Who's Going to Win South Carolina?

  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 585 39.2%
  • Bernie Sanders

    Votes: 853 57.2%
  • Elizabeth Warren

    Votes: 24 1.6%
  • Pete Buttigieg

    Votes: 7 0.5%

    Votes: 16 1.1%
  • Tom Steyer

    Votes: 6 0.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Oct 27, 2017
Well friend, thats not really what I asked you.

If the premise is stupid then how are there are things that ive seen libs criticize of Trump that Obama also did, in some ways. Deportations, parading around economic numbers that are dubious at best, Endless wars, etc. Do the people that Ive seen just not exist? Are we just in a void?

Surely, we can agree that Obama made mistakes that Trump also did. Not exactly the same of course and this doesnt really mean that Obama = Trump in all senses. That would be a stupid point and hey, luckily for us, no one is making that point! The statement here, what Shaun said, is really not that complex:

"If you are going to complain about Trump"s immigration record in x y and z, then I hope that you werent ok with x y and z if Obama did it".

Thats it.
Is this a betrayal of the Democratic Party?
Is this saying in any way that Obama was basically Trump?
Because if it does, I would love it if you explained it to me.

his first tweet:
i wouldn't judge anyone for still voting dem. but nor would i judge them for staying home

either you are ok with another four years of this, including an ultra con SC lording over you for the rest of your life, or you are not. whataboutobamaisms are not helping anything except your ego


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Poodlestrike - Why is Amy Klobuchar not listed on the poll? Not that I think she will will, but I don't understand the omission. She's polling ahead of Yang, and not far off the the 4th place.
Ran out of space and people complained the last time I left Yang off. Neither will win but eh.
The point is to not shame people for being disillusioned with centrist dem candidates who perpetuated some of the same crimes Trump continues to. Obviously not all! Trump is the worst president in modern history! But on some level you have to give people someone to vote for, not just someone to vote against. Or did we not learn that with Hillary.

In short:

People who sit out because voting is made deliberately difficult and because the economic systems they're in don't allow them to take the time to meet the bar are one thing. And I wouldn't scold minorities for not voting for people they don't belive are going to advance their interests.

But yeah, I think that if you're white and priveleges enough that you'd decide not to vote when you could just to express a preference, this of all years... Yeah, I think you can take some shame. That feels fair to me.


Nov 7, 2017
I hope Bernie takes it to give Pete that burn after he all but declared himself the winner of the Iowa caucus.


Oct 27, 2017
Lima, Peru
his first tweet:

either you are ok with another four years of this, including an ultra con SC lording over you for the rest of your life, or you are not. whataboutobamaisms are not helping anything except your ego
Hey, good luck judging for people for not doing what you want them to do.

That didnt work in 2000, 2002, 2004, 2010, 2014 and 2016 but it WILL work this time! Seventh time is the charm!


Oct 27, 2017
either you are ok with another four years of this, including an ultra con SC lording over you for the rest of your life, or you are not. whataboutobamaisms are not helping anything except your ego
Id be more ok with 4 more trump years than an entire future where we get no real choice and are forced to 'choose' between Bidens and Bloombergs


Aug 1, 2019
I know the Iowa caucuses are confusing, but imagine if YouTube/"independent media" pundits had spent the last 3 days reading about how the caucuses actually work instead of tweeting and retweeting conspiracy theories. And after all that Sanders may actually win anyway. Clowns.


The Fallen
Jan 22, 2018
So the missing 3% are from satellite caucuses? So Sanders will probably win the popular vote although all the media said he surprisingly lost against Buttigieg?
This does not reflect well on the Democrats.
FWIW, the media never really claimed that Mayor Pete won the popular vote, but rather had a bigger share of overall state delegates.


Oct 25, 2017
Writing Biden off before SC and Super Tuesday seems premature. I don't expect anyone to drop until after, at least among the candidates that are actually receiving worthwhile shares of the vote or are projected to receive worthwhile support in those states.

His support could certainly collapse. I think there's a possibility his issue in Iowa could be Social Security, and that could have a broader effect. Or it could have just been due to a backward caucus system combined with a strong emphasis from other candidates on Iowa. The possibility of us sitting here a month from now with Biden having one of the largest or the largest share of delegates is still in play.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
People who sit out because voting is made deliberately difficult and because the economic systems they're in don't allow them to take the time to meet the bar are one thing. And I wouldn't scold minorities for not voting for people they don't belive are going to advance their interests.

But yeah, I think that if you're white and priveleges enough that you'd decide not to vote when you could just to express a preference, this of all years... Yeah, I think you can take some shame. That feels fair to me.

Agree with this.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Id be more ok with 4 more trump years than an entire future where we get no real choice and are forced to 'choose' between Bidens and Bloombergs

This is a false dichotomy fallacy.

Just because you run a moderate candidate doesn't mean progressives get locked out from running ever again.


Oct 25, 2017
Hey, good luck judging for people for not doing what you want them to do.

That didnt work in 2000, 2002, 2004, 2010, 2014 and 2016 but it WILL work this time! Seventh time is the charm!
If your stance is, "I'm going to sit out this election if my chosen candidate doesn't win", I have minimal respect for you and you deserve to be criticized. Good look getting progressive legislation to stay on the books with a 7-2 Conservative majority in the Supreme Court for the next 40 years.

Id be more ok with 4 more trump years than an entire future where we get no real choice and are forced to 'choose' between Bidens and Bloombergs

"It doesn't personally effect me negatively, so fuck voting."

You see how silly this is right? There's more at stack than 4 years of policy bickering. That's enough time for Republicans to push the US back to pre-FDR America and roll back rights for an unfathomable number of Americans.

Blue Skies

Mar 27, 2019
This is a false dichotomy fallacy.

Just because you run a moderate candidate doesn't mean progressives get locked out from running ever again.
Or that the president wouldn't sign progressive pushed laws

I think some people just have a fundamental misunderstanding about government and think that president=everything.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Oh fuck off with this conspiracy bullshit. The Iowa Democratic Party being inept has nothing at all to do with Sanders.
Pete leading early and then ending with a slight Sanders win: "the media/establishment purposefully released results that would show Pete winning to destroy Sanders' momentum!"

Sanders leading early and then ending with a slight Pete win: "the media/establishment had to rig the results at the last second to prevent a Sanders win!"

Half this thread is gonna be banned by the end of the month at this rate lmao


May 10, 2018
Writing Biden off before SC and Super Tuesday seems premature. I don't expect anyone to drop until after, at least among the candidates that are actually receiving worthwhile shares of the vote or are projected to receive worthwhile support in those states.

His support could certainly collapse. I think there's a possibility his issue in Iowa could be Social Security, and that could have a broader effect. Or it could have just been due to a backward caucus system combined with a strong emphasis from other candidates on Iowa. The possibility of us sitting here a month from now with Biden having one of the largest or the largest share of delegates is still in play.
But aren't rural whites the people Biden was supposed to be a shoe-in to win? Is that not the whole reason why the DNC wants him to take it in the first place?

Idk, I think his Iowa results were pretty damning.


Nov 1, 2017
So if Bernie wins Iowa, and he probably will win NH too, doesn't that bode extremely well for him as the nominee? If since 1976, every candidate who won Iowa and New Hampshire got the nomination, do we think this is the year we break that streak?


Oct 27, 2017
Or that the president wouldn't sign progressive pushed laws

I think some people just have a fundamental misunderstanding about government and think that president=everything.

The president has out sized influence in certain areas. If you care a great deal about immigration and foreign policy and not much else then yeah President X or bust, otherwise you are choosing which caretaker is going to pick up the pieces after Trump has run roughshod over the entire US government. They will not pass M4A in the next 4 years, there will be no free college, no banks will be broken up. They'd be lucky to get some mild climate change legislation through.

Ziltoidia 9

Oct 25, 2017
So if Bernie wins Iowa, and he probably will win NH too, doesn't that bode extremely well for him as the nominee? If since 1976, every candidate who won Iowa and New Hampshire got the nomination, do we think this is the year we break that streak?

If he squeeks out Iowa and then wins NH, then the coverage that he is 2-0. Even though he didn't get covered as the winner of Iowa at the start, people will still hear it if he wins NH.


Nov 6, 2017
So if Bernie wins Iowa, and he probably will win NH too, doesn't that bode extremely well for him as the nominee? If since 1976, every candidate who won Iowa and New Hampshire got the nomination, do we think this is the year we break that streak?

If Biden was a close 2nd it really wouldn't mean much, but Biden is running out of money and he's now losing voters to mayor pete. It bodes extremely well.

538 has updated their model from bernie 2nd place biden with a comfortable 1st place, to now bernie with over 50% of winning the nomination and biden in 2nd with a 1 in 6 chance.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
So if Bernie wins Iowa, and he probably will win NH too, doesn't that bode extremely well for him as the nominee? If since 1976, every candidate who won Iowa and New Hampshire got the nomination, do we think this is the year we break that streak?

It has more to do with where the rest of the candidates fall. We don't typically have four to five candidates getting a significant chunk of the pie, which we do this time. If moderates are truly fleeing Biden and headed to other candidates (I don't think this is the case) then his chances look good. If Biden recovers and has a good super Tuesday then it's gonna be a tough road for him.


Aug 1, 2019
People who sit out because voting is made deliberately difficult and because the economic systems they're in don't allow them to take the time to meet the bar are one thing. And I wouldn't scold minorities for not voting for people they don't belive are going to advance their interests.

But yeah, I think that if you're white and priveleges enough that you'd decide not to vote when you could just to express a preference, this of all years... Yeah, I think you can take some shame. That feels fair to me.
100% this. This is why I don't get hung up on Twitter BS from privileged potential voters. You're either voting for who and what you think will better this country, or you're an asshole.


Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (1 Week): Violating the staff post in regards to conspiracy theorizing
*More voters choose candidate X than candidate Y*

"Why must the party be gatekeepers and prevent candidate Y from succeeding???"
Bernie would be candidate X in this scenario though

The party has set it up so that rigged coin tosses are worth more than votes, so that they can be gatekeepers.

I hate to break it to you, 48% of independents think the democratic party is too far left.

The truth is that america is no where close to having any progressive movement. Even if Bernie wins the elections, he is still going to have a impossible time passing legislation. Obama had to fight tooth and nail to get the ACA passed.
Maybe he will swallow his pride and get stuff done through executive orders. Idk, frankly I don't really think Obama did all he could and the party should have taken things further with 8 years in office. Fuck reaching across the aisle, get shit done.


Nov 1, 2017
Iowa or New Hampshire
He won a shitload of Super Tuesday states tho
That wasnt my question though. What I'm saying is, if bernie wins new Hampshire and Iowa, it seems bernie has a really good shot at becoming the nominee, statistically, because every candidate who won both since 1976 became the nominee.


Nov 6, 2017
Bernie would be candidate X in this scenario though

The party has set it up so that rigged coin tosses are worth more than votes, so that they can be gatekeepers.

How is the party supposed to know they'd get a biased coin flipper? What if it was a bernie surrogate doing the flip? Would you still think it's fixed?


Oct 30, 2017
his first tweet:

either you are ok with another four years of this, including an ultra con SC lording over you for the rest of your life, or you are not. whataboutobamaisms are not helping anything except your ego
You guys have to appeal to people, you know that right? Democracy doesn't work by force. If people stay home it means you didn't energize them. Democrats generally don't. Fix that instead of lecturing everyone
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