Oct 25, 2017
did they fixed ultima on ff2?

Firion spamming it was most of my damage in the last boss fight, despite me treating him more like a Black Mage most of the game and Ultimate only being Level 7 by the end (Ultima is White Magic and thus uses Spirit). What should it be doing?

Does anyone know the extent of what job levels do in III? I know they affect weapon hits but what else? Do they effect the Job abilities like making Viking's Draw Attacks command miss less?

General damage and utility. So, yes, Draw Attacks has better success and Black Mages do more spell damage, Jump does more damage, etc.

I finally got the Dark Knight class in FF3 and there are no weapons available for it. Life is pain.

It is super awkward how 3 of the jobs from that crystal don't have weapons right away. Really a dumb decision IMO.

Deleted member 721

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Firion spamming it was most of my damage in the last boss fight, despite me treating him more like a Black Mage most of the game and Ultimate only being Level 7 by the end (Ultima is White Magic and thus uses Spirit). What should it be doing?

General damage and utility. So, yes, Draw Attacks has better success and Black Mages do more spell damage, Jump does more damage, etc.

It is super awkward how 3 of the jobs from that crystal don't have weapons right away. Really a dumb decision IMO.
nes ff2 it did 500 damage


Nov 18, 2018
Wow, uh, Sleep just doesn't wear off in FF2, huh? Wood Golems are a lot more dangerous than I thought they were.


All those +10 Stat boosts at the top of the Tower of Mysidia are nice, but it's a bit painful knowing Ricard isn't going to be around much longer so they're kind of "wasted" on him.

Also I doubt this because it's 2021 but I hope there's no overflow stat bugs in this game because I'm at 90-99 natural Agility for the main three, and Firion's getting up there with Strength too. Gave Flare to Maria and Ultima to Guy since I figure Firion'll be bashing away with whatever the best sword ends up being anyway.
There aren't any overflow bugs like that, no. In the original, your stats could go above 99, which would break the number display. Would cap at 109 because stat bonuses from equipment didn't stack, and it showed the number as A9. It still functioned correctly though. I'm not sure if this version allows stats to go beyond 99, but it's not visible in the stat screen if it does.
Firion spamming it was most of my damage in the last boss fight, despite me treating him more like a Black Mage most of the game and Ultimate only being Level 7 by the end. What should it be doing?
In the original game, Ultima was relatively strong for a level 1 spell but basically did not scale at all so it was pretty useless.

GBA and on, they made Ultima scale with both its own level and the level of all of that character's other skills and spells, so it can end up doing pretty decent damage, but there are generally much better ways to deal high damage.


Jun 6, 2020
Playing through 3 now, I'm enjoying it (the small technical issues notwithstanding) but I'm surprised how much I missed the premade character bits. Never thought too much of them but when the rest of the game doesn't have much of a story their absence has been more noticeable than expected. Were the jobs balanced that differently? I know you were generally encouraged to switch to new jobs, but were older ones viable longer? On paper that sounds preferable honestly.


Oct 25, 2017

The game froze the first time I beat Bahamut (incredible timing), managed to do it again with only the Evoker standing after like 5 Elixirs since Leviathan kept doing Demon Eye :| lol


Nov 18, 2018
I didn't really know how buffs worked until the middle of the last boss fight, so my inference could be wrong. It definitely seemed like it was doing more damage after some stacks rather than after a fresh Life and no stacks.
Tested it, and it does not seem to scale spell damage. Did about the same damage with Blizzard both before and after several stacks. The effect is fairly dramatic on weapons, so it should be very noticeable. As in, I just gave Maria a Longbow I had lying around, cast Berserk 7 a few times with her, Berserk 3 a couple times with Guy, and the multitarget Haste from Masamune, and she was doing 1500 damage using a weak bow and no weapon skill.


Oct 27, 2017
For those who play in ultrawide, there is a mod for FF1 that changes the borders from yellow to black.

You also need a modified dll.

EDIT2: Here are FF2 and FF3.
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Oct 30, 2017
Finally, I have met the Coeurls in FF2. I hate them.

Just gearing up for Jade Passage/Pandemonium now. Might do a bit of grinding as I go through the Jade Passage and just escape before the warp. I want a few more Ultima levels and I wanna stick some buffs on Leon's spell list.

I will say that Leon starts at least vaguely useful stat-wise (outside of low HP like everyone you recruit). Shame that literally nobody but Minwu actually comes with spells. Dude is arguably the best companion you get and he's with you for all of half an hour.

Still feels weird that so many weapons have huge magic penalties. I got two Yoichi Bows to drop in Palamecia Castle but they kill your spell damage. If I ever try a magic-heavy playthrough it's fists and knives all the way.


Jul 25, 2021
Just finished FF1. Very solid game. I think the obvious negatives are story is super light, encounter rate is pretty high (would prefer, say, half encounters and double the exp), and the overall game, at least this version, was very exceptionally easy to the point that I autobattled every boss, except for the final boss which in contrast felt like an absurd difficulty spike. Finally got through it by realizing that haste and temper buffs stack. Also the lack of additional content, while by no means a dealbreaker, feels like a missed opportunity. Hope they add it as DLC or something down the line.

Additionally, strongly recommend doing the hex edit to the dll to remove judder while scrolling. Worked like a charm and made the game so much more enjoyable. I also swapped out the main character sprites for the Dawn of Souls ones, and the font for the one from mystic quest. Combined with a nice CRT or low-res LCD filter in Reshade it's a very nice experience. On to 2!


Oct 26, 2017
So I went for a gimmick run of FF1: All Red Wizards
For the most part, the adventure went real smooth...until the final boss.

My strategy is giving the masamune-wielding wizard 2 strength drinks + saber + haste, and then having them attack for the rest of the battle. Depending on how the battle is going, I'll start buffing someone else so they can contribute damage. Unfortunately, Chaos does pretty much whatever he wants. There's a 1% chance he'll waste a turn casting Slowra, but usually he just wipes us out with back-to-back flares and tsunamis. Even at level 45, my Wizard crew only has 400-500 HP per person. Flare does 300+. The lack of healaga or even healara adds to the pain.

So I ended up taking a break. I'll just have to grind some levels and try again later.


Oct 25, 2017
FF3 down. Finished with two Ninjas, a Magus, and a Devout . That final boss was a real endurance test around level 46-47. I think it's designed to be more for level 50-60 characters but I plowed my way through. Ended up getting in a pattern where sometimes I could heal up no problem, other times it got real dicey and I had to use my physical attackers to boost HP, and I was running low on hi-potions. Managed to beat it just as the two physical attackers died with one final Flare.

Last edited:


Oct 31, 2017
So I ended up taking a break. I'll just have to grind some levels and try again later.

Do three of your red mages have Temper? You can stack them on the one with your Masamune. Not two Temper stacks, we're talking 10+.

My red mage with Masamune was hitting for similar damage to my black belt in the final dungeon. That black belt was hitting Chaos for over 8k fully buffed. The fight was straight up obviously impossible otherwise (triple mage, none white) but you only need to not get completely screwed for 5 or so turns with this strategy.


Oct 27, 2017
Got Bard up to around Job level 70 but they only ever learn 3 new songs. I was expecting them to at least fill out the menu box. Still, one of the more useful jobs along with Geomancer. Healing and damage potential is low but free so you can just continue spamming it and let the rest of the party focus on wiping out the baddies. But for the battles against the optional Summon beasts I had to swap White and Black Mage back in and let them use all that new magic that's been building up.

Now I'm standing in front of what my vague memories of FF3DS is telling me are the final couple of dungeons. But I'll start in on that another time.
Oct 25, 2017
hey guys thinking of grabbing this just have some questions

are the modifiers in the game? faster xp, gil etc
any known performance/problems on pc?
is it easy to mod to change the horrible fonts?

thanks in advance :)


Oct 25, 2017
hey guys thinking of grabbing this just have some questions

are the modifiers in the game? faster xp, gil etc
any known performance/problems on pc?
is it easy to mod to change the horrible fonts?

thanks in advance :)

- No. There is auto-battle and a generally faster battle pace that really speeds things up, though.
- The only ones I encountered in FF2 and 3 were the music cutting out and one freeze (which also coincided with the music cutout). Restarting the game fixed it no problem. Some people are sensitive to the judder when scrolling the screen.
- Yes! Check the threadmarks for some nice font mods. I use the FFVI font.

Textured Monk

Oct 27, 2017
FF3 - am I likely to mess up my stat growths/MP bouncing between jobs and mixing magic/physical on an Onion kid, or will it just even out over time?


Oct 28, 2017
thanks all. damn@ judder yeah thats a big thing for me. Does everyone experience judder? no known fix for it?

You can increase the game's frame rate via a hex editor to help make it better, especially if using a high refresh rate monitor, or you can increase the walking speed of your character via a similar method, but there's no complete fix as far as I know. It's not a performance issue as such, but rather due to how the camera scrolls, the player movement speed, and the size of the tilesets I believe. Something along those lines anyway. There are links on the previous page about it and the solutions.

It's very noticeable for me, but increasing the frame rate to 120 when playing on my 120Hz TV did make it a lot less noticeable. But to be honest it's just been something I've put up with. I sort of ignore it after a while. I didn't actually know there was a method for changing the character movement speed to solve it, so I might try out that tonight.

EDIT: Oh and the game doesn't have a vsync option so you might want to force it via your GPU settings to avoid screen tearing.


Oct 27, 2017
FFI - I just finished the volcano dungeon and activated the fire crystal. It took me a long time to figure out where I was supposed to go after I beat the earth dungeon, though, and in the process I ended up overleveling my party and stacking an insane amount of Gil. I was able to stock up on tons of healing items which made the volcano a breeze.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
FF3 - am I likely to mess up my stat growths/MP bouncing between jobs and mixing magic/physical on an Onion kid, or will it just even out over time?

I think the best policy is to pick who will go physical and who will go magical but I don't have the numbers


Jun 24, 2019
FFIII -Ive only unlocked the 2nd and 3rd set of jobs. Do you learn new abilities for jobs as long as you level them up?


Oct 25, 2017
FFIII isn't grabbing me, which is a shame. I thought maybe it was just the DS version (which I hated), but something about the game just doesn't click with me. I'm not enjoying my time with it. Ah well, the wait for IV continues.


Jun 24, 2019
Beat ff2 for the first time recently and finding out the name drop and the music of the final dungeon got me really looking forward to endwalkers raid.


Apr 13, 2021
Do three of your red mages have Temper? You can stack them on the one with your Masamune. Not two Temper stacks, we're talking 10+.

My red mage with Masamune was hitting for similar damage to my black belt in the final dungeon. That black belt was hitting Chaos for over 8k fully buffed. The fight was straight up obviously impossible otherwise (triple mage, none white) but you only need to not get completely screwed for 5 or so turns with this strategy.
I've been struggling at Chaos for similar reasons (had my friends pick my party so I ended up with Fighter, Thief, and two Red Mages) but I didn't realize Temper stacks that much. Gonna try this and see how it goes, thank you!


Oct 25, 2017
Is Magus, or black magic in general, worthwhile in FF3 over the physical classes?

Yeah, though I assume it depends on how high you get leveled. By the time I beat the game at level 46/47 my Magus was doing 3000-4000 per turn while my physical attackers with the best weapons were doing 1000-2000 per turn. You've got to keep them fed with Elixirs at that level to finish off the final boss but it's doable.

If I did the game again I'd probably have 3 magic users and one physical attacker. They're that strong.
Oct 25, 2017
FF1 and FF3 felt fine for encounter for the most part, due to diagonal movement being "slower" and also counting as a single tile of movement. FF2 is nothing but single-tile corridors with a higher encounter rate, and FF3 has two really terrible dungeons that are nothing but corridors, and they all suck as a consequence.

Diagonal movement really does a lot for these games, and it is going to be tremendous in FF4 as those dungeons are nice and open for the most part. The better solution would be reducing the encounter rate a whole lot, but alas, it does not seem like that is in the cards.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I wonder if IV is going to hit that date from the SteamDB. It's only two weeks away and we haven't heard anything.

I should be done with III by then but I wouldn't mind spacing the releases out a bit more over the end of 2021 if they need the time.

Deleted member 81119

User-requested account closure
Sep 19, 2020
I wonder if IV is going to hit that date from the SteamDB. It's only two weeks away and we haven't heard anything.

I should be done with III by then but I wouldn't mind spacing the releases out a bit more over the end of 2021 if they need the time.
There was another date floating around….I can't remember where from but that set IV as a 30th August release I think. Sorry I'm fuzzy on the details but I'm 100% sure there were two dates that came from Steam. So I think we should expect at least a month between releases.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if IV is going to hit that date from the SteamDB. It's only two weeks away and we haven't heard anything.

I should be done with III by then but I wouldn't mind spacing the releases out a bit more over the end of 2021 if they need the time.
To be fair, there was like no marketing for the first three until the week before and then they just kind of dropped on the release day.


Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if IV is going to hit that date from the SteamDB. It's only two weeks away and we haven't heard anything.

I should be done with III by then but I wouldn't mind spacing the releases out a bit more over the end of 2021 if they need the time.

they did the marketing for 1-3 at the last minute through twitter gifs. Next week is my guess


Jun 27, 2020
FF3 down. Finished with two Ninjas, a Magus, and a Devout . That final boss was a real endurance test around level 46-47. I think it's designed to be more for level 50-60 characters but I plowed my way through. Ended up getting in a pattern where sometimes I could heal up no problem, other times it got real dicey and I had to use my physical attackers to boost HP, and I was running low on hi-potions. Managed to beat it just as the two physical attackers died with one final Flare.
There is a trick in the NES version of FF3 that may still work in Pixel Remaster. The final boss's attacks are all physical, so Safe reduces its damage. Safe also stacks and never times out, so you can stack them until the final boss basically no longer does damage to you. What you can do is use a 1 Ninja, 1 Devout, 2 Sage composition. Give each one a Safe and Curaja (or at least the 2 with the highest job levels) spread Bahamut/Meteor/Flare/Levianthan between the Sages. Spend your first 5-10 turns buffing with Safe, then unload on the final boss.

Yes, mages are way better than they were in FF1 due to spell charges being much much higher. You'll have like 20+ charges of tier 1 and tier 2 spells, etc.

Magus has more spell charges than the "ultimate" caster, and higher spell damage.
Did they rebalance the casters that much? In the NES version, the -aga elemental spells (levels 4-6) did less damage than elemental summons (levels 2-4). And Summoners had more level 2-4 charges than Magus did 4-6, while Sages had comically more casts of elemental summons than Magus had -aga spells. Bahamut was stronger than Meteor too.


Oct 25, 2017
I have to say even though FF3's forced Mini dungeons are kind of lame, that woodwind quartet battle theme is adorable and awesome.


Oct 25, 2017
There is a trick in the NES version of FF3 that may still work in Pixel Remaster. The final boss's attacks are all physical, so Safe reduces its damage. Safe also stacks and never times out, so you can stack them until the final boss basically no longer does damage to you. What you can do is use a 1 Ninja, 1 Devout, 2 Sage composition. Give each one a Safe and Curaja (or at least the 2 with the highest job levels) spread Bahamut/Meteor/Flare/Levianthan between the Sages. Spend your first 5-10 turns buffing with Safe, then unload on the final boss.

Thanks! I'll have to try that out when I try some lower level runs. I'm thinking level 40 or lower is doable with some smart HP leveling.

Did they rebalance the casters that much? In the NES version, the -aga elemental spells (levels 4-6) did less damage than elemental summons (levels 2-4). And Summoners had more level 2-4 charges than Magus did 4-6, while Sages had comically more casts of elemental summons than Magus had -aga spells. Bahamut was stronger than Meteor too.

By the end of the game it's pretty much Flare that matters for Magus and it seems to do about double the damage of Meteor. For normal encounters Bio will get you by (it does about the same damage as a powered up physical attacker and you get 12-15 casts of it) and for hard bosses you can do Flare and dump an elixir for multiple sets of 8-10 flares, or switch to Bio and get it done slower. By comparison, I found Bahamut to be about 60% the damage of Flare (2000 damage vs. 3000-4000). Sage might be useful for off-healing and casting Flare/Bahamut when healing is not needed, though.


Jul 25, 2021
Any must-know tips for FF2? Just finished the first dungeon and so far seems relatively smooth but the leveling system looks like I could screw myself over very easily. Noticed Maria's HP/defense had been falling behind so have just moved her to the front row, but it is advised to have dedicate B/W mages? Or just one character that does it all? Are all weapons viable? It seems like the right thing to do is for normal encounters dual wield, and then for bosses with higher defense single wield for the attack bonus it seems to give but maybe I'm mistaken.