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Oct 25, 2017
Is Genshin actually more generous than the usual gacha? From what I heard I was under the impression that it's stingier, but I'm not well-versed in gacha games (used to avoid them like the devil after some bad first experiences, then got back into it this year with Genshin and Arknights).
The other gacha game I'm playing is dragalia lost and genshin is nowhere close, but it's from Cygames so...


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
The fact that every new 5* (including weapons btw) is limited is never going to not be crazy to me. Game is going to be a year old at this point with the same low selection of characters in the basic pool.
Oct 27, 2017
✅ Convertable asc materials
✅ Convertable talent ingredients
☐ Convertable prototypes

Those books better turn into greatswords someday!


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
The fact that every new 5* (including weapons btw) are limited is never going to not be crazy to me. Game is going to be a year old at this point with the same low selection of characters in the basic pool.
Yeah, it's shocking.

I mean, even FGO (which is one of the more punishing gacha games) slowly updates their general gacha pool over time. Granted a lot of the Servants are limited0time too, but they do release standard characters that are added to the general pool. The fact that we haven't gotten even one new 5* added to the launch pool in GI is...surprising.

Honestly, if they're going to keep the standard banner as it is, the least they can do is be more general with the free currency we get to go some pulls there. Once you've exhausted what you get from leveling/ascending characters, you basically only get the five in the shop (as well as whatever the BP gives us) and that's it. Maybe they could (or should) start adding them to events or something.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
but it died after like, half a year, after they laid us all off, and it wasn't very good anyway, so it didn't even get a chance to be disgustingly exploitative!!)

You'd be surprised how disgustingly exploitative a game can get in a record time. Old man story incoming!

I've always been a pretty huge (classic / G1) Transformers fan. For a long time (since pretty much my 80s childhood, up until the mid-late 00s), I had resigned myself that Transformers games Just Fucking Suck. As you may or may not know, then came along High Moon Studios and delivered not one but two of the biggest, most heartfelt love letters a fan can hope for; War for Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron. Then a few years later Platinum went ahead and gave us a lower-budget but higher-depth character action game, Transformers: Devastation (please bear with me here; this is going somewhere, I promise).

Unfortunately, at some point during the past decade, Hasbro decided that the only games they were going to license from that point onward were... well, you guessed it: mobile gacha games. And not just one or two, oh no. From 2007 to date, they have released nearly thirty fucking mobile games (source), all of which but a handful being routinely cancelled after a couple of years (if that) of milking their respective whales. Between 2014 and 2015 alone, over fifteen TF mobile games were released, with all of four of them being still active today.

As you can imagine, this is the perfect breeding ground for games entirely designed to be as predatory and abusive as possible. You may expect all of these games to be hot garbage and no big loss overall, and you would be right for the most part, but the greedy hand of gacha touches even the ones where actual care and thought had obviously been put. Like Transformers: Battle Tactics, a turn-based game that I was pretty into (as a F2P player, of course) for a while; it was actually fun to play and had some pretty interesting strategic layer to it... for all of two months. That's all it took for the game to pivot to increasingly ridiculous power-creeped pay-to-win characters, and entirely PvP events obviously dominated by whales. To quote the TF wiki itself (usually pretty tame when describing official TF products):

There are five character ranks: Common bots (Rank 1) can all be recruited with cybermetal. Uncommon bots (Rank 2) can be recruited with cybermetal and transmetal. (There are only two uncommon bots that can only be obtained as an event reward.) Rare bots (Rank 3) can be recruited with cybermetal, transmetal, and one of four types of class cores.

Many Super Rare bots (Rank 4) were only available as event rewards, but the others require 10 unique cores of that character to build (25 cores for the most recent bots), often obtainable only during the event they were introduced.In the early days of the game, they the most powerful bots.

That was before the Epic bots (Rank 5) were introduced. As the most powerful characters in the game, most of them are unrealistically hard to obtain, as they require 50 cores of that character to recruit them or getting them as rewards in top leagues. The Epic bots available only as event rewards became even more elusive in recent events. The primary way to get new Epic bots during the game's main course of play was spending large amounts of gold on the Space Bridge and Energon.

As someone who quit when the madness became evident, and then kept following news to see how much more insane it would get, the best Genshin Impact equivalent I can describe it as being would be:
- Imagine if, in Genshin, the very worst 5* character were so far above the best 4* character as to make Venti seem the same tier as Amber.
- Imagine then Mihoyo introducing 6* characters within a couple of months of the game release. These characters can only be rolled for with actual money (not primogems), and conversely, make 5* characters entirely and laughably obsolete.
- Imagine they keep introducing a new rarity every few months, of course with increasing prices to match.
- Imagine the game has absolutely no persistent content, and is 50% PvP random matchup battles, and 50% PvE events against enemies that one-shot your entire party unless they're the current, most recent tier. Also you can only get the best PvE event rewards if you "score" among the top X players (spoiler: you can't, because they're obviously all whales).

Needless to say, and even though otherwise perfectly functional, gameplay-wise, it alienated its fanbase enough to be unceremoniously shut off not even a year and a half after release (yes, all of the above happened in the span of 16 months); no doubt pouring additional salt on its whales' already profusely bleeding wounds . All according to Hasbro's plan, it would seem, given the steady stream of new games being developed, released and then cancelled.

Is Genshin actually more generous than the usual gacha? From what I heard I was under the impression that it's stingier, but I'm not well-versed in gacha games (used to avoid them like the devil after some bad first experiences, then got back into it this year with Genshin and Arknights).

Welllllll... see above, hahah.

Edit: I'm talking about the game being stingy about the gacha element (characters), specifically. In Genshin Impact you can get every 4* character pretty easily, and perhaps 1/3 of 5* characters as they're released. Additionally, and this is the biggest difference I see with other gacha games, 4* characters are perfectly viable. A F2P player has no trouble completing game events; there's no P2W wall to speak of.
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Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
4* pity every ten is like... a staple of nearly all gacha.

There's only a handful who do not guarantee a second to highest rarity unit every 10 pull (usually with the caveat it is a ten pull, and not ten single pulls).
Why would you simply ignore the second part of the sentence I wrote and focus so heavily on the first part lol? Just seems like a weird thing to do when my point was clearly about guaranteed banner units on 20...

I personally don't know any gachas that do that. And there's so few 4*s that you can wait for them to cycle round until there's a banner with at least 2 characters you want for a pretty good shot at them.

Unless you want Ninguangg. She seems to never come back.
As much as I love Ayaka, if they don't change her dash I'm probably out.

Like, it's not even her power level that would stop me from pulling for her. Even if her numbers were low, if she's fun to play that would be enough for me, especially since nothing in the game (sans Abyss which I don't even do) needs overpowered characters to push through. If her dash remains as it is though, she just won't be fun to use in combat which is a major negative for me. I've used Mona since launch (she was my first 5* character) and I am used to her dash, but only as a ranged/support character. To have it slapped onto a melee character where you're in the thick of things would just be a headache, considering how often I use the dash to evade stuff. It would instantly kill any interest in myself having Ayaka, which would be depressing considering how long I've been saving/waiting for her.

While I COULD still get her just for her visual appeal/character, given how many upcoming characters there are, I'm finding it difficult to find adequate reason to. I really hope they either change or remove the dash. I've said it before, if they don't then it's a death sentence for her.
I've never really looked into her, but does her dash apply cryo on enemies? Because if so dashing might be part of her melt offence. And if you're worried about dodging, just do what I'm doing: Build shield Diona haha. Who needs to dodge when you don't take damage lol. (Also cryo resonance might be useful too.)
I've built my Fiona full HP artifacts and got her shield up to level 8. I do have a sac bow on her and the reasoning is her shield duration time. Even if you beef up her HP with the recurve bow, the shield duration is whats gonna get you with only 3.6s on her tap E (which you never want to use) and 9s on her hold E. But since her hold E cool down is 15s, you are left unshielded for 6s which is 40% of the time if you don't run her with sac bow. Each of the 5 paws on her hold E has a chance to proc the sac bow passive, which means you can be perma-shielded as long as the shield holds up on damage.

I don't know if you played with her much yet, but I definitely recommend going with the consensus sac bow on her. The energy recharge (which can help with buffing the team if she is your NO holder) and extra cryo particles (making her a battery for a cryo dps) is just gravy on top.
Ah I see, that makes sense. I didn't think of the cooldown time. I figured I could fill the gap with the rotation, but 6 seconds is too long. Especially if I'm not using characters that spam ults in those last two slots (I'm specifically looking for that, hence Albedo).


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 30, 2017
That was not the point of my post at all, i am pretty bad at this game, i only managed to beat the abyss due to good artifacts and team composition
You also beat it because you're good enough at using reactions, have a good enough rotation and built (and possess) the right characters. You are also good enough to get some timely dodges and you're good enough at inputting the actions you want (this is not a given). I do feel like there is a problem with the rhetoric in this thread about how easy the game is and how Abyss is basically just a stat check. It's not only making players feel worse about themselves not being able to beat the Abyss, but it's also failing to understand the RPG genre as a whole. You can grind in RPGs to make things easier, but that doesn't mean there is no input skill or strategy involved, well unless you're overlevelled of course.

This is why I think it's better for people to say it's not mechanically challenging, or it doesn't require a lot of mechanical skill, or something of that nature as opposed to saying it's easy. Then it's clear what everyone means
It is no Dark Souls, sure, but the game is quite punishing if you get hit and it is easy to get hit. The elemental reaction mechanics are also far from trivial and if you don't understand them properly you will have it harder. Think back on how you have done during your first domains? Did you ace them immediately? I was eating healing food all the time. I had a hard time dealing with the domain traps and you also have to learn enemy attack patterns. Some will have a harder time than others. It's only natural. It feels absurd to me saying Genshin isn't mechanically challenging. Of course a lot of people are saying this now after they have played the game for 8 months. They probably already forgot their struggles and have now learned every enemy move by heart because of how many times they have fought every enemy.

Not to mention their atrocious stamina system (Resin) which absolutely still is a problem. It simply generates way too slowly, and there's essentially nothing to do once you run out of Resin. I don't wanna hear anything about some mundane, unenjoyable task such as artifact farming route, mining rocks, or chopping trees as something to do in the absence of Resin. It's bad, period. The game needs more farmable, dungeon like things to engage with outside of Resin costs
Resin is fine as is. It's not an MMORPG that forces you to play the game all the time to stay competitive. The only thing more Resin would do is add more tedium because the only thing you could do with it is more of the same things you already do. Some may have fun with that, but I do not. Well, farming routes are even more tedious of course because the effort:reward ratio is absolute garbage.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Unless you want Ninguangg. She seems to never come back.
I've never really looked into her, but does her dash apply cryo on enemies? Because if so dashing might be part of her melt offence. And if you're worried about dodging, just do what I'm doing: Build shield Diona haha. Who needs to dodge when you don't take damage lol. (Also cryo resonance might be useful too.)
It did in the early beta, but that might have changed (since it wasn't even traditional beta, but more alpha beta). Even if it didn't, they could make the dash more akin to what Hu Tao does. It's just Mona's dash specifically that's not suited for combat. It makes world traversal fun at least (until Mona meets a rock and stop immediately, that is).


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 30, 2017
Genshin's rates + income rate are *some of the absolute worst* in the entire gacha catalog I have ever played.
Same for me and I have tried out around 20 gacha games. The only good thing about the Gacha in Genshin is that there are no banners where you have to use paid currency (genesis crystals for Genshin).


Teyvat Traveler
Jan 23, 2019
I think genshin feels so much more punishing because there aren't 3 star characters
You just get 3 star tat


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
It is no Dark Souls, sure, but the game is quite punishing if you get hit and it is easy to get hit. The elemental reaction mechanics are also far from trivial and if you don't understand them properly you will have it harder. Think back on how you have done during your first domains? Did you ace them immediately? I was eating healing food all the time. I had a hard time dealing with the domain traps and you also have to learn enemy attack patterns. Some will have a harder time than others. It's only natural. It feels absurd to me saying Genshin isn't mechanically challenging. Of course a lot of people are saying this now after they have played the game for 8 months. They probably already forgot their struggles and have now learned every enemy move by heart because of how many times they have fought every enemy.
I mean it's all subjective and comparative right? From my own gaming experience and background I don't think it's mechanically challenging. I'm not trying to sound like how the other poster described people who say it's easy, but I actually didn't face those challenges you described lol.

Seeing as others used it as an example already, I grew up on games like DMC, so dodging has very rarely been an issue for me. And now I have two competent shielders I don't even need to think about it.

The only issue I had with domains was not doing enough damage, which was a gear check, and, in the very early days when I had few characters, an element check (not having a good fire unit to deal with ice slimes for instance). I don't think I've ever thought about enemy attack patterns outside of abyss if I'm honest. And even then that's more cause of positioning, which would go under game sense as opposed to mechanical skill.

I've barely used food in this game because you can't use it in abyss, and I didn't want to distort my view of what my characters could do. I rely heavily on muscle memory and instinct, and so "programming" myself correctly meant not using food. Makes certain missions easier though because I always have things available to give haha.

As for elemental reactions, I don't think what you're talking about goes under mechanical skill. That would be game knowledge no? I mean yes, it is a mechanic of the game, but there's very little execution required to do it correctly. You just need to understand what order to layer your elements.

So yeah, it's not that I've forgotten the struggles of the past. It's that for me the struggles of the past where never mechanical issues. It was simply gear and roster. In my opinion this game isn't very mechanically challenging because there aren't many executional barriers. To make it clear this is not me looking down on the game. The concept of "skill" is more than just mechanical skill, which is something I think a lot of gamers either overlook or don't understand. So I'm not saying this game requires no skill. But the mechanical skill required is minimal in my opinion.

Edit: also I am talking purely from a PC/PS4 perspective. On mobile I think this would be pretty difficult. Without a controller or keyboard the level of mechanical skill required is way higher imo.
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Magic Kaito

Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
I think genshin feels so much more punishing because there aren't 3 star characters
You just get 3 star tat
Genshin is weird like that. It's kind of backwards how the 4* characters that are free are also the most difficult to get constellation levels for. Same story with craftable weapons. Someone who's been playing a few months and is using their primos will likely have more 4* weapons from the gacha than billets.


Teyvat Traveler
Jan 23, 2019
Genshin is weird like that. It's kind of backwards how the 4* characters that are free are also the most difficult to get constellation levels for. Same story with craftable weapons. Someone who's been playing a few months and is using their primos will likely have more 4* weapons from the gacha than billets.

Yeah, it would be so much better if Amber, Kaeya, Lisa earnt constellations alongside the story like Lumine/Aether if they aren't going to include them on banners
Kaeya is my only 0 con character, Amber c2, Lisa c1
It's one of the reasons I can't recommend the game to people as F2P friendly whole heartedly
That and the fact that you can't make 2 spiral abyss teams out of the perma free characters, you're missing 1 slot


Teyvat Traveler
Jan 23, 2019
Speaking of Kaeya... I refuse to believe anyone would buy Barb from the starglitter store


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 31, 2017

I don't know what to think of this. The first bit makes it seems like that Raiden is still gonna be good eventhough electro sucks. No no no, I want you to be THE electro savior not be good despite being electro, smh.


May 8, 2018

I don't know what to think of this. The first bit makes it seems like that Raiden is still gonna be good eventhough electro sucks. No no no, I want you to be THE electro savior not be good despite being electro, smh.

She will automatically have the coolest design in Genshin if they use the Honkai design.

I predict mihoyo will drop the Inazuma trailer during the Switch Pro reveal direct!


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
Genshin is weird like that. It's kind of backwards how the 4* characters that are free are also the most difficult to get constellation levels for. Same story with craftable weapons. Someone who's been playing a few months and is using their primos will likely have more 4* weapons from the gacha than billets.
That and the fact that there are 4* weapons that are mechanically useless. It's such a pain to get another The Bell or Rainslasher when you finally get to 10 pulls.

I don't know what to think of this. The first bit makes it seems like that Raiden is still gonna be good eventhough electro sucks. No no no, I want you to be THE electro savior not be good despite being electro, smh.

Sigh, I should prepare for the scenario where we only get the EM boost and no changes to electro. It's all rumor land, so it's better I don't have any expectations.
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Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Speaking of Kaeya... I refuse to believe anyone would buy Barb from the starglitter store

Just what everyone needed. Another chance at Barbara.

I don't know what to think of this. The first bit makes it seems like that Raiden is still gonna be good eventhough electro sucks. No no no, I want you to be THE electro savior not be good despite being electro, smh.

I have a mighty need for Raiden.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 30, 2017
Seeing as others used it as an example already, I grew up on games like DMC, so dodging has very rarely been an issue for me. And now I have two competent shielders I don't even need to think about it
I only played the first DMC over 15 years ago or so and from memory yeah, DMC was harder, but I was also less experienced, so who knows. My background of games with action-oriented combat is more like the Tales of Series which I find easier then Genshin. I even think Monster Hunter Rise is easier (it's the third MH I've played though). Of course at the point where I am right now (AR55) Genshin has become way easier aside from the Abyss, but that wasn't always the case.

I don't think I've ever thought about enemy attack patterns outside of abyss if I'm honest
One of the things I struggled with for example were water abyss mages. That bubble can be very tricky to deal with because you can't easily dodge it when you're close.

As for elemental reactions, I don't think what you're talking about goes under mechanical skill. That would be game knowledge no? I mean yes, it is a mechanic of the game, but there's very little execution required to do it correctly. You just need to understand what order to layer your elements.
That's on me. I kinda forgot the proper context of the quote and saw "mechanically challenging" the same as "challenging game mechanics". It is still an important skill to master and it's not only knowing what reaction does what, but also knowing how often these proc. When does an elemental aura disappear? Which attacks apply a stronger aura than others? How can I control which characters are the ones that cause a reaction? I try out different approaches to see what can be optimised and it can be hard sometimes to do everything in time before a buff disappears, especially when you also have to react to what the enemies are doing. Although I assume with a Zhongli shield the last part won't matter, haha.


If Raiden is some Honkai character, then RIP all immersion. (I say this as if I don't know which one, but I tried playing the game twice and I know the character)


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
I think at this point we can expect them to rotate the starglitter shop until we get to Xingqiu and Ningguang again. Then if it's Razor and Amber next it means they'll rotate once more.


Oct 25, 2017

I don't know what to think of this. The first bit makes it seems like that Raiden is still gonna be good eventhough electro sucks. No no no, I want you to be THE electro savior not be good despite being electro, smh.

Point 2 sounds like they're hinting that Baal could not just be based on Raiden Mei, but possibly her Herrscher of Thunder form which has two big-ass arms that wield a huge-ass claymore katana in addition to her own regular-sized one.


Regarding Point 1, it would be also interesting if they actually straight up transplant her from Honkai 3rd and give her a Time Fracture/Witch Time mechanic on her dodge. Otherwise boo on not helping or taking advantage of electro reactions.
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Teyvat Traveler
Oct 31, 2017
Point 2 sounds like they're hinting that Baal could not just be based on Raiden Mei, but possibly her Herrscher of Thunder form which has two big-ass arms that wield a huge-ass claymore katana in addition to her own regular-sized one.


Interesting. That arm shield thingy also very similar with the new boss, Maguu Kenki.


Nov 1, 2017
Herrscher of Thunder is a god damn mess of a design, but it's the one most similar to the enemies revealed, so it's likely it's that one.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
On the topic of how Genshin compares relatively to other gachas, the constellation system is one of the most infuriating dupe systems I've ever seen.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
Resin is fine as is. It's not an MMORPG that forces you to play the game all the time to stay competitive. The only thing more Resin would do is add more tedium because the only thing you could do with it is more of the same things you already do. Some may have fun with that, but I do not. Well, farming routes are even more tedious of course because the effort:reward ratio is absolute garbage.
You said it yourself. Some may find it enjoyable while you do not. Why is it a bad thing to give players more Resin if that's what they want? You are free to play the game the same way you're playing it right now. As for me, I would definitely like more Resin.


Nov 1, 2017
Also if I had to guess, Herrscher would more be appropriate for a Boss mode Baal, while something like Danzai or Shadow Dash would be more appropriate for a unit.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
You should get Benny C1 even if those weren't the shop refresh units. He's too damn useful.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
On the topic of difficulty, I think the biggest reason I call Genshin an easy game is because if you are really struggling with something, you can get a stronger friend to help or give you some advice and tips. I remember the biggest hurdles I faced when first played were defeating the overworld bosses to ascend my characters, as I just couldn't understand their attack patterns and how to dodge them. I remember the Pyro regisvine and mondstat talent domain in particular gave me such a hard time. It was relieving that, whenever I felt stuck and unable to do anything, I could ask a friend to come help and show me how its done, while giving me some tips. I now do that with a friend who's AR 35, and it's that option that makes Genshin feel less difficult, and honestly is a part of why I keep playing it. Having that last ditch option, if I really need it, to call a friend, helps the challenges feel less intimidating and more manageable.

Of course for stuff in which you can't play co-op, like Spiral Abyss, well that's why I say Genshin is mostly an easy game, with some difficult challenges. But hey, that's how I think it should be, mostly easy, but with some large hurdles for any who really want to go the extra mile.

I wonder if all this dialogue will be in the game when he releases, or if it will be revealed when these characters are released?
Exciting nonetheless, another point towards Inazuma coming after 1.6.
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Feb 4, 2020
On the topic of how Genshin compares relatively to other gachas, the constellation system is one of the most infuriating dupe systems I've ever seen.
Yeah, the power increase for some constellations is just insane. I've never seen other games make it so different from getting more power with dupes. And getting dupes beyond C6 is just useless.

I hope they implement a system that let you use some kind of item as a substitute for dupes like what many games do. It can be super rare and can only be obtained via super special event or something (or collect fragments of it through many events) and it'll be better than what it currently is.


Teyvat Traveler
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017

Klee's Banner apparently. Great skip banner for me, will keep saving
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