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Dec 16, 2019
They will definitely buff Keqing (and/or electro as whole) at some point since she is so popular (keyboard, crossover with Honkai etc.), but a new character that enters the standard banner right from the start? There's no way, especially with one who's been so hyped. Albedo, on the other way, is the perfect fit for that


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
If this is from the same 'leak' I've seen, it only said that Inazuma characters would be added to the standard banner but that the leaker didn't know who; there was nothing about Ayaka specifically being put there. That's just ppl running away with this info and making assumptions.


Oct 25, 2017
Klee destroyed my tolerance for any kids in this game
adults voice acting toddlers, like nails down a chalkboard
I only grew to accept Paimon because she's more like a goblin than anything else
that's your fault for playing with the worst audio language tho surely you can admit that much


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
This event is really weird from a world lore perspective. Like it's practically shatters the world congruity if you actually take the world building seriously.

This is prime ludonarrative dissonance and I'm not even sure what they were going for with this other than "cute filler event" with no real consideration for little sense it makes. "Wow hilichurls are actually thinking creatures that we can talk with and get along with!"... "Now then, I need to upgrade Eula, time to slaughter hundreds of them."

Like what?


Oct 25, 2017
This event is really weird from a world lore perspective. Like it's practically shatters the world congruity if you actually take the world building seriously.

This is prime ludonarrative dissonance and I'm not even sure what they were going for with this other than "cute filler event" with no real consideration for little sense it makes. "Wow hilichurls are actually thinking creatures that we can talk with and get along with!"... "Now then, I need to upgrade Eula, time to slaughter hundreds of them."

Like what?

We also kind of kill Fatui when they're just chillin around a campfire.
There was that one quest where we attacked a Fatui guy and he was just picking flowers. And then still framed it as his fault!


Nov 2, 2019
Feel free to add me ya'll.

US: 600000457

Really wanna know the 4*s for Klee's upcoming rerun banner >.<
EDIT: So excited Klee is front and center for this next patch <3
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Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
I've said it before but Keqing's numbers are good, so buffing her doesn't solve the actual problem which is electro is bad and vape/melt are completely overpowered.
there is nothing more fucked than getting a 5 star elemental artifact, that gives a bonus to a completely different element.
Cup pretty much always has to be your off set piece.
Wait, huh. What!? That...can't be true. How/Why would they make such a popular character a standard release? It doesn't make sense. And they'd be idiots to slap Mona's dash on a melee character, anyone testing her for even a second would know it doesn't work well for combat.

I'm very hesitant to believe the rumors. With as hyped as she is, I'm sure a lot of people will be claiming things as fact for attention.
Considering Mihoyo's track record it's unlikely that they'll change any aspects of her kit in that way, so I wouldn't get your hopes up over the dash. The only thing they ever really do is tweek numbers and stuff, and even then I'm not sure they actually test anything.


Oct 27, 2017
We're doing commissions for Hilichurls, then at some point we better get a commission to fight an "enemy" and it turns out to be Millelith or Knights of Favonious.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Jan 11, 2018
I'm guessing you're all referring to this:

From Arkywzx
*The original SS come from a Bilibili/Youtube video from an uncle called "Free big boar"*
Links: and

*The images were SS of their chat and was posted to the above channel(s)
Take it with a grain of salt*

- Ayaka will have no problem having a good crit ratio
- It's easy to control the strength of Main DPS characters
- Physical, Cryo, Pyro main DPS characters will all not be weaker than xiao - It can't possibly be weaker than Xiao
- Even if she (Ayaka) was weak in the beta, it's easy to tune up cryo and pyro
- Nothing will be changed too much (again referring to Ayaka) except the damage numbers
- Mihoyo is very good at adjusting characters' stats, but the changes won't be drastic.
- There will be new Inazuma characters entering the standard banner for sure, but (arky) doesn't know who exactly.
**TL from Silonzes, Esperance and Spaceship of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor Translation team**


Oct 25, 2017
Used my first 10 beginner wishes and got Barbara and Noelle. Barbara seems neat and syncs well with Lisa.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
Wouldn't the only reason for Mihoyo to change Ayaka's dash be them thinking that Mona's dash is bad? I don't think they do.

(I actually got used to Mona's. Windtrace was like a bootcamp for her dash.)


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 30, 2017
If anyone has any tips for a new starter, please share
  • Don't do artifact domains before adventure rank 45
  • For artifacts in general: level them up a bit early on, but don't stress over "perfect" stats or set boni (until you've reached the endgame)
  • Don't focus on levelling too many characters at the same time
That's what comes to mind first for me. Have fun exploring the world of Teyvat!
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Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
I reached AR54 this weekend. Only one rank until I can play in the WL of the friends who got me into the game.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 31, 2017
Used my first 10 beginner wishes and got Barbara and Noelle. Barbara seems neat and syncs well with Lisa.

They're adequate for early game, but no one really used them late game (Barbara and Lisa). I suggest not overinvesting resources on them. Just enough to help with progressing the main story quest is enough. You'll find better units to invest more heavily from the gacha, eventually.
Dec 27, 2019
They're adequate for early game, but no one really used them late game (Barbara and Lisa). I suggest not overinvesting resources on them. Just enough to help with progressing the main story quest is enough. You'll find better units to invest more heavily from the gacha, eventually.
Maybe more than just adequate... Having a character like Barbara that can keep your party healed between fights as you explore is great.


Nov 6, 2017
Wait, huh. What!? That...can't be true. How/Why would they make such a popular character a standard release? It doesn't make sense. And they'd be idiots to slap Mona's dash on a melee character, anyone testing her for even a second would know it doesn't work well for combat.

I'm very hesitant to believe the rumors. With as hyped as she is, I'm sure a lot of people will be claiming things as fact for attention.

The idea sounds brilliant to me, from a business perspective. This will get people spending Genesis gems on the standard banner for the first time ever, in addition to the limited ones. Furthermore, it means if players don't want or need the current 3 week limited character, they can still desire to spend on the standard banner for more chances at Ayaka.

Like, I don't see this actually happening, but I can clearly see why it would benefit them from a business perspective.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm guessing you're all referring to this:

From Arkywzx
*The original SS come from a Bilibili/Youtube video from an uncle called "Free big boar"*
Links: and

*The images were SS of their chat and was posted to the above channel(s)
Take it with a grain of salt*

- Ayaka will have no problem having a good crit ratio
- It's easy to control the strength of Main DPS characters
- Physical, Cryo, Pyro main DPS characters will all not be weaker than xiao - It can't possibly be weaker than Xiao
- Even if she (Ayaka) was weak in the beta, it's easy to tune up cryo and pyro
- Nothing will be changed too much (again referring to Ayaka) except the damage numbers
- Mihoyo is very good at adjusting characters' stats, but the changes won't be drastic.
- There will be new Inazuma characters entering the standard banner for sure, but (arky) doesn't know who exactly.
**TL from Silonzes, Esperance and Spaceship of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor Translation team**
Not sure I agree with bolded.
It feel either based on expecting power creep and/or underestimating Xiao, I'm not even sure Eula would be ranked above him as C0 in most tier list so it feel strange to read that a Physical, Cryo, Pyro 5* can only be stronger than him.

That being said I would be surprised to see Ayaka being weak, it does seems kind of hard to make a bad main dps who can do a perma freeze comp, bringing both the benefits of a good CC and the blizzard Strayer set bonus, and easily benefit from a the cryo resonance. Biggest "problem" I can see is that well, there is only one xingqiu... they really really need to introduce more character like him and Fischl who are amazing when it comes to enable elemental reaction..
Nov 8, 2017
Stockholm, Sweden
Used my first 10 beginner wishes and got Barbara and Noelle. Barbara seems neat and syncs well with Lisa.

They're adequate for early game, but no one really used them late game (Barbara and Lisa). I suggest not overinvesting resources on them. Just enough to help with progressing the main story quest is enough. You'll find better units to invest more heavily from the gacha, eventually.

I still use Barbara after 800+ hours, what are you talking about.


Dec 16, 2019
I still use Barbara after 800+ hours, what are you talking about.
Is there any reason to use her if you have one among Bennett, Diona, Jean or Qiqi tho? I haven't leveled my C4 Barbara past 50 'cause I know I would find one of these four units eventually; Barbara just heals, like Qiqi, while the others have some added utility. I'd say level her if you don't have any other healer.


Oct 25, 2017
I still use Barbara after 800+ hours, what are you talking about.
I'll (sort of!) second this; I only committed to using Barbara when I got to her in my friend queue. She rules tbh. Isn't perfect, but who cares. She's back in the bench now but that's just 'cause I prefer other characters more.

Use who you want! The only content that really requires you to optimize teams is the abyss, and even that has a lot more freedom than most seem to believe.

...Well, if you're good anyway. I'm not. D:


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
I refrain from telling new players that they shouldn't invest in certain characters unless they ask about it. That kind of thing hampered my enjoyment of the game for a while. The first thing I heard when I got Amber was "Amber sucks". I wasn't going to use her much either way, but that colors units in a very negative light when all of them have the potential to be fun.


Dec 1, 2017
Is there any reason to use her if you have one among Bennett, Diona, Jean or Qiqi tho? I haven't leveled my C4 Barbara past 50 'cause I know I would find one of these four units eventually; Barbara just heals, like Qiqi, while the others have some added utility. I'd say level her if you don't have any other healer.
Her water aura is pretty decent for freeze/vape when your xinqiu's burst is not up or if you don't want to invest in him. She's not the best but she has her uses.
Nov 8, 2017
Stockholm, Sweden
Is there any reason to use her if you have one among Bennett, Diona, Jean or Qiqi tho? I haven't leveled my C4 Barbara past 50 'cause I know I would find one of these four units eventually; Barbara just heals, like Qiqi, while the others have some added utility. I'd say level her if you don't have any other healer.

I play this game really aggressively and without any shields, having access to constant healing is a must for me, i can't rely on characters that only heal with their bursts.

I have Qiqi but depending on the team i still find myself using Barbara very often, she has a powerful versatile heal, she as a great auto revive at C6, she is great for applying hydro and she gives a really nice attack buff with the thrilling tales of dragon slayers catalyst, and i have given her a ton of hp and def so i straight up switch to her to tank big hits in emergencies, i have waltzed through the abyss with Barbara as an mvp several times, sure she only heals but she does it very well.
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Dec 16, 2019
I play this game really aggressively and without any shields, having access to constant healing is a must for me, i can't rely on characters that only heal with their bursts.
Fair enough, I thought so too initially and that's why my first healer was actually Noelle, because she could heal everyone with her skill while Barbara only heal the current unit with hers (she heal everyone with her burst, but so does Jean).
Of course that's just a random advice by me, as you guys said you can play any way you want, it's not like the game is hard anyway, you don't get locked out of any content besides the Abyss.
This just reminded me that when the game come out my team was Diluc/Beidou/Chongyun/Noelle, it was totally nonsense but Diluc destroyed everything either way (and I gave him the whiteblind wtf)


Oct 25, 2017
Fair enough, I thought so too initially and that's why my first healer was actually Noelle, because she could heal everyone with her skill while Barbara only heal the current unit with hers (she heal everyone with her burst, but so does Jean).
Of course that's just a random advice by me, as you guys said you can play any way you want, it's not like the game is hard anyway, you don't get locked out of any content besides the Abyss.
This just reminded me that when the game come out my team was Diluc/Beidou/Chongyun/Noelle, it was totally nonsense but Diluc destroyed everything either way (and I gave him the whiteblind wtf)
Barbara heals everyone with her skill, too. While it's up, attacks with her heal everyone. Same as Qiqi's skill.
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Nov 8, 2017
Stockholm, Sweden
Fair enough, I thought so too initially and that's why my first healer was actually Noelle, because she could heal everyone with her skill while Barbara only heal the current unit with hers (she heal everyone with her burst, but so does Jean).

Barbara heals the entire team if you attack with her when she has her healing aura activated, sure the damage isn't great but she tops up the entire team really fast.


Dec 16, 2019


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 31, 2017
I still use Barbara after 800+ hours, what are you talking about.

A Barbara main?! Impossible.

I mean, people can still use her. Only talking about overinvesting here. "Over" is the keyword here. Genshin is a game of resource management, afterall (unless you're a whale). I feel like among the free/starter characters only Xiangling and Kaeya are worth it to raise properly as they scale great late game and still has a place in current meta. Xiangling Vape is actually top tier, and Kaeya is good to enable some Freeze/Reverse Melt comps (comparable to Rosaria). Definitely worth it to bring to at least lvl.70 or even 80/90 eventually. Can't really say the same about Barbara, Lisa, Amber. Barbara and Lisa are mostly okay at low investment to enable reactions or as cheap TTDS buffer (but they're more of a copium pick instead BiS pick). Amber... no comment.

But I guess I shouldn't interfere with how people play. My bad. Carry on.
Oct 27, 2017
Upcoming 5* sword looks very good for Xinqui, Albedo or Kazucha. Albedo suffers a lil bit because Geo EM is whatever, but others... unbeliebable. Stats for the holder alone are some of the best in slot, and then you get a permanent buff for the party that is something like double-Noblesse in stats.

Hopefully it is paired with something worth getting, and 4* items that aren't pure trash.


Avengers Assmble

Skin for the useless hero as a special reward in the 1.6 patch... From free 10 wishes + a 4* character of choice to... forced copy of specific character, to useless bow, and now a useless skin... Number of wishes they give for free keeps on dwindling :(


Teyvat Traveler
Nov 22, 2019


Oct 28, 2017
I refrain from telling new players that they shouldn't invest in certain characters unless they ask about it. That kind of thing hampered my enjoyment of the game for a while. The first thing I heard when I got Amber was "Amber sucks". I wasn't going to use her much either way, but that colors units in a very negative light when all of them have the potential to be fun.

I agree with this. I don't think it's right to tell new players which characters they should be playing or which are "bad investments".

Play whoever you enjoy using! For the most part, all the characters in genshin can be useful if you build them.

I know for me, I still use Lisa and I have fun with her gameplay style. It really sucks and makes me feel bad when people constantly trash her either here or elsewhere. :(

So, I wouldn't want to make someone else feel that way about a character they might really like. (although, I'll still critique character designs like how bad Mona's is lol)
Nov 8, 2017
Stockholm, Sweden
A Barbara main?! Impossible.

I mean, people can still use her. Only talking about overinvesting here. "Over" is the keyword here. Genshin is a game of resource management, afterall (unless you're a whale). I feel like among the free/starter characters only Xiangling and Kaeya are worth it to raise properly as they scale great late game and still has a place in current meta. Xiangling Vape is actually top tier, and Kaeya is good to enable some Freeze/Reverse Melt comps (comparable to Rosaria). Definitely worth it to bring to at least lvl.70 or even 80/90 eventually. Can't really say the same about Barbara, Lisa, Amber. Barbara and Lisa are mostly okay at low investment to enable reactions or as cheap TTDS buffer (but they're more of a copium pick instead BiS pick). Amber... no comment.

But I guess I shouldn't interfere with how people play. My bad. Carry on.

At the end of the day none of that stuff actually matters at all since genshin is not a hard game, aside from a few floors in the abyss it's piss easy so min maxing and theory crafting is pretty pointless, just use whatever character you like and enjoy playing.

Bringing a few lower tier characters up to level 80 is no big deal, recourses are not that scarce if you have been playing the game for a longer time.

I use Barbara because she does a great job of keeping the team alive and her peppy personality kinda makes her the team cheerleader.

That's enough for me.
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Oct 25, 2017
I just realized that Qiqi has 100% 4p Pale Flame uptime with a Sac sword. Though the energy recharge from Sac Sword is pretty useless for her and my Xingqiu has higher priority on it.
But 2p Pale Flame + 2p Bloodstained is probably overall more consistent and doesn't lock you into the weapon.
Will probably build that sometime.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm guessing you're all referring to this:

From Arkywzx
*The original SS come from a Bilibili/Youtube video from an uncle called "Free big boar"*
Links: and

*The images were SS of their chat and was posted to the above channel(s)
Take it with a grain of salt*

- Ayaka will have no problem having a good crit ratio
- It's easy to control the strength of Main DPS characters
- Physical, Cryo, Pyro main DPS characters will all not be weaker than xiao - It can't possibly be weaker than Xiao
- Even if she (Ayaka) was weak in the beta, it's easy to tune up cryo and pyro
- Nothing will be changed too much (again referring to Ayaka) except the damage numbers
- Mihoyo is very good at adjusting characters' stats, but the changes won't be drastic.
- There will be new Inazuma characters entering the standard banner for sure, but (arky) doesn't know who exactly.
**TL from Silonzes, Esperance and Spaceship of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor Translation team**
Eh, most leaks we get aren't vague nonsense like this.
Nov 8, 2017
Stockholm, Sweden
I know for me, I still use Lisa and I have fun with her gameplay style. It really sucks and makes me feel bad when people constantly trash her either here or elsewhere. :(

How is Lisa at higher levels?
I really enjoyed playing as her and only abandoned her when she was at level 50 because i got Keqing, but i always found her to be a really cool and unique character and she should get a pretty significant boost if the electro buff rumors are true.

Tom Penny

Oct 26, 2017
So I got teapot to rank 8. If I'm not spending time to build a spot is the best thing to just buy that resin for 1200 coins every couple of days?


Nov 18, 2017
This game has amazing exploration, especially the Dragonspine area in my opinion. So many secrets and things to find there. Mondstadt and Liyue themselves are a bit too open in comparison even though they're still great

Yep I'd really wish I could go in blind again because the experience is massive and beautiful. Now that i've been at endgame for months it is a barren wasteland pretty much. Hope you enjoy it!

Thanks for the thoughts both! I've kept an eye on the game for months and always thought I'd give it ago.

Last week, I found myself with some free time - as I await Ratchet and Clank - and with the latest PS5 patch, everything lined up perfectly.

It's blown my expectations out of the water so far. A huge, beautiful world, really fun combat, likeable characters, rewarding exploration, addictive levelling systems, etc.

I discovered the Inn the other day so decided to push into unknown territory this afternoon (while doing some quests and daily missions) and now stand at the cliff overlooking Liyue... as I ran up the stairs leading up the hill, I kept thinking 'please game, deliver, have something cool for me to look at when I get to the top, there's a chance here to blow me away' - and man, it did it!

Excited to journey there tonight and explore. Dragonspine is awesome too. I'll end up playing this more than Ratchet and Clank! lol
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