
Oct 27, 2017
Same reason Trump hates soldiers who were wounded in Afghanistan while he was president and was disgusted that he had to meet with them and their families.

And yet Helen Comperatore is still voting for Trump. All in all, this pretty much encapsulates the whole Republican base <-> elected leaders relationship. Blind loyalty and their figureheads look down upon them. There's no compassion, empathy, or care there, but they get rewarded nonetheless.


Oct 25, 2017
Straya M8


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
I will make fun of Sleepy Donny in whatever thread I want to, comfortable in the knowledge that anything I could possibly say wouldn't even scratch the surface of things that could be said about him.


Oct 27, 2017
Trump didn't call, and the guy's family rejected Biden's outreach. The Republican voter in a nutshell.

It is though, isn't it? Voting against your interests, worshipping a guy who can't stand to look at you and would never want to be around you.

I get that people like that are probably just really uninformed, but when that's not an excuse (like some people on this forum, with all the info available plain as day) - I just can't understand how anyone could be a Trump supporter.


Oct 31, 2017
It is though, isn't it? Voting against your interests, worshipping a guy who can't stand to look at you and would never want to be around you.

I get that people like that are probably just really uninformed, but when that's not an excuse (like some people on this forum, with all the info available plain as day) - I just can't understand how anyone could be a Trump supporter.

Trump appeals to their tribalism and basic animal instincts.

When you're a hunter-gatherer, anyone outside of your tribe is potentially competition or to be looked at with suspicion.

Trump and others have been stoking this survival instinct within each of us. Fueling division, and making us weaker by pitting tribes against each other. According to Trump's tweets, on any given day, someone of some other shade of skin is either taking your money or taking your job.

Instead of fostering the positive traits in humans, like empathy and the pursuit of science, we have a leader who is amplifying all the worst habits like narcissism and racism.

We're now too busy fighting each other, forced to take sides on every issue, and unable to unite against abusive leaders. It's why a topic like gun control, where 88% of Americans support universal background checks, yet politicians still don't feel pressured to do a damn thing.

Divided. We've lost our collective power.

It's how nationalists, dictators, and kings have gained power throughout human history.
Mar 11, 2020
It is though, isn't it? Voting against your interests, worshipping a guy who can't stand to look at you and would never want to be around you.

I get that people like that are probably just really uninformed, but when that's not an excuse (like some people on this forum, with all the info available plain as day) - I just can't understand how anyone could be a Trump supporter.
Yep and they'll never see it either


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Jun 5, 2020
Feels weird to post video about Trump being sleepy in a thread about an assassination attempt against him.

As much as I hate the guy, doesn't seem like the best place to put that kind of stuff.
oh boo fucking hoo. dude is probably dozzing off thinking about slaughtering immigrants or something and you're here here worried about not being a to jack off to your new found fascist waifu or whatever the fuck


Oct 25, 2017
Not sure if it was posted here, but Republicans have actually had the shooters family in a voting database since 2016 (remember Cambridge Analytica?) as strong supporters of Trump. We're talking diehards and considered the most ideal supporters within the state. And their son is the one trying to gun down the candidate of that party.

He was attacked by one of his own.

Channel 4: Trump campaign secret data on gunman's family

And a reminder that Channel 4 was one of the leading groups to uncover the profiling database plot.


Shin Megami TC - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
And of course all the chicken-littles at the start of this thread will now be NOWHERE to be seen now to respond to this...
Are you just referring to all the "it's over, we're doomed [posts fist pump picture]"?

I personally never thought it was over, but I definitely was scared of the potential effects on the election from that picture. I didn't think it was "over" or anything, just an uphill battle that got more uphill. I don't think that take is being a chicken-little, the "it's over we're doomed" ones were.

I'm glad to see I am wrong about the events over the weekend to cause a rise in his poll numbers. That's great news. I still have worry anyway, because I remember 2016 and the polls for that, but I feel a little better about the fist pump picture now. It was also great that I did not see it everywhere after like, Sunday morning. The news cycle moved on fast.
Oct 26, 2017
Notice in all these threads you've got the same characters constantly trying to derail with conspiracy theory fuel and garbage "wHy DiDn'T ThE cOpS JuMP iN fRoNt oF tHe bULlEt?" takes.


Jun 1, 2024
Not sure if it was posted here, but Republicans have actually had the shooters family in a voting database since 2016 (remember Cambridge Analytica?) as strong supporters of Trump. We're talking diehards and considered the most ideal supporters within the state. And their son is the one trying to gun down the candidate of that party.

He was attacked by one of his own.

Channel 4: Trump campaign secret data on gunman's family

And a reminder that Channel 4 was one of the leading groups to uncover the profiling database plot.
I felt this was obvious, and I said this earlier in the thread.
This issue with extremists is they can latch onto a political point, but as it's politics the politicians cannot go all the way, and that's what will flip that switch in them.
The bullied person finds a kindred spirit and then feels betrayed when they don't agree.
Oct 25, 2017
And of course all the chicken-littles at the start of this thread will now be NOWHERE to be seen now to respond to this...
You realize that being a white male Republican absolutely neutered the impact of this had it been a "radical leftist"/minority right? The audience was salivating with AI produced trans shooter photos, brown faces and profiles chomping at the bit for confirmation- The moment it was white ya'llqueda Trump supporting radical #1379284902279, the true damage of this event was neutralized.


Nov 6, 2017
Twitter is great with this

Everyone thinks it's a conspiracy.

Half the people think it was Biden's conspiracy to take Trump out and the FBI etc were all in on it

The other half think it was Trump's conspiracy to boost his chances for Re-Election


Nov 6, 2017
China netizen seem to be making meme from the shooting



Oct 28, 2017
New York
Twitter is great with this

Everyone thinks it's a conspiracy.

Half the people think it was Biden's conspiracy to take Trump out and the FBI etc were all in on it

The other half think it was Trump's conspiracy to boost his chances for Re-Election
Idiocracy will be reality one day. And much sooner than anyone thought.


May 4, 2024
Not sure if it was posted here, but Republicans have actually had the shooters family in a voting database since 2016 (remember Cambridge Analytica?) as strong supporters of Trump. We're talking diehards and considered the most ideal supporters within the state. And their son is the one trying to gun down the candidate of that party.

He was attacked by one of his own.

Channel 4: Trump campaign secret data on gunman's family

And a reminder that Channel 4 was one of the leading groups to uncover the profiling database plot.

They can't eat each other fast enough
media should push him on this so he can slip up and admit it

Just ask Trump to name him.
Oct 25, 2017
Racoon City
You realize that being a white male Republican absolutely neutered the impact of this had it been a "radical leftist"/minority right? The audience was salivating with AI produced trans shooter photos, brown faces and profiles chomping at the bit for confirmation- The moment it was white ya'llqueda Trump supporting radical #1379284902279, the true damage of this event was neutralized.

Yea the shooter being a trump loving republican with no real wiggle room for it to be anything/anyone else def took a colossal amount of wind out their sails. So much so they're kinda floundering trying to get something to stick in regards to the shooting. They're trying to deflect and place the blame elsewhere but it's not working really.

It doesn't help that Trump and GOP are trying to move on from it by avoiding talking about medical treatment, what exactly hit him, etc.


Nov 6, 2017

Three days after attempted assassination, Trump shooter remains an elusive enigma

Even after the FBI cracked into Thomas Matthew Crooks' cellphone, scoured his computer, home and car, and interviewed more than 100 people, the mystery of why he opened fire on Trump's rally Saturday, a bullet grazing the GOP nominee's ear, remained as elusive as the moment it happened.
So far, there has been no public disclosure the shooter left any writings, suicide note, social media screed or any other indicator explaining his reasons for targeting Trump. A law enforcement official briefed on the ongoing investigation told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity that Crooks' phone had not immediately yielded any meaningful clues related to motive, or whether he acted alone or with others.
Crooks, with a slight build, wire-rimmed glasses and thin hair parted in the middle, went by "Tom." He was described by classmates at Bethel Park High School as smart but standoffish, often seen wearing headphones and preferring to sit alone at lunch looking at his phone. Some said he was often mocked by other students for the clothes he wore, which included hunting outfits, and for continuing to wear a mask after the COVID pandemic was over.
"He was bullied almost every day," said classmate Jason Kohler. "He was just an outcast."
A 1997 Secret Service study into those who had attempted assassinations since 1949 found there was no single indicator that a person might seek to take the life of a public figure. However, two-thirds of all attackers were described as "social isolates."

Three days after attempted assassination, Trump shooter remains an elusive enigma

So far, there has been no public disclosure the shooter left any writings, suicide note, social media screed or any other indicator explaining his reasons for targeting Trump.


Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany

Three days after attempted assassination, Trump shooter remains an elusive enigma

Three days after attempted assassination, Trump shooter remains an elusive enigma

So far, there has been no public disclosure the shooter left any writings, suicide note, social media screed or any other indicator explaining his reasons for targeting Trump.
I don't buy it. Give me that phone + access to his socials and youtube/twitch and it'll take me like 5 minutes to give you a list of rabbit holes lol


May 8, 2018
Amherst, MA
I don't buy it. Give me that phone + access to his socials and youtube/twitch and it'll take me like 5 minutes to give you a list of rabbit holes lol
If this was a left wing shooter with radical left wing social media then it would be plastered all over the place and every mainstream outlet would cover and condemn it. Probably too much right wing shit that they don't want to expose because a lot of people in security positions have the same views.
Oct 25, 2017
Yea the shooter being a trump loving republican with no real wiggle room for it to be anything/anyone else def took a colossal amount of wind out their sails. So much so they're kinda floundering trying to get something to stick in regards to the shooting. They're trying to deflect and place the blame elsewhere but it's not working really.

It doesn't help that Trump and GOP are trying to move on from it by avoiding talking about medical treatment, what exactly hit him, etc.
The fact that Trump hasn't even called the wife of the person killed says everything. They want this story to die and call the least attention to it as possible. It's insane what a difference the identity of the shooter made.


Oct 29, 2017
If this was a left wing shooter with radical left wing social media then it would be plastered all over the place and every mainstream outlet would cover and condemn it. Probably too much right wing shit that they don't want to expose because a lot of people in security positions have the same views.

It's wild that, if the reports are true, he had basically zero social media accounts, outside of Discord.

No Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok? Not even a random messageboard account? It's crazy.


Jul 15, 2019
It's wild that, if the reports are true, he had basically zero social media accounts, outside of Discord.

No Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok? Not even a random messageboard account? It's crazy.

I don't have any of those. 🤷‍♀️ Just here and discord (and I only follow one discord.)

I never really saw the appeal, and I'm not special so I doubt I'm alone.


Oct 29, 2017
I don't have any of those. 🤷‍♀️ Just here and discord (and I only follow one discord.)

I never really saw the appeal, and I'm not special so I doubt I'm alone.

You do post here, on a message board, though. This guy is like a unicorn. Statistically, most 20 year olds are posting something, anything somewhere.


May 14, 2022
I don't have any of those. 🤷‍♀️ Just here and discord (and I only follow one discord.)

I never really saw the appeal, and I'm not special so I doubt I'm alone.

But you're also here. How about YouTube? You dont enagage with other SNS and forums at all?

Social doesnt just mean twitter, facebook, tiktok and instagram though, and engagement isnt always life statusing.

Whilst most people will have an account on one of the big ones, not using those specifically, or not using them religiously, isnt that weird, and other platforms such as social applications like forums and the likes are used by most people.

I presume they mean this guys used nothing or was off grid in some way.

I mean, I think I'm a low SNS user and I still have a load of platforms I use. I dont use Twitter anymore, dont use Tiktok, rarely use FB, I do use Insta almost daily (mostly for cute memes with my GF in DM's but still use it), youtube daily and comment sometimes, whatsapp daily, a language exhange app periodically, discord periodically, and a number of forums daily.

So even I, a low SNS user, have a wide SNS footprint that would clearly identify my interests, politics, things I care about and the kind of people I engage with. When there is nothing, then that is indeed weird, or they're missing it.
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May 14, 2022
You do post here, on a message board, though. This guy is like a unicorn. Statistically, most 20 year olds are posting something, anything somewhere.

Most people are posting something, somewhere. I wouldnt be surprised that a 20 something isnt posting their life online on FB/Insta/TikTok though. Plenty of people are aware of the negative affects that can have on mental health. I know plenty of people who are 20's through 40's who avoid it. Myself and people I know included.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Jun 5, 2020
i get the guy had awful aim, but it was said that he was very intelligent so he might have been good at covering his digital footprint. i mean, he was wearing a youtubers shirt.

if stuff exists im sure it will be found and im not so sure i believe they haven't discovered anything yet
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