
Nov 7, 2017
Honesty, as an upper middle class white male, my life has been largely unaffected by the change in leadership, but I was really interested in how other posters' lives have been affected.

What have been the changes, significant or not?
Oct 25, 2017
his tariffs cost me many hours in my job (I was full time and am now on call, not becuz of his tariffs but because of school) given the world shortage on steel now

havent worked for 2 weeks, job wont get steel till mid october. I was supposed to be working twice a week
Oct 25, 2017
called the cops on my kid doing weed

not American, but it certainly has burned me out on the idea of the USA getting its shit together soon-ish. But maybe the midterms will change it all for the better. Not expecting miracles, but it would sure be nice to have one.


Oct 25, 2017
OP the changes have affected you as a privileged white male, its just on a few years delay. The ultimate goal of his placement was destruction of US standing and coalitions for democracy around the world. Ignorance is bliss though, until its not.


Dec 29, 2017
Anxiety through the roof. I'll even let you call it Trump Derangement Syndrome... I 100% think it's appropriate and history will prove that out, probably in my lifetime too.


Oct 27, 2017
My taxes went up a couple of grand. But I'm just glad private jets are now fully tax deductible because CEOs have had it so hard for so long.


Nov 25, 2017
Nervous, depressed, scared but I'm also very knowledgeable about and involved in politics now, which wasn't the case before.


Attempt to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I have some friends whose H1B1 visas look more uncertain

Slappy White

Oct 27, 2017
Honestly nothing about my day is any different other than being sick of hearing about his dumb ass every 20 seconds. But I can easily see how that would be different if I was not a white male. I have black friends that flat out say they do not feel safe with a person like trump in the white house so I have to take them at their words and support them.


Drive-in Mutant
Oct 30, 2017
Frustrated and afraid. His anti-semitic dog whistling is unnerving for someone like me.

Deleted member 29676

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Nov 1, 2017
Honesty, as an upper middle class white male, my life has been largely unaffected by the change in leadership, but I was really interested in how other posters' lives have been affected.

What have been the changes, significant or not?

Stress levels were way up when I was addicted to news. Since I largely stopped reading and watching it things haven't change much in day to day.


Oct 25, 2017
In a perverse and difficult way it's been good for me. It's made me take inventory of my life, what I believe in, what I want to do and who I want to be around. But yes, I'm still very nervous about not just the coming months, but the coming years and even decades. We are playing for keeps.


Oct 25, 2017
Stress, lots of stress. And lots of fighting with idiots.

I got more into politics and volunteering. Blue wave is a comin'

This is me as well, got me into politics and get involved to the point I'm debating if I should run for a smaller role in the system like city council and work my way up.


Oct 28, 2017
Blood pressure increased from all of the horrible things he is doing. Slight increase to taxes due to itemized nerf.

Wood Man

Oct 30, 2017
I work in news so it stresses me out big time. It's like every damn day he does something stupid.

I do drink a little bit more than usual.


Oct 28, 2017
Economy wise...not really anything. My day to day keeps on truckin'. I'm just a middle class weed smoking 9 to 5 working Mexican American midget. I'm 37 and I was never a registered voter until trump. The hate that him and the right spew on a daily basis is just sickening. Embarrassing to be an American. I'm fearful that we are going to have a civil war. After the primaries here in Arizona,Martha McSally aired an ad just shitting on Kyrsten Sinema (and another one just aired as I type this) it was all hate. So I'm ready to be a true American now and try to make a difference.


Oct 25, 2017
Made me realized that there is a lot more stupid, racist and brainwashed americans/conservatives(and not just in the USA) than I imagine. I don't even feel like going to the USA anymore as long as this guy is in charge too.

Darth Pinche

Oct 27, 2017
I am more stressed and have less faith in humanity than I used to. The feeling that humanity was actually progressing that I had during the Obama years is quickly eroding.

But I will not let that Hope be killed by the bastards that seized power by exploiting fear and ignorance in this country.

Deleted member 17210

User-requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
As a Canadian, day-to-day life hasn't changed much but I'm a little worried his idiocy will fuck over our economy. Also, my opinion of the American people collectively has gone down. I know millions of Americans hate the guy but the number of people who voted for him is still ridiculously high.


Dec 25, 2017
I'm Jewish. I've seen a rise in anti semistism on a small local scale with every day people in the US when I'm there. And on a large scale watching the resurgence of Nazi groups who feel emboldened to enter the mainstream.

Edit because my post sounded like I was having a stroke.
Nov 1, 2017
Had to watch my partner cut a lot of people out of their life who they thought were misguided but able to learn. Only to realize that they are beyond help and have been putting up a front and that policy decisions that he and the GOP have made make her life more difficult and they truly just don't care.

It's been helpful for me because she understands my anger, motivations and work ethic more now. It's sucks bursting the bubble of someone you love though and inducting them into your experience as an adult. I've understood where I stood since my first experience with racism when I was 4. My faith in our countries systems was already near non existent. Hence my long-term career goals.

Also, confirmed for me that all adults should have to take some for of continuing education for civics and critical thinking every few years no matter what their job. Not as a condition of maintaining employment but rather to make sure they are doing the best they can to improve their country.

Lastly, causing me to empty my pockets even more than before for causes.


Oct 27, 2017
Made me realize that the few people I thought were decent are pieces of shit, including family. His trade war will eventually fuck with my wife's job in some way.


Oct 27, 2017
Los Angeles
Family members in other states have lost health insurance. As a full-time creative who was previously taxed at levels that I literally could not afford, I have now lost the ability to claim any deductions whatsoever -- so I'll end up owing thousands to the IRS that I can't pay, while corporations continue to get billions in breaks. Like many, I have also ended friendships with people who have insisted on continuing to enable the white nationalism, sexism, bigotry, untruths and extremely dangerous greed fostered by this administration.

And that's me, as a straight, white male born in the States. I'm on the low end of the spectrum -- others have been killed by the pyschopaths Trump emboldens or had their children stolen from them.

So the daily mental and emotional torture goes without saying.
Oct 30, 2017
It's been tough watching seeing a few people I know go down the rabbit hole of nonsense that is required to believe that this administration is normal.
Some people have really moved the goal posts for what is considered normal so as to stay true to the cause because their political party is so core to their identity.
Oct 25, 2017
A lot more people are okay with being perfectly racist to my face. Never use to be like that but wow. It sure shakes me Everytime it happens.


Oct 25, 2017
It really hasn't for the most part. Though now I try to limit how often I browse headlines because a lot of them just make me angry.


Oct 25, 2017
As an Asian person coming from an immigrant family, I've had friends and family at the risk of deportation and an increasingly strained relationship with my parents who are staunchly conservative.

However, because I'm living in California it hasn't affected me as much as it has others.