is bad, is that some of the soaps/shampoos we use can be bad. You are supposed to shower and rinse the dirt off but the theory and other cultures still use water.

And have your friends not notice or just not said anything to yet?

Slappy White

Oct 27, 2017
You're probably also saving lots of time by not having any sex because of this. I shower 2-3 times a day and don't get any either so what do I know?


Dec 8, 2017
I have eczema and my dermatologist told me it's ok ok occasion to skip a shower or two because showering is traumatic for the skin, but months is a bit out there.
I know when you finally take one, it'll probably feel good.

Quantum Leap

Oct 25, 2017


The Fallen
May 9, 2018
So your hair ass and balls get dirty and uncomfortable right? The rest of your body applies to different laws? Why wouldn't the rest of your body smell after that fucking long as well? Dude, you smell. I'm tired of these threads honestly. I've worked with enough ball-stench lazy people before to know it's a lifestyle choice; to smell like balls. Power to you, OP, just stay the fuck out of public plz and don't bother anyone


Dec 15, 2018
What the hell. You're doing more work daily than if you just took a regular shower.


Shinra Employee
Oct 30, 2017
You are brave and courageous OP, don't listen to these pawns of Big Soap. I promise you that anyone downwind of you will wonder where the smell of that wonderful, natural, healthy musk is coming from.


Shin Megami TC - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know what you're trying to prove OP but just take a fucking shower.

Soul Skater

Oct 25, 2017
OP don't listen to the haters

never shower again. Live your dream

just never come to the state of Connecticut


Oct 27, 2017
You do realize a quick <5 min shower is a convenient way to wash your crotch, ass, and armpits, yes? It also doesn't produce any wet-wipe trash.