
Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL
This adept achievement for The Plague has been a bitch and a half. They need to fix that shit please.

I did it, but I had to get 3 iridescent emblems and a gold to BARELY get the achievement.


Oct 26, 2017
Los Angeles
These survive with friends people are too much. I hook one and 2 of his buddies are right next to the hook, so I of course chase one off but return to the hook to see his friend try and get the unhook and I stop them and they run around the person like a campfire. The person dies, one hook because their friends wouldn't leave. So course here comes the hate mail and my reply to all things for DBD is, "show me the rule" Show me where it says I have to walk away so your friends can unhook and heal at the hook while I'm around because they demand I play how they want killers to play.


Oct 26, 2017
Fontana, California
I love the poll because decisive strike was severely nerfed with the 3 second stun, but now with the increased 5 second stun, it's actually useful to use. So yes, Laurie Strode WILL remember this!


Oct 27, 2017
I give mad props to anyone who plays this game on console. I've played a handful of PS4 games over the last few day after only playing on PC and it SUCKS.
Oct 27, 2017
Too bad they still haven't addressed the biggest issue in this fucking game: matchmaking. It's taking once again FOREVER to find a match as a survivor on PS4 again. Sigh...

They really need to fix MM asap...they're losing players. My friends and I waited between 5-20 mins for lobbies (on PS4). I refuse to spend any real money on this game (for licensed characters) until matchmaking is more reliable.


Oct 26, 2017
Los Angeles
Yup, finding a match as a killer is a breeze on ps4. Never takes longer then a few minutes. But swf or even solo, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes. After 1 match I just say screw it and play something else.

Edit: Also this game badly needs a double or triple xp event. With a million things to upgrade and get, need to find other ways to get people playing so these que times can drop. I have like 5 killers to upgrade, I have 6 survivors to upgrade and it is such a slog. Give me 1 week of double xp so I can at least take something off the plate.
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Oct 26, 2017
Fontana, California

Lots of changes coming to DbD including:

- Complete Freddy rework news coming soon. Make it seem like he's a brand new killer with his new rework.
- Legion rework news coming soon.
- games won't start if there's not 5 people in it. Instead everyone will back out and you won't lose your items/offerings.
- they're testing dedicated servers internally and are looking into putting it in the PTB soon.
- they're reworking the end game completely. They're calling it, End Game Collapse.
- still looking into infinite loading screen issue
- they're continuing looking into making MM better.
- they will continue to monitor player feedback on the emblem/pip system.


Oct 26, 2017
Los Angeles
After playing freddy since the sale I have to say his powers work great at level 15-20 but beyond that, real hit and miss. Glad for the rework but I'm going to be a little sad about the built in deerstalker being taken away because I doubt they are keeping that.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Freddy's power without add-ons is literally "wait 7 seconds to become an M1 killer"

I don't get some of the survivors that play this game, lets camp every pallet and teabag the killer when they get stunned as if it took any skill to camp every pallet on the map within the first 2 minutes of the game, even teabagging when spirit fury activates! I don't even get triggered by teabagging unlike 90% of the community, it's a person pushing a button but at least be good if you're going to do it.

Getting a 4k as Wraith makes you a sweaty tryhard playing a bitchy killer as well.

Edit: I really wish Urban Evasion didn't exist.
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▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Every killer but one has camped today, that one was a Legion where I had a bug where I had a wiggle bar on my screen from the start of the game so I couldn't even run properly. I love rank reset


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Rancor is basically a free pity kill at the end in perk form. Luckily it isn't that common. I run it when I get mori dailies on killers I actually play, easy 60,000 bloodpoints.


Oct 30, 2017
I loved playing rancor on a spooky Myers, when it came out. It's something people really didn't expect back then, utnil it's almost too late.


Oct 26, 2017
Fontana, California
Rancor is easy to avoid IMO. you know the killer has it on so don't rush to the exit gate right away unless you see the killer at the opposite side of the map busy with someone else. If you're being chased and the last gen pops up though, you're fucked lol.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Okay after using it and playing killer against it Mettle of Man needs a complete rework, the perk outright nerfs all the weaker killers while being basically useless against all the good killers except Spirit. A full team running it is worse than a lobby full of DS users was before the rework if you're playing any mid to low tier killer.


Oct 30, 2017
Yeah, I think they are on the right track. Can't wait to test Legion on the PTB. Most likely they overtuned a few things. But it already sounds more interesting on paper.


Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL

This is not a drill

BBQ & Chili is on the shrine



Oct 25, 2017
Just bought both BBQ&C and Bamboozle.

What's the ultimate toxic killer perks? Now I have BBQ&C, Ruin, NOED and what's the fourth one?


Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL
Just bought both BBQ&C and Bamboozle.

What's the ultimate toxic killer perks? Now I have BBQ&C, Ruin, NOED and what's the fourth one?

Depends on the killer honestly.

If you want something toxic go like BBQ, Enduring, Spirit Fury, Ruin on Billy with fast charge add ons

Spirit is Prayer Beads and Yamuyoke Amulet with BBQ, Ruin, Thrill of the Hunt and Devour Hope


Oct 26, 2017
Los Angeles
i was waiting for bb&q, but the sale showed up so I ended up just buying everything. But I'm in the process of leveling them all up and of course the first thing was bbq. While it is a great perk I really use it to double my bloodpoints, that is well worth the price of it.

Deleted member 9746

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
That's pretty cool! Though I'm assuming people will be even more reluctant to save hooked survivors after the gates are open now. 😂


Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL
Wowzers, just had a guy DC because I was sitting at a downed pallet he refused to break.

He said that I was TOXIC.

Pro tip for my killer friends just break the fuckin pallet if you can't mindgame them.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
The amount of killers that try to mindgame safe pallets is amazing, just break it and move on. Better yet, just run Enduring and Spirit Fury and just take the stuns. I've actually seen killers say they respect pallets because they don't want to give the survivor 1000 points, like all I can say to that is yikes.

Anyways I don't care if those changes make Legion useless, I'd rather them be useless but somewhat fun to play against compared to the zero counterplay no skill required unfun abomination we have now. Now if only they would just remove Urban Evasion to get rid of all the useless teammates I get that all run that perk.


Oct 26, 2017
The only question I have for this: If a killer closes the hatch, can it not be reopened by survivors if they don't have a key? Or does this leave it to a survivors hoping they all make it out via Exit Gates?

A dev replied with this on the DBD subreddit:
A key can re-open the hatch, yes. The hatch will still spawn under normal circumstances when there are multiple Survivors in the trial. The only change to hatch spawning is that it will always appear when there is only one Survivor remaining, regardless of how many generators have been completed.

Another nice change for when your team gets absolutely destroyed from either DC's and/or murderously efficient killers.

Deleted member 5549

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I would've preferred something like hands coming from below and dragging you into the ground. the game's really lacking some good horror elements.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
The only question I have for this: If a killer closes the hatch, can it not be reopened by survivors if they don't have a key? Or does this leave it to a survivors hoping they all make it out via Exit Gates?

The killer closing the hatch automatically powers the gates so you have to just go and open one of them when they do it. My only potential issue with this is that quite often the two gates spawn basically next to each other(like, on the same wall close) so in those cases it's tilted heavily in the killers favour, especially if they are playing Nurse/Billy.

Also read a tweet that survivors cannot be interrupted whilst jumping into the hatch with this change so if they get there first with the killer chasing them there won't ever be a standoff.


Oct 26, 2017
Los Angeles
Think its time to turn messaging off on ps4, I always get messages from people telling me how to play killer. Of course they are all killer mains rank 1, yet rank 14 survivor because they never play it and only play survivor once a day and its vs me.

Especially on ps4 I can ruin everyone's time by just closing application and we all get no points. But I don't, I stick it out, even on shit farm maps. And everyday I play I get messages.