Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

Your avatar is the future.

LOL ironically in this novel the US became balkanized, like we're seeing with the coronavirus regional responses...


Oct 27, 2017
The only good thing that might come from this well a couple

Idiots who believe this is fake will go out, get sick and skyrocket the numbers causing other stupid governors to reconsider opening early (mine is chomping at the bit to reopen)

Kemp will get his ass booted out
Oct 28, 2017
Siloam Springs
How well can you protect yourself from an instacart delivery person who's been taking 0 precautions? I watched a guy get out of his car and deliver food to a neighbor a few days ago without a mask or gloves. And I live near a hospital that many of my neighbors work at. By doing nothing he could have picked something up to spread on the deliveries that he's making today.

We disinfect everything we have delivered or brought in. We have stations to set down deliveries/items on, afterwards we disinfect the station area. We also disinfect whatever get's brought into the house before it's put away. Sure it adds time to our grocery organizing and our mail sorting, at least we're protecting ourselves while we're still getting what we need.


Oct 25, 2017
Hopefully the only people who get affected by this moronic decision are Kemp and Trump supporters.
Oct 26, 2017
99% of the time I'd be with you, but they didn't this time. In a very real & technical sense, Georgia is America's first pure dictatorship. The guy literally oversaw his own election.

That's generally a shit take considering a ton of people didn't vote for him and are going to die as a result of his choices, but it's even worse when you consider the particulars of that election.

Yeah I just read about that, what the shit.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
I honestly believe this is some hardly thinly-veiled attempt to get more of the poor and minorities to die off or move away (if they refuse to go to work at the places that are going to open) in Metro Atlanta so that the white folks who ran away from the Atlanta area in droves because they're scared of PoC (mostly black people) can feel safe to move back into those areas and turn it red.

Thankfully, a good number of people I've been seeing on social media from down there are going to continue sitting at home. I've already seen that the vast majority of movie theaters won't reopen and are following CDC guidelines instead.


Oct 27, 2017
These bastards are playing chicken with our lives.

They want us to get back out there and make their money knowing we'll die but think that it just won't be enough to matter.

Already have family members being asked to go back to work. Fuck that.


Oct 26, 2017
Also keep in mind that we're not Alaska, Wyoming, Montana, Hawaii, or any of the other places where this "experiment", however misguided, would have done the least amount of damage.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017

Georgia's reopening is a high-stakes public health bet -- and will likely please Trump

Georgia's fervently pro-Trump governor's early breakout from a coronavirus shutdown is stirring fears of a deadly new wave of infections and warnings that he is derelict in his duty and acting on political motives.

Watch Atlanta's mayor laying this out on national TV.
That's just the biased liberal media with their fake ne-

Former George W. Bush administration adviser and renowned cardiologist Dr. Jonathan Reiner warned that Kemp's decision was "a dereliction of duty ... this crisis has not abated in that state."

Wait why is Virginia in Jesus Land? We blue yo.
All the US are Jesusland to us tbh


Oct 26, 2017
How do you tell the citizens of Albany to go back to work?

Which restaurants in Fulton County are safe now?


Oct 25, 2017

Georgia's reopening is a high-stakes public health bet -- and will likely please Trump

Georgia's fervently pro-Trump governor's early breakout from a coronavirus shutdown is stirring fears of a deadly new wave of infections and warnings that he is derelict in his duty and acting on political motives.

Watch Atlanta's mayor laying this out on national TV.
Man, I just assumed it would be people forced back to work to keep from being fired and/or vain idiots who need their hair did who would go out, but now I'm just thinking of the Mayor's teenage son running in to tell her "The Governor said I can go out!" Every kid who's been cooped up in a house for a month is going to think this makes it okay, and this thing is going to spread like wildfire. Well, at least the bowling alleys will make money?

....goddamn it. And I've already had a hell of a time convincing family to STAY HOME.

Also, they said bowling alleys could open but not bars. What about hybrids like The Punch Bowl or Bowlmore in Atlanta? Just going to not serve alcohol? Otherwise it's just going to be a regular damn bar that happens to have lanes in it.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Nothing good will come of this for Georgians.

I only hope other states refrain from doing the same until the toll it will take on lives becomes apparent, which it undoubtedly will.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
It's going to be a massacre, with the only silver lining being that for those that are fortunate enough to make it through this, hopefully this will be a wake up call that these fucks in office do not have their best interest at heart


Oct 25, 2017
It burns me up so fucking hot that Kemp for some god damn reason keeps slipping under the overall radar here. I have NO FUCKING IDEA HOW. See top news stories everywhere of TN opening up, yet barely anything except locally about Kemp. Fucking HOW?!


Oct 31, 2017
What sucks is businesses will be forced to be open even if they believe it's best to stay closed. You cannot compete being closed and you cannot ask for help when you are voluntarily closed.

Deleted member 60295

User requested account closure
Sep 28, 2019
I honestly believe this is some hardly thinly-veiled attempt to get more of the poor and minorities to die off or move away (if they refuse to go to work at the places that are going to open) in Metro Atlanta so that the white folks who ran away from the Atlanta area in droves because they're scared of PoC (mostly black people) can feel safe to move back into those areas and turn it red.

I'm not sure to what extent this is related to your theory, but... my friend is an amateur political analyst with a knack for making statistical maps, and he said (at least as far as his state - Alabama - is concerned), there's a direct correlation between non-white population in a county and republican support among white people.

He gave me an anecdote about his county specifically, in fact. "In that 2017 special election for the senate in alabama, doug jones won 30% of white voters and roy moore got 66% of white voters. Looking at the data the county i live in is 21.2% white, and roy moore got 19.4% of the vote in this county. Just over 90 percent of white people in my county voted for moore."


Oct 27, 2017
I've always hated the term Hotlanta. If I hear "Hotlanta has become the newest hot spot" thanks to Kemp, then I'm turning the tv off for a week.

And what movies are supposed to be playing at the theaters, btw? Everything has been delayed to the end of the year or released digitally. Good luck with all that, Kemp.


Mar 30, 2018
The south will rise again... in covid-19 positive cases.

As a Texan, I'm dreading the next couple weeks because I'm sure I'll be sent to the corona gallows soon enough


Nov 22, 2017
Georgia everywhere outside of Atlanta is such a garbage conservative hellhole. Lifted trucks with trump stickers and thick country accents. But it's okay because we have grandma's sweet tea.


Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA
When I think of Republicans I think of King Theoden yelling "Death!" as he prepares to fight to the bitter end. But instead of being a badass warrior King I picture an overweight trucker wearing a wife beater and waving a sign with incorrect spelling. And instead of it being an act of noble bravery, it's an act of suicidal dumbfuckery.
Oct 28, 2017
I saw that Georgia had 800 new cases yesterday. Don't be a pawn in this GOP experiment.

Try to stay safe Georgia and stay home if you can.


Oct 26, 2017
I saw that Georgia had 800 new cases yesterday. Don't be a pawn in this GOP experiment.

Try to stay safe Georgia and stay home if you can.

We have hundreds of cases every day, and as Democrat states start to get theirs under control, we will rise higher up the list.

I wouldn't be surprised to see us beating Michigan and Louisiana before it's all over.


Dec 15, 2018
Watching my friend who is republican go off on Kemp at work this morning was pretty good lmao. Now if only my dad could see this for the bullshit it is


Oct 26, 2017
These posts about how the Georgian people are rooting for this are very much not appreciated. There's not a waiter or waitress, barber or beautician, bowling alley proprietor (?) or whatever sitting at home cheering for this decision. Hopefully they're all getting some kind of unemployment compensation.


Oct 27, 2017
These posts about how the Georgian people are rooting for this are very much not appreciated. There's not a waiter or waitress, barber or beautician, bowling alley proprietor (?) or whatever sitting at home cheering for this decision. Hopefully they're all getting some kind of unemployment compensation.

I was actually kind of surprised at just how uniformly people were against this idea based on the commentary of the announcement video on Facebook. You had a handful of the usual mouth-breathers in favor of it but the responses were overwhelmingly negative.


Oct 25, 2017
The people who will go bowling on Friday are the true "heroes" here. Their pictures should be on the front pages of the newspapers.