
Oct 25, 2017
On CNN earlier they were discussing how extreme rhetoric about Trump caused this. In retrospect, it makes a lot of sense. You can talk shit about Trump all you want, but at some point someone crazy enough will take your irresponsible words to heart.

This could have gone WAY worse.

Trump opened that can of worms, and I hope people don't forget it. The extreme rhetoric around him is entirely his doing.

Let's not forget this man enabled someone to feel he should send pipe bombs to all of his political enemies just from the first year of him being in office, that at least three far right extremists groups thought they were given the greenlight to storm the capitol and potentially kill members of the United States government, and that one man died mid social media post attacking an FBI building because Trump weaponized a visit to pick up documents he hoarded, which he later said was a visit that had "death squads" ready to kill him. He's the one that had lawyers argue on his behalf that he can assassinate political opponents and that he will go after all of his enemies. He has called for the jailing of journalists, preparing for a yes man army to take over the government, and wants to shoot protestors. Talking about any of those is "extreme rhetoric" but it all comes from him, from his ambitions, and from his own words.

Donald Trump alone has been the one throwing gasoline on the fire because he bathes in this type of arena. It's all he knows and does. Thinking about it honestly, it's crazy to me that this scale of attack has only happened once, nearly nine years in with this rhetoric and egging on. Think of all of the chaos this man has produced and only on the third go around at him running for office violence comes his way. He has always spoken in ways that promote violence, and that violence has always been presented to his political enemies. This marks the first time someone, potentially from his own political party, took it out on him. The chickens have quite literally come home to roost: an authoritarian who speaks nothing but chaos, disarray, and division is now suffering some consequences of that rhetoric, and like everything else with this monster it's to his benefit in the end somehow.

Assassination attempts like this never, ever go well, regardless if they're successful or not. You'd be a fucking idiot wishing otherwise. One would be a fool to resort to physical violence in general but especially here, as it only ever benefits a fascist. It reifies the movement regardless of the damage done. Everyone will now be talking about "thank goodness he's okay" or "he's strong" and not a peep about him clearly saying he will be a dictator if he wins in November. This failed attempt of his life will not only embolden Trump but give more than enough mindshare away from his violent policies and vision for America. The lesson he'll learn from this if he gets back into office is to make examples of his enemies so that "this doesn't happen again" and because a President is an essentially a legalized war criminal now, that means essentially anything he wants.

If I can ask honestly, when we're talking about an extremist movement, how can it not be talked about in extremist terms? Are people being hyperbolic when a great deal of "it can't get THAT bad" or "he won't do THAT" have all been proven true by his regular critics? Where have people gone wrong calling a spade a spade here? This is the problem with the modern day Republican party: if you talk about them in any honest measure, all you're left with is talking about how they're the most far-right political party with major influence in the western world. And yet they, and they alone it seems, are the only ones who can call things "extreme" which is almost always the obstacles to their ambitions? The media has been treating these folks with kid gloves even still, and yet there's calls the media is to blame for being "too extreme?" What?

I'd love to know what "irresponsible" words the media has used about Donald Trump. The one who has been irresponsible with his words has mostly been Trump himself.


Slayer of the Eternal Voidslurper
Aug 28, 2018
European here, and that's simply not true. If you think that, you're in the same denial as some here that think Trump won't win. You had calls in your country to make Abortion illegal because some people in your country want abortion to be illegal, period. It's no longer viable to place the blame somewhere else, that removes our own responsibility and doesn't lead to the neccessary changes. Europe doesn't have an extreme right problem because of Trump (it helps, but he is not that special).

True. You're right, of course. But still, they should vote against him. That's all I'm saying.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Fing hell, that picture and Trumps reaction just won him the election, right?

Now he can double down on his witch hunt, victim of the radical left and fake news conspiracy theory shit because now he's officially a victim.

Probably gonna invite the parents of the shooter and pardon their son in front of the camera if they're not an Anti Trump family and tell everyone their son was just a victim of the left and mainstream media demonizing good old Trump, I can already see it :(

Historically, nearly getting offed in US politics hasn't exactly been a boon. What matters is how it is handled after the fact.

Reagan was able to use it to moderate himself in the public image and look sympathetic.

Ford was... not, despite two attempts on his life.

Despite all his bluster and manliness, TR also did not win after being shot, and he even finished his speech despite having a bullet in his chest.


Jan 21, 2019
At least people on twitter and tiktok have the meme game on point, woke up to so many good posts. Preferable to the hand-wringing here about how dumping on a trash person led to a white male republican trying to shoot him.

As somebody who doesn't use social media, except ResetEra I guess, that's actually quite nice to hear. Please feel free to post some here!

Also I've seen your profile a lot on ResetEra. You're flipping awesome as well as your profile pic, love me some Transistor.


May 14, 2022
Oh no, don't worry. I'm completely serious.

With how castrated this country is I fully expect people to just kinda sit by and let Project 2025 kill everyone they're openly planning to kill. Might even deliver some more minority groups to them, as a little bonus. As a treat.

I see, yeah thats a real possibility. I think something like Project 2025 could also lead to serious instability too though. Its hard to predict something like that.

You're 100% right though. Capital Hill got raided when his supporters thought the election was stolen. Now imagine their reaction if he was successfully assassinated. And while I'm not suggested Civil War would ensue, I would absolute expect there to be chaos and retaliation.

This was my thinking, yes.


Oct 25, 2017
Cape Town, South Africa
On CNN earlier they were discussing how extreme rhetoric about Trump caused this. In retrospect, it makes a lot of sense. You can talk shit about Trump all you want, but at some point someone crazy enough will take your irresponsible words to heart.

This could have gone WAY worse.

"Irresponsible words"? Which words do the media use regarding Trump that you feel are "irresponsible"?

Do you mean the words regarding a convicted rapist facing multiple felony charges who tried to violently overturn the results of a democratic election and is promising to use his next term in power to strip citizens of their democratic rights, collapse America's state institutions, and grant himself unchecked power to persecute his political rivals?
Apr 7, 2019
I think we're lucky the assassination wasn't successful and a martyr situation is less viable. We already KNOW his base thinks of him as a victim of prosecution, and he's actually already got a bit of a martyr complex going. I am VERY glad we didn't confirm that for the base and have to send people to deal with the aftermath and put those people in harms way when this process could play out.
See, I don't agree that we're lucky at all. I think what has just happened is that Trump gets to be a martyr but also be alive to cash in on being a martyr. It combines the downsides of a trump assassination attempt and the lack of a trump assassination attempt.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
On CNN earlier they were discussing how extreme rhetoric about Trump caused this. In retrospect, it makes a lot of sense. You can talk shit about Trump all you want, but at some point someone crazy enough will take your irresponsible words to heart.

This could have gone WAY worse.

Like the extreme rhetoric that Trump and the rotten fuckers in the GOP use everyday against PoC and LGBTQ+ people? that is actually getting them assaulted and killed?

I can't believe people will let the overall rhetoric change to "Trump is the real victim, so we shouldn't be so meanie meanie with him" Depressing.

What happened to him is terrible, but let's not act like Trump is a martyr of a hate campaign, when he's the one that actively pushes for massive hate to many peple, inside and outside US.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
At least people on twitter and tiktok have the meme game on point, woke up to so many good posts. Preferable to the hand-wringing here about how dumping on a trash person led to a white male republican trying to shoot him.
Yes. The extreme rhetoric from the left inspired a white Republican to do this. You are not slick.
Fr, can't believe the shit I'm reading. The most transparent effort Ive seen to absolve Trump of all the terrible things he's said and promised to do


Oct 27, 2017
Possible outcome: January 6er types show up with all of their guns out and do their political violence again with higher level lethality and maybe there is no actual election that takes place because we have a bigger problem on our hands?

That's not necessarily the guaranteed way that it could have gone, but that's one potential and frankly probable outcome given the actual history of Trump's platform as a leader. I believe him when he promises violence to his opponents and promises the violence that his constituents want. They are always waiting for a reason to do that violence.

It's a fire that WANTS to burn because it's set to be as destructive as possible to anything that opposes it if it starts up. Don't set it alight and give it what it wants -- that's my take.

Trump as an individual is just a highly visible and distracting symptom of the actual problem. Violently removing the symptom in this case seems to just bigly embolden the problem.
That's something that I wish the media would drive home more. This is the world of normalised state and political violence that he has been trying to create for almost a decade, don't let him do it.


Nov 13, 2022
See, I don't agree that we're lucky at all. I think what has just happened is that Trump gets to be a martyr but also be alive to cash in on being a martyr. It combines the downsides of a trump assassination attempt and the lack of a trump assassination attempt.

If he'd have been killed there would be riots and absolute carnage for years to come.

We were lucky.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
On CNN earlier they were discussing how extreme rhetoric about Trump caused this. In retrospect, it makes a lot of sense. You can talk shit about Trump all you want, but at some point someone crazy enough will take your irresponsible words to heart.

This could have gone WAY worse.
You have to be kidding me. Media has treated Trump with the friendliest kid gloves I have ever seen.

This is what's going to happen though. People who used to be ashamed of supporting Trump are now going to be more open about it - which is extremely good news for Trump.


Oct 27, 2017
True. You're right, of course. But still, they should vote against him. That's all I'm saying.
Definitely! And, don't get me wrong, I totally get what you're saying and how impontent you feel. I'm at a family reunion with lots of people and Trump is all everyone is talking about today. The US elections still has power over the world and I have a family member that was driven to the extreme right by following Trump in its first campaign. It doesn't help that everyone (from all sides of the political spectrum) feels Biden is unfit to be president. It's a mess, that's for sure. And I do feel bad for a lot of the people on Era and the US, specially those from groups that will definitely be targeted by Trump.

Fiery Phoenix

Oct 26, 2017
User banned (1 month): concern trolling over a series of posts
Examples of this extreme rhetoric?
Or do you mean just stating facts, like that he's a civilly liable rapist, convincted criminal, fraudster, inciter of riots, etc?
None of those things. This is part of the roundtable (starts around 7:00 mark):


They refer to the general rhetoric of how he is going to "destroy" the democratic system if he is elected, and how repeatedly saying such things can steer some folks the wrong way.


Oct 25, 2017
"Hang Mike Pence" was apparently neither extreme nor violent rhetoric. Somehow.

Democrats need to get over this quickly or else they will lose.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
On CNN earlier they were discussing how extreme rhetoric about Trump caused this. In retrospect, it makes a lot of sense. You can talk shit about Trump all you want, but at some point someone crazy enough will take your irresponsible words to heart.

This could have gone WAY worse.
I refuse to believe this is serious. You cannot mean what you say here.


Oct 27, 2017
On the shooter, here is my guess. I'd be willing to bet that his parents are moderate republicans, and he registered as such because of them. I know so many people that registered one way because of their parents then quickly over the next few years as their views changed, they learned more or were influenced more by the internet, or college and so on, they flipped. A lot of the times these people don't even bother switching their literal registered affiliation until they are much older.

His literal registered affiliation doesn't matter so much being so young, it isn't like this was a 50 year old life long whatever. His social media record and speaking to those that knew him the best will be the way we find out his true thoughts, feelings and the actual motivation. We will know soon.


May 4, 2024


Oct 25, 2017
Fr, can't believe the shit I'm reading. The most transparent effort Ive seen to absolve Trump of all the terrible things he's said and promised to do
Liberals are the people who lay the path for authoritarians and facsists to take power. Trump doesn't deserve an ounce of folk's sympothy, he's been stirring up violent actions and rhetoric for years now, it was only a matter of time before the chickens came home to roost.
Oct 28, 2017
I think there's a pretty big chance the shooter is some young, white, right wing guy that got way too hooked on some conspiracy shit he found on Youtube and felt like he needed to act. That seems to be the norm with these things.

I would be less surprised if he was convinced Trump ordered the death of Epstein, than if he actually tried to kill him because of his politics.
Oct 26, 2017
I know that, but that's how they could frame it to make it the democrats fault anyway, he was a white male, republican with a firearm, the best kind of american, but the media and democrats brainwashed him.
The right can frame it however they want but the only people stupid enough to buy into that rhetoric are Trumpers and era doomposters. No serious person is going to blame a republican shooter on the left.


Oct 25, 2017
I really don't know. And I feel for you. But right *now* - you do have the option of voting. Use it.

Fucking clownshoes.

People like you have a lot to say about how not to respond, but when someone asks how to respond when all other options are exhausted, you "don't know." The best you can do is scream "VOTE," which, by the way, I never said I wasn't going to do. Even when you're throwing out empty bullshit like "I FEEL for you" it's just the sugar coating over a shaming. Like I'm responsible for the shit they're doing to me and the shit they're going to do to me when I vote and it fails.


The Enlightened "this guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
None of those things. This is part of the roundtable (starts around 7:00 mark):


They refer to the general rhetoric of how he is going to "destroy" the democratic system if he is elected, and how repeatedly saying such things can steer some folks the wrong way.

Respectfully, get your head out of your ass. I don't know how you can look at the things said and done by Trump and his ilk and come to the conclusion that Dems are the ones with "extreme rhetoric".


Powered by Friendship™
Aug 19, 2023
Biden halting his advertising is such a bitch move. No way Trump would ever do that if the situations were reversed. Fighting on a completely lopsided battlefield as always.
To be expected. Morality and justice for the rules are always typical of those who align themselves to "left" or socialist/centric views, as without those rules it would be chaos. It never gets reciprocated though, so I can see one become disenfranchised by the motions.


Oct 27, 2017
Trump opened that can of worms, and I hope people don't forget it. The extreme rhetoric around him is entirely his doing.

Let's not forget this man enabled someone to feel he should send pipe bombs to all of his political enemies just from the first year of him being in office, that at least three far right extremists groups thought they were given the greenlight to storm the capitol and potentially kill members of the United States government, and that one man died mid social media post attacking an FBI building because Trump weaponized a visit to pick up documents he hoarded, which he later said was a visit that had "death squads" ready to kill him. He's the one that had lawyers argue on his behalf that he can assassinate political opponents and that he will go after all of his enemies. He has called for the jailing of journalists, preparing for a yes man army to take over the government, and wants to shoot protestors. Talking about any of those is "extreme rhetoric" but it all comes from him, from his ambitions, and from his own words.

Donald Trump alone has been the one throwing gasoline on the fire because he bathes in this type of arena. It's all he knows and does. Thinking about it honestly, it's crazy to me that this scale of attack has only happened once, nearly nine years in with this rhetoric and egging on. Think of all of the chaos this man has produced and only on the third go around at him running for office violence comes his way. He has always spoken in ways that promote violence, and that violence has always been presented to his political enemies. This marks the first time someone, potentially from his own political party, took it out on him. The chickens have quite literally come home to roost: an authoritarian who speaks nothing but chaos, disarray, and division is now suffering some consequences of that rhetoric, and like everything else with this monster it's to his benefit in the end somehow.

Assassination attempts like this never, ever go well, regardless if they're successful or not. You'd be a fucking idiot wishing otherwise. One would be a fool to resort to physical violence in general but especially here, as it only ever benefits a fascist. It reifies the movement regardless of the damage done. Everyone will now be talking about "thank goodness he's okay" or "he's strong" and not a peep about him clearly saying he will be a dictator if he wins in November. This failed attempt of his life will not only embolden Trump but give more than enough mindshare away from his violent policies and vision for America. The lesson he'll learn from this if he gets back into office is to make examples of his enemies so that "this doesn't happen again" and because a President is an essentially a legalized war criminal now, that means essentially anything he wants.

If I can ask honestly, when we're talking about an extremist movement, how can it not be talked about in extremist terms? Are people being hyperbolic when a great deal of "it can't get THAT bad" or "he won't do THAT" have all been proven true by his regular critics? Where have people gone wrong calling a spade a spade here? This is the problem with the modern day Republican party: if you talk about them in any honest measure, all you're left with is talking about how they're the most far-right political party with major influence in the western world. And yet they, and they alone it seems, are the only ones who can call things "extreme" which is almost always the obstacles to their ambitions? The media has been treating these folks with kid gloves even still, and yet there's calls the media is to blame for being "too extreme?" What?

I'd love to know what "irresponsible" words the media has used about Donald Trump. The one who has been irresponsible with his words has mostly been Trump himself.
Great post, thank you. It's extremely frustrating; Trump and his camp are the only ones doing the violent rhetoric, yet somehow that's all forgotten now.


Feb 14, 2024


May 14, 2022
For real. Would people have been against things like the attempted assassinations of Hitler during World War II? I'm not going to shed any tears about facists being killed.

The baby Hitler thing is easy to answer in retrospect. I think the US is in a very dangerous place though, and I just hope that one way or another it can sort itself out, hoping that Trump doesnt win. I think thats the first point of call for most people.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Jun 5, 2020


Oct 25, 2017
None of those things. This is part of the roundtable (starts around 7:00 mark):


They refer to the general rhetoric of how is going to "destroy" the democratic system if he is elected, and how repeatedly saying such things can steer some folks the wrong way.

But these are not lies. He advocated to stay in power after he lost an election. He's already destroyed the democratic system by saying an election he lost, one he knows he lost has been "stolen." He liked seeing people fight for him on January 6th. He was the first sitting President in American history who rooted for a coup.

He's not a normal candidate. He should not be spoken about in normal terms. It's precisely what gives him gaps in enough people's minds to not see the guy's a fascist. Van Jones pulls this shit all the time on CNN with the "in this moment, Donald Trump was presidential" bullshit.