
Oct 25, 2017
There's an Obama era initiative that is helping fund people of lower income by giving them free access to tech bootcamps (UX/UI, IT, or Software Development) through the community colleges in NYC and this is the last year for it as the money will run out with no hope of renewal by this administration.
Everyone is finally catching onto this program so it's getting competitive and I may not have a chance like this again. I hate this current timeline.


Oct 27, 2017
Well it made me lose faith in humanity almost completely. Him getting elected, along with Brexit has just been a constant reminder that this entire world is slowly going to shit and that there is a sizable chunk of the population celebrating this sad fact. When people chose such a OBVIOUSLY terrible choice, then it becomes really easy not to give a shit. I feel bad for future generations tho.


Oct 25, 2017
white male privilege here so not too much personally, but I still hate his guts and how his policies have affected others and have prevented any societal progress in general


May 20, 2019
Personally, I make more money because of his tax cuts (but it's not really a significant amount). He has made my job much harder (school psychologist). Many of my minority students are in constant (justified) fear of their parents being deported. Several have had a parent deported in the last couple of years leaving only one person to bring money into the household thus creating lots of trauma and therefore behavioral and academic difficulties. It's horrifying really. I've had to sit with a kid while ICE was picking up his dad and he just cried and cried and cried, saying "Trump is taking away my daddy." All for a few extra bucks less in taxes. Fuck Donald.


Oct 25, 2017
Frisco, Tx
Overall? Pretty positively in terms of direct impact. My company is doing great, we all got major bonuses from the tax cut, and an increase in our matched 401k. Businesses are booming in my area (Dallas) but they would be with anyone as president.

But I'm a mid 30's white, strait, married male. His policies are literally designed to aim at me.

Even with that, I still wouldn't vote for him, and I still wish he wasn't president, because life is more than just the size of my pocket book. i won't sell my soul to improve my life at the sake of others.


Graphics Engineer
Oct 27, 2017
If I'm honest about it, not at all man. I've made a lot of money taking advantage of his presidency which has allowed us to donate a lot more time and money to underprivileged families - which my wife and I take very serious.

However, my problem is that others are getting hit extremely hard. The wealth gap is growing considerably and I don't see it stopping as long as he is in office. I don't know why people constantly associate the stock market with micro economics - it's macro economics...economics for the wealthy. People that invest in the stock market are not poor and therefore the gains don't translate evenly.

Looking at these families struggle makes me sad and makes me more concerned about him winning again. I wish that we as the voting populous didn't fall for the Republican vs Democrat rhetoric - it should be more of a class based argument. Once people start to associate themselves with social economic class, things will change. Repub vs Dem is just a deterrent to take the focus away from the actual social economic issues - it redirects them.

Keep fighting the good fight, but don't fall for it.
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Oct 28, 2017
Created high distrust in anyone I meet. Every encounter is filtered with wondering whether that person is a Trump supporter.


Oct 26, 2017
My dad pretty much worships the ground that Trump walks on. He's bit down on the bullshit hard and it makes it hard to have a conversation about anything without having politics injected into it.

It makes it super hard since I had to move back home for a few months due to some medical issues (caused by the war the GOP started) and all my day is subjected to is Faux, AM radio and right wing bullshit spewing from his computer/phone.


Oct 27, 2017
Overall? Pretty positively in terms of direct impact. My company is doing great, we all got major bonuses from the tax cut, and an increase in our matched 401k. Businesses are booming in my area (Dallas) but they would be with anyone as president.

But I'm a mid 30's white, strait, married male. His policies are literally designed to aim at me.

Even with that, I still wouldn't vote for him, and I still wish he wasn't president, because life is more than just the size of my pocket book. i won't sell my soul to improve my life at the sake of others.

This is pretty much my exact sentiment, except I'm in my 40'


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
I'm extremely sensitive to politics now and really look at peoples political views as what I think for them to be a morally good or bad person


Oct 26, 2017
It's felt inevitable for about 20 years. It's the future I've been fearing since middle school, which for me was the GWB era. Just colossal stupidity, triumphant stupidity, on display, from all angles, 24/7. It feels like the result of a nation strung out on reality TV and chest thumping for two straight decades. It really doesn't feel like a new thing, just the natural progression of the trend. So nothing had really changed for me. My contempt has been bubbling far longer than Trump's been president.


Oct 30, 2017
I'm not saying your concerns are invalid, but Detroit and the entirety of the southeastern part of Michigan is not a place you need to worry about that. That waitress can't possibly be from anywhere near there if she thought your relationship was unique in any way.
Oh I know that area is fine. But we'll generally only dip our toes that way instead of vacationing in other parts of the country.


Dec 10, 2017
I'm in Ireland so not very much. Just made me angry at how things are going and despairing of the rate of real progress in the world.


Nov 11, 2017
Well, my wife's family can't visit because of his ridiculous Muslim ban, and that fact depresses her constantly, and also we're living in paranoia that her being Iranian is going to fuck up her green card application somehow.

So, uh, badly, his presidency has affected me badly.


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
The handwaving of racism, sexism, homo/transphobia, anti-LGBT activism, etc and allowing it to flourish. That it has provided a world that's safe for these ideas to spread even more than before. That I'm constantly wary of the beliefs of everyone I meet because everyone would rather blame sensitivity than to look at their own words and actions, and how they affect others. The amount of "cultures" made up to deflect criticism for being a piece of shit ("PC culture", "Cancel culture", etc). It has made anything social a fucking trainwreck because now I have to hope they don't believe in far right ideals, but I can't outright ask without alienating myself. That because of this, I can't trust people as easily anymore because while they may appear nice, deep down there's a possibility they'll show their true colors after I've gotten to know them and I'll have no way to get out of the relationship without telling them that I don't like them anymore because they fully believe in far right ideals.

Then there's stuff like mental health being taken less seriously too, all sorts of things here and there that are detrimental to our society that have been given room to grow.

Neo Ankh

Oct 12, 2019
Aside from the constant emotional distress from his various evil policies it's made me realize how easy it actually is for cult leaders and dictators to gain control over people's minds.
Oct 27, 2017
Lady that has been working for my family for 20 years got deported last month because we don't live in a "sanctuary city". We have been sending her money when we can, because fuck this asshole and his racist "movement".


Oct 29, 2017
I've stopped being surprised by stupidity and evil. Look, these UK elections have been awful, but I was not surprised. I've learnt to assume the worst.

Darth Karja

Oct 25, 2017
I'm trying to think of some way it has affected me. Can't think of any. Can't even include intense feelings of hate when I hear him speak or his name, because I already felt like that before he was president.


Aug 13, 2019
Not much tbh. It has given me a lot of existential stress, but as far as direct effects, my family and I have been relatively isolated. It did teach me a lot about human nature, and to never be too trusting of people, even though I always try and help others out when I can.

To be honest though, I just want politics to be boring again. These 3 years have turned me into a political junkie. It's impossible to turn away from history being made like this. Hopefully Trump is gone in 2020 and we can return to some normalcy again.


Oct 31, 2017
Created high distrust in anyone I meet. Every encounter is filtered with wondering whether that person is a Trump supporter.
I'm extremely sensitive to politics now and really look at peoples political views as what I think for them to be a morally good or bad person
Lol, it's literally the first thing I think when I meet a Christian or a white person.

Jun 10, 2018
Because it bears repeating:

Nothing's changed. I was treated/viewed as a second-class citizen by most Americans before Trump, I'm still treated/viewed the same after Trump.

The fuck does it matter if they're just less "nicer" about it now? At the end of the day, they both still would prefer me dead. The only people who consider Trump some kind of shocking culmination point belong to groups who are hardly ever in the opposition's crosshairs.