
Oct 25, 2017
I won through all the fights with my man Jacky, save for Dural but I'll try the Brad cheese. The other thing keeping me completion isn't hard but the win a fight with every character thing just seems boring/grindy.

I can't do shmups. Couldn't do FZ an its ilk when they were new/new-ish an never will be able to! Out Run, Super Hang-On, an heck even Space Harrier which is also a shooter were all extremely free, first try completion gets whereas FZ took me over an hour. btw never try grinding 50k points in stage 1 cause apparently the longer ya stay in a stage the more apeshit the enemies get x.x
Why would you want (or need) to grind points in the first stage. Stuff increases in price, and later stages drop way more money. Its easier to just clear it and continue on. As long as you don't try racing through the stages (since visibility on either side is limited) and use rapid fire + bombs (bombs are optional. I barely use them) to take out the enemy spawn points quick you should be at the next boss in no time. The 7 way blaster makes things vastly more simple while it lasts as it casts an almost unavoidable load of shots on screen, meaning you can take out most of the enemy spawners before they even become a problem.

As for 6's combat, is easy to explain why its lesser compared to old games. There's less moves, and certain moves are way worse. The Tiger Drop is rubbish until Judge Eyes, which is a big deal for me. Many of Komaki's moves in 6 are straight up cut, almost every weapon is cut (none equippable either), tons of heat moves cut... after 5 and 0, they reduce Kiryu's moves list to something rather sad. Kiwami 2 adds more but still has several moves cut, not to mention how the lack of difficulty and overpowered nature of Kiryu (even before upgrades) lessens the fun of almost every boss in that game...

Judge Eyes is the only game to really get the new combat right, and that's around 60% because its not trying (and failing) to give you a lesser version of Kiryu right after two of the best games (combat/moves wise) in the entire series. Then they fixed the Tiger Drop, and gives you a ton more moves (and loads of brand new ones at that) on top. Its just a vastly more enjoyable experience. Game is still too damn easy on hard mode though.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't do shmups. Couldn't do FZ an its ilk when they were new/new-ish an never will be able to! Out Run, Super Hang-On, an heck even Space Harrier which is also a shooter were all extremely free, first try completion gets whereas FZ took me over an hour. btw never try grinding 50k points in stage 1 cause apparently the longer ya stay in a stage the more apeshit the enemies get x.x
The main reason is due to just how punishing death is in Fantasy Zone. In Space Harrier death is pretty meaningless since you respawn right where you die, you get a short window to kill whatever killed you before the game starts back up again, and you get invincibility for a few seconds. On the other hand in Fantasy Zone when you die you end up losing all the upgrades you've bought so far and losing speed upgrades is incredibly detrimental.

At least the completion requirement in Judgment (and Y6) is only 50k points, compared to the 100k required back in Y0.
The Brad cheese is real (except against Akira in which I had ta improvize abit) but I couldn't takedown Dural an feel like I got further against it with Jacky. Was Puyo Puyo Tetris pulling punches? Cause the Puyo Puyo in Y6 gets real nasty real fast. Ya I got my 5 win streak for the completion award but it wasn't on my first attempt an sure wasn't free!
How tough Puyo is early on depends all on luck. Each AI character has their own strategies and if you get someone like Suketoudara (the fish) really early, he can pretty easily overpower new Puyo players.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, its not incredibly detrimental. I never, ever buy speed upgrades in Fantasy Zone, I basically only buy the 7 way laser (and even then, only once per level as I can't have the price increasing too much too quick else I cant afford it later) and one ups here and there. Also, death isn't as punishing as you make it out to be, since you restart with either all things that were previously destroyed, still destroyed, or at the boss. Its actually pretty darn fair really, especially when the rapid fire option can shred enemies pretty well. This isn't like R Type where you get kicked back to midway through the stage if you lose right before the boss, or Twinbee where you really are screwed in the later game as soon as you die and lose all your power ups (the game actually felt fairly balanced around the default weapon to me, again especially if you "cheat" and use rapid fire)

I never thought any of the point targets on any of the games was tough, quite the opposite. I'd have asked for harder targets for the CP points since it felt like the game rewarded you just by starting the game and playing a couple of rounds. Space Harrier especially gives you its CP points for only clearing a couple of stages, likewise Fantasy Zone. Unpopular thought and all that, but I loved Shenmue's optional certificate challenges for the arcade games which had you 1CC'ing them. Though to this day I only have the Outrun certificate!

Puyo... well I'd never say its purely luck (more like mostly skill, with some luck) but I think your more talking about the luck of which characters appear early on. Then again if you feel one of the characters is tougher against you (something I never felt was real myself, just something people felt when losing to certain more recognisable characters - such as a Puyo playing fish) you can just pick that character to use and it'll not appear in the game against you.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Hey shadowman16 i forgot to ask, how is the difficulty in Y7/Like a Dragon?
Generally i play Yakuzer games on hard but being turn based, obviously its a different dynamic.


Oct 25, 2017
Hey shadowman16 i forgot to ask, how is the difficulty in Y7/Like a Dragon?
Generally i play Yakuzer games on hard but being turn based, obviously its a different dynamic.
No selectable difficulties for 7 (the base game is capped on what I'd imagine "normal" difficulty would be). But... not too hard. You can basically make the game harder by using worse gear/weapons, which for the most part works fine - you can effectively tweak how long fights last (aka how much damage you do by using worse weapons) as well as how much damage you take (equip worse gear, use lower level classes for worse stats). For the most part, you'll be fine. I cannot imagine anyone really struggling unless they purposely do stuff like using attacks against bosses which they have high defense against or something silly like that. Until chapter 12 that is - which is where the boss difficulty especially bumps up a nice notch. Nagoshi actually commented in an interview that the "proper" way of playing the game was to be doing side stuff etc. along the way so you'd be somewhat leveled up (around 40-50 I think, I forget) and so the fight would have you on an even footing (and you have so much in the way of buffing/healing moves) that it'd be a challenge without being unfair. However if your a person who rushes through the story only... well the OT for 7 is going to be rather entertaining to read lets put it that way ;)

EX Hard mode, which is introduced in one of the DLCs ups the difficulty notably as basically all enemies can kill you in about 3 hits (depending on how much all your classes are leveled up). This sticks throughout the game so no matter which chapter you play, enemies and bosses are threats and really forces you to think about the moves you use and the classes each character uses. Which I loved, something actually resembling difficulty in a modern Yakuza game? Granted the catches are that its a premium game + thing and you had to pay for the DLC, but it was a price I was willing to pay (ok, it was 7 yen, I'd have paid way more for it).

Anyway, going back to a previous topic (Fantasy Zone), below is a quick vid I took just to show that speed ups and dying mid stage (on purpose, honest!) aren't a death sentence in the game. Its played via Judge Eyes though, not 0 so I don't know if the difficulty is tweaked any between versions (going to assume no, but still, just pointing out that it could not be a 1:1 comparison):

R2 is the rapid fire button, and basically the basis on the entire run. It really makes things easier. I netted just shy of 150K on my run, losing stupidly to a boss intro of all things. Lost a few lives early on which didn't help, but still the only shop items I grabbed was the 7 way shot and the extra life. The game definitely got tougher on that last stage where I was harrassed by those groups of enemies and I really got lucky to evade their attacks for as long as I did, but there's nothing in that default speed that feels like say Pulstar, which gives you a super slow ship that is to the detriment of your run, here it feels pretty speedy from the get go. Personally, I think 100K was a fine target for the game, its not something that requires tons of stages to be completed, I think I hit it after the first four stages? (and the fourth stage is comparatively a walk in the park compared to the other stages - as shown in the vid you just walk along the bottom of the screen as the things all spawn there).
But that's obviously just all my opinion and all that. I just never saw it as something that was all too challenging myself.

Also, random observations for Judge Eyes - its menu's are the most stylish of the entire Yakuza series. I love them. Just simple stuff like loading the game or starting a mini game look great. The game combat is indeed super fun and the best Dragon Engine gameplay 6, Kiwami 2 and JE (I could easily have started a new game if I weren't going back to 1HD next week), and Don Quixote's theme song still remains (as does OG Hamura, never patching this game again!)


Oct 25, 2017
Well, its not incredibly detrimental. I never, ever buy speed upgrades in Fantasy Zone, I basically only buy the 7 way laser (and even then, only once per level as I can't have the price increasing too much too quick else I cant afford it later) and one ups here and there. Also, death isn't as punishing as you make it out to be, since you restart with either all things that were previously destroyed, still destroyed, or at the boss. Its actually pretty darn fair really, especially when the rapid fire option can shred enemies pretty well. This isn't like R Type where you get kicked back to midway through the stage if you lose right before the boss, or Twinbee where you really are screwed in the later game as soon as you die and lose all your power ups (the game actually felt fairly balanced around the default weapon to me, again especially if you "cheat" and use rapid fire)
I've always found the first two speed ups to be incredibly useful. There's been times I've gotten shot patterns on the second boss that would be impossible to dodge without at least big wings. I also never wanna fight the fifth boss without the second speed upgrade.


Oct 25, 2017
Never saw the need for the speed stuff myself. I've cleared the game before without needing them, so I just chose to never buy them, save the cash for the 7 way shot, and in the final boss fight - the anvil. Almost managed to 1CC it in Yakuza 7 with that method so I must have been doing something right!
Apr 24, 2018
Champion League for drone racing isn't too bad - just remember that you can quit after each race (win) and then save, and continue on. That way, if you lose, you can load your last save game and get back to it. Super handy since it takes away the horrid thoughts of having to do all 10 races in a row!

As for Mahjong, gotta agree about how its really not too bad. Its definitely got a learning curve to it but its definitely not too difficult to pick up once you get the hang of it (its really not that different to Poker to be honest, aside from not being able to have other players fold). Plus I always feel like learning Mahjong is one of those things that anyone aiming for completion in the series should just learn. Its not going away and it never really changes rule wise, so it might suck to begin with, but ultimately its time well spent.

Thanks! I had only just recently discovered this myself. I found the Champions League pretty easy with save scumming. I actually got first in four of the races on my first try, which was pretty cool and unexpected! Time Trials were not too bad except for Pipeline standard...that was a royal pain, but I got through it. I'd have some choice words for whoever made the time limit 2:05 instead of 2:10 (which compared to the other courses times is what I feel this one really should have been).
I think the issue with Mahjong is people going in assuming that it will be too complicated for them, in effect creating a bit of a mental block. This is what happened to me with Shogi.
Yeah definitely - I'll be looking into learning Shogi myself, pretty soon. I'm eager and excited to learn, especially after having picked up mahjong already! I have three more sidequests left but effectively other than grinding some things out, shogi and the Legendary playthrough are effectively the last real hurdles I should have before the platinum. I've heard that shogi is similar to chess (I often see it referred to as "Japanese Chess"), which I played a lot of growing up, but I believe there's an element where you can control your opponent's captured pieces, which is where I assume the bulk of the learning curve will be.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, Shogi has a mechanic where when you capture enemy pieces, they go into a pile for you to place back on the board later if you so wish. It can turn around a match something fierce if used properly, and adds another dimension of skill to the game.


Nov 4, 2017
Did they ever "fix" the NPCs wandering into a cutscene then turning around an walking away thing for Judgment/7? Its pretty funny, though it does break some immersion!

btw How to baseball? Specifically the Batting Cages in Y6? I was trying 'em early on in my current playthrough an couldn't for the life of me see the timing on when to swing. Usually these games'll have some kind of visual indicator but in this one I ain't seein' it. In the baseball mini-game I'm usually getting dinky infield singles at best an strikin' out at worst. Change ups, curve balls, an sinkers are the enemy!! I've looked ahead in the guide an saw that in order to get 2 of the b-ball player recruits I'll need ta stop sucking >_<;

Why would you want (or need) to grind points in the first stage. Stuff increases in price, and later stages drop way more money. Its easier to just clear it and continue on.
Cause I couldn't beat the first boss an I figured maybe I could just leave 1 spawner alive an grind out the 50k points in the first an presumably easiest stage. If ya can't succeed, try ta cheese your way out! In this case it didn't work but it was worth the tries.

As for 6's combat, is easy to explain why its lesser compared to old games. There's less moves, and certain moves are way worse. The Tiger Drop is rubbish until Judge Eyes, which is a big deal for me. Many of Komaki's moves in 6 are straight up cut, almost every weapon is cut (none equippable either), tons of heat moves cut... after 5 and 0, they reduce Kiryu's moves list to something rather sad. Kiwami 2 adds more but still has several moves cut, not to mention how the lack of difficulty and overpowered nature of Kiryu (even before upgrades) lessens the fun of almost every boss in that game...
You say lesser, I say fresher! Especially right off the hell that was Y5's combat to me. Speaking hell, not having ta worry about weapons is nice once again coming offa Y5's weapon hell. Returning weapons got new Heat animations an heck even handguns now have a Heat move, an a brutal one at that! Theres a buncha former Heat moves converted to being part of regular attacks which is kinda nice. The environments been taken into account more than ever to. Like, ya got like 2 different throws for people while fighting on stairs for instance. But yeah some more moves/weapons coulda been nice. I do think cut too much of the bloat some of the previous games movelists had. I'm not caring about the win button moves(s) being nerfed/removed though!

How tough Puyo is early on depends all on luck. Each AI character has their own strategies and if you get someone like Suketoudara (the fish) really early, he can pretty easily overpower new Puyo players.
I'm not new to Puyo, I just suck at it. An my first couple runs of it in this game was giving me childhood Mean Bean Machine nightmare flashbacks x.x


Oct 25, 2017
Well... its easier to say that I think everything you wrote there is completely wrong. Anyone seeing 6 as fresher or better combat than the three game releases that precede it (5, Ishin and 0) have a strange way of looking at combat (and that's putting it in the most polite manor I can muster, my actual thoughts are far more... blunt). I mean, unless a fighting system that has less moves, less options, less heat moves, worse moves, half the frame rate, and somewhat questionable blocking suddenly makes the game better (it doesn't, ever). Only fun thing 6 added over the last three games is the ability to fight in stores. That was fun, and remains fun, but the substantial cuts to quanitity and quality of combat isn't something I can blindly overlook because the new combat system is shiny, that's just mad talk.

And I hadn't realised you couldn't beat the first stage of Fantasy Zone... can't help you there (aside from insisting you use rapid fire which mauls the boss and anything around it). I thought it was easy myself, though my definition of easy has been skewered over several decades of playing harder games, my easy is probably most peoples "hard"...


Oct 25, 2017
Added a couple of nice things to my Yakuza collection this week:

Finally found a nice condition copy of Dead Souls steelbook (damn sticker though...) - its a really nice steelbook, one of the best the series has done I think. I'm just short 4's Australian steelbook and I think I have the full set until 7 is released (and you better believe I have that ordered already).
The Kurohyou 1 guide book I mainly got because I'm too lazy to do the hostesses proper, but there's so much great info in the book - if your a fan of the games these guides are amazing - so much excellent info for the completionist - some excellent tips for 100%ing the mini games and getting all the items etc. They are my favourite source for info, the Kenzan book is pratically required if you want to 100% it, no other guide has all the info needed to such a minute level... down to drop rates for items in the arena, and thumb positioning for the fan mini game etc.

Also, while reorganising my Yakuza shelf, I noticed they seem to give out some pretty cool/odd pre order bonuses in Japan:

The best being the Majirock music video DVD that came with Kurohyou 2. Awesome music track, and the vid is done in the same art style as the Kurohyou 1&2 cutsenes. Ishin and Kiwami came with those little photos - One of Ryoma who's imitating an iconic shot of the real Ryoma (
) and... well Kiwami's needs no introduction.
Then you have the odd little Judge Eyes voice/SFX handheld thingy... no idea what that does really, I never pulled the tag out to activate it. I also got way more promo music CDs, DVDs and mini mags not shown. And tons of glasses, hip flasks and cups etc. from the Japanese CEs over the years...


Oct 25, 2017
So, started up my replay of RGG1 HD on the PS3 (mainly to finally conquer Haruka's Trust and get that plat trophy). Quite a few funny little things to note when replaying this game vs later games, especially Kiwami:

First off, the sound effects. A weird thing to bring up but these are nice and loud, crunchy and brutal sounding. Some of the weapon hits sound brilliant in this, really brutal and its a pity they didn't keep them for later games. And a side note about the audio - I love the original soundtrack on this game, not that I don't like Kiwami's remixes but there's just something about the originals that really shine when playing the game (maybe its better volume levels on them - I remember Kiwami's music being way too quiet at points with some battle themes getting drowned out).

Combat wise - its still solid, if a little crazy with the camera not always looking where it needs to (but hey, its still better at tracking the action than GoT is so I'll give it a pass). Its so strange how you have to unlock so many moves I've taken for granted. I knew some of the earlier games made you unlock the stomp attack, but... 1 makes you unlock weapon heat moves - as in any weapon (even the stuff you grab on the street). Thankfully its pretty much the first thing you unlock but its still sorta weird. You also get a fairly small health bar, and with enemies that are a little more active than later games, its actually a little tougher in fights. Still pretty easy, but you can't be quite so careless now.
Heat builds up insanely quick in this game, contrast with say... the opening few chapters of Kenzan its strange just how little it takes to get heat in this game. The down side is how quick it drains initially.

Thankfully XP is super easy to get, I ended up doing a lot of random fights between meeting Tamura again and seeing Yuya and ended up getting several early game upgrades which will only help me in the coming chapter (the funeral + Shimano fight)

Also money is super easy to get. Remember how later games give you maybe 1000 yen per win? (outside of 0 of course). Well here I was getting somewhere between 3K to 10K per fight. I ended up gaining 70K Yen while in the process of leveling up some, and doing a couple of trophies. This was chapter 2 btw!

Also, in the continued interest of seeing how 0 moves certain buildings around betraying series lore, its funny how incorrect Theater Square '88 is compared to original Kamurocho '95 in this game:
Debolah and Club Sega aren't in Theater Square in chapter 1 of Yakuza. While they of course appear in the then present day, Club Sega is actually shifted a few doors down to the right of where its seen in many later games. Though granted its also shown as a smaller Club Sega in 1, so really you could right that out as expanding its floor space down the line. Also, I've not missed crane game physics from the PS2 games, they are just as I remember, as in you best hope the game is feeling generous because some of those toys are a pain to grab!

*edit* Another confusing plot whole between 0 and 1/Kiwami. When you check out Sera's portrait in chapter 3 it lists the dates he served in the Tojo Clan to '93 to 2005. So... how did this not get picked up in Kiwami? Because even if you assume his work prior to becoming 3rd Chairman doesn't technically count as being in the Tojo Clan for whatever reason, the game ended with him becoming (or well on the way to becoming) 3rd Chairman. Unless Tojo politics stalled that for 5 years, that makes no darn sense.
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Oct 28, 2017
Pix'n Love just announced a Yakuza: Like a Dragon Collector's Edition in France (it comes with an 80 page hardcover book and 4 lithographs):
Preorders will open on September 9th.
I'm jealous, considering our version in the US is not as elaborate, but merely the steelbook itself.

I wonder how much this would cost to import. The book appears to be in English, too. Is that normal for this publisher?


Oct 25, 2017
Im already getting the steelbook but that special edition is getting ordered as well. I mean, I just got Dead Souls steelbook, can't stop collecting now!

I'm jealous, considering our version in the US is not as elaborate, but merely the steelbook itself.

I wonder how much this would cost to import. The book appears to be in English, too. Is that normal for this publisher?
Yeah, they do English releases for some releases (Shenmue IIIs is rather nice I here, kinda wish I grabbed that one... Mega Man 11's which I do have is great)


Oct 28, 2017
Another confusing plot whole between 0 and 1/Kiwami. When you check out Sera's portrait in chapter 3 it lists the dates he served in the Tojo Clan to '93 to 2005. So... how did this not get picked up in Kiwami? Because even if you assume his work prior to becoming 3rd Chairman doesn't technically count as being in the Tojo Clan for whatever reason, the game ended with him becoming (or well on the way to becoming) 3rd Chairman. Unless Tojo politics stalled that for 5 years, that makes no darn sense.
I re-watched that part of Kiwami yesterday, and although admittedly odd, it is possible that Sera's tenure as Tojo chairman really did take place from 1993-2005. In 0, we're never given any specific date as to when Nihara retired, just told that it was "soon" after the events of 0. "Soon" could mean 5 years later, relatively speaking.

That being said, even if it truly is a "lore break", that wouldn't really surprise me. There are countless instances of this across the series, and this is just another to add to the growing pile. Here's another, this time from Yakuza 2:


Kiryu claims it's his first time in Osaka, even though 0 has us go there as him at one point. I could make an entire list of inconsistencies and broken series lore, unfortunately. I'm a nerd, so this kind of thing bothers me sometimes.
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Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
curious to know to if those who played Y7 are waiting to get the next gen versions of LAD, I mean I'm planning on getting the PS4 version to play on PS5 but I don't think I will be shelling out for the next gen version. hopefully it comes as a free upgrade tho for the PS5 like Smart Delivery for the Xbox Version
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Oct 25, 2017
Well there's also the line from Reina talking about the Millennium Tower early in Yakuza 1/Kiwami - something along the lines of "have you seen the Millennium Tower? It was completed 5 years ago..."
Which places completion of the tower at 2000. Ichiban says "Fuck no" to that, seeing as it wasn't finished by the end of 2001...

Basically, never pay attention to anything timeline wise from the series after 5, its incredibly inconsistent and its basically mostly 0s fault - because it straight up contradicts the city layout and certain points in 1's story, which could have been totally tightened up in Kiwami 1 and 2 but they failed to do that... so it sorta sits in this weird half assed state where certain plot holes exist between the newer games and the older ones due to the remakes not correcting certain things to take 0 into account, and 3-5 not getting remade to take Kamurocho's and Sotenbori's newer designs and layouts into account. Its... weird. Ah well, its hardly the end of the world or makes the games any less fun.

Anyway, 1 HD has finally opened up, doing side stories, some batting cage stuff, finding locker keys etc. at the moment and having a blast. Kiryu is more balanced damage wise at the moment - enemies don't just die when heat moves are used in this game (unlike say... Kiwami 2) which I prefer so much more... Though I do miss the vastly larger heat move list from 2 and up.

curious to know to if those who played Y7 are waiting to get the next gen versions of LAD, I mean I planning on getting the PS4 version to play on PS5 but I don't think I will be shelling out for the next gen version. hopefully it comes as a free upgrade tho for the PS5 like Smart Delivery for the Xbox Version
I'll be getting it twice more on PS4 (Steelbook and Pix n Love) and then will get whatever the PS5 gets for a physical version. No reason really, aside from collection reasons. Doubt I'll replay it before the PS5 version though but we'll see. Guess it depends on how the EX Hard NG+ DLC works, if that's day 1 for PS4, might be tempted to change my mind.
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The Artisan

"Angels are singing in monasteries..."
Oct 27, 2017
I know both. Blackjack is actually pretty easy to google and get a standard template of hit/stand/surrender moves. Poker is slightly more complicated, but honestly, usually it's an easy strategy to see all the folds and then bet high pairs (or better) with the Yakuza AI.
It took me only two months but I finally won at Blackjack. You're right, Poker is even more confusing.


Oct 25, 2017
Just about to fight Majima for the first time (at the batting cages) in Yakuza 1. Pretty damn perfect chapter 5 really - introduction to the arena and a Majima boss battle! So far the game is pretty fast and action packed, its kinda funny to replay the first game and see what it was like before layers of side content were included in addition to a much more in depth story. Still, it remains one of my favourites in the series for the cast and soundtrack alone (I'm really feeling the original soundtrack now over the remixed one - some of the tracks just sound more menacing/powerful as odd as that sounds - that said I really do miss certain music from the remake - like the arena themes and especially Komaki's music which had not been included in the first game...)

Also spent quite a bit of time doing batting cages ready for the Haruka challenges. I've gotten it down fairly well now, just need to actually do the 20 home run event, which I still expect to be darn hard, but I reckon I can do it after a (fair) few tries.

Oh, and the hostesses are insanely expensive in this game. 30K-50K and that's without an expensive drink... Its times like these I'm greatful for the guidebooks I grabbed, having the best answers for each question makes this whole process really fast at least and as inexpensive as possible.


Oct 28, 2017
Well there's also the line from Reina talking about the Millennium Tower early in Yakuza 1/Kiwami - something along the lines of "have you seen the Millennium Tower? It was completed 5 years ago..."
Which places completion of the tower at 2000. Ichiban says "Fuck no" to that, seeing as it wasn't finished by the end of 2001...

Basically, never pay attention to anything timeline wise from the series after 5, its incredibly inconsistent and its basically mostly 0s fault - because it straight up contradicts the city layout and certain points in 1's story, which could have been totally tightened up in Kiwami 1 and 2 but they failed to do that... so it sorta sits in this weird half assed state where certain plot holes exist between the newer games and the older ones due to the remakes not correcting certain things to take 0 into account, and 3-5 not getting remade to take Kamurocho's and Sotenbori's newer designs and layouts into account. Its... weird. Ah well, its hardly the end of the world or makes the games any less fun.
Damn, I didn't know about that lore break involving Millennium Tower. That's pretty careless, from a worldbuilding perspective. I do understand these things can be hard to keep consistent, especially in a long-running series like Yakuza, but I would think that the developers would be more meticulous about their timelines, datekeeping and such.

To me, the most egregious lore break thus far remains the one involving Majima and Florist. Yakuza 4 states that Majima brought a dying Sasai down to Purgatory back in the 80s (very shortly after Saejima's hit on the Ueno Seiwa), but then Kiwami 2's Majima Saga contradicts that, as it's clearly the first time that Majima is meeting Florist and learning of Purgatory's existence. Even 0 contradicts that bit of 4, since it shows us that Majima couldn't possibly have brought Sasai anywhere, having been thrown into the hole for a year's worth of torture immediately following the removal of his eye. They didn't bother to fix that bit of dialogue in 4's remaster, either.

Another big one that has always bothered me: from the start of 0, Majima's entire character motivation is to suck up his punishment so that he can one day return to the Tojo Clan and carve out a seat for when Saejima gets out of prison... problem is, after all that, he nonchalantly abandons the Tojo Clan in Yakuza 2 to start up Majima Construction. I understand that he saw Terada as a poor leader, but it's still strange, considering the aforementioned trouble he endured to get back in the clan in the first place.


Oct 25, 2017
Just finished Yakuza 3 on PS4. It started slow in Okinawa but when Kiryu returned to Kamurocho, it was intense Yakuza-fun!

I bought the PS3 copy before the remasters were announced but never got to play it because the remasters were too good to pass. I remember seeing this game during the PS3 days but never got around to play it since I didn't touch the first two on PS2.

I suppose that Yakuza 3 was the first "HD" game of the series and it must have been that much of an upgrade back then for those who played 1&2 on PS2! I guess that's where all the characters got defined (Kaz, Majima and that sofa-armed guy who always block some staircase).

Of course, some animations are rough but the intensity of the fights was there.

I loved it and apparently, it's not the best one of the remasters. I'm in for a treat!


Oct 25, 2017
3's (and 2's) impact on the series is best realised if you play the games in release date order and see just how much the series is refined from 1 to 2 to 3 - the combat and mini games especially dramatically increase over that time and from 3 it really starts turning into the series that people love with 0 (though starting with 0 and playing Kiwami 2 in place of the original version of 2, they sorta lose how impactful 3 actually was for the series...)

Speaking of 1 - its funny to see just how few mini games there actually are in the game - just the gambling and a couple of other mainstay mini games (batting cages, UFO catcher). 2 fleshes things out but its 3 where you get Karaoke (one of the best mini games in the series) alongside a few others that would remain until 6 was released and switches things up.


Oct 28, 2017
So, for the party member in Yakuza 7, is it Nanba, or Namba?

In this official tweet, it's Nanba...

...But then this official visual asset from the Japanese site has it as Namba.



Oct 25, 2017
The only correct answer is 難波

If you follow the japanese rule for writing people's name, namba is the one yoi should use
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Oct 25, 2017
Namba. Accept no substitute name spelling...

More pointless observations over 1/Kiwami:
The graffiti side story seems to switch locations to the best of my knowledge - it originally took place just north of Shangri La in 1, but I believe its taking place just south of Theater Square in Kiwami.

Not so pointless, is how the character model used for Rokkaku in Kiwami partially botches the joke reveal of his character - Yakuza 1 uses a NPC (low detailed NPC unfortunately) that correctly resembles his appearance in Jet Set Radio (where he's the main baddie and end boss) while he's some fat faceless NPC in Kiwami. And in case you think it's just a coincidence that they share the same name, you'd be wrong - GamesTM (back when it was alive and had a great retro section) did an interview with the JSR team (several moved over to work on Yakuza) and asked about the in joke - and they confirmed its the same character, and allegedly the series both take place in the same universe. So yeah, screw you for that change Kiwami...

And speaking of character models, one think I'm curious about that I've not checked in Kiwami - is who they have working behind the bar pAres in the early chapters (you know, before fake Mizuki ends up as dead Mizuki). As in the original game, she's seen working in the bar which is a cool little touch (guess Kiryu's too drunk to notice her serving him...). Wonder if she was replaced as well in Kiwami or not?

I'm in the "filler" chapter now which is just the whole thing about dads and children, so not gonna linger on this one too long (I hate Florist's kid, whiny little prick that he is) but it should at least gimme some half decent XP, as I'm now doing all the Komaki training, and I really need to grind a few more levels so I can unlock the best moves in the game (all those glorious counters!), I think the arena should be open for business now as well! I'm saving all the gambling related stuff for the Haruka Trust missions.


Oct 25, 2017
Ah the parent/child chapter in Yakuza 1... and nothing of note happened. Quite like the Date character building though.

I'd genuinely forgotten that you'd need to meet/hear about hostesses in the game world before you could visit them in hostess clubs, that was a nice tough that I don't think ever got used again. 4/6 of them cleared, money flows like tap water in this game.

It also impresses me how lean the game is in terms of fat/padding. Even the arena basically requires 0 grinding as all the fighters are assigned into specific GPs and the new ones are unlocked on a chapter basis, instead of win tournament X times. If nothing else it makes it incredibly fun to replay over and over. Also, one counter move I never seem to give the time of day is Kiryu's L1 counter - basically time your block just right and you knock an enemy flat on his ass, super useful in the arena when you want to land a stomp heat move. I always seem to gravitate to Komaki's counter/tiger drop when I get it, but since I cant unlock those yet, this is the one I got to work with, and its great.

And now back to finishing off the hostesses...


Oct 27, 2017
So with the Series S (and presumably the Series X) coming out November 10, can we assume the Series S/X versions of LAD will be out on the same day as the last-gen versions?


Oct 25, 2017
Tiger drop get! Time to reign down chaos in Kamurocho, and by that I mean its time for the Haruka Trust challenges in Yakuza 1 - aka that damn 20 home run trophy. No backing out this time, if I can 100% Kenzan I really should be able to do this... eventually.

So with the Series S (and presumably the Series X) coming out November 10, can we assume the Series S/X versions of LAD will be out on the same day as the last-gen versions?
One would assume so. They said "launch" so that should mean they all launch on November 13th. Except PS5 of course lol. Who knows when the heck that launches.


Oct 25, 2017
My day today in one image:

20 home runs... in a row... finally done.

And with that I dont think I ever feel the need to SSS Haruka ever again in Yakuza 1. That was a pain in the ass. Hilariously not the mini game itself but everything around it - not being able to instantly restart the mini game (and as far as I can tell, having to exit and enter the batting center each time you miss to reset the challenge). Yeah, RGGS should have fixed that in Yakuza 2... yet they never did :( At least the challenges got exponentially easier as the series went on though.

So... wondering to myself what I'd rank as the hardest challenges in Yakuza (outside of optional stuff like no damage runs or certain perfect runs of Karaoke songs). So far I'd probably choose:

Kenzan's 100%/hostess mini games. Kenzan is no stranger to tough completion list challenges, what with it being one of the first games to actually do a completion list. And nothing shows this off more than the hostess mini games (bar bowling, that's a push over).
The fan game has an AI that almost never misses with the final hostess, but strategy/skill can overcome that one.
The poem card mini game is one that requires not only Japanese knowledge, a great memory and luck - as you have to identify the card required from the small phrase the Kamuro reads out - and you best be quick about finding the card you need, as the AI is incredibly quick to find most cards!
The rhythm mini game again has a final hostess that never misses. I've verified this with other sources, and yeah. You basically have to have reaction of a cat to manage from like stage 5 and up... though this can be finessed somewhat by pausing the game as you play to more easily identify the next move the hostess makes. Still requires insanely quick reactions though as it goes on for 100 turns.

Second (and a close one) is Yakuza 1's Haruka Trust solely because of the Baseball challenge and all the annoyance tied to it. Getting a perfect run together takes an amount of skill to memorise every pitch and learning how to hit each perfectly is also obviously required. But doing that is certainly easier said than done! While its not technically required for any trophy completion - 1/1HD also has the toughest optional mission mode in the entire series, as trying to clear Lau's long fight AND boss fight without taking any damage... good luck with that... now I think about it, for that alone I'd probably put 1 as the hardest to 100%.

Third... I'd probably pick Puyo Puyo on Judge Eyes. Sorta debating its place, as I didn't have anywhere near as many issues as the above, but its certainly no push over (something which can't be said for any other arcade challenge in the series, which are all super easy to clear on my first try). Then again, I'm really not great at Puyo, if I were, it'd not be on this list!

Other stuff to consider - Answer X Answer in 3&4 (PS3 Japanese originals). I forget if Of the End got it as well? Either way, its something really difficult to do unless your both fluent in Japanese and pretty smart when it comes to random trivia. Thankfully the trivia mini game in 7 is leagues easier to clear (with only a time limit to fight against, no AI breathing down your neck here).
Then you have Ishin and Hokuto Ga Gotoku which both had pretty lengthy plat's for me, though I think that's more down to grinding than actual difficulty. Still, that damn arena drop grinding in HGG was a pain in the ass.
Lastly, 2(HD) has an optional completion list (no trophy) which has shit like hitting perfect scores on all batting cages. Which sounds... delightful. But I've never actually tried to 100% 2 (didn't even realise it had a list until recently) so that will certainly be looked into when I replay it soonish.


Nov 4, 2017
Made it to the final chapter in 6. Alls left ta do is cleaning up whatevers I feel like doin'. Which hopefully doesn't involve going into New Gaudi 10 more times for the dumb 30 visit award. Oh an I got ta do one of the things I really love doing in these games: breaking plot immersion! "Go talk to important guy standing 2 feet away from you who'll reveal huge plot secrets!" or instead walk outta New Serena to go beat up thugs, get some grub, an play Puyo Puyo for like an hour! Speaking of, I managed a 13 win streak but only 7/10 rivals defeated. Hows that work again?


Oct 25, 2017
Speaking of, I managed a 13 win streak but only 7/10 rivals defeated. Hows that work again?
You can't face off against yourself so always pick a character you've beaten. The characters you face are randomized, however certain characters won't start showing up until you get a high enough win streak going. Rulue (the final opponent) doesn't start appearing until you reach a 25 win streak.


Oct 28, 2017
Just mahjong left in the way of me finally obtaining the Yakuza 0 Platinum. Guess I'm finally going to have to learn this damn game.


<<Tag Here>>
Oct 25, 2017
How would you rate it compared to 0 and Kiwami? I know it's gonna be good but just how good? For reference I loved 0 and really liked Kiwami.
It goes 0 > Kiwami > Kiwami 2 imo, the pacing is weird in 2 but it's still very enjoyable and I thought the story was great, personally.


Oct 25, 2017
Just finished Yakuza 3 on PS4. It started slow in Okinawa but when Kiryu returned to Kamurocho, it was intense Yakuza-fun!

I bought the PS3 copy before the remasters were announced but never got to play it because the remasters were too good to pass. I remember seeing this game during the PS3 days but never got around to play it since I didn't touch the first two on PS2.

I suppose that Yakuza 3 was the first "HD" game of the series and it must have been that much of an upgrade back then for those who played 1&2 on PS2! I guess that's where all the characters got defined (Kaz, Majima and that sofa-armed guy who always block some staircase).

Of course, some animations are rough but the intensity of the fights was there.

I loved it and apparently, it's not the best one of the remasters. I'm in for a treat!

I just got back to Kamurocho. I wasn't impressed with the orphanage section. I am hoping it gets better.


Oct 25, 2017
Orphanage stuff really was the best bit of 3 (well, aside from the soundtrack). Giving Kiryu more character development as more than just an ex Yakuza trying to fix the Tojo Clan's/Daigo's mistakes... Its one of a long list of reasons why I love 3 compared to the rest of the series.
P.S - Taichi best orphan.


Nov 4, 2017
Yakuza 5: over 2 months for me to beat
Yakuza 6: 3 weeks

Shows just how darn good I found Y6 ta be. It had very good hooks whereas Y5 had none up to Haruka's part, an afterwards went back to having none.

Another note about the combat, my thumbs thankful this game didn't require mashing X ta get back up after knockdown!! Plus its the first time in the series Kiryu's had a useful attack that actually hits guys after he's been knocked down. I didn't fight 5's Amon but compared to 3/4's Amon, 6's is the most annoying an I was more than happy ta knock his difficulty down to Easy after 5 attempts. That fights just way to long to get back to the part thats gonna kill ya again anyways.

Although I'd only played 6 once an two years ago at that my memory of it being top tier was correct. It stands right alongside 3 to me. An since I'm feelin' fonder of slimmer Yakuza games as of late I'll toss 1 (PS2 ver.) into my top three for now cause why not!


Oct 25, 2017
So was that Kiwami 3 news fake?
Completely. Basically its another fuckup from the RGG Online mobile game (not the biggest fuckup in the last month for it mind you), but got big enough that both the RGG Online twitter account, and the head writer for the series spoke out saying "its a typo". And thank fuck for that, I didn't want to see a remake for 3 at all, I'm hoping they are done with old games and work exclusively on new games/spinoffs in the series rather than stuff I've played many times before.


Oct 27, 2017
Completely. Basically its another fuckup from the RGG Online mobile game (not the biggest fuckup in the last month for it mind you), but got big enough that both the RGG Online twitter account, and the head writer for the series spoke out saying "its a typo". And thank fuck for that, I didn't want to see a remake for 3 at all, I'm hoping they are done with old games and work exclusively on new games/spinoffs in the series rather than stuff I've played many times before.

Oh ok. Yeah I want another Judgment instead, if a remake then one of the samurai ones since that way atleast they would finally reach the west.


Oct 25, 2017
Ishin doesn't need to be remade though... and I'm personally against Kenzan getting remade for the same reasons I'm against more remakes of current games - because the new engine will either cut/change content and just not nail the feeling of the combat. Judge Eyes worked so well in the new engine because I didn't have a frame of reference to compare it to. New stuff all the way for me.
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Nov 29, 2017
I absolutely love this series. I've been replaying through this series the last month. I finished Y: Kiwami a week ago and then hopped on to Y0, and about close to finishing it since I had started it before Y1 last month. Y0 is still one of those games that will go down as one of the best of the past decade. Once I finish Y0, I'll hop on to Y2 Kiwami. I was so hoping to have had more time before Y7 releases as I've been working my way through the series again. I still think that Y4 is one of the best in the series behind Y0.


Oct 25, 2017
Gotten back to Yakuza, now I'm done with the Haruka stuff... Finished off the cool chapter which ends with you meeting with Nishiki (which is a really awesome moment between the two characters). Its quite interesting to see how they "tweaked" Shindo's fight in Kiwami - a fight I quite enjoyed but its definitely made harder - if I recall correct enemies don't drop their weapons on hit in Kiwami? I know they are more aggressive making for a tougher fight (though hey at least you are 10000X more agile thanks to Rush but it definitely changes up the feel of the game greatly).
Also, thanks to how easy the giant swing is to pull off in 1 once unlocked (neutral throw on grabbed enemy when you have heat) it means you can easy do an AoE attack that knocks the enemies down.

Anyway, one awesome fight later and I'm hunting for the gangs... so plenty of fights in this chapter! (also, the best side story in the entire game is in this chapter - the one with Dojima's wife). On revisiting both the original and the remake... not sure which I prefer any more. I like the graphical bump Kiwami gives the game, and the more moves but I feel it then kneecaps itself by making it a slog to get the most fun style leveled back up... I do love the pace and replayability for the original game, with so little extra content, it weirdly makes it a very fun game to replay as I don't really need to grind for anything - money and XP is given out in droves as long as you know where to go looking for it, and the combat while outdated just has a certain feel to it where it never feels unfair but rather well enough designed so that you should never really struggle against a boss as long as you do all the training etc. to get the advanced moves...
Plus the original soundtrack sounds so damn good... really a shame this was never ported to the PS3 in some way (the HD remasters) as they complement the remakes nicely...


Oct 25, 2017
And that's chapter 8's content complete. The gangs were fun fights, not to mention amazing opportunities to get tons of XP (basically maxed out now, so that's gonna make the epic long fight in the next chapter even better). Weird that you can skip the blue gang entirely though... maybe Kiwami padded that out as well forcing you to fight them in order? But in the original at least you can just skip right to the white gang no problems (though I ended up restarting the chapter to fight them all legit, for the XP)

The Dojima wife side story is still just as good as I remember it, though (at least in the original), its odd that the trigger point for the side story is right at the end of the chapter, as you speak to Date to leave for Chinatown... its one of those that could be quite easily missed especially seeing as people would be speaking to Date in order to forward the plot to the next chapter... probably would have been better to have the phone call from Florist trigger after you beat the Bloody Eye gang, not speaking to Date to end the chapter. Oh well, doesn't really matter!


Oct 28, 2017
shadowman16, would you please do me the favor of pointing me towards your preferred mahjong learning resources? I know you've mentioned them in the past, but I can't recall what they were.