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Oct 27, 2017
I need to make a small comment on that whole "where is the marketing" discussion". First and foremost, could we please not act like as if Xbox would market all their other games not named Crackdown 3 like crazy? They don't - especially not this gen. They don't spend that much budget on ads and I feel like I read this discussion prior to every Xbox exclusive release.

However you feel about it, the undeniable success of most of their exclusive games lately is proving that they seem to do something right.

I also don't kinda understand why you as a single and individual gamer would care so much about the marketing they do - or don't do. You know about the game. And you also know that a healthy playerbase for the months to come is basically guaranteed thanks to Game Pass alone. Even to this day I don't think people quite realize the impact - the positive impact Game Pass has on games. Especially when it comes to healthy player bases. Both State of Decay 2 as well as Sea of Thieves critically are mediocre games (obviously personally I don't agree, but just basing this of their reviews). Still, both these games did incredible numbers. These numbers weren't achieved because of the marketing by Xbox. They were achieved because Game Pass creates a snowball-effect. And hearing from your friends "hey, check this game out, it's fun and available for $10" is a statement that has multiple times the value compared to a 6/10 review on IGN for an individual purchase decision.

I stated this so often here already. I'm a huge fan of Crackdown and show a lot of passion for this franchise. But I can still ignore that and see the world more objectively. CD3 won't set the world on fire. It never had the intention to. But the game will do fine. It will probably even do more than just "fine". Just like the other Xbox exclusives, CD3 will be yet another pillar for Game Pass. It will drive a lot of people into trying Game Pass. Trying this eco system. And ultimately, trying CD3. And if you played a Crackdown game before you know that you need to play the game to even understand the fun and addiction. It's a game that just doesn't show that well. Hence why it's perfect for Game Pass.

I would make the bet that CD3 will get played by more than 4 Mio. gamers in 2019 - and with that becoming a more successful game than both CD1 and CD2 combined in a matter of just a few months.

I don't need to think about the hypothetical world in which Game Pass wouldn't exist. Because it does. And a game like CD3 will profit massively from it. Marketing is nice and all - but if the game is fun, the Xbox ecosystem allows the game to market itself.


Oct 27, 2017
My two cents about Crackdown. I think it will surprise people, I guessing an 82 Meta critic score falling from 84, because so weird rarely sited reviewer will give it a 4 without even playing through the game. l get the hate for the long development time, and the fact that it is a Microsoft 1st party game. What I don't get is the "Xbox fans" already casting the game aside before they even play it. I don't care what trolls, or Metacritic, or haters say about the game; I want to play it first to see if it is good or bad. If it is bad then I'll change my "82" prediction score to something more suitable.
I usually stay out of these Crackdown discussions to be respectful towards Crackdown fans, but its very possible that many xbox fans just dont care about Crackdown. Crackdown to me will always be that game I played because the Halo 3 beta. Im a little surprised that this franchise is getting a third game to be honest. I will play it, as its a game that is simple fun, and its on Game Pass. Nothing more or nothing less. I could care less about reviews, its just a game Im simply not excited about. Will it be fun? Sure. Will it set the world on fire? Probably not.
Aug 26, 2018
I need to make a small comment on that whole "where is the marketing" discussion". First and foremost, could we please not act like as if Xbox would market all their other games not named Crackdown 3 like crazy? They don't - especially not this gen. They don't spend that much budget on ads and I feel like I read this discussion prior to every Xbox exclusive release.

However you feel about it, the undeniable success of most of their exclusive games lately is proving that they seem to do something right.

I also don't kinda understand why you as a single and individual gamer would care so much about the marketing they do - or don't do. You know about the game. And you also know that a healthy playerbase for the months to come is basically guaranteed thanks to Game Pass alone. Even to this day I don't think people quite realize the impact - the positive impact Game Pass has on games. Especially when it comes to healthy player bases. Both State of Decay 2 as well as Sea of Thieves critically are mediocre games (obviously personally I don't agree, but just basing this of their reviews). Still, both these games did incredible numbers. These numbers weren't achieved because of the marketing by Xbox. They were achieved because Game Pass creates a snowball-effect. And hearing from your friends "hey, check this game out, it's fun and available for $10" is a statement that has multiple times the value compared to a 6/10 review on IGN for an individual purchase decision.

I stated this so often here already. I'm a huge fan of Crackdown and show a lot of passion for this franchise. But I can still ignore that and see the world more objectively. CD3 won't set the world on fire. It never had the intention to. But the game will do fine. It will probably even do more than just "fine". Just like the other Xbox exclusives, CD3 will be yet another pillar for Game Pass. It will drive a lot of people into trying Game Pass. Trying this eco system. And ultimately, trying CD3. And if you played a Crackdown game before you know that you need to play the game to even understand the fun and addiction. It's a game that just doesn't show that well. Hence why it's perfect for Game Pass.

I would make the bet that CD3 will get played by more than 4 Mio. gamers in 2019 - and with that becoming a more successful game than both CD1 and CD2 combined in a matter of just a few months.

I don't need to think about the hypothetical world in which Game Pass wouldn't exist. Because it does. And a game like CD3 will profit massively from it. Marketing is nice and all - but if the game is fun, the Xbox ecosystem allows the game to market itself.

Valid points but now they have the cash and CD3 has been advertised as a AAA game, considering this, they haven't done much at all.

Unlike other games, CD3 has taken Gamers from 'Wow..when..not it is again'. So, there are a lot of skeptical gamers who may never give it a shot, which is why they need to show what their game is.

Why did SoT create a Guinness World Record and do all sorts of marketing when they could have just launched without it and trusted the word of mouth and Xbox GP.

Halo Wars 2 was criminally under-marketed considering how brilliant the game is/has become. All we got were 2 commercials which were amazing but got lost completely in the TLOZ : BoTW & HZD.


Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
The problem with marketing games too early is that people are already tired of the game before it launches.
Valid points but now they have the cash and CD3 has been advertised as a AAA game, considering this, they haven't done much at all.

Unlike other games, CD3 has taken Gamers from 'Wow..when..not it is again'. So, there are a lot of skeptical gamers who may never give it a shot, which is why they need to show what their game is.

Why did SoT create a Guinness World Record and do all sorts of marketing when they could have just launched without it and trusted the word of mouth and Xbox GP.
There's still more than two weeks to go. Let's see what happens over the next two weeks before we declare that there is no marketing campaign.

I have a feeling we'll be sick to death of seeing Terry Crews in a few weeks.


Sep 14, 2018
With Gamepass I think MS can completely change the way they market games. Now you don't need that big SPLASH to sell your product.

Look at Sea Of Thieves, thanks to streamers and Gamepass im sure the numbers on that are looking crazy right now (even thou it did well on release)

CrackDown 3 will do fine


Aug 14, 2018
There's not really much you can market for a game like Crackdown anyway. You collect orbs, blow people up, and destroy everything in your path. There's no deep story to highlight, no mind blowing graphics to advertise. Not that it needs any of those. If you've seen gameplay for it once you already know what to expect, showing more wouldn't change anyone's minds on what the game is or isn't.


Nov 2, 2017
Valid points but now they have the cash and CD3 has been advertised as a AAA game, considering this, they haven't done much at all.

Unlike other games, CD3 has taken Gamers from 'Wow..when..not it is again'. So, there are a lot of skeptical gamers who may never give it a shot, which is why they need to show what their game is.

Why did SoT create a Guinness World Record and do all sorts of marketing when they could have just launched without it and trusted the word of mouth and Xbox GP.

Halo Wars 2 was criminally under-marketed considering how brilliant the game is/has become. All we got were 2 commercials which were amazing but got lost completely in the TLOZ : BoTW & HZD.

I suspect when you say "they have the money" that isn't exactly true. Spencer has said that they use their marketing budget "more smartly" now. Loads of TV ads for CD3 would be a waste IMHO. They will market online (and that usually comes quite late) and use the gamepass ads more widely to drive the service and the game.


Nov 1, 2017
United States
I guess we'll see how it is marketed over the next two weeks and beyond. Should be interesting. FH4 was marketed to hell and back. I still see ads for it. Maybe they are trying something different with this one- really leaning into Gamepass WoM to see what numbers look like.

And the reason me, as an individual, cares about how Crackdown 3 is marketed is because I want it to be awesome and do well. Duh. I didn't think that needed to be said.

I suspect when you say "they have the money" that isn't exactly true. Spencer has said that they use their marketing budget "more smartly" now. Loads of TV ads for CD3 would be a waste IMHO. They will market online (and that usually comes quite late) and use the gamepass ads more widely to drive the service and the game.
Very possible. I think I see more ads online now for SoT and FH4 than before the games launched, for instance.


Oct 25, 2017
I keep forgetting Crackdown is coming out so soon, my attention has been focused on Anthem which is funny since Crackdown comes out before. Regardless, I'm excited to finally play Crackdown but I think they are really mishandling the marketing on this game. I hope the game doesn't suffer because of it.


Oct 25, 2017
I keep forgetting Crackdown is coming out so soon, my attention has been focused on Anthem which is funny since Crackdown comes out before. Regardless, I'm excited to finally play Crackdown but I think they are really mishandling the marketing on this game. I hope the game doesn't suffer because of it.

The marketing seems non-existent. Yes, it'll probably be the focus of Inside Xbox which is apparently happening on 2/5 but it feels like they've gone completely silent with the game.

More Butter

Jun 12, 2018
When people say they want more marketing are they specifically mean TV ads? I think TV ads should be targeted specifically at Gamepass and not one particular game. Take a more broad approach to TV and bang the "these are the games you will play for $10" drum. Game montages of games available rather than big front loaded ad campaigns for specific games.
Jan 4, 2018
It seems like Crackdown is a test bed for a lot of things, not just cloud computing. The limited press seems like they're trying to see how it can stand up on Gamepass by just word of mouth and banner adds, if it does well we may see more games launching day one on Gamepass without so much as an announcement more than a few months before. Remember the hype when Fallout 4 was announced, coming out in a few months? That could be a whole thing with Gamepass.

If I'm not mistaken it'll also be the biggest game yet to come out of MSGP, at least biggest I can think of.
With Gamepass I think MS can completely change the way they market games. Now you don't need that big SPLASH to sell your product.

Look at Sea Of Thieves, thanks to streamers and Gamepass im sure the numbers on that are looking crazy right now (even thou it did well on release)

CrackDown 3 will do fine
Yup, IF (wich we don't know yet) there's not much of a marketing campaign for CD3, I think too it might be a test.

And I don't see it as negative, because if a game is succesful just by being on Game Pass and word of mouth... it can be huge.
I mean, how much money publishers tend to spend on advertising for a game? A lot of millions. Now imagine being able to just advertise Game Pass and that will take care of all their 1st party advertising needs.

With their new increased budget it could mean even more money available to fund more games (or pay salaries :p )


Nov 1, 2017
United States
I wonder if they could do a Superbowl ad with Terry Crews? He has the charisma to carry a Superbowl ad but I think we would have heard something about it by now. Not sure it even makes sense for Crackdown tbh. Gamepass could get one. I think that would make sense.


Oct 27, 2017
Interesting to see what they are showing from Baloon Studios...i mean Typhoon Studios.

For real though, I do want to see what theyre up to. Does Inside Xbox usually do promotional content like this?


Senior Analyst at Niko Partners
Oct 24, 2017
Crackdown 3 first coverage should be out with the Inside Xbox on Feb 5th.

Reviews are a week later on the 11th.
Dec 31, 2017
I wonder if they could do a Superbowl ad with Terry Crews? He has the charisma to carry a Superbowl ad but I think we would have heard something about it by now. Not sure it even makes sense for Crackdown tbh. Gamepass could get one. I think that would make sense.
Now that you mention it, it would make so much sense to have a Crackdown 3 commercial with Crews for the super bowl. Should be a mixed Crackdown and Ganepass though, like advertise the game, and end with a Play I say 1 on Gamepass tagline along with pictures of all the other games you get to play there.


Oct 27, 2017
Am i the only one that feels like CD3 is the last thing of "old Xbox" and everything after that starting with Ori is gonna be really the new era.
Almost have a feeling they want to get started also and finally are happy getting "rid off" the baggage.


Dec 3, 2018
Not sure they would do a studio announcement for a show focused on Crackdown 3, feel like they would want people talking about crackdown when the show is done. But who knows, at this point just gonna bet on seeing more of Journey to the Savage Planet.


Oct 25, 2017
I really like how multiple studios have confirmed an Inside Xbox episode next week but still nothing from Microsoft themselves lol

Looks like we might get some The Division 2 info as well on the 5th



Oct 27, 2017

This Damon Baker hire may be one of the things that has me most excited recently with their plans, as I am also a Nintendo fan.

Here is the wording from his LinkedIn on his new Microsoft role:

Head of Portfolio - Global Gaming Partnerships & Development (GGPD)
January 2019 – Present 1 month
Redmond, WA
Lead Portfolio team responsible for evaluating all 2nd and 3rd Party Publishing and independent developer (ID@Xbox) content for partnerships opportunities with Microsoft Gaming products & services, including: Game Pass, Mixer, and cloud gaming services.


Oct 27, 2017
Awesome that they chose the "Game Pass" style for this logo.

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