
Oct 25, 2017
Obviously metaverse is their pivot now that they're being killed by Apple, but idk why anyone would ever want to be in VRChat controlled by Facebook.

Just seems like such a weird hill to die on


Died as he lived: wrong about Doritos
Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
I want to go now just to see these dead locations. Seems like a dead mall kind of vibe

It's not as cool if no one went there in the first place.

One of the coolest things I've seen online was riding around an abandoned "residential" neighborhood in Star Wars Galaxies before it closed down. All the houses had signs out front that said "Gone to World of Warcraft" or similar. It was neat.


Aug 30, 2022
I expect the lesson these companies and tech bros will take is to advertise their shit through Fortnite and other popular games like COD.
Fortnite has already been doing what these metaverses were supposed to do,GTA Online as well


Oct 25, 2017
It's so weird right, like from my perspective and yours, it's obvious no one wants this, but surely Meta must have hundreds of highly-paid expert researchers working on figuring out what people want, and they've apparently determined that someone does want this. Right? Or is it literally just something Mark Zuckerberg likes and keeps funneling money into despite all the advisors telling him to stop? It just doesn't add up.
At some tech companies still led by their founders, they get to a state where they are surrounded by people who never challenge them because they learned it's futile so they just go along with it while getting paid.


Apr 26, 2022
This could've made it as a secondlife/habbo hotel/whatever clone, prob with a VR support, but now it just.....an awful tech demo?


May 31, 2022
I do think this kind of thing will catch on eventually, but for now it really feels like a solution to a problem that never existed. Nobody wants this!


The Fallen
Nov 1, 2017
I tried it. It was pathetic, many worlds have a "my first VR app" flavor to them.

It's just half avatars floating about doing nothing interesting. I was in a room with maybe 7 people with a person that was clearly an employee trying to drum up conversation. Then she turns and says "I will get us drinks!", floats away and comes back with a bunch of glitching bottles hanging by her avatar.

The cringe made me quit. It's pathetic. I hope Meta goes down with it.

Wow, that's one of the most painful thing's I've read. I feel bad for the employee.


Jun 9, 2018
The more I think about it, the more I think the only way the Metaverse concept can succeed is if they somehow make it an extension of the World Wide Web.

They would need to have a decentralized set of tools maintained by an independent organization like the original web standards from the early 90s. It could probably already be done using existing technology like WebGL, they just need to standardize things when it comes to VR.

Call it "wwm" instead of "www" and let any standards-compliant headset with a standards-compliant Metaverse browser connect to any Metaverse page. I believe John Carmack tweeted something like this once and compared it to jumping between Quake servers using direct server connections in the console.

Facebook can have their walled garden at wwm.favebook.com, but Phil from Nebreska can also run his own wwm Metaverse community. Hell, we could be having this thread on wwm.resetera.com.

Sadly this will never happen since every company thinks they have a shot at being the one in charge if they do it all themselves.


Nov 15, 2017
This had failure written all over it. Is there any actual demand to spend $400 on a VR headset and wander around a corporate virtual hellscape?
Honestly, VR is such a fad from the 90s that Soul Hackers could easily be read as a parody of the metaverse but for the fact it came out about 20 years before the metaverse. Also I'm pretty sure that exactly 0 people played that game and said they wanted to experience Paradigm X in real life.


Oct 28, 2017
Every time they excitedly reveal a feature and it's just... VrChat was doing it better 5 years ago. Every single time. (And I don't even regularly use VR). The entire Metaverse project feels astoundingly blind for what the actual market for people invested in VR actually is, it is unreal


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
VR as a consumer thing is very much just more a complimentary piece, Just dont buy anything Meta is selling with this stuff.

Same time them pivoting to corporate applications is probably way more viable to me VR fits well for gaming, Not Social spaces, def for simulators, def for doing more like design types of things.

But them trying to go all in seems like they have no real idea how to grow facebook and just went all in on this.


Jan 19, 2021
There's been no marketing whatsoever that I can see; certainly not targetted at me. VR's simply not as widespread as it needs to be yet and they've not bothered to push it whatsoever.

I think Gabe Newell said it best:

"Most of the people who are talking about metaverse have absolutely no idea what they're talking about. And they've apparently never played an MMO. They're like, 'Oh, you'll have this customizable avatar.' And it's like, well... go into La Noscea in Final Fantasy XIV and tell me that this isn't a solved problem from a decade ago, not some fabulous thing that you're, you know, inventing."

The metaverse nonsense is just a waste of funds.


Oct 25, 2017
It's cliche but I still do not understand the single bullet point vision for this thing. What is the point. Why am I supposed to use it.

The Bookerman

Oct 25, 2017
I played it once, got into the stand up club, dude did a racist joke, got banned. Can't say I was left impressed.
it's like playstation home but in VR and pretty bad.


Oct 25, 2017
These companies will continue to push shit no one asked for them act shocked when it fails


Oct 25, 2017
I'm perhaps one of the few who has actually seen TV commercials for this thing, generally themed around things like "one day kids can take classes in the Metaverse" and "one day doctors can practice surgery in the Metaverse" and so on, but it all smells like pie-in-the-sky bullshit and isn't particularly compelling. Nothing really showcases what problem this technology solves right now, so I'm not surprised it hasn't gained any traction.


Oct 29, 2017
New York City
I would love to be a fly on the wall in the Meta office right now. Like you know you're not supposed to talk about this but it all you want to talk about lol


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
The tech is cool but the user experience is shit. I guarantee Zuck isn't aware of PlayStation Home because he's making the same exact mistakes given the lack of overall content and poor discovery tools.

Software will always be king when it comes to consumer hardware and both Meta and Google simply don't understand this.


Oct 27, 2017
Maybe marketing the metaverse with wii graphics and zuckerberg as the face of it wasn't such a good idea. Actually trying the Quest 2 made me a believer in VR technology. All the marketing around it makes me not even want to try it.

Honestly I'm not even sure what the Metaverse is other than VR Chat.



Oct 25, 2017
It's almost like "metaverses" are not a new concept and the niche of people who are into that sort of thing are already pretty well served.


Oct 26, 2017
Maybe marketing the metaverse with wii graphics and zuckerberg as the face of it wasn't such a good idea. Actually trying the Quest 2 made me a believer in VR technology. All the marketing around it makes me not even want to try it.

Honestly I'm not even sure what the Metaverse is other than VR Chat.


Metaverse wishes it was VR Chat. VR Chat is actually awesome lol


Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA
The people who built this for Zuckerberg must not play videogames or know anyone who works in the industry. They're building something that is 15 years out of date. And they're surprised it's not doing well? They have no chance in hell of building a self-sustaining VR 'metaverse' anytime soon unless they buy Valve or Epic and let them take it over.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know anyone who wants this. Everything Meta has touched turns to shit, this would be no different. It'll exist just to harvest more of your data and show you ads.

No wonder people aren't rushing to sign up
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe marketing the metaverse with wii graphics and zuckerberg as the face of it wasn't such a good idea
All of their promotional stuff involving him shows off the biggest blindspot of the whole thing (outside of pretending that people are real excited about the concept of wearing VR goggles while trying to drink coffee, which has come up a strange amount).

Honestly, does anyone have a positive perception of Mark Zuckerberg at this point? If the idea of doing something that he is also doing appealing to anyone? I feel like his whole persona was as an internet dork, then after The Social Network it was as a sort of creepy loser, and now he's just the guy that got rich by destroying democracy. The only reason to make him the face of a product is because he is the person choosing the face of the product.


Died as he lived: wrong about Doritos
Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
All of their promotional stuff involving him shows off the biggest blindspot of the whole thing (outside of pretending that people are real excited about the concept of wearing VR goggles while trying to drink coffee, which has come up a strange amount).

Honestly, does anyone have a positive perception of Mark Zuckerberg at this point? If the idea of doing something that he is also doing appealing to anyone? I feel like his whole persona was as an internet dork, then after The Social Network it was as a sort of creepy loser, and now he's just the guy that got rich by destroying democracy. The only reason to make him the face of a product is because he is the person choosing the face of the product.

He's a narcissist. In his mind, he's the perfect spokesperson.

Look on the bright side, they haven't hired Matt Damon to shill for this crap yet.


Apr 29, 2019
PlayStation Home was a gamer-oriented take on the 3D chatroom idea and that still ended up bombing because it was boring as shit.
The tech is cool but the user experience is shit. I guarantee Zuck isn't aware of PlayStation Home because he's making the same exact mistakes given the lack of overall content and poor discovery tools.

I for one am shocked that Playstation Home 2 is failing.

But the thing about PlayStation Home is that while it never became the mainstream success Sony initially hoped for, it was profitable and built up a loyal (yet niche) audience that was very dedicated to it. Kotaku had a couple articles about it back in 2012 and 2013.

I just can't see Metaverse having that same level of success. It has all of PlayStation Home's flaws, but none of its highlights. It doesn't seem like it appeals to anyone.


Oct 27, 2017
It's not as cool if no one went there in the first place.

One of the coolest things I've seen online was riding around an abandoned "residential" neighborhood in Star Wars Galaxies before it closed down. All the houses had signs out front that said "Gone to World of Warcraft" or similar. It was neat.

Wow, that takes me back. I remember when this started happening. Cruising through the plains of Naboo and seeing once formerly busy player-made towns just slowly empty out.


Sep 18, 2018
Kinda feel like maybe they should have pulled the plug when the userbase couldn't even compete with Second Life, considering how often "wait isn't this just like Second Life but worse? Is that game still around?" gets paraphrased when reaction to Meta.

Mobius 1

Oct 27, 2017
North Point, Osean Federation
Maybe marketing the metaverse with wii graphics and zuckerberg as the face of it wasn't such a good idea. Actually trying the Quest 2 made me a believer in VR technology. All the marketing around it makes me not even want to try it.

Honestly I'm not even sure what the Metaverse is other than VR Chat.

You're being generous. The Wii had better graphics than anything I've seen in there, including Meta's own spaces.


Oct 27, 2017
But the thing about PlayStation Home is that while it never became the mainstream success Sony initially hoped for, it was profitable and built up a loyal (yet niche) audience that was very dedicated to it. Kotaku had a couple articles about it back in 2012 and 2013.

I just can't see Metaverse having that same level of success. It has all of PlayStation Home's flaws, but none of its highlights. It doesn't seem like it appeals to anyone.
I think Metaverses could work but there needs to be some core usage component there. Fortnite works because there's a core game that people like to play.

I see Home and VR Chat very similar because what made Home successful despite the stereotype of low usage was the weirdness that it embraced with its cosmetics, and VR Chat is entirely built around being weird with your character.

Bottom line is Horizon takes itself way too seriously and the activities in game aren't fun enough (or user friendly enough) to make up for that limitation.

Zuck is obsessed with making people "connect" but there's no personality or soul in the first party method his company is using