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Teyvat Traveler
Jan 23, 2019
Difficulty is a hard subject to approach in a game like this
how much time is spent in the game
how much money is spent
what platform is it
pull rng
artifact rng
accessibility issues
I don't think it's helpful for people to blanket state difficulty, as so few people have identical loadouts


Oct 25, 2017
A Barbara main?! Impossible.

I mean, people can still use her. Only talking about overinvesting here. "Over" is the keyword here. Genshin is a game of resource management, afterall (unless you're a whale). I feel like among the free/starter characters only Xiangling and Kaeya are worth it to raise properly as they scale great late game and still has a place in current meta. Xiangling Vape is actually top tier, and Kaeya is good to enable some Freeze/Reverse Melt comps (comparable to Rosaria). Definitely worth it to bring to at least lvl.70 or even 80/90 eventually. Can't really say the same about Barbara, Lisa, Amber. Barbara and Lisa are mostly okay at low investment to enable reactions or as cheap TTDS buffer (but they're more of a copium pick instead BiS pick). Amber... no comment.

But I guess I shouldn't interfere with how people play. My bad. Carry on.
In my personal and perfectly correct because I'm never wrong opinion, your can't really over invest in a character. Like, all that really means is leveling her up too much, right? So that's acceleration materials, xp books, talent books, and mora. Sure that's a lot but when it's just the one character, it's not THAT much. If you end up playing long term, you'll get those resources back almost as a matter of time, not effort. They're limited by time, but time is infinite. Or close enough!

But like I said that's just IMPAPCBOIWO.

i mean obviously I get your point I just think it's not all that big a deal. To look at it from another angle: I have a kickass Ganyu. We all know she's broken. If someone else comes along and is even more broken, does that mean I wasted my resources on Ganyu? (Alternatively, what if they're just as broken, but actually fun instead of... boring as fuck?)

Thanks for the thoughts both! I've kept an eye on the game for months and always thought I'd give it ago.

Last week, I found myself with some free time - as I await Ratchet and Clank - and with the latest PS5 patch, everything lined up perfectly.

It's blown my expectations out of the water so far. A huge, beautiful world, really fun combat, likeable characters, rewarding exploration, addictive levelling systems, etc.

I discovered the Inn the other day so decided to push into unknown territory this afternoon (while doing some quests and daily missions) and now stand at the cliff overlooking Liyue... as I ran up the stairs leading up the hill, I kept thinking 'please game, deliver, have something cool for me to look at when I get to the top, there's a chance here to blow me away' - and man, it did it!

Excited to journey there tonight and explore. Dragonspine is awesome too. I'll end up playing this more than Ratchet and Clank! lol

meanwhile here I am extremely bummed out that I can't get a ps5 no matter how much I try ):

ratchet and clank is one of my favorite series in all of video games and I've been looking forward to this game since before it was even announced, just knowing it was coming ):

I hope it's fun ):


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
The difficulty talk makes me curious to know if anyone in the thread got stuck at any point of the story and had to grind.

Only spikes for me have been in a couple events and in the Abyss. I did get the beginners tip about not spreading my resources too thin when I started though, so World Level ascensions weren't an issue for me to keep up with. I recall someone saying Childe (major boss spoiler) was too hard in the story and that they had to nerf him, but I started playing after that.


Oct 25, 2017
So I got teapot to rank 8. If I'm not spending time to build a spot is the best thing to just buy that resin for 1200 coins every couple of days?
Store refreshes at the week reset. So you only get one per week. My initial thought was the same as yours, but unfortunately we forgot Mihoyo is Mihoyo. :P


Oct 25, 2017
The difficulty talk makes me curious to know if anyone in the thread got stuck at any point of the story and had to grind.

Only spikes for me have been in certain events and in the Abyss. I did get the beginers tip about not spreading my resources too thin when I started though, so World Level ascensions weren't an issue for me to keep up with. I recall someone saying Childe (major boss spoiler) was too hard in the story and that they had to nerf him, but I started playing after that.
Childe's story boss fight was tuned to be harder than the weekly boss fight version, haha. Gave a lot of people some serious trouble, especially because IIRC it released around the time everyone was ranking up to a certain World Level that made it even worse.

And I do believe they nerfed him shortly after release, yes.

That's one a week SMH ..of course it is..
lol... yup
Nov 8, 2017
Stockholm, Sweden
The difficulty talk makes me curious to know if anyone in the thread got stuck at any point of the story and had to grind.

Only spikes for me have been in a couple events and in the Abyss. I did get the beginers tip about not spreading my resources too thin when I started though, so World Level ascensions weren't an issue for me to keep up with. I recall someone saying Tartaglia (major boss spoiler) was too hard in the story and that they had to nerf him, but I started playing after that.

I kinda fucked myself over once before i knew how the world level increases worked properly, i ended up being severely under leveled and with no resources to level up with, and at the time i didn't know you could reduce the world level.

The biggest difficulty spike i encountered was the infamous 11-2 abyss when it was at it's worst, that was like running into a wall.

Tom Penny

Oct 26, 2017
The new change world level option would have helped me with all the mistakes I made. That is a huge win for new players.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 31, 2017
i mean obviously I get your point I just think it's not all that big a deal. To look at it from another angle: I have a kickass Ganyu. We all know she's broken. If someone else comes along and is even more broken, does that mean I wasted my resources on Ganyu? (Alternatively, what if they're just as broken, but actually fun instead of... boring as fuck?)

I mean, not really...

A lvl. 90 crowned Ganyu will help you tackle anything with ease now. Even if she's to be powercreeped a year later, she did her job already for carrying you thru Abyss floors in 2021. Not wasted investment, IMO. She payed immediately with her performance. To add to this, Ganyu is hypercarry in nature, so she's like 70% of your team DPS alone so it doesn't matter if the supports are bunch of lvl. 60. Good thing as we don't have unlimited resources in the game.

Say, if bring Lisa to lvl 90 now maybe I can get unlimited ara-ara power, but I doubt I can beat Abyss as comfortably with actual good units. She doesn't pay with you with actual performance like with Ganyu example above. Workable, sure, but not everyone is as mechanically good like Enviosity to make the most of their kit. I'm bad at the game, therefore it's bad investment for me. Also probably gonna need well-invested support too as their ceiling is much lower to help with team DPS so it'll end up even more expensive to reach same objective (beat high-difficulty content).

But hey, let's drop this. Don't want to make a scene over this, lol. People are right, fun is the most important thing.


Oct 28, 2017
Any math fan tried to see what an Eula team with Beidou, Lisa, and Zhongli, can do with super conduct? Is phys. def shred capped at some percent?


Teyvat Traveler
Feb 25, 2021
The difficulty talk makes me curious to know if anyone in the thread got stuck at any point of the story and had to grind.

I started playing at launch and ignored the first trickle of advice about not spreading resources too thin. Tried to level everyone, then i'd get a new character and try to level them, too, and I really did get to a point where every single overworld battle with a camp of hilichurls was a nail-biting disaster.

I spent so many AR levels trying to make up for those early mistakes. And I did, eventually, sit at an AR level--I forget which one--where the world level wouldn't raise automatically and I could just slowly build my team up. Took me weeks but it's been smooth sailing ever since, even smoother since i picked up a couple of DPS 5 stars.

At one point I sort of half-heartedly started a new account & I was startled to discover how much *easier* it was when I knew what I was doing. I didn't take it very far, maybe to AR20, but the difference was night and day. I'd really shot myself in the foot the first time around.

I'm bad at the game, therefore it's bad investment for me.

Yeah, as a thoroughly average gamer this resonates with me. I'm happy for people with great reflexes & I hope they get content that satisfies them, but uh. All those great gamers only look & feel so good because average gamers like ~moi~ are filling out the fat part of the curve. So have pity.


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for the tips and some good discussion about characters. I'm currently using all the characters and have levelled them all to at least level 16. Will start to specialise a little more now after reading your comments.

One thing I wanted to mention is that changing characters via dpad isn't ideal as you have to lift your fingers from the left stick. But I've changed the controls on pc so I can do this via elite controller paddle + face buttons, and it works so much better.

Anyway, looking forward to playing more. Such a a beautiful and relaxing game!


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
To comment on the character discussion: Amber's one of my favorite characters and remained one of my highest level units until AR 30ish. While she's not one of my higher leveled units now, I plan to eventually bring her up to my best units because I still really enjoy her playstyle and character. Barbara is also one of my 10 most used units despite having Jean, Qiqi, Bennett, and Diona. There's just something about having both a burst and skill that can instantly heal your whole party that makes her valuable. It also helps that I have Ganyu and not Mona, so Barbara's her best companion for freeze comps.

I'm surprised to see many stressing not leveling every character early on. Maybe it's because when I first started playing I was F2P for quite a while so I didn't roll much and have a lot of characters, but I found I was easily able to keep all of my characters at the same high level until they got around level 40-50. It was only then I started specializing in certain ones. I think for much of the early game you can spread your resources because of how little you need and how much you'll get from exploring and completing all the quests.

Though for newcomers I would recommend never using the purple level up books. I didn't use any until my team was at level 50 and it made things much more manageable.

In AR 55 news, my Mora dipped below 2 million for the first time since I started playing, and given I'm upgrading Venti and Bennett's talents to level 9 soon, it will likely go under 1 million. I've tried so hard to avoid joining the no mora club, but I fear my time has at last come. Maybe I'll start doing mora leylines finally....


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
you know nothing about the other people posting here or what ability impairments they may have to work around in order to play this game.
I think what the poster meant is that Genshin is not a mechanically challenging game, and so it is considered "easy". Abyss is more a gear check than anything else, and farming gear isn't hard, it's just time consuming. So people say the game is easy because if you invest enough time you will clear the content. As opposed to other games where you need to continuously develop your mechanical skills and game sense.

It's the same thing with why people at the end game consider tier lists redundant. When you've got people 9 staring abyss 12 with Razor and Traveler main carry you realise that the biggest thing that separates a player from clearing is good gear. Stronger characters just make the gear requirements less, but pretty much any carry can clear the content.


Oct 27, 2017
People always forget Ganyu is an excellent support too. Powercreep her all you want, but she'll forever have that too.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
If there is one thing new players should know, it's to be very careful about starting a quest called "Trails in Tianqiu". A lot of people apparently have a hard time with it, and the quest locks you out of co-op until you finish it. The quest is started by interacting with a stone tablet in Tianqiu Valley in Liyue, so you shouldn't do that unless you know what you're getting into.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
If there is one thing new players should know, it's to be very careful about starting a quest called "Trails in Tianqiu". A lot of people apparently have a hard time with it, and the quest locks you out of co-op until you finish it. The quest is started by interacting with a stone tablet in Tianqiu Valley in Liyue, so you shouldn't do that unless you know what you're getting into.
Oh god, you're right. I almost erased that one from my mind. The time trial floor with the hydro mage + cryo hilichurl shooters and slimes was infuriating.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, not really...

A lvl. 90 crowned Ganyu will help you tackle anything with ease now. Even if she's to be powercreeped a year later, she did her job already for carrying you thru Abyss floors in 2021. Not wasted investment, IMO. She payed immediately with her performance. To add to this, Ganyu is hypercarry in nature, so she's like 70% of your team DPS alone so it doesn't matter if the supports are bunch of lvl. 60. Good thing as we don't have unlimited resources in the game.

Say, if bring Lisa to lvl 90 now maybe I can get unlimited ara-ara power, but I doubt I can beat Abyss as comfortably with actual good units. She doesn't pay with you with actual performance like with Ganyu example above. Workable, sure, but not everyone is as mechanically good like Enviosity to make the most of their kit. I'm bad at the game, therefore it's bad investment for me. Also probably gonna need well-invested support too as their ceiling is much lower to help with team DPS so it'll end up even more expensive to reach same objective (beat high-difficulty content).

But hey, let's drop this. Don't want to make a scene over this, lol. People are right, fun is the most important thing.
You missed my point entirely but uh okay.


Oct 25, 2017
If there is one thing new players should know, it's to be very careful about starting a quest called "Trails in Tianqiu". A lot of people apparently have a hard time with it, and the quest locks you out of co-op until you finish it. The quest is started by interacting with a stone tablet in Tianqiu Valley in Liyue, so you shouldn't do that unless you know what you're getting into.
I know a kid that is very bad at the game that was stuck on Trials of Tianqiu for most of the game's lifespan and was unable to play coop during that time. Biggest pitfall in the game for new players.


Oct 25, 2017
To comment on the character discussion: Amber's one of my favorite characters and remained one of my highest level units until AR 30ish. While she's not one of my higher leveled units now, I plan to eventually bring her up to my best units because I still really enjoy her playstyle and character. Barbara is also one of my 10 most used units despite having Jean, Qiqi, Bennett, and Diona. There's just something about having both a burst and skill that can instantly heal your whole party that makes her valuable. It also helps that I have Ganyu and not Mona, so Barbara's her best companion for freeze comps.

I'm surprised to see many stressing not leveling every character early on. Maybe it's because when I first started playing I was F2P for quite a while so I didn't roll much and have a lot of characters, but I found I was easily able to keep all of my characters at the same high level until they got around level 40-50. It was only then I started specializing in certain ones. I think for much of the early game you can spread your resources because of how little you need and how much you'll get from exploring and completing all the quests.

Though for newcomers I would recommend never using the purple level up books. I didn't use any until my team was at level 50 and it made things much more manageable.

In AR 55 news, my Mora dipped below 2 million for the first time since I started playing, and given I'm upgrading Venti and Bennett's talents to level 9 soon, it will likely go under 1 million. I've tried so hard to avoid joining the no mora club, but I fear my time has at last come. Maybe I'll start doing mora leylines finally....
Yeah there's absolutely nothing wrong with spreading resources out early on. At one point I thought I had fucked myself over by doing so, but within a week or two I'd recovered and started focusing on the team of characters I'd found most fun. I think it was around level 50 for me, too.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
Store refreshes at the week reset. So you only get one per week. My initial thought was the same as yours, but unfortunately we forgot Mihoyo is Mihoyo. :P

That's more "gacha is gacha" than anything to do with Mihoyo, to be frank.

I started playing at launch and ignored the first trickle of advice about not spreading resources too thin. Tried to level everyone, then i'd get a new character and try to level them, too, and I really did get to a point where every single overworld battle with a camp of hilichurls was a nail-biting disaster.

This however is entirely Mihoyo's fault. It's very easy to trap yourself into a world level that's far too hard for your team's level. Good of them to implement a "world level down" function (which is what finally got me to raise my world level again, knowing I could dial it back).


Teyvat Traveler
Jan 23, 2019
The thing about resources is, don't level beyond what you need
I've never taken anyone above level 80, or talent level 8, and those are reserved for just the main parts of my spiral team
I've never ran out of mora or farmed it

Shining Star

May 14, 2019
This however is entirely Mihoyo's fault. It's very easy to trap yourself into a world level that's far too hard for your team's level. Good of them to implement a "world level down" function (which is what finally got me to raise my world level again, knowing I could dial it back).

They need to let you set it to whatever you want instead of just lowering it one level.


Top Mog
Oct 27, 2017
I think what the poster meant is that Genshin is not a mechanically challenging game, and so it is considered "easy". Abyss is more a gear check than anything else, and farming gear isn't hard, it's just time consuming. So people say the game is easy because if you invest enough time you will clear the content. As opposed to other games where you need to continuously develop your mechanical skills and game sense.

It's the same thing with why people at the end game consider tier lists redundant. When you've got people 9 staring abyss 12 with Razor and Traveler main carry you realise that the biggest thing that separates a player from clearing is good gear. Stronger characters just make the gear requirements less, but pretty much any carry can clear the content.

not everyone CAN clear all content regardless of time sunk. posts like 'hyuk hyuk game is piss easy' serve no purpose other than attempting to elevate oneself at the risk of alienating others. this is not exclusive to genshin.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
They need to let you set it to whatever you want instead of just lowering it one level.

Yeah, that would be ideal. I get that they're concerned about people gaming it, but it having a long cooldown is enough to curb that.

You're right of course, but with this scope of game and the fact it's on PS and PC I think people want it to be more than just a gacha. It doesn't need to time limit everything.

It's not really about being "just" a gacha (whatever that means at this point); it's just how the pieces fit together in a time-proven, thoroughly optimized business model, one that works the same whether it's on phone, PC or consoles. Changing any one piece has really hard to predict consequences throughout the whole system, which may even be worth the risk on a less high-profile game, or one that's floundering, but how likely are they to touch any of the money-making parts of what's currently an explosively successful games?


Dec 16, 2019
not everyone CAN clear all content regardless of time sunk. posts like 'hyuk hyuk game is piss easy' serve no purpose other than attempting to elevate oneself at the risk of alienating others. this is not exclusive to genshin.
Saying "it's easy" is not necessarily a way to "elevate oneself". This game is also an RPG, it means that the numbers, stats and builds can easily make up for the (lack of) ability of the player; equipment, team comps and stuff like that can make a world of difference and are a huge help for those who maybe have not invested much time or simply aren't that good (which is perfectly normal, no one would expect that: the majority of the people aren't "good" at a game, I don't even know what that means).
I'd totally agree with you if Genshin was an action a la DMC or a Rhythm game, where it's always a matter of reflexes and training, thus it doesn't hold up that "(time spent) = (improvement)" , but this isn't the case. At least that's how I feel when I say that this game is "easy" and I believe that's what other people think too, no intention of belittling someone whatsoever, who even does that
If I'd say the exact opposite, aka "Genshin is an hard game", probably that would discourage even more people, right?


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
posts like 'hyuk hyuk game is piss easy' serve no purpose other than attempting to elevate oneself at the risk of alienating others.
I understand. I was just putting across what I thought poster intended, as I don't think they meant it to come across how you've taken it. But I do understand why it seems like that.

Out of curiosity what content are you struggling with? Maybe people here can help? I wasn't saying good gear is the only factor between passing and failing abyss, but it is the biggest. However team synergy is probably the next most important factor, and optimising your use of those teams would be pretty high up as well. And both of those are things other players can help with if you're stuck.
Nov 8, 2017
Stockholm, Sweden
not everyone CAN clear all content regardless of time sunk. posts like 'hyuk hyuk game is piss easy' serve no purpose other than attempting to elevate oneself at the risk of alienating others. this is not exclusive to genshin.

That was not the point of my post at all, i am pretty bad at this game, i only managed to beat the abyss due to good artifacts and team composition, and aside from the abyss and some weekly bosses i think that genshin is a pretty easy game, there is nothing controversial about that opinion, it has been talked about in this thread since launch, my point was simply that there are no must have characters and that all characters are viable, tier lists are pointless and telling other players not to use a character is unnecessary.


Oct 25, 2017
That was not the point of my post at all, i am pretty bad at this game, i only managed to beat the abyss due to good artifacts and team composition, my point was simply that there are no must have characters and that all characters are viable, tier lists are pointless and telling other players not to use a character is unnecessary.
same except replace good artifacts and team composition with a couple of broken characters

after which I started learning the game better and can now sort of do the abyss without broken characters! because... they're beefy as hell with sick artifacts and weapons and good team composition...

I guess that's some kind of progress

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
Ha yeah I know, you're right. But since this is the only gacha game I've played more than a few days, I blame them personally. 😤

This is the first gacha of a friend of mine as well, and inevitably he also complains about many of the same gacha things; which don't get me wrong, is entirely fair, even positive, to complain about.

I feel like this is a bit like the World of Warcraft moment of gacha games, in that even though it's far more generous than most of the other games in its genre, it's mainstream appeal means going to be the first such game for many, many people; and therefore set the baseline for their expectations going forward, which can only be a good thing.

Much like with WoW back then (released when I was already an MMO veteran), I feel like the "in my time we had to walk an hour to go to school, uphill, both ways!" old man (or his GoT equivalent, the "sweet summer child" old woman), but of course that it's been so bad until now should be no reason not to demand and expect better, moving forward. Wouldn't it be amazing if Genshin managed to make older gacha games obsolete and downright unforgivable in their unashamed greed, the same way WoW did with some older MMOs, with their endless, subscription-guzzling treadmills? :)


Oct 25, 2017
I'd say by and large the biggest thing that I had wrong about the game at the start was what being "good" meant. Because it's an action game with cool moves and dashes and cancels and whatnot, I thought I had to be... good at action games. Which I'm absolutely not. Not these types of games anyway. DMC and its ilk are far beyond me.

But Genshin Impact is much more about planning than it is reacting. Sure there are ways you can engage with that side of the game more, such as exploring iframes at the start of a dash, but ultimately the key to victory is just knowing what you're in for, and building the team to handle it. Artifacts are a big part of that, of course, but more than anything else, knowing what kind of elements and mechanics you'll be dealing with and how to handle them is the priority. AKA don't take barbara into an ice domain.

This is the first gacha of a friend of mine as well, and inevitably he also complains about many of the same gacha things; which don't get me wrong, is entirely fair, even positive, to complain about.

I feel like this is a bit like the World of Warcraft moment of gacha games, in that even though it's far more generous than most of the other games in its genre, it's mainstream appeal means going to be the first such game for many, many people; and therefore set the baseline for their expectations going forward, which can only be a good thing.

Much like with WoW back then (released when I was already an MMO veteran), I feel like the "in my time we had to walk an hour to go to school, uphill, both ways!" old man (or his GoT equivalent, the "sweet summer child" old woman), but of course that it's been so bad until now should be no reason not to demand and expect better, moving forward. Wouldn't it be amazing if Genshin managed to make older gacha games obsolete and downright unforgivable in their unashamed greed, the same way WoW did with some older MMOs, with their endless, subscription-guzzling treadmills? :)
Haha yeah it's not dissimilar. But I dunno if I could ever see a gacha game actually toning down the garbage elements. Especially not as long as they keep taking in money hand over fist. Though, ironically, I think most of my biggest issues could be fixed without significantly, if at all, affecting their bottom line. C'est la vie.

(also I teeeechnically did work on a gacha game once but it died after like, half a year, after they laid us all off, and it wasn't very good anyway, so it didn't even get a chance to be disgustingly exploitative!!)


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
This is the first gacha of a friend of mine as well, and inevitably he also complains about many of the same gacha things; which don't get me wrong, is entirely fair, even positive, to complain about.

I feel like this is a bit like the World of Warcraft moment of gacha games, in that even though it's far more generous than most of the other games in its genre, it's mainstream appeal means going to be the first such game for many, many people; and therefore set the baseline for their expectations going forward, which can only be a good thing.

Much like with WoW back then (released when I was already an MMO veteran), I feel like the "in my time we had to walk an hour to go to school, uphill, both ways!" old man (or his GoT equivalent, the "sweet summer child" old woman), but of course that it's been so bad until now should be no reason not to demand and expect better, moving forward. Wouldn't it be amazing if Genshin managed to make older gacha games obsolete and downright unforgivable in their unashamed greed, the same way WoW did with some older MMOs, with their endless, subscription-guzzling treadmills? :)
Is Genshin actually more generous than the usual gacha? From what I heard I was under the impression that it's stingier, but I'm not well-versed in gacha games (used to avoid them like the devil after some bad first experiences, then got back into it this year with Genshin and Arknights).


Teyvat Traveler
Feb 25, 2021
Is Genshin actually more generous than the usual gacha? From what I heard I was under the impression that it's stingier, but I'm not well-versed in gacha games (used to avoid them like the devil after some bad first experiences, then got back into it this year with Genshin and Arknights).

It's definitely among the stingiest I've played, though I've only tried a handful. I know people are always saying, "Fate Grand Order is so much worse!" & I did play FGO for a little while & the gacha *was* worse but, on the other hand, there was always more to do in FGO than I had time to spend on it. Genshin is stingy with EVERYTHING. I'm always short on every single resource, I'm always scrambling to get just enough to make the next bit of incremental progress, I'm always out of resin.

Plus, "I can name one game in this generally questionable genre which is definitely, inarguably worse than Genshin," is not the ringing endorsement many seem to think it is. If the one worse game is just... the actual worst game... what does that make Genshin?

(PS: I definitely do not recommend FGO)


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
I need some help with Diona. I'm building her fully for shields, but even in shield guides people recommend Sacrificial Bow. I understand that you want energy recharge for the ult, but personally I'm thinking to use the Recurve bow to beef up the shield more. I'm pairing her with Yanfei who will be on Bolide, and hopefully Albedo who will be on ToM, so the shield is going to be fairly decent. I'm basically wondering if I'm missing something before I invest in this 3* weapon lol?

Also, does her shield "cleanse" like Xinyan's? Wondering for abyss floor 11s, because if it doesn't I'll need to factor that in to my planned team comp and rotations.
I'd say by and large the biggest thing that I had wrong about the game at the start was what being "good" meant. Because it's an action game with cool moves and dashes and cancels and whatnot, I thought I had to be... good at action games. Which I'm absolutely not. Not these types of games anyway. DMC and its ilk are far beyond me.

But Genshin Impact is much more about planning than it is reacting. Sure there are ways you can engage with that side of the game more, such as exploring iframes at the start of a dash, but ultimately the key to victory is just knowing what you're in for, and building the team to handle it. Artifacts are a big part of that, of course, but more than anything else, knowing what kind of elements and mechanics you'll be dealing with and how to handle them is the priority. AKA don't take barbara into an ice domain.
This is why I think it's better for people to say it's not mechanically challenging, or it doesn't require a lot of mechanical skill, or something of that nature as opposed to saying it's easy. Then it's clear what everyone means.
Is Genshin actually more generous than the usual gacha? From what I heard I was under the impression that it's stingier, but I'm not well-versed in gacha games (used to avoid them like the devil after some bad first experiences, then got back into it this year with Genshin and Arknights).
The gacha itself isn't bad. A 4* pity every 10 with a guaranteed banner hero every 20 is really good. And the 90 pity is okay, though the 180 for guaranteed is rough. But the fact it carries over to the next banner makes it very good.

It's the currency given out that's super stingy. Like you do an event and you get 420 primos, which isn't even 3 pulls. On that particular front it's one of the worst gachas I've personally played.

The stamina system is insanely stingy as well. 1 every 8 minutes is not normal and needs to be addressed. And 60 resin on a refill is just something else.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
Is Genshin actually more generous than the usual gacha? From what I heard I was under the impression that it's stingier, but I'm not well-versed in gacha games (used to avoid them like the devil after some bad first experiences, then got back into it this year with Genshin and Arknights).
I've played multiple gacha games before Genshin and they're quite stingy IMO. The one good thing Genshin has going for it is the 5 Star Pity System (every gacha game I've played before this had a 4 Star pity system as well, not a 5 Star), but then again, their 5 Star rates are so bad and also the speed at which you can accumulate gems to hit the pity is also terrible. You essentially have to save gems for months to 100% guarantee a character.

What really baffles me about Genshin is their stinginess with things like Mora and EXP Books (the fact that you can't farm EXP from defeating enemies is laughable). There really is no benefit to them restricting such resources.

Not to mention their atrocious stamina system (Resin) which absolutely still is a problem. It simply generates way too slowly, and there's essentially nothing to do once you run out of Resin. I don't wanna hear anything about some mundane, unenjoyable task such as artifact farming route, mining rocks, or chopping trees as something to do in the absence of Resin. It's bad, period. The game needs more farmable, dungeon like things to engage with outside of Resin costs.

So yeah, the 5 Star Pity is great. Everything else is bad in terms of monetization IMO. Unfortunately I've fallen victim to the bug a couple times myself, but I feel for people who have a legit gambling problem around this game.


Teyvat Traveler
Feb 25, 2021
The gacha itself isn't bad. A 4* pity every 10 with a guaranteed banner hero every 20 is really good. And the 90 pity is okay, though the 180 for guaranteed is rough. But the fact it carries over to the next banner makes it very good.

It's the currency given out that's super stingy. Like you do an event and you get 420 primos, which isn't even 3 pulls. On that particular front it's one of the worst gachas I've personally played.

This is exactly the problem. We gain currency so slowly that an F2P will get a five star every couple of months. I'm a 'low spender' (though at this point, buying welkin + occasionally BP since launch is not so low anymore) & I'm still averaging like, one 5 star a month? (To be fair I'm also a chronic saver but you have to be with this game, otherwise you'll be permanently SOL.)
Oct 27, 2017
This is exactly the problem. We gain currency so slowly that an F2P will get a five star every couple of months. I'm a 'low spender' (though at this point, buying welkin + occasionally BP since launch is not so low anymore) & I'm still averaging like, one 5 star a month? (To be fair I'm also a chronic saver but you have to be with this game, otherwise you'll be permanently SOL.)

You are lucky to average one 5* every month.

With the current payouts, F2P will be lucky to get one drop every 2-3 months...

Welkin + BP should cut the time in half.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Considering Mihoyo's track record it's unlikely that they'll change any aspects of her kit in that way, so I wouldn't get your hopes up over the dash. The only thing they ever really do is tweek numbers and stuff, and even then I'm not sure they actually test anything.
As much as I love Ayaka, if they don't change her dash I'm probably out.

Like, it's not even her power level that would stop me from pulling for her. Even if her numbers were low, if she's fun to play that would be enough for me, especially since nothing in the game (sans Abyss which I don't even do) needs overpowered characters to push through. If her dash remains as it is though, she just won't be fun to use in combat which is a major negative for me. I've used Mona since launch (she was my first 5* character) and I am used to her dash, but only as a ranged/support character. To have it slapped onto a melee character where you're in the thick of things would just be a headache, considering how often I use the dash to evade stuff. It would instantly kill any interest in myself having Ayaka, which would be depressing considering how long I've been saving/waiting for her.

While I COULD still get her just for her visual appeal/character, given how many upcoming characters there are, I'm finding it difficult to find adequate reason to. I really hope they either change or remove the dash. I've said it before, if they don't then it's a death sentence for her.


Teyvat Traveler
Aug 20, 2019
I'm building her fully for shields, but even in shield guides people recommend Sacrificial Bow
I've built my Fiona full HP artifacts and got her shield up to level 8. I do have a sac bow on her and the reasoning is her shield duration time. Even if you beef up her HP with the recurve bow, the shield duration is whats gonna get you with only 3.6s on her tap E (which you never want to use) and 9s on her hold E. But since her hold E cool down is 15s, you are left unshielded for 6s which is 40% of the time if you don't run her with sac bow. Each of the 5 paws on her hold E has a chance to proc the sac bow passive, which means you can be perma-shielded as long as the shield holds up on damage.

I don't know if you played with her much yet, but I definitely recommend going with the consensus sac bow on her. The energy recharge (which can help with buffing the team if she is your NO holder) and extra cryo particles (making her a battery for a cryo dps) is just gravy on top.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
The gacha itself isn't bad. A 4* pity every 10 with a guaranteed banner hero every 20 is really good. And the 90 pity is okay, though the 180 for guaranteed is rough. But the fact it carries over to the next banner makes it very good.

It's the currency given out that's super stingy. Like you do an event and you get 420 primos, which isn't even 3 pulls. On that particular front it's one of the worst gachas I've personally played.

The stamina system is insanely stingy as well. 1 every 8 minutes is not normal and needs to be addressed. And 60 resin on a refill is just something else.

4* pity every ten is like... a staple of nearly all gacha.

There's only a handful who do not guarantee a second to highest rarity unit every 10 pull (usually with the caveat it is a ten pull, and not ten single pulls). And other gacha have rates so much astronomically higher than Genshin that a 4* rarity equivalent isn't even rare to need a 10 pull pity. Even the 90 pull 5* guarantee isn't particularly notable or generous, especially since on average its like 130~ pulls or whatever for the thing you actually want. Same applies to 5*s with Genshin in that the rates are so comically low that other games will net you more 5* in less pulls and probably even the thing you want in less pulls, and most of them have equal (to income of currency) or better safety nets.

Genshin's rates + income rate are *some of the absolute worst* in the entire gacha catalog I have ever played.

Shining Star

May 14, 2019
Sure, i'm just talking about my experience with it as someone who has a ability impairment.

Imo, genshin falls under the easier category of games (aside from the more annoying floors of the abyss)

I would not consider Genshin to be an easy game. A lot of the story content is easy especially if you stay at a low world level but the domains and boss fights are hard plus it's a really complicated game especially if you're not used to mobile games and there's a lot to do and keep track of that makes it hard.
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