
Oct 25, 2017
I don't get the benefits of crossplay though.
I get it across consoles since they are generally the same player-base that arbitrarily decided to buy one console over another.

PC players are a whole other animal with a different set of games they focus on (with obv. some bleed-over) and preferred control type.

If you're on console you don't need PC players, and the popular PC games have robust communities…not like Valorant aint one of the most popular games out there.

This feels to benefit the small group of players that want to play with their PC friends where you've already got an easy solution…keep em in the PC queue. Strip away their autoaim, let God be with them; no extra work for the dev's in balancing autoaim, etc. Everyone happy.
The more players the better, and friends can play together. Those are two pretty big reasons imo.

The negatives really aren't significant enough to worry in my opinion, as explained, if you think otherwise fair enough.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Supporting crossplay is great but I'm baffled they made it forced in shooters. Like that should be opt in and default to off. Cheaters aside putting controller against mouse in a shooter is just silly.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't get the benefits of crossplay though.
I get it across consoles since they are generally the same player-base that arbitrarily decided to buy one console over another.

PC players are a whole other animal with a different set of games they focus on (with obv. some bleed-over) and preferred control type.

If you're on console you don't need PC players, and the popular PC games have robust communities…not like Valorant aint one of the most popular games out there.

This feels to benefit the small group of players that want to play with their PC friends where you've already got an easy solution…keep em in the PC queue. Strip away their autoaim, let God be with them; no extra work for the dev's in balancing autoaim, etc. Everyone happy.

In the case of Xbox, you have hybrid platform gamers by design; "Play Anywhere [Xbox, PC, Mobile]" so saying that it doesn't make sense is especially weird.


Oct 27, 2017
Summerside PEI
"Revisionist history" lmfao come the fuck on. I'm PC primarily but my friends play on a variety of different systems. I know plenty of others in a similar situation. What game in particular do you think PC players are dependent on console players just to have someone to play with? Just cause your situation is one way doesn't mean that people don't have a variety of friends on different systems Jesus Christ lol

It should be opt in but I'd sooner quit games than go back to the days of "what system do you play on?"
I'm a pc gamer dating back to the mid 90's lol no console gamer ever thought 'gee I sure wish pc gamers could join this match to destroy us all with their superior control scheme and rampant cheating problem'

you said it yourself, you're a pc player primarily. You're not looking at it from the console perspective. It's not 'my situation' it's 'the situation' and it's the situation we are in now, which console players overwhelmingly hate. I'm not sure how this is so hard for you to grasp


Oct 27, 2017
Summerside PEI
Only a vocal minority asked for crossplay anyway.
Probably >90% of gamers have 0 idea what crossplay really is.
The reason why Xbox pushed for crossplay on One but never did on 360 is a financial one.

I disable crossplay when playing Warzone with my friends on PC. We would have 0 chance against good Mouse &keyboard players.
(Don't mind having crossplay On when playing on PC :-D )

For me we should have 3 choices:
-Crossplay On
-Crossplay On [Console Only] (very important imo. Could also be "controller mandatory" option)
-Crossplay Off
Absolutely! I love pc/console cross play. I'm not saying it's inherently bad or anything, there just needs to be clear boundaries, like you outlined above


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
The more players the better, and friends can play together. Those are two pretty big reasons imo.

The negatives really aren't significant enough to worry in my opinion, as explained, if you think otherwise fair enough.

I feel that to kind of say 'more players good!' is a bit of a simplification. It's like a vague 'Everyone should be happy' when talking about politics, lol.

Because there's clearly lines we don't want to cross for more players; how many 'It sucks that games are backwards compatible because I need my games to run at 240hz, 8k and those pesky PS4 players ruin it.' 'People on wifi add unacceptable lag frames for fighting games, its why Smash Bro online sucks; we should be able to weed them out.'

Every gen leap we throw a bunch of players away, every new hot game we throw players away if their systems can't keep up. Considering the difference in playerbase and game sales between them, the 'players we lose' aren't huge, nor is the 'dammit, I can't play with my PC friend' group (and like I said, on the later you can just let them queue up only on PC with no balancing bells and whistles)

In the case of Xbox, you have hybrid platform gamers by design; "Play Anywhere [Xbox, PC, Mobile]" so saying that it doesn't make sense is especially weird.

This I think I agree with more. Xbox's future is an interesting one and they really seem focused with the egalitarian side of things. With a focus on a more closed ecosystem with a logical endpoint of game streaming the biggest reason for this post, cheating, falls to the wayside. On the flip; unless Xbox wins the gaming platform war across the board which will never happen, and with the other players way behind like Sony and Valve I feel like this is idealized as opposed to what will be the reality down the line. Xbox players will be able to play anywhere; but they will still be one part of a much bigger pie where the rest will be locked into their platform of choice and we circle back to the same argument. But I see this point.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel that to kind of say 'more players good!' is a bit of a simplification. It's like a vague 'Everyone should be happy' when talking about politics, lol.

Because there's clearly lines we don't want to cross for more players; how many 'It sucks that games are backwards compatible because I need my games to run at 240hz, 8k and those pesky PS4 players ruin it.' 'People on wifi add unacceptable lag frames for fighting games, its why Smash Bro online sucks; we should be able to weed them out.'

Every gen leap we throw a bunch of players away, every new hot game we throw players away if their systems can't keep up.
I don't agree that it is, and I don't think any of the issues you've raised are big enough to worry about.

Again, I have no issue with then making it opt-in or whatever, but I just do not agree with the reasons people want that.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
I don't agree that it is, and I don't think any of the issues you've raised are big enough to worry about.

Again, I have no issue with then making it opt-in or whatever, but I just do not agree with the reasons people want that.

You don't think a much easier pipeline for cheating on one platform is an issue, nor balancing a distinctly different control scheme? Particularly on the later issue since even beyond this Halo focused post feels like once a week we have a thread about how autoaim sucks and console players get a instant cheat and that it's unfair PC players get pixel perfect aim with a mouse? You may not, but it's clearly an issue at least by the posts on this forum (hell by this post)


Oct 25, 2017
You don't think a much easier pipeline for cheating on one platform is an issue, nor balancing a distinctly different control scheme? Particularly on the later issue since even beyond this Halo focused post feels like once a week we have a thread about how autoaim sucks and console players get a instant cheat and that it's unfair PC players get pixel perfect aim with a mouse? You may not, but it's clearly an issue at least by the posts on this forum (hell by this post)
I have explained why I feel this already, if you disagree that is perfectly okay.


Oct 25, 2017
Bruh, you replied to me, lol.

"Here's my point to counter your point but don't bother giving your response because we will just disagree', lol.

If you're talking abou elsewhere on the post, Ill search for it.

Please mind my pronouns mate, not a "bruh".

I gave my reasons... in the first post you replied to.
I personally believe there are so many variables in play anyway across all consoles and PCs... frame rates, refresh rates, resolution, monitor width and fov, ping, home network, personal skill, personal experience, team balance, etc... that the benefits of cross play outweigh the negatives by quite a way.

Input devices really don't mean much, every person I know can do equally well ok both, if a player is good they will be good regardless.

Cheaters, in my experience, are nowhere near as widespread as many like to make them seem.

I have nothing against opt-in, opt-out, etc... but I really don't think it is as big of an issue as others do.
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Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Please mind my pronouns mate, not a "bruh".

Apologies for the misgendering, it was unintentional and my bad. I did not mean to offend or take the conversation to an adversarial (or insulting) route.

Ill say my final piece and I understand if you respectfully disagree or disinegage because of the above.

I feel that the 'there's a thousand factors!' is a bit unfair to debate since it feels strawman-ish. Its like saying we shouldn't discuss aspects of real life sports because weather/gear, etc make a difference. And yes, gaming smarts play a huge difference, the most important aspect. But in a competitive game an edge is an edge. When people talk about steroid abuse in lets say baseball, no one says they aren't great athletes. But there's always an asterix there when discussing certain players even if people would not say they were not great.

I would agree that for most of the playerbase in these games no big difference, everything averages out. But it's also a hobby where people play close attentions to stats and ranking, so we fall back to why people care about the edges and why perceptions, big or minor, matter.


Oct 25, 2017
Apologies for the misgendering, it was unintentional and my bad. I did not mean to offend or take the conversation to an adversarial (or insulting) route.

Ill say my final piece and I understand if you respectfully disagree or disinegage because of the above.

I feel that the 'there's a thousand factors!' is a bit unfair to debate since it feels strawman-ish. Its like saying we shouldn't discuss aspects of real life sports because weather/gear, etc make a difference. And yes, gaming smarts play a huge difference, the most important aspect. But in a competitive game an edge is an edge. When people talk about steroid abuse in lets say baseball, no one says they aren't great athletes. But there's always an asterix there when discussing certain players even if people would not say they were not great.

I would agree that for most of the playerbase in these games no big difference, everything averages out. But it's also a hobby where people play close attentions to stats and ranking, so we fall back to why people care about the edges and why perceptions, big or minor, matter.
No worries at all, thank you for acknowledging.

You misunderstood, I'm saying input device difference are just another variable in a big heap of variables, and I personally don't find them to be that significant. That is not a strawman.

I respect your opinion, but as I said I disagree and i think my reasoning is more than fair.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm a pc gamer dating back to the mid 90's lol no console gamer ever thought 'gee I sure wish pc gamers could join this match to destroy us all with their superior control scheme and rampant cheating problem'

you said it yourself, you're a pc player primarily. You're not looking at it from the console perspective. It's not 'my situation' it's 'the situation' and it's the situation we are in now, which console players overwhelmingly hate. I'm not sure how this is so hard for you to grasp
I mean all the complaining I hear is coming from places like this. Everyone I know in person is grateful to be able to play with their friends yes. Most people I bet aren't even aware of the existence because it's such a nonissue


Oct 25, 2017
Of course.

Problem is that PC players fight for it because it adds greatly to their player pool improving their experience, and on the dev/publisher side obviously the synergy of sales works to push out more copies. Console players get -nothing- out of the deal, and sadly if we gotta play capitalistic hellscape with everything else in our lives there's an argument that their money should talk louder since that's where the sales are.

My fav is when Warzone whines when you turn it off on the Xbox side, pleading like an SO you broke up with to turn it on during matchmaking, lol.
What? Sales on PC are very high. Do you live in 2007? Multiplayer games thrive on PC lol
Oct 25, 2017
Then don't. I always disable it when given the chance.
May I ask why? Is there a rational reason for this or is it more "meh, I don't wanna".
Except in this case no one is being forced to play against a majority control type they don't want and friends can still game together cross platform if they choose.
Nobody is forced to play anything. Turn off crossplay if you don't want to play against keyboards, easy as that. The vast majority of players don't mind, not sure why the entire system of defaults should be changed in an objectively less open way to suit a handful of people that don't like to play a certain way. And either way I said earlier I think input-based matchmaking actually does have merit anyway. Not sure why platform is the major differentiator of matchmaking and not input-method anyway.

Stoney Mason

Oct 25, 2017
Nobody is forced to play anything. Turn off crossplay if you don't want to play against keyboards, easy as that. Not sure why platform is the major differentiator of matchmaking and not input-method anyway.
The poster you responded to answered this very question in the very same post you responded to which you apparently ignored.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
What? Sales on PC are very high. Do you live in 2007? Multiplayer games thrive on PC lol

Its high (and I noted it with my line about the synergy of console/pc sales) but at the end of the day console copies clearly sell much more. Obviously no publisher wants to leave a bunch of sales on the shelf; but my point was if the clear bulk of sales is on consoles and lets say cheating starts to affect those sales their cash might speak louder.

You've got Warzone with a focus on consoles, a focus on controller as the preferred mention of control...but with rampant PC cheating to the point you had a bunch of influencers loudly complaining all summer about it. If I was a cheap company id just put up a walled garden and stick my head in the sand on the PC side (like, lol, Activision has always done with most of their COD releases on PC)


Oct 25, 2017
Its high (and I noted it with my line about the synergy of console/pc sales) but at the end of the day console copies clearly sell much more. Obviously no publisher wants to leave a bunch of sales on the shelf; but my point was if the clear bulk of sales is on consoles and lets say cheating starts to affect those sales their cash might speak louder.

You've got Warzone with a focus on consoles, a focus on controller as the preferred mention of control...but with rampant PC cheating to the point you had a bunch of influencers loudly complaining all summer about it. If I was a cheap company id just put up a walled garden and stick my head in the sand on the PC side (like, lol, Activision has always done with most of their COD releases on PC)
Warzone being shit is Activisions fault, not due to crossplay. There are plenty of crossplay games with little to no cheating. There are plenty of things Activision could do differently to combat cheating

Stoney Mason

Oct 25, 2017
Warzone being shit is Activisions fault, not due to crossplay. There are plenty of crossplay games with little to no cheating. There are plenty of things Activision could do differently to combat cheating
Which competitive pvp shooter crossplay games have little to no cheating?

Counter strike has plenty of cheating. I guess Valve just isn't doing anything about it? On an open platform there will always be a portion of cheating. It's a cat and mouse game that is very difficult/impossible to stop. Even Valorant has a healthy cheating scene despite having it's kernel level anti cheat.
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Stoney Mason

Oct 25, 2017
I'm not aware of any others that have cheating. I play Infinite with my friends like every other day and I've never encountered someone cheating. I'm sure it happens but it really isn't that big of a deal lol
My issue with crossplay isn't personally cheating. It's the control differences. The cheating thing and it's degree varies from game to game though. Warzone was lousy with cheaters. I know they have recently tried to improve on that front. I have no idea how it's going as I stopped playing Warzone a long time ago. It's important 343 keep on top of it or it's very conceivable Halo Infinite could eventually be in the same boat. Not saying the cheating in infinite is currently Warzone bad.
Oct 25, 2017
The poster you responded to answered this very question in the very same post you responded to which you apparently ignored.
Wdym? What I quoted was the entire message.
Which competitive pvp shooter crossplay games have little to no cheating?
I personally haven't ever seen cheating in any shooter I've played on PC in the 6+ years I've been playing (except for modded TF2 servers but those were intentionally chosen), but if you really want an example, I don't think I've ever heard of cheating in Overwatch. Edit: Also Fortnite

I saw WAY more cheating when I played on console, though to be fair I also played a lot more Call of Duty back then. I only recently started playing Warzone a year or 2 ago bc, ironically, the anticheat wouldn't let me run the game due to a download manager I had on my system (but the game never said so so I spent months troubleshooting it before I found somebody mentioning it on a random reply to a year-old reddit post).
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Oct 25, 2017
My issue with crossplay isn't personally cheating. It's the control differences. The cheating thing and it's degree varies from game to game though. Warzone was lousy with cheaters. I know they have recently tried to improve on that front. I have no idea how it's going as I stopped playing Warzone a long time ago. It's important 343 keep on top of it or it's very conceivable Halo Infinite could eventually be in the same boat. Not saying the cheating in infinite is currently Warzone bad.
I mean in the case of Halo KbM players bitch about controller and the other way around so they must have done something here. Cheating really isn't that rampant in my experience and I play a lot of MP games


Oct 27, 2017
I don't see why they can't just have a screen pop up when you first load up the game that explains what crossplay is and asks whether or not you want it enabled
I'm guessing they're worried that majority of console players will turn it off, so they just keep it on by default and then bury it in settings.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
I mean in the case of Halo KbM players bitch about controller and the other way around so they must have done something here. Cheating really isn't that rampant in my experience and I play a lot of MP games

The whole idea behind not to get caught, lol. So you not knowing it's rampant in your experience is by design on the cheaters part, lol. It's why the 'Hey, I don't think there are any cheaters' as a counter argument makes no sense, you aren't supposed to be able to tell.

It's enough of an issue for this to happen:

Activision suing Call of Duty cheat maker

The Germany-based cheat makers are getting around anti-cheat measures

If you can build a whole company around cheating charging monthly fees like its netflix I am going to say it's a problem, lol


Oct 25, 2017
The whole idea behind not to get caught, lol. So you not knowing it's rampant in your experience is by design on the cheaters part, lol. It's why the 'Hey, I don't think there are any cheaters' as a counter argument makes no sense.

It's enough of an issue for this to happen:

Activision suing Call of Duty cheat maker

The Germany-based cheat makers are getting around anti-cheat measures

If you can build a whole company around cheating in a specific game, I am going to say it's a problem, lol
I'll rephrase it. Cheating rarely if ever has impacted my gaming experience. They're so covert that they're not using their cheats to win? Outside of Warzone and PUBG back in the day. Like I've said previously Activision clearly struggles

Stoney Mason

Oct 25, 2017
I personally haven't ever seen cheating in any shooter I've played on PC in the 6+ years I've been playing (except for modded TF2 servers but those were intentionally chosen), but if you really want an example, I don't think I've ever heard of cheating in Overwatch.
I played on PC for a number of years (I don't anymore) and there is/was definitely a healthy amount of cheating depending on the game. Some devs are better at combating it and being aggressive about it and some aren't. It is what it is. As I said before that isn't personally the reason, I'm against crossplay. I'm not even against crossplay. I'm for input based matchmaking with opt in crossplay for pvp shooter games. I don't care how they handle it in pve games. It does suck though if you end up playing a crossplay game that has a relatively high cheating scene. Do some people exaggerate how often cheating occurs? Of course. That doesn't mean in some games a good deal of cheating isn't going on. Warzone has been the poster child for this.
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Oct 27, 2017
Summerside PEI
I mean all the complaining I hear is coming from places like this. Everyone I know in person is grateful to be able to play with their friends yes. Most people I bet aren't even aware of the existence because it's such a nonissue
'places like this'

lol what does that even mean. the article links to like 5 different sources, including the official xbox forums and reddit where people are fed up with forced crossplay between console and pc.

I don't know what places you expect to look to find general consumer feedback, but the internet at large isn't some tiny niche community that you can disregard because it doesn't fit your own personal preferences and indifferent stance on the issue lol.

so you don't personally care about the issue, why are you even commenting in this thread?


Oct 25, 2017
'places like this'

lol what does that even mean. the article links to like 5 different sources, including the official xbox forums and reddit where people are fed up with forced crossplay between console and pc.

I don't know what places you expect to look to find general consumer feedback, but the internet at large isn't some tiny niche community that you can disregard because it doesn't fit your own personal preferences and indifferent stance on the issue lol.

so you don't personally care about the issue, why are you even commenting in this thread?
I think it's a very minor issue and I think scrapping Crossplay over it would be not worth it


May 8, 2021
I'm sorry did you just compare putting on your big boy pants to deciding if entire communities get to be miserable because you for no actual logical reason just don't want to play with them?

Gears 4 launched without Crossplay. It thrived well within the Xbox user base on the Xbox Platform, but on PC it was fucking dead. Flash forward over a year later and Gears 5 launched with Crossplay. It's still very easy to find matches no matter what platform you're on. It has input based matchmaking. Everybody wins.

Here's a nice quote during the time period about Gears 5 in relation to some changes they made.

"We're removing cross-play options across Gears 5. Currently, 40% of players have cross-play options disabled, which has a significant impact on player matchmaking time on both PC and console.

"We feel that the Xbox and PC equivalence has been achieved with a refreshed view, the ability to connect a mouse / keyboard to the Xbox, and reduced frame rates and input lag on the new Xbox console. It's about the same as making this change in 5, and I'm confident enough.

When given the choice, people become the worst version of themselves more often than not and use knee jerk reactions to explain things like "Why am I dying?" Not everything is cheating, or because of people being on PC. I'd wager a small fraction is related to either of these, but vocal minorities being what they are in gaming communities, shit spreads quick. Good on coalition for not listening to the "passionate, hardcore" fan base and instead using logic.

Factually if people are happy, they generally DON'T SAY ANYTHING. It's when people become unhappy that their voice becomes loud, angry and they create these insane call to arms over issues that either A) Don't exist or B) Are rare.

Crossplay should be not optional. Any attempt to argue this is without merit, logic, or reason.

Instead we should look for ways to make it work BETTER for ALL parties involved. No system is perfect, but this is better than where we were 4 years ago as a community of gamers.

No one should have to play with cross play to make someone else happy. If they are unhappy with crossplay they should be able to turn it off. If it makes you unhappy that they have choices, it's not on them. They are playing to enjoy themselves. Any thought to disable options people want because you don't, is not only without merit but it's selfish, and entitled.


Nov 2, 2017
We seem to be going around in circles and some people are missing the point. I think most of us can agree that crossplay is a good idea in theory. More player base and easier to play with your friends. But...

It should be optional.

Not all of us like playing competitive shooters against mouse and keyboard or against cheaters. For those that are saying cheating is not a big problem, I disagree. It might not be a problem in every game, but in ftp competitive shooters it is. Look no further than warzone.

Opt out is fine by me as long as the developer doesn't punish the player for doing so. Some games only matchmake opt out players with each other and you can't get in a game.


May 8, 2021
We seem to be going around in circles and some people are missing the point. I think most of us can agree that crossplay is a good idea in theory. More player base and easier to play with your friends. But...

It should be optional.

Not all of us like playing competitive shooters against mouse and keyboard or against cheaters. For those that are saying cheating is not a big problem, I disagree. It might not be a problem in every game, but in ftp competitive shooters it is. Look no further than warzone.

Opt out is fine by me as long as the developer doesn't punish the player for doing so. Some games only matchmake opt out players with each other and you can't get in a game.
I agree. I don't think it's good to remove the option. Regardless of the reason a player may choose to do so. If you bought an Xbox and want to play against only Xbox, that should be a choice. Otherwise you'd of gotten it on PC. Opt out is perfectly fine. Even a little message to tell people it may hurt the population overall. If better anti cheat becomes available people will opt back in. Some might not, but that's their choice. Crossplay is great, but nothing on earth that is forced on you even with the best intentions should be accepted. For me it's speaks to a bigger issue of people being controlled, I don't like it.


Oct 28, 2017
Cross play should be always on. If people are cheating, fix that issue. Don't remove crossplay.

Supporting crossplay is great but I'm baffled they made it forced in shooters. Like that should be opt in and default to off. Cheaters aside putting controller against mouse in a shooter is just silly.

I play Halo on PC with a controller and win the majority of my games. I am not very good either. Crossplay is not an issue.
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Oct 28, 2017
We seem to be going around in circles and some people are missing the point. I think most of us can agree that crossplay is a good idea in theory. More player base and easier to play with your friends. But...

It should be optional.

Not all of us like playing competitive shooters against mouse and keyboard or against cheaters. For those that are saying cheating is not a big problem, I disagree. It might not be a problem in every game, but in ftp competitive shooters it is. Look no further than warzone.

Opt out is fine by me as long as the developer doesn't punish the player for doing so. Some games only matchmake opt out players with each other and you can't get in a game.

and some like myself think that custom servers and browsers lists should be optional too not just forced matchmaking but here we are in 2022 on a familiar topic that continues to slide from those who don't like it.

Devs control these aspects if you don't like it don't support the game.

FOV is locked same with console commands relating to your visuals they make the rules not us ever.

Cross play should be always on. If people are cheating, fix that issue. Don't remove crossplay.

There's no money in that which says more about publisher/dev's greed than fostering a healthy community. I won't be surprised how it turns out the 5th time for games over a generation.
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Dec 4, 2018
You are probably not playing the same BF2042 that's almost dying in every single forum due to discussions of unbalanced gameplay and hitting the lowest player count ever in the BF franchise after 1 month released.

Maybe my time spent playing the game instead of bitching about it on forums has allowed me to actually get decent at it lol


Prophet of Truth
Oct 31, 2017
They should give us the option to opt in or not, but I haven't had issue with halo infinite, at all. Controller is clearly superior, so it's just a question of PC cheaters honestly. Since I don't play ranked I barely match with PC cheaters, if I played ranked and found frequent cheaters, yeah I'd be pissed


Oct 25, 2017
We seem to be going around in circles and some people are missing the point. I think most of us can agree that crossplay is a good idea in theory. More player base and easier to play with your friends. But...

It should be optional.

Not all of us like playing competitive shooters against mouse and keyboard or against cheaters. For those that are saying cheating is not a big problem, I disagree. It might not be a problem in every game, but in ftp competitive shooters it is. Look no further than warzone.

Opt out is fine by me as long as the developer doesn't punish the player for doing so. Some games only matchmake opt out players with each other and you can't get in a game.
Why is it like pulling teeth to get someone to name something other than Warzone lol just don't play Warzone. Saved you 250 GB haha


Oct 27, 2017
São Paulo, Brazil
Maybe my time spent playing the game instead of bitching about it on forums has allowed me to actually get decent at it lol

First, no one need to be offensive about an opinion.

Secondly, you are definitely not paying attention to the community. There are several forums outside of those who are, as you say, bitching about the game. Long players from the Battlefield franchise already expressed in decent communities the lack of balance in the Battlefield 2042 (even trust in the new staff). The player base is very far from what a Battlefield once was, and the long lasting players are quitting very fast due to the lack of response to the real problem (player engagement).

And if things were really great.... why they had to suddenly change the entire future of the franchise with a new direction? (The entire franchise has been taken over to the Respawn leadership).

Things are clearly wrong with BF recently.