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Mar 19, 2021
I'm playing Bioshock Infinite, and it's holding on so well. A good looking game is time + budget, not much high end hardware.

That's why I don't see the point of TLoU Part 1 PS5 version, it already looked awesome.

Hope all Xbox games get this much attention to details!



Sep 7, 2020
I'm playing through AC Origins thanks to Game Pass, and I'm having a great time with it. I'd really love to see them add more of these big AAA games that are a few years old every so often. Great for players like myself who missed them the first time around.


Oct 26, 2017
i have yet to play deathloop -- it's in my backlog, but it's coming up next after death stranding

hope we'll see more from redfall and maybe another arkane game announcment


Prophet of Truth
Apr 22, 2020
I have to commend that person - they are least put some more effort into that "leaked" than your typical word doc with a Jpeg thrown on top.

But as someone said, you can generally tell it's fake when there isn't a single (and/or relatively obscure) new IP included. How many untitled Xbox and Bethesda projects do we know about that aren't included here?

A good attempt but one that doesn't stand up to scrutiny. Could honestly be a controlled fake leak to throw people off. More likely it's just an account on social media looking to gain clout and attention


Prophet of Truth
Jun 12, 2020
Going to bed, hope I don't wake up to the whole thing being leaked.

Will be dreaming of Todd


Apr 15, 2018
Just 1 more sleep until the showcase!

I can't believe we'll be seeing gameplay of Starfield, Redfall, and Avowed in just 1 day. All I need is for those games to look and be great; everything else is just bonus.


Jan 3, 2018
Hello everyone 🥶🥶

Were there any additional leaks while I was asleep?

This is where I was (don't click if you haven't opened everything):

The AA game on Game Pass Day One - not naming it just in case
FM Spring 2023

DON'T TELL ME WHAT I MISSED. Just tell me if there are more leaks already pls 🙏


Sep 7, 2020
Hello everyone 🥶🥶

Were there any additional leaks while I was asleep?

This is where I was (don't click if you haven't opened everything):

The AA game on Game Pass Day One - not naming it just in case
FM Spring 2023

DON'T TELL ME WHAT I MISSED. Just tell me if there are more leaks already pls 🙏

There was a leak that seems legitimate enough as to what the GP day one game was

There was also a "leak" of the showcase as a whole, and everything about it screams fake


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2018
Seeing people don't have any qualms in putting showcase spoilers in threads titles, I'm going to log off for a couple of days. 👋


Chicken Chaser
Jan 21, 2019
Wasn't gonna read 35 new pages today, but had to go back 10 pages to figure out if these leaks were worthwhile. Eh. haha. Very glad that things haven't REALLY exploded yet, and very excited for Sunday.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 21, 2021
The leaks are going to get worst, so if people are sensitive, they should leave while they can :P


Aug 22, 2019
I'm super intrigued by As Dusk Falls. I get it not being everybody's cup of tea but I think it looks really cool and I'm glad Xbox are taking chances on different projects like that. Hopefully we get a date on Sunday.

Me too.

Soooo... many games got delayed into 2023 but there are still lots of interesting games coming out this year.

What games are on your list for 2022?

Souls Hackers 2
Hogwarts Legacy
Plucky Squire?


Prophet of Regret
Apr 17, 2020
Soooo... many games got delayed into 2023 but there are still lots of interesting games coming out this year.

What games are on your list for 2022?
Not much confirmed for 2022 yet. Out of those confirmed for 2022 (iirc), I look forward to TLOU1, Avatar and GoW Ragnarok the most. Lets see what Xbox confirms for 2022.


Aug 22, 2019
I'm leaving. Thank you to all the selfish people on the net/social that like to ruin surprises. For what is worth, I've just see only 1 thing regarding one release date. I will try to stay calm over haters and doomers.


Nov 25, 2017
All I need is that one game which the insider hinted to come out in 2022 and the year will be redeemed :)


Prophet of Truth
Nov 18, 2017
Isn't The Plucky Squire coming in 2023 as well?

Excited to play TMNT. Also really excited to play AC Origins when I get back home from holiday.

I don't know what games I'll be playing on my Xbox the rest of this year. I do want to play A Plague Tale, but that's already out.

After Sunday there surely be a couple of Gamepass games for this year that I really want to play.

I don't know if I want to get Modern Warfare 2 on Xbox or PS5.

Nintendo wise this year is pretty crazy, still playing Kirby, Xenoblade in July, Splatoon in September and Pokemon in November. No complaints.

Sony wise it'll probably just be Stray and GoW Ragnarok. Really excited to play that when it's cold outside and holiday decorations are up. Hopefully it does release in November.

Having all 3 consoles means there's always good games to play. I can see my Xbox getting the most playtime in 2023 though 😁
Last edited:


Dec 3, 2018


(Cannot verify validity, but it's circulating. DO NOT click if you don't want potential spoilers)

Not mention the delicious last course is dlc… the base game is not even on game pass, why would why get a dlc we can't even play.
Oct 31, 2017
Paris, France
I am hyped in a new way like I have never been before.

I mean, in the past years, we were all hoping for megatons because Xbox had to go big, with just a couple of studios and partnership around.

Now Xbox is such a big company, we will have so many games in the years to come that I don't care at all about what makes the cut in the show, what is delayed etc.

I'm gonna enjoy this show immensely that is for sure!


May 31, 2019
I'm playing Bioshock Infinite, and it's holding on so well. A good looking game is time + budget, not much high end hardware.

That's why I don't see the point of TLoU Part 1 PS5 version, it already looked awesome.

Hope all Xbox games get this much attention to details!

For people who were already gaming when the first game came out, it looks good. But for people who are only now old enough to play that game, or who only recently got into gaming with last-gen consoles or current-gen it looks dated. I agree, personally, I don't need the remake. That being said, when compared to games like Horizon Forbidden West and newer gen games it was starting to show its age.

For a lot of casual gamers good looking graphics hold a lot of appeals. Plus you have the HBOmax series coming and that will probably bring in an influx of new buyers so Sony doesn't want any barriers. Plus, the devs at ND had to work on something while they are waiting for the leads to figure out what their next game is going to be. This was more efficient.

It's really the same mindset as when companies bundle games together. It is a lot easier to get new buyers on board when they can buy one simple package and start playing.

Sometimes I wonder if studios regret going for more "realistic" graphics for a lot of games in hindsight. I feel like they date faster than something like Bioshock or Breath of the Wild which lean a lot more on art style than tech.

Anyway, back on topic.

What are the chances we see Dragon's Dogma 2 at this event? Microsoft had marketing rights for ITsuno's last game. The reveal has to be coming right? All the leaks and teases. It's like the one reveal I really wanted this Game Fest.


Jul 10, 2019

Tech Art Director of The initiative who have joined 343i is now the 343i Studio Tech Art Director.

They have 2 Tech art director now, sound like massive restructuration happen and it's only the beginning.

New Head of live service performance

2 New promoted Assistant Art Director and many more...

Now they need a world class studio head & they need to bulk up they understaffed Design departments.


Jun 11, 2018

Let's go!!!!! :)


Jul 10, 2019
Stoic project is described as "Ambitious New Title" 👀

Also one of their senior producer who worked at Riot : "Core gameplay producer on The Next Big Thing(TM)." 👀


Jun 11, 2018
Before I officially sign off till Sunday (have no self control with spoiler tags), I just wanted to say I love all you guys. This thread in the leadup to this showcase has been the most fun online community I've been in in a long time, dooming and all. See you all on the other side ❤️

See you there :)
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