
Nov 1, 2021
Are cheaters really that common or is there some bias from console players who attribute some highly skilled play to cheating?

In COD you can watch them hacking via spectate mode. The last PC player I encountered on Warzone was shot gunning people through walls and sniping people from across the map he couldn't actually see on screen.

Stoney Mason

Oct 25, 2017
Input based match making please. And if a person simply wants to play with his friends on Pc then cool. That's fine. It's simple. You get put into the mixed input lobbies on pc. This isn't very hard. The smarter games make the correct choice here for competitive games. For cooperative games I don't care about mixed inputs. You aren't being forced to compete against a different input in that situation.


Oct 26, 2017
I haven't run into many cheaters at all, but there were enough I could confirm in theater mode that I'd rather have the option to match with only Xbox players. Honestly, having the option directly in the menu but having it forced to Cross-Play feels sloppy in its own way. Only have that there if it's an option.


Oct 26, 2017
Are cheaters really that common or is there some bias from console players who attribute some highly skilled play to cheating?

In my experience (well over a hundred hours of MP), they're not common, but they can be easily confirmed by viewing the theater recording of the match. For both wall-hacks and aim-hacks, you can see them tracking unseen players through walls, and basically "toggling" between distant targets, in a way that doesn't make sense for a human player. They'll generally open fire before a player could be seen or heard around a corner. It's a specific camera motion that you can recognize, so I'm sure some people just get miffed and assume the worst if they get stomped out, but the cheating is recognizable on its own.

For context, I've confirmed two cheaters (total) in my playtime.
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Oct 26, 2017
it's totally dumb in halo because they crippled the PC user experience (no red reticle) purportedly to combat cheating, yet as we can all see, that did jackshit. just turn it back on, and provide some actual anticheat

also that spencer quote is pretty LUL

Mammoth Jones

Oct 25, 2017
New York
I like how Destiny 2 handles cross-play in PvP.

All console teams go against all console teams.

If you play with someone on PC on your team then you go again potentially PC and console players.

This should be standard unless user opts-in for full cross play all the time.


Oct 25, 2017
Are cheaters really that common or is there some bias from console players who attribute some highly skilled play to cheating?
It's super hard to say one way or the other because all of the evidence we have is almost entirely anecdotal, particularly in the case of Halo.

There was someone earlier in this thread (who I'm not going to quote because I'm not trying to put him on blast or anything) who said cheaters ruined Infinite for him because he ran into one in almost every single game he played. Now, I haven't played much Infinite MP in the grand scheme of things, but in the 20+ hours I've played I genuinely can't think of an instance where I saw any blatant cheaters. But also maybe that's because I don't play Ranked, idk. I'm not saying he's wrong, but his experience certainly hasn't been mine.
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Oct 27, 2017
I like how Destiny 2 handles cross-play in PvP.

All console teams go against all console teams.

If you play with someone on PC on your team then you go again potentially PC and console players.

This should be standard unless user opts-in for full cross play all the time.

Yeah this is pretty neat solution. What grates for me with Halo Infinite and Battlefield is it feels like 343i and DICE have bought into crossplay as an ideological notion but they've done none of the work to mitigate its downsides. The simple reality is that for me I am getting a worse experience than I'd have if crossplay did not exist. It doesn't have to be that way.

It's super hard to say one way or the other because all of the evidence we have is almost entirely anecdotal, particularly in the case of Halo.

There was someone earlier in this thread (who I'm not going to quote because I'm not trying to put him on blast or anything) who said cheaters ruined Infinite for him because he ran into one in almost every single game he played. Now, I haven't played much Infinite MP in the grand scheme of things, but in the 25+ hours I've played I genuinely can't think of an instance where I saw any blatant cheaters. But also maybe that's because I don't play Ranked, idk.

I'm sure cheating is much more common in high level ranked than anywhere else. I'm Diamond 4 and there have only been two cases where I was suspicious enough to check and found that they were cheating in Theatre.


Oct 27, 2017
Seems overblown. I don't even think about it when I'm playing.

Lots of times people blame "cheaters" when they just lose fair and square.
I play forza horizon 5 daily online in open racing and there are cheaters constantly. Its SUPER easy to spot the guy driving a garbage truck at 250 mph without even tuning the truck itself. Not to mention the leaderboards. I've reported tens of people already and each one is playing on PC.


Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
Are cheaters really that common or is there some bias from console players who attribute some highly skilled play to cheating?
My theory is the latter.
I've played over 600 matches so far and as far as I'm aware I've not come across a cheater and if I have, their performance hasn't been outrageous enough that I've even gone and looked at them in the theatre.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 30, 2017
In no circumstances should console people ever be forced into playing with PC people by default and forcing it is a good way to never get me to play your games online ever.

I get that consoles make up a huge % of online lobbies but that's not my fucking problem. This isn't just about cheating it's about a clear unfair advantage. In warzone for instance the FOV is kneecapped on consoles which make a huge difference not to talk about KB/M which some games that do force PC vs Consoles will force console users who use keyboard into a keyboard only lobby but not PC users. No fucking thanks.

Deleted member 1659

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (2 Week): Platform warring, recently returned from long ban
Unpopular opinion:

But if you like to play multiplayer FPS, you shouldn't be on consoles period. Playing an FPS on a console is like driving a car with your feet.

Console gaming gimped the FPS genre for PC gamers as a whole and made the genre worse off. I have zero sympathy for any FPS player that chooses to play on a console.

Stoney Mason

Oct 25, 2017
User Warned: Hostility
Unpopular opinion:

But if you like to play multiplayer FPS, you shouldn't be on consoles period. Playing an FPS on a console is like driving a car with your feet.

Console gaming gimped the FPS genre for PC gamers as a whole and made the genre worse off. I have zero sympathy for any FPS player that chooses to play on a console.
What a completely ignorant post. Go crawl in a hole jackass.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
Unpopular opinion:

But if you like to play multiplayer FPS, you shouldn't be on consoles period. Playing an FPS on a console is like driving a car with your feet.

Console gaming gimped the FPS genre for PC gamers as a whole and made the genre worse off. I have zero sympathy for any FPS player that chooses to play on a console.
Here's my long-form, detailed response to match the tone of this post: lol


Oct 25, 2017
Unpopular opinion:

But if you like to play multiplayer FPS, you shouldn't be on consoles period. Playing an FPS on a console is like driving a car with your feet.

Console gaming gimped the FPS genre for PC gamers as a whole and made the genre worse off. I have zero sympathy for any FPS player that chooses to play on a console.
Ah cool so you're saying anyone who wants to play a shooter needs to buy a gaming PC

I wonder how easy and cheap that is to do right now


Jul 28, 2020
I think forced cross-play is good in most cases on Xbox. I think outside of NA, Xbox has really suffered the last 10 years when it comes to their playerbase and no matter how much I love the platform cross-play is a good way to keep the queue times low in games that are not CoD/Halo/Forza and regions that are not NA. I have had to buy games on Steam that did not have cross-play because they did not have a playerbase on Xbox (and sometimes Windows Store too) while not being dead on Steam.


Oct 27, 2017
Are cheaters really that common or is there some bias from console players who attribute some highly skilled play to cheating?

In pay to play games like COD they're extremely rare in my experience. In that game I'll get called a cheater every other game just for being better than *someone* on the opposing team (I play on XBOX). So a lot of false positives there for sure.

But in free to play games like Halo Infinite or Warzone... Yeah, it's a problem. But definitely not as much as people make it out to be, some people just don't realize the potentially huge skill gap that's possible between them and somebody really good.


Oct 27, 2017
Unpopular opinion:

But if you like to play multiplayer FPS, you shouldn't be on consoles period. Playing an FPS on a console is like driving a car with your feet.

Console gaming gimped the FPS genre for PC gamers as a whole and made the genre worse off. I have zero sympathy for any FPS player that chooses to play on a console.
I only play FPS on PC but this a terrible, laughable, ignorant take.


Nov 4, 2018
Unpopular opinion:

But if you like to play multiplayer FPS, you shouldn't be on consoles period. Playing an FPS on a console is like driving a car with your feet.

Console gaming gimped the FPS genre for PC gamers as a whole and made the genre worse off. I have zero sympathy for any FPS player that chooses to play on a console.
What do you do with your feet while driving a car? I usually use them to work the pedals, but curious about your strategy.

Are cheaters really that common or is there some bias from console players who attribute some highly skilled play to cheating?
In Halo it all depends on which playlist you are in or what level of ranked play you are at. In playlists like SWAT and FFA cheating is fairly common and laughably noticeable. In higher end ranked play it's becoming a plague. Seems like every day there's a new no-name player at the top of the CSR boards with ~90% HS accuracy. Thankfully it will be addressed soon.

Don Dada

Oct 27, 2017
A lot of people in this thread dismissing the prevalence of cheaters meanwhile Activision who runs one of the biggest multiplayer games in the world has spent the past couple of years developing a bespoke anticheat solution and are also suing cheat developers for billions.


Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
it's all 2 sides of the same coin all of this blame game


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
I will always take someone beating my ass in crossplay over No crossplay. I understand the struggle tho.

Especially with Halo lacking in-game reporting.


Oct 28, 2017
PC player here; Get rid of Crossplay. Not because of cheaters (99% of these 'cheaters' are just players getting dunked on and calling cheater now that the possibility exists), but because mkb/controller will NEVER be balanced. And to make up for that fact they keep adding aimbot levels of aim assist to controller to make up for it, ruining the game for both pad and mkb players.

Neither platform needed crossplay to survive before, I don't understand why it's some necessity all of a sudden.

It was partly due to the advent of F2P games and partly due to console war talking points.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah I can see that. It's still a good thing, but I do think people should have a choice without being rail-roaded. It might be harder to push back in the other direction because the call for crossplay years ago wasn't exactly grass roots.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
In Halo For me, cross play isn't the issue... it's the lack of any anti-cheat.


The Merchant of ERA
Oct 28, 2017
Crossplay between console and PC players should always be opt-in rather than opt-out in competitive games. You could sort players by input method but that won't curtail the cheating that's prevalent on PC. Can't really escape scumbags in competitive games these days though, unfortunately. No crossplay in Siege on PS4 but ranked matches are completely pointless if you're playing on controller since a majority of players in the higher ranks are using M&KB adapters. I've pretty much lost any drive that I used to have for competitive games these days, and this shit is definitely a big reason for it.


Oct 26, 2017
Especially with Halo lacking in-game reporting.

This is an aspect of this situation I wish got more attention: In-game reporting could simplify a lot of this.

I understand it wouldn't be helpful for voice-chat infractions, but for example: A system where you can link a theater replay to a cheating report should make everyone's life easier. Even just its existence would reassure players taking the time to put in reports. I haven't had real trouble with cheaters (I've reported the couple I've encountered) but as it stands, I have zero confidence the Xbox-level reporting even matters.


Oct 25, 2017
Wish they would. Between the general game changes and crossplay especially, I've not played these nearly as much as I thought I would. Should have always been opt-in. I was for console to console, but console to PC just isn't for me.


Dec 4, 2018
It's impossible to have a competitive level of fun in Battlefield 2042 due to PC Players.

At mid-high range combat YOU WILL NEVER WIN AGAINST A PC PLAYER face-to-face. Try picturing both players with the average same skill level, one with a controller and other with a mouse. The controllable spread and overall rate of fire with direct hits is much more higher on a mouse.

The level of precision that only a mouse can have can simply destroy you face-to-face and if you get around a Pro Player there's a chance that even when flanking he can turn and obliterate in a single burst of fire with an Assault Rifle.

Bring back the concept of input based cross play. (and let console users also use Mouse and Keyboard if they want, we already can have a high level of competitive play with 120hz)

Nah, BF2042 is surprisingly well balanced IMO. I've won plenty of gungame rounds against PC players and I'm usually top 4/5 if I don't win.


Oct 25, 2017
I have yet to have a negative experience in Halo multiplayer where I'm sure a player is cheating or I felt they had an advantage due to MKB. And they give you the ability to opt out of crossplay in Ranked, where it really "counts"
Ranked is always crossplay. You can use mouse on Xbox or controller on pc you know.

And I'm encountering cheaters pretty often. Let me choose to not play against pc players.


Prophet of Truth
Jun 12, 2020
I enjoy cross play, use it with friends all the time. But they should make an easy opt out switch mandatory in all games.


Oct 27, 2017
Nah, BF2042 is surprisingly well balanced IMO. I've won plenty of gungame rounds against PC players and I'm usually top 4/5 if I don't win.
If it's not your skill doing the job, what's the point? It's an official & authorised cheat for controllers with an extra aim assist when using a controller :-D

I say this as someone playing Warzone on PS5 and R6S on PC.
I don't see why I should get an advantage on 1 platform and a disadvantage on the other.

I don't expect to finish top 3 against PC users on Warzone PS5. I wouldn't expect getting exterminated by console players on R6S.


Oct 25, 2017
As a PC player Im also annoyed with forced crossplay with consoles, as least for FPSes. Yes I get why aim assist exists and Im glad it does when I play controller, but I'd like to not play them against each other, it's not an even playing field and leads to lots of very bad feeling interactions on btoh sides.

Its whatever for casual qs but should absolutely not be implemented for ranked stuff.


Nov 26, 2020
Been saying this since crossplay blew up a few years ago.

Xbox and PlayStation having cross play with each other is great. PC and anything console related should be an opt-in setting. PC will always have a monumental advantage regardless of genre.


Dec 19, 2017
Any console Chivalry 2 players reading should know the pain of crossplay. The game doesn't even offer rebinding, so to kick an enemy who is blocking, we have to take our thumb off the right stick and hit circle button. Good luck aiming a kick while a PC player is strafing around you with an easy keyboard press.


Oct 30, 2017
I'm fine with getting rid of Crossplay altogether, but at least the input-based MM from Halo is somewhat adequate, except it's just available in ranked. While you're at it, get rid of aim assist. It's laughable that instead of creating superior control schemes for controller players, developers have resorted to implementing a soft aimbot so that controller players can feel better about themselves. Talk about lazy. The steam controller looked like a step in the right direction. WTF happened to that? If someone can solve the hacking problem on PC, that would be great, as well, but I'm not holding my breath.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
I don't mind it in halo but I like the option.

If I'm annoyed by anything it's when games don't have crossplay at all.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Of course.

Problem is that PC players fight for it because it adds greatly to their player pool improving their experience, and on the dev/publisher side obviously the synergy of sales works to push out more copies. Console players get -nothing- out of the deal, and sadly if we gotta play capitalistic hellscape with everything else in our lives there's an argument that their money should talk louder since that's where the sales are.

My fav is when Warzone whines when you turn it off on the Xbox side, pleading like an SO you broke up with to turn it on during matchmaking, lol.