Who's Going to Win South Carolina?

  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 585 39.2%
  • Bernie Sanders

    Votes: 853 57.2%
  • Elizabeth Warren

    Votes: 24 1.6%
  • Pete Buttigieg

    Votes: 7 0.5%

    Votes: 16 1.1%
  • Tom Steyer

    Votes: 6 0.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Oct 27, 2017
It's a good thing Bloomberg lacks presence and charisma (at least from all the clips of him speaking I've seen)

In the Republican primary everyone ganged up on Trump because he was saying the quiet part loudly, but it was Trump and he's loud, boisterous and had no limits. The other candidates just ended up giving him all the screen time

Even if everyone ganged up on Bloomberg and give him all the oxygen in the room, he wouldn't be able to do anything with it.

So hopefully he gets focused down and deleted
It's also important to remember that Trump was saying what the Republican base wanted to hear. Bloomberg isn't doing that and revealing his past doesn't make him more appealing to the Democratic base.....hopefully.
Also, am I the only one who doesn't see Biden backing Bloomberg if Biden drops out? Maybe he endorses nobody, but I just don't see it.

lmao if Bloomberg uses these burns.

Unless your aim is to break the Democratic Party in half, then you might as well go for the guy whose proposing something not totally awful.

If this is the type of garbage to expect, I too would want to shoot myself in the face.


Dec 23, 2019
Lol at the idea of Bloomberg's support with boomers holding up. Never mind the hours of footage of Bloomberg advocating for cuts to social security and medicare, all that Trump needs to do is cut an ad with this video and he's set:

Are you ready to hear about BLOOMBERG DEATH PANELS for the entire GE cycle?


Oct 28, 2017
i hate the fact that boomers are the only demographic that we have to coddle and take care of. meanwhile everyone else can get fucked.
Get youth to show up and vote on a regular basis and you won't have this problem. They just simply have yet to prove themselves as a reliable voter bloc. Hopefully that changes this time around, but I have doubts.

GoldenEye 007

Roll Tide, Y'all!
Oct 25, 2017
Get youth to show up and vote on a regular basis and you won't have this problem. They just simply have yet to prove themselves as a reliable voter bloc. Hopefully that changes this time around, but I have doubts.
Yup, if after everything seen thus far young voters choose not to show up once again, then whatareyagonnado?
May 30, 2018
Get out of here with that Bernie is unelectable in the GE talk

We all had to hear about how electable Clinton was in 2016, and how unelectable Trump would be.

Then the exact opposite happened

Osu 16 Bit

QA Lead at NetherRealm Studios
Oct 27, 2017
Chicago, IL
Last week I was one of the people in this thread saying I'd vote for Bloomberg and at least he'd be better than Trump. As I've read more stuff and seen more videos of him speaking I've realized I was wrong. Hopefully these newer polls are his peak and he drops as people are more exposed to him.


Oct 28, 2017
Get out of here with that Bernie is unelectable in the GE talk

We all had to hear about how electable Clinton was in 2016, and how unelectable Trump would be.

Then the exact opposite happened

Clinton's campaign being a complete disaster doesn't therefore clear Bernie of his faults in the swing states needed for a win.


Oct 29, 2017
I think Bloomberg keeps the House but loses the GE. Bernie drives enough old people to the polls to vote straight ticket GOP they lose it all.

Ok so Bloomberg also loses the Senate then? Not sure why you mentioned it then.

But ok you think Bloomberg loses the Electoral College, the Senate but keeps the House?

Even though a huge part of the reason Democrats won the House in 2018 is because younger generations finally outvoted the Boomers in raw numbers. You think Bloomberg is going to replicate that and Bernie isn't?

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Bernie has the potential to do what Trump did last election

Motivate the core base

And the results from the IA satellite caucuses shows his campaign is reaching new voters. He could be transformative


Oct 25, 2017
...I ain't voting for Bloomberg if he buys the nomination. At that point it feels like both sides are evil to an infinite, unmeasurable extent, and to be brought to the choice would already signify the absolute end of anything of value with American Democracy. I'd rather not partake in the system and invest my energy in getting the fuck out. You can ban me if this stance warrants it.

Pretty much. Democrats are mostly just the party of Corporate America at this point. If Bloomberg buys his way through this I am out. He'll be the complete collapse of the party, not that it's worth a whole lot anymore.


Oct 25, 2017
That debate needs to look like



The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
Not remotely more damning than a soda tax. That was mocked on a national scale.

Those aren't even in the same ballpark though. Which potential Republican attack ad sounds scarier to a moderate/independent voter?

"Some guy wants to raise the cost of your soda!"


"Some guy wants to quadruple the size of government and dramatically raise your taxes (so illegals can get free healthcare)!"

There are plenty of other things to attack Bloomberg on (far, far worse things), so pointing out the soda tax thing seems kind of weak. On the other hand, the 'he's a self-declared socialist in an environment where much of the portion of the electorate that actually votes lived through the Red Scare' angle is an effective (though not really legitimate) potential line of attack against Bernie. I haven't really seen Bernie make any move to assuage the potential fears of moderates, and he'll need those moderates if he wants to win.
Oct 28, 2017
Ok so Bloomberg also loses the Senate then? Not sure why you mentioned it then.

But ok you think Bloomberg loses the Electoral College, the Senate but keeps the House?

Even though a huge part of the reason Democrats won the House in 2018 is because younger generations finally outvoted the Boomers in raw numbers. You think Bloomberg is going to replicate that and Bernie isn't?

Not to mention Bloomberg has similar sexual harassment accusations as Trump and actually has a lengthy history of supporting and actually enacting racist policy. Is there an expectation that he's going to turn out women and minorities, a decent chunk of the Democratic base?

The assumption that Bloomberg is going to do better than Bernie isn't something I can see. He's victimized too much of the Democratic voting bases and Trump can basically go left on promises to outmaneuver Bloomberg.

Also that result from that MSNBC/Wall Street poll isn't new. While his approvals are trending up, he's had 46/47% approval ratings several times. He had that approval rating coming into the midterms from the very same poll.


Oct 25, 2017
"They'll call Bernie a Socialist!"

I don't know how to break it to you, but they'd try and call *Bloomberg* a Socialist, too.
Honestly, I don't think so. Bloomberg is basically their own guy.
They'll just emphasise that he lacks Trumps lifelong racist credentials. That's what their base cares about in the end anyway.
Why should they go for racist-lite, when you can go for full white-nationalist fascist?


Nov 2, 2017
It's easy to dismiss Bernie when you just make up claims as they please you. These made up electibility issues are getting really tiring. Especially when every single poll h2h poll out there disputes that claim. I also have yet to hear a convincing argument as to why Bernie loses both the House and the Senate and the others don't


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
It's easy to dismiss Bernie when you just make up claims as they please you. These made up electibility issues are getting really tiring. Especially when every single poll h2h poll out there disputes that claim. I also have yet to hear a convincing argument as to why Bernie loses both the House and the Senate and the others don't

Hillary was dominating H2H polls up until the point she was actually nominated (and even beyond). Those numbers can turn on a dime once a theoretical candidate becomes a real, concrete one. Technically, it's still Bernie's race to win, but 'he's leading head to head polls!' doesn't really say much about how things will look 6 months from now.


Jan 25, 2018
Anyone who thinks Bernie won't do well in the general is actively ignoring polls.

He will win.
Those are national polls. It's totally possible to win the national popular vote and still lose the electoral college. The latest swing state polls have Bernie vs Trump at 49/48, which is an uncomfortable margin if we're talking about the electoral college, since those swing states are what matter. Winning California by 30 points like Clinton did to increase her popular vote share doesn't mean much with current presidential electoral politics unfortunately.
Oct 25, 2017
Also anyone seriously making the argument about Biden's "electability" is ignoring the lack of excitement, the shit fundraising, the shit organizing, the shit debate performances, and the overall lazy campaign he's running.


Oct 27, 2017
Anyone who thinks Bernie won't do well in the general is actively ignoring polls.

He will win.
I've pointed this out before in this thread I think, but Clinton in 2016 had a very similar lead then - it doesn't really mean all that much. State polls are what matter.

I don't think Bernie is drawing dead in a general or anything, but this isn't really convincing evidence to the case whatsoever.


Oct 27, 2017
Those aren't even in the same ballpark though. Which potential Republican attack ad sounds scarier to a moderate/independent voter?

"Some guy wants to raise the cost of your soda!"


"Some guy wants to quadruple the size of government and dramatically raise your taxes (so illegals can get free healthcare)!"

There are plenty of other things to attack Bloomberg on (far, far worse things), so pointing out the soda tax thing seems kind of weak. On the other hand, the 'he's a self-declared socialist in an environment where much of the portion of the electorate that actually votes lived through the Red Scare' angle is an effective (though not really legitimate) potential line of attack against Bernie. I haven't really seen Bernie make any move to assuage the potential fears of moderates, and he'll need those moderates if he wants to win.
It's a quintessential example of the "nanny-state" Republicans have complained about for decades. The point is it's so minor and so much more easily twistable into a negative than Sanders expanding government which is a vague promise versus an actual law that, again, made national headlines. If you don't think Bloomberg will be attacked on it from the right, I don't know what to tell you.


Feb 6, 2020
Those aren't even in the same ballpark though. Which potential Republican attack ad sounds scarier to a moderate/independent voter?

"Some guy wants to raise the cost of your soda!"


"Some guy wants to quadruple the size of government and dramatically raise your taxes (so illegals can get free healthcare)!"

There are plenty of other things to attack Bloomberg on (far, far worse things), so pointing out the soda tax thing seems kind of weak. On the other hand, the 'he's a self-declared socialist in an environment where much of the portion of the electorate that actually votes lived through the Red Scare' angle is an effective (though not really legitimate) potential line of attack against Bernie. I haven't really seen Bernie make any move to assuage the potential fears of moderates, and he'll need those moderates if he wants to win.
bernie already has response to the "he's a socialist"
WALLACE: OK. OK but -- and here's the question. In a general election, where you're going to need the support, not just of liberal, progressive, left wing Democrats, but you're also going to need the support of independents, even conceivably some moderate Republicans, how do you overcome, not the communist label but the socialist label, which -- which Joe Biden said, not Donald Trump.

SANDERS: OK. Right. Right. That's fair enough, Chris, and I -- I want to make two points on that.

Number one, in many respects -- in many respects, we are a socialist society today. we have a huge budget. It puts money into all areas.

Now, Donald Trump, before he was president, as a private business person, he received $800 million in tax breaks and subsidies to build luxury housing in New York. Now, what does that mean when the government gives you $800 million in tax breaks and subsidies? The fossil fuel industry, whose produce happens to be destroying our planet right now, it's seen tens and tens of billions of dollars in tax breaks and subsidies. So does the pharmaceutical industry.

The difference between my socialism and Trump's socialism is, I believe the government should help working families, not billionaires. So I believe that health care is a human right. I believe we should raise the minimum wage to a living wage of $15 an hour. I believe, in fact, that the rich must start paying their fair share of taxes when you have massive levels of income and wealth inequality.
basically a "no u" argument but an accurate "no u" argument. and he's been going on about unity for a while, its just that the online moderate crowd don't pay any attention and are way more concerned about teenagers on twitter.
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