
Feb 28, 2018

Come on guys, at least give yourself a damn avatar.
Nah, my Yoshi avatar can stay on GAF


Oct 31, 2017
I've been reading/listening to a lot more civil rights activists of the past and present. Baldwin, x, king, coates. These people put into words what i cant for myself. Its been pretty eye opening and has prepared me for conversations on a bunch of topics. I'm Mexican and ive never felt like ive been spoken to more than when i listen/read something by them.

Its pushing me to plan ahead and help my community when i have the means to do so.


Oct 25, 2017
If I'm to keel it rill, just general embarrassment. I've seen no other advserse personal impacts.
I'm drinking more so mayb

My liver

Maybe lol


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not American but I'll be the first to admit that I have a fair bit of disdain for the United States as a result of Trump getting elected. And sure, it's not everyone. But your government and a great number of the population quite frankly disgusts me. They're not just fucking over your country as is, but they're fucking over entire the world and all the generations to come. I honestly wouldn't even want to visit right now. There's just so much that's wrong. But yeah make america great again amirite?! Ugh. So obnoxiously stupid.

Not that my view of Australia is much better at the moment, but whatever. I no longer look upon the US as a world leader.


Jun 14, 2018
He's fucked the debt which my kids will pay dearly for.

He's also made the highest office a mockery which makes me disgusted

Other than that since I am in Cali kinda shielded from MAGAT BS.


Oct 25, 2017
People in Wisconsin hate me *shrug*

But for real, it's made me redefine my friendships and the people I choose to associate myself with. Also my relatives in Yemen have no way of getting in here.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
I've seen a lot more blatant racism and xenophobia in real life than I remember witnessing before. Like, every week some shit happens at my job; a few days ago I had to apologize to an Indian woman because of a customer's utter disdain towards her for having the gall to stand in line behind her patiently while texting.

This shit got old a year ago.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes, it stresses me out that people are far more ignorant, xenophobic, evil and stupid than i already feared.
If you're a proud conservative right now, than you truly have chosen the path of evil.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm Hispanic, so take a guess

I've never seen so much shit towards my people

And chinga any Hispanic who isn't trying to help their fellow brothers and sisters right now

Deleted member 11173

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I think it has affected my day to day - I'd like to think that our government is an involuntary muscle of our society. It runs in the background and takes care of our day to day and it operates with some degree of efficiency by just contributing to it.
That isnt the case right now, I feel like some type of xenophobic diarrhea will spew at any moment, there really isn't any logic involved. It is just one spasm after another.

Puts me in a poor mood and is taking my mental capacity from other things I want to work on.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I have to keep this General can't get into specifics. But..I work for a civil rights organization that serves communities directly targeted by the Trump administration's policies. I've seen a tremendous increase in hate crimes and hate attacks. I've seen families split apart by various executive orders and directives to federal agencies. I've seen ICE pick up numerous community members and ruin people's lives. The trump administration has truly filled me with anxiety every single day as I helplessly try to combat their policies and actions.
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Oct 25, 2017
It has been entertaining. Four more years please!

Oh really? Pray tell what is entertaining about all of it?

I have to keep this General can't get into specifics. But..I work for a civil rights organization that serves communities directly targeted by the Trump administration's policies. I've seen a tremendous increase in hate crimes and hate attacks. I've seen families split apart various executive orders and directives to federal agencies. I've seen ICE pick up numerous community members and ruin people's lives. The trump administration has truly filled me with anxiety every single day as I helplessly try to combat their policies and actions.



Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
My paycheck is bigger each week! He's got my vote next term for sure.
Your paycheck probably went up by 2.7%. However the inflation caused by Trump has driven prices up on products you buy every day by 2.9% so you are actually worse off. Things are not getting better for you and in fact will start getting worse and worse as he escalates his trade wars.


Oct 25, 2017
It brought out a lot of ugliness from my family members and struck down a lot of my faith in the American public.


Oct 27, 2017
I now read a lot of threads about dumb things Donald Trump has said and done.


Oct 27, 2017
Not much directly except that we have not gone for a planned 4 week holiday in USA. We went to Europe instead. We'll consider going there whem Trump is no longer the president.

Beer Monkey

Oct 30, 2017
My paycheck is bigger each week! He's got my vote next term for sure.

Exactly how many kids have to be put in internment camps before you care more about that than your paycheck?

Serious question.

Also, how do you feel about our spiraling deficit, if you only care about monetary issues and care nothing for humanity?


Oct 25, 2017
A hispanic not born in the U.S. here

Bigger paycheck, brighter outlook

And nothing negative here

Im actually doing better than ever

Here's hoping that actually falls apart for you sooner rather than later.

People like you are almost as bad as the GOP is as bad to life on earth. Looking at paychecks as the be all end all as the planet literally catches fire.

Heaven forbid you breed; you'd have an enormous task normalizing your sociopathy to children. "But Trump helped me make more money!" as you whistle about with austerity and the separation of children.

Is more money during a phase of "Late-stage Capitalism" honestly worth all of the misery you have to normalize or overlook?
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Oct 25, 2017
I've lost a lot of respect for some family members, that's for sure.

Besides that... Disappointed. Disappointed in seeing certain types of people crawl out of the woodwork. Disappointed that they're often given a platform to spew their bullshit.


Oct 27, 2017
Tempe, AZ
I was never one of those "Obama is president so racism is solved!" Dudes. As a black man, brought up by a fairly politically active and aware family, none of the shit that's going on is new, it's the same shit I'd seen all my life.

What's different though, is that the man breathing life into these acts is a brazen racist, a coward unable to form words coherently, and the party he's claimed is nothing more than a bunch of backstabbing, conniving, greedy pieces of shit that are
WILLFULLY letting this inept orange turd dismantle the country so they can get a few tax breaks, kill some more of those pesky regulations to get more money, and actively hating on anything darker than pale peach.

I live each day wondering if me or someone in my family is going to be the next news story. I have fam living in the south that I fear for the most.

As a result of all of the above, I'm more political and left swinging than ever, way less tolerant of bullshit, and refuse to ever allow myself to be apathetic about politics (there was a period of time that I was, years ago). Can't afford to.

I flat-out barely post on Facebook for my own sanity, after multiple falling out with people I thought I knew.

I also can'teven watch my favorite sport anymore because fuck me the sentient orange peel managed to fuck that over too... But on the bright side, at least now the racism of the NFL is on display for all to see, finally.

Financially I'm okay, and living in a place I like despite its right-ass politics (AZ). Also got a job in my field I like, and good friends, so it's not ALL negative. But damn does the future of this country I want to bring kids into look haphazard.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
From a European standpoint it has made me lose a lot of respect in USA as a whole.
I have become a lot more knowledgeable in American politics
It scrapped all my plans and desire to visit USA in the foreseeable future.


Mar 21, 2018
This is the first year I've had people flip me off while jogging outside. 7 occasions that I noticed. I don't see everyone that drives by. I'm Hispanic.

Deleted member 29806

User requested account closure
Nov 2, 2017
Sleeping worse, pessimism, anxiety - Trump derangement syndrome to say in short. can you believe Trumps politics won't affect you? Overheating the economy by increasing the deficit unresponsibly, relaxing rules to prevent the next crisis - what could possibly go right?

Also, Trump replacing senators and judges with his loyal cronies, sorry, but without a blue wave that will lead you to the fascist dictatorship Trump dreams of. Under such dictatorship you'll never know who is targeted next.
Oct 27, 2017
As an outsider looking in, Trump has done immeasurable damage to the perception of America and by extension Americans. I'm genuinely baffled how this guy, this pathetic ignorant immature man ended up as President of the United States for fucks sake. He has stripped any and all gravitas from the role and turned America into some sort of horrifying reality TV show, one you can barely watch in fascination as it's all so awkward and mean spirited.

Trump has highlighted all the worst elements of American society and in many ways humanity at large, the guy is a figurehead for the wave of almost deliberate ignorance that appears to be sweeping the country.


Oct 27, 2017
We got a very slight tax cut from the GOP bill, about $400 more in our pockets. Other than that, my biggest personal annoyance is how much his idiotic fiscal policy is fucking with the markets. I check political news every single day, multiple times a day, waiting for the next catastrophe, praying for an end to all this.

On a macro level, I hate everything that he and his party stands for, but that's been true since my teens.


Oct 25, 2017
I haven't been affected honestly.

Day to day as a POC it's all the same, I've lost more interest in politics because I'm tired of hearing about it all the time from everything.


Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
As a European, I've become way more aware of US electoral mechanics and judicial checks on the executive that used to be esoteric background noise: primaries, down-ballot voting, Congressional caucuses, super delegates, the electoral college, confirmation hearings, special counsel mandate and impeachment procedures.

That stuff used to be 'huh, interesting, moving on'... now it's 'ARGH this could totally destroy or save our most powerful ally!'


Oct 25, 2017
Pacific North West
Definitely felt more unsafe, especially in the area where I'm live in in Washington state.
Seen someone wear a "kekstani" shirt
There's a human services organizations the helps homeless youth, people of color, and people who a part of the LGBTQ community inside a building. As soon as you walk in the door you see the county's republican office where you see their collection of MAGA hats and trump signs. It's like they want people to feel uncomfortable
I just moved here from Boston last year, once I get my car I'm definitely looking into moving to other cities within the state.

This is the first year I've had people flip me off while jogging outside. 7 occasions that I noticed. I don't see everyone that drives by. I'm Hispanic.
Been flipped off while waiting to go across the crosswalk by passing cars.


Nov 3, 2017
I am a person of color, mixed race, i am worried one NJ racist decide to shoot my ass one day...with Trump these racist fuckers don't have to hide since he's one of them...

Tap In

Oct 28, 2017
Gilbert AZ
Depressed angry frustrated concerned

in shock daily that so many people have such an inability to determine when a person truly is of low character.


Oct 25, 2017
Can't look at certain people the same way anymore. Especially at work. Avoid politics now for the most part. The internet is a different story. It's like a car accident you can't look away from. The last 3 years have been infuriating, disappointing, and utterly exhausting. It'll never be the same.
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Oct 29, 2017
I'm on eggshells when I meet up with my folks who are diehard conservatives. I make it a point to not discuss politics anymore since I'll get in an argument with them. Cut off a few church friends on FB as well.

Deleted member 27246

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
People in Wisconsin hate me *shrug*

But for real, it's made me redefine my friendships and the people I choose to associate myself with. Also my relatives in Yemen have no way of getting in here.

I like you though!

The Trump presidency hasn't really affected me a lot as a Dutchy, however my wife and I did solemnly swear to not visit the States as long as that fucker is president.


Oct 25, 2017

Well, actually, I just dislike people I went to school with even more after seeing all their FB posts about the election & Trump.

So maybe 1%.


Oct 27, 2017
Manhattan, New York
made most comedy less funny

Yeah, and just many tv shows/movies seem less compelling or entertaining just because of incredible state of our real-life.

This is not a defense of him, just an acknowledgement that the inappropriate increases to the military budget personally benefited me. Long-term God help us.

That's interesting. Do you think many in the military feel like you that the increases are inappropriate?

A hispanic not born in the U.S. here

Bigger paycheck, brighter outlook

Would like to hear, from your perspective, what exactly the 'brighter outlook' is. What are the benefits you are expecting in the coming future?