
Oct 28, 2017
If they want something now, I'm sure King can get a mobile match game out in a week.


Nov 2, 2018
Honestly I don't know why both MS and Sony don't each have a mid-budget Mario Kart ripoff going for their first party stuff now. The tonal dissonance alone could make for a fun little side project. Get all the voice actors back, have them shout puns at each other, put in goofy achievements like filling a race with all the characters that wear power armor. It doesn't have to break the bank or anything, just remind us that you actually have fun making video games.


Jun 2, 2022
Can they even handle that given they are a relatively smaller team already all hands on Avowed/Outer World 2?

Honestly they should probably just shelve Outer World 2 for the time being that would free up resources for New Vegas 2 or whatever Fallout game they want to make.

While i kinda like it personally reactions to Outer World where pretty lukewarm in general and after that and Starfield i don't think doing another space open world RPG so soon is a very good idea tbh.


Powered by Friendship™
Feb 17, 2022
So they want to rush out a new Fallout far sooner than previously planned.

I can't see anything going wrong with this approach.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
Even if they want to fast track a new fallout how far out would that even be. Guess they try and capitalize on the next season then


Oct 25, 2017
New York
Send 3 and NV out to a port house to remaster to get something new out there quickly, sign up another dev to make a new spinoff, and leave 5 with BGS.

Mr Evil 37

Mar 7, 2022
2) Obsidian and Inexile might want to work on their own IP/worlds
This is such a key point. The worst case scenario for Obsidian and inXile under Xbox is them becoming satellite studios for BGS (or being closed down I suppose). It's not what they were acquired for, and they have just as much right to work on their own IPs as BGS does.

If one or both of them want to work on Fallout or whatever other IP, as a one off or alongside also making their own games, great. But if they don't or they are not available, Xbox should not be forcing them to do so and we should not be rooting for it.


Mar 7, 2023
Obsidian couldn't make it. They are too busy and aren't that big.

Also the article is a nothing burger. Microsoft is aware people want a new fallout? Woah they know how to use twitter

Mr Evil 37

Mar 7, 2022
Honestly they should probably just shelve Outer World 2 for the time being that would free up resources for New Vegas 2 or whatever Fallout game they want to make.
No. TOW 2 has been in development for a long time and the first game was a success. We should not be rooting for studios' own IPs to be cancelled or shelved in favour of a different IP just because it's bigger. Obsidian's IP have value just like BGS IP.


Oct 27, 2017
id rather have fallout 5 in a reasonable timeframe than es6, but im probably in the minority on that.

also, i dont know if its feasible for obsidian to make a fallout game. but if not, i think inxile can make a decent one as well with a bit more budget.


Oct 28, 2017
Gruntilda’s Lair
I'm sure they're aware of it just as they were aware of how much hype was surrounding Banjo follow the Smash announcement, and yet it took 3 years after that for a new game to be greenlit (according to leaks). So being aware of it doesn't mean something will come to fruition in the near term, even if they did "take it away" from BGS. The problem is finding a team for it and even then, it would probably be until around 2030 before it would see release.

In the short term, it would probably be easier and much faster to just get a good current gen remaster of New Vegas or whatever Fallout game out. Maybe that could be done within a couple of years?
Jan 4, 2018
Did Amazon reveal the viewership numbers of the Fallout series?

Not yet but we some tidbits

3rd-party data (PlumResearch) so must be taken with a grain of salt :




Per Amazon :

In a press release, Prime Video said that in its first four days, the series has become a hit with its global audience, ranking among the service's top three most-watched titles ever and the most-watched season globally since "The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power".

Fallout on Prime breaks records, Amazon announces for second season

Amazon Prime's Fallout Season 2 may drop around summer 2025.

ScreenShare :

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Jul 28, 2023
Based on the comments Josh Sawyer has made about Fallout recently, I think he has zero interest in making a Fallout game. Dude just doesn't care.


Oct 27, 2017
Obsidian are best choice, but they are busy with multiple games now. Unless some other studio is already working on Fallout, if development start now it will take minimum 5 years...


Jul 16, 2019
I honestly have no fucking idea why they didn't think of this earlier.

Like, they probably didn't expect the TV show to be as successful, but still.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm really surprised remasters of the first two games haven't happened, especially these days when pretty much every big CRPG has been remastered in some capacity and is pretty widely available.
Oct 27, 2017
Honestly i never understood the business wense behind having one team work on Elderscrolls, fallout AND starfield. Makes no sense


Oct 25, 2017
While obsidian makes sense, for new Vegas they had fallout 3 to use as a basis. There is no current gen fallout to use this time. Even if they use 4 as a basis, bringing it to current gen standards would be a lot more work then new Vegas was.

Pheonix Will

Sep 6, 2021
There are ways to speed things up, they could release new DLC for Fallout 4 for example. They could use the base world map from Fallout 76 and release a single player title set in a different time period.

But if they started tomorrow on something from scratch, we're talking 4 years minimum.


Sep 13, 2018
Encumbering the studio (huh? huh?) with this demand was such a bad management move. When about to release
the TV show, they should be aware the gaming aspect of the franchise would be largely demanded by the public as well.

I think this will mean more crunch from devs, whatever developing studio will do this project in the long run.
I just hope that they have this in mind and try to mitigate it.


Oct 25, 2017
Not yet but we some tidbits

3rd-party data (PlumResearch) so must be taken with a grain of salt :




Per Amazon :

Fallout on Prime breaks records, Amazon announces for second season

Amazon Prime's Fallout Season 2 may drop around summer 2025.

ScreenShare :


Off-topic but this feels crazy damning for Rings of Power if the numbers are accurate, eesh. All that insane budget and Reacher and The Boys still outperform it. Heck it's not even double Wheel of Time.


Oct 30, 2017
I mean, 3 and NV are desperately in need of graphical updates, and getting another studio to remaster existing assets into an existing framework and game would be the easiest path to putting a new product on the shelves, while still allowing the proper Fallout team to work on whatever they're doing, so that's serendipitous.

I know mods are out there to make those games look better, but your average consumer ain't gonna fuck w/mods. And the 3rd person animation in those games just needs a total teardown and rework, mods are just a band-aid on a cannon wound.
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Mr Evil 37

Mar 7, 2022
Who is gonna make it now? The same people being suggested in this thread were just as disinterested and/or busy back then as they are now.
Exactly! If the logical and realistic studios were busy years ago and are busy now, why would you say they should have thought about it years ago? It wouldn't have made any difference.


Jan 9, 2021
Obsidian doesn't have most of the Fallout: New Vegas team anymore. You can see this clearly in The Outer Worlds. Writing is nowhere as good as FNV. So I don't Obsidian working on Fallout is a good idea unless they rehire some of the old FNV team.

Bethesda also needs better writers for Fallout game. Their game design philosophy isn't the right fit for Fallout game. The reason that Starfield couldn't capture the magic of TES is also because of this. Bethesda is famous for their open world design. Skyrim is one of the best games ever made despite having boring story because of their open world design philosophy.

inXile is the best choice among all of the Xbox studios because they have Brian Fargo. But I want them to make Clockwork Revolution the next big thing.

Outside of Xbox, Something Wicked Games has some of the old Fallout: New Vegas team but they had layoffs and they are busy with their own game. Maybe it would be win-win for both Xbox and Something Wicked Games if they make partnership but it's highly unlikely.


Nov 5, 2017
They should really just get with the Fallout London guys and make that mod an official release at this point.


Jan 10, 2020
for New Vegas they used 3 as a base, what could they use now, Starfield? It seems much more work for devs not used to that engine
a spin-off would make much more sense after a main release, not before


Feb 8, 2023
The 518
Obsidian have like 4 plates spinning, InXile are all in on Clockwork and I'd imagine they'd want a "big budget" Fallout and there's like 2 third party AAA WRPG studios. Maybe you get a small team exploring it right now, but no matter who does it its still like 6 years away minimum. Just beef up 76's development team by hiring more guys like Double Eleven instead.