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Deleted member 93062

Account closed at user request
Mar 4, 2021
Sponger's the insider I hope truly pans out lol. It's been a long time waiting. Were they not the one who leaked some of inXile's games too? Maybe I'm confused, but definitely excited about what little we've heard from all of these projects so far. Dates, of course, who knows though..

I don't think anyone is actually saying anyone has to like or acknowledge the quality of Xbox games. If someone doesn't like any of Xbox's output over the last few years, that's fine with me. It's just that people are unironically saying Xbox has NO games and it's time for Phil to deliver. Not "3rd person AAA Sony-style games" or "Japanese games" or whatever, just straight up needs to ship games period over the last 5 years. And that's a silly take that can be safely called out.

These are two different conversations with very different solutions, right? I just don't like how we mix these things and then get mad at something with no possible solution. Like I just want to direct the energy toward something
I'd admit that I'm a fan of the big AAA games, preferably 3D WRPGs and FPS. I also like JRPGs and platformers (although I really only like Mario and Astro's Playroom).

I prefer playing exclusives from platform holders for the level of polish, only they really deliver. I'd be the first to admit that most of Xbox's lineup in recent years doesn't interest me at all, but their future outlook absolutely does... more than any other platform holder.


Prophet of Truth
Apr 22, 2020
That you are missing the whole Christmas season? You know, the month where more consoles are sold
Way to have that as the take way from my post.

My point was for us the players - moving up Avowed a few months does very little for us when it presents risks that don't justify that change. As Solis said, it I'll be ready when it's ready. I'd rather not make Obsidian scramble to get the game out earlier than they expected because I personally want Xbox to sell a little more consoles during the holiday

Deleted member 93062

Account closed at user request
Mar 4, 2021
We are FF7R Game Pass bros but I just can't cosign Wolf 3. Don't get me wrong tho, I WANT TO BE WRONG. I would be so excited for Wolf 3 to be a thing we can play either this year or next.... but I just don't see it. Forgive me lol
I hope you stick around here! Would love having you around for after the showcase. Will definitely tune into Xbox Two!
Jan 31, 2022
The rumors is that the studio/publisher working on a new Killer Instinct is Bandai Namco.
I hope it's true but I also can see it not happening as well. But Xbox also has been growing their relationship with Bandai Namco recently so maybe it could be possible.

But either way hopefully we can see something from Bandai Namco at the showcase such as the Dragon Ball: The Breakers game


Jul 12, 2021
Well sure, if Xbox literally had no games (in general obviously, as so far this year they haven't), then obviously it would go without saying that that would also mean they have no games that appeal to your tastes.

But you appeared to acknowledge some of the extremely highly rated games they have released, at which point, yes, it is binary. It can't be both.
Oct 27, 2017


Feb 18, 2020
I see you have a severe lack of gaming knowledge, but I'm nice so I will tell you another fact for free (it's free on wikipedia and so anyway), some of the best selling games ever are JRPGs ;)
Well Pokemon on Xbox isnt an option. I agree that metacritic doesnt matter if the fanbase isnt there.

Deleted member 35126

User requested account closure
Dec 2, 2017
Well sure, if Xbox literally had no games (in general obviously, as so far this year they haven't), then obviously it would go without saying that that would also mean they have no games that appeal to your tastes.

But you appeared to acknowledge some of the extremely highly rated games they have released, at which point, yes, it is binary. It can't be both.
It's not binary.


Jul 12, 2021
7 MORE DAYS!!! Also, I just logged in and saw some of the messages from the other thread and I just wanted to say Thanks for all the kind words about myself and the podcast. It really does mean alot to both me and Jez!!

Keep up the good work my man, love the podcast!

7 days till I don't need to use Linkedin anymore bc we will finally see the scope & ambitions of Xbox 1P games



I appreciate you being a believer in the FF7R Game Pass drop cause. Disappointed in you not being a believer in the Wolfenstein 3 cause though!
For what it's worth, I'm a believer in both! FF7R because it just makes sense, and Wolfenstein 3 because I'm currently playing through The New Colossus, and it's awesome, and I desperately want there to be a sequel coming soon. 😂
Oct 12, 2020
7 MORE DAYS!!! Also, I just logged in and saw some of the messages from the other thread and I just wanted to say Thanks for all the kind words about myself and the podcast. It really does mean alot to both me and Jez!!

And thank you for the positive shout outs about this Xbox OT you drop on your podcast.

The message that ResetEra is now a much better for Xbox fans needs to be spread, far and wide. Between you and Parris, and even the odd mention recently by Mr. Eastwood and others I think the word is getting out there….


Jun 11, 2018
Obviously everyone is entitled to their opinion, and all tastes are different of course.

But there's a massive difference between 'Xbox has no games' and 'Xbox has no games that appeal to me'.

The first statement is an Xbox problem. The second statement is a you problem.

Yeah, a bunch of people have enjoyed the games and a bunch a people it will not appeal too, that will be the case all generation for all platforms and that's fine, but the games are there.
Oct 27, 2017
I had a couple people crying to me in the DMs that I ruined a big surprise by talking about it but no one believes me when I say i literally just made it up as a bold prediction on the spot. Even Jez doesn't believe me

I don't get how people can think this is not a prediction. I think it's a perfectly valid prediction in my opinion. Now, if you were to predict something way out there, like Fuzion Frenzy is being re-booted, and is releasing this Christmas or something, I think that would better qualify as possibly being inside information.


Jul 12, 2021


User requested ban
Aug 3, 2018
Well Pokemon on Xbox isnt an option. I agree that metacritic doesnt matter if the fanbase isnt there.

In your business sense xbox shouldn't grow, should stick with the same fan base and not try to go beyond. Give up on most of the world, that enjoys such games, on console, on pc, on mobile, on the cloud..

Funny how what you want goes directly against what MS says they want to do. ;)

green cube

Jun 1, 2022
And thank you for the positive shout outs about this Xbox OT you drop on your podcast.

The message that ResetEra is now a much better for Xbox fans needs to be spread, far and wide. Between you and Parris, and even the odd mention recently by Mr. Eastwood and others I think the word is getting out there….
It has improved a lot for sure, I used to think about making an account ONLY for the ignore feature but haven't used it once now that I'm here :p


Feb 18, 2020


Oct 28, 2017
Why am I getting so slow download speed from Microsoft compared to Steam, Epic, PSN etc? Only utilizing 120Mbits/s, while I have 430 down. On PC, that is. Any fixes?


Jun 11, 2018
Who barely wants them?

Don't equate you wanting only Japanese games, to 'barely anyome' wanting the games they have been releasing.

Anyway, as I said, obviously everybody is entitled to their own tastes, and opinions based on that, but pushing false narratives is a bit shitty IMO.



Chicken Chaser
Jan 21, 2019
I'd admit that I'm a fan of the big AAA games, preferably 3D WRPGs and FPS. I also like JRPGs and platformers (although I really only like Mario and Astro's Playroom).

I prefer playing exclusives from platform holders for the level of polish, only they really deliver. I'd be the first to admit that most of Xbox's lineup in recent years doesn't interest me at all, but their future outlook absolutely does... more than any other platform holder.
Heh, I tried to delete all of that stuff from my post before posting, so I didn't add to this. But I missed the stuff at the very bottom that I had discarded at the beginning. You picked it up in the seconds it was still up before the edit T_T lol. So now I will rewrite my essay...

Yea, I get that. My point was just that we're all talking past each other a bit. Some of us were responding to an actual literal "Xbox has no games" post. Whereas "Xbox games have been disappointing to me" or "Xbox's games have not been sufficiently polished" or "Xbox's games do not appeal to me" are all fine and reasonable opinions to have. Ones that I share to various degrees. Certainly none of us are saying Xbox has been perfect the last few years. But these are two different conversations - 1) Xbox has yet to deliver any meaningful games in the time that Spencer has been in charge (I think we can all agree this is false) and 2) Xbox needs to deliver games that I enjoy (whether from a genre or innovation or mechanics or polish standpoint).

And in fact, I think these have OPPOSITE solutions. If games aren't polished and/or iterated on enough (which I think have been my main complaints about Xbox releases over the last 5 years), then the solution is... more time. And I would rather give those games more time than hit a consistent release schedule, personally. (Like you said, heads down and deliver is the only actual way out.) But if people think the problem is that there aren't enough games, then they'll keep pushing to get games out sooner - and then being surprised that the good games they want aren't here yet. [I hope the Wolf 3 prophecies are true lol, but I'm not yet a believer.]


Oh, though, the solution to something like Tiago's complaints is none of these. That has to do with investment and greenlighting. And I think that's totally fair game. If Xbox isn't catering to your needs, I have no issues with making that known. [I am inclined to take them at their word when they say they're trying, though I know Tiago doesn't believe that lol. It's possible the roadblocks are out of Xbox's hands. But now would seem the time to be trying. Of course, if they ARE moving now, we're probably not seeing the fruits of it for some time XD sad. So, time time time.)


Jul 10, 2019
Let's continue the Avowed hype :

Obsidian have reopened their Core Technology Group, a group of Tools, Engine, Graphics programmer, QA, Producer etc... Who work on all technology stuff related for their projects, and this team is about +21 dev, same as size of Playground Games on FH5. Studios like Rare, remedy, insomniac have similar structure

Producer for ongoing cross team technology initiatives, focused on unifying technology approaches across game teams and improving workflows for sharing new development technology. 100% it's about their OW tools/system that will be used on Avowed/TOW2.
This analyst will do their best to break the worldbuilding tools, write up clear and concise bug reports including detailed reproduction steps, and accurately follow QA test plans. This person is experienced with using worldbuilding tools (i.e., 3ds Max, Maya, Houdini, Substance 3D) to make environment art for open-world games.

For example an Animation Programmer on TOW2 team, collaborated with the Core tech group on animation Tools, logically this could beneficiate Avowed & vice versa, and it's just one exemple/department among many others, it could be like AI tools, level designer tools, game mechanics etc...

Worked and collaborated on animation tools for Obsidian core tech



User requested ban
Aug 3, 2018

Sigh, you aren't even trying to understand are you, is the that hard to read and understand the meaning of the sentences?

1) when I say people don't want those games I mean all the fan bases, not the xbox fan base.
2) most people that say xbox got no games, don't even play on xbox.
3) xbox wants to grow, hence mobile, cloud, pc.
4) xbox is actively growing in asian territories right now.
5) jrpgs are key to grow where ms is trying to grow.
6) jrpgs are also key to grow on existent territories as it's a big genre that's a massive hole on the line up.

I can't explain any other way, it's all so obvious that even having to explain again makes me question humanity.


Jul 12, 2021
Sigh, you aren't even trying to understand are you, is the that hard to read and understand the meaning of the sentences?

1) when I say people don't want those games I mean all the fan bases, not the xbox fan base.
2) most people that say xbox got no games, don't even play on xbox.
3) xbox wants to grow, hence mobile, cloud, pc.
4) xbox is actively growing in asian territories right now.
5) jrpgs are key to grow where ms is trying to grow.
6) jrpgs are also key to grow on existent territories as it's a big genre that's a massive hole on the line up.

I can't explain any other way, it's all so obvious that even having to explain again makes me question humanity.
I agree with most of what you say, however you did suggest that nobody wants to play any of the games that Xbox is making.
1 gift from an anonymous user


Official Giveaway Bot
Mar 7, 2018


Hello, I am bot! I come bearing 1 gift from an anonymous user!

This is a day raffle that will expire in 24 hours. The winner will be drawn at random! Any prizes leftover after the deadline will become available on a first-come first-serve basis.

Anonymous said:
Welcome to the 2022 ResetEra Xbox OT Showcase Giveaway!

There are 7 days until the Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase!

Today's prize comes to you from Rare. Good luck!

Giveaway information:
  • 24 hour raffles, starting prior to Showcase start time (17:00 UTC).
  • Can't win two days in a row.
  • This is a community event! Sorry, not open to junior accounts.

These are our awesome prizes:

  • Xbox series X/S Xbox series X/S: Sea of Thieves Seafarer's Ancient Coin Pack - 1000 - Won by NCartwright15 NCartwright15 (33 entries)


Chicken Chaser
Jan 21, 2019
*Gasp* Is it time to finally get a pet?? [No, I will abstain for those who deserve it more] Thanks again anonymous!

green cube

Jun 1, 2022
Even though I can't enter thanks for your generosity!

Whoever wins make sure you buy the pocket crab emote ;)


Jan 3, 2018
Thank you again to the anonymous user who's celebrating the hype with us.

If I win this prize, I'll be sure to name the cat I'll buy in Sea of Thieves an appropriate name. 🙏

Like Hevy, or Wolfenstein3


Jul 12, 2021
Becomes a problem when a lot of people feel that way.

You can have 10, 100 metacritic scored games, but if barely anyone wants those games, isn't it a issue?

I wasn't talking with you, and I didn't say that.
Pretty ignorant response, but OK. You literally responded to my post, and that reply is what I'm referring to.

The above post certainly suggests that most people don't want to play the games Xbox are releasing.

Certainly, for it to be a 'problem' as you state, it would need to be a pretty significant number don't you think?


Apr 5, 2018
The French Open ended and now it's Summer Games Fest and I'm even off work next week. You can imagine that the timing of both is perfect and how my excitement and adrenaline are carrying over. Still not lurking around here and the forum much so I won't get unintentionally spoiled.
Oct 12, 2020
*Gasp* Is it time to finally get a pet?? [No, I will abstain for those who deserve it more] Thanks again anonymous!

You mean….you set sail WITHOUT A PET ON BOARD? I pull my trusty dog out of it's crate before I store a single banana. 😃

For those out there who say you can't play Sea of Thieves as a solo player…first I say thats hogwash 😉….but I would also say having a pet companion helps on those sometimes lonely stretches between destinations.


User requested ban
Aug 3, 2018
Pretty ignorant response, but OK. You literally responded to my post, and that reply is what I'm referring to.

The above post certainly suggests that most people don't want to play the games Xbox are releasing.

Certainly, for it to be a 'problem' as you state, it would need to be a pretty significant number don't you think?

You literally said ''nobody''.

Sure it's not my main language, but nobody I'm fairly certain means that I was saying everyone thinks that way.

I said a lot of people.

And yeah I think it's a significant number of people, definitely not all.

To be significant it doesn't even need to be the vast majority of people. And considering how xbox is still seen, clearly the so called 2020 and 2021 great games weren't enough to change the narrative at all.


Feb 18, 2020
It has improved a lot for sure, I used to think about making an account ONLY for the ignore feature but haven't used it once now that I'm here :p

Saint green cube

Sigh, you aren't even trying to understand are you, is the that hard to read and understand the meaning of the sentences?

1) when I say people don't want those games I mean all the fan bases, not the xbox fan base.
2) most people that say xbox got no games, don't even play on xbox.
3) xbox wants to grow, hence mobile, cloud, pc.
4) xbox is actively growing in asian territories right now.
5) jrpgs are key to grow where ms is trying to grow.
6) jrpgs are also key to grow on existent territories as it's a big genre that's a massive hole on the line up.

I can't explain any other way, it's all so obvious that even having to explain again makes me question humanity.
But we know the genres of a bunch of games in development and none are JRPGs. Do they not want growth?

Jaded Alyx

Oct 25, 2017
I'm confused as to why Xbox hasn't posted either the RE4 or SF6 trailers on youtube and social channels.
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