
Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver


Oct 25, 2017
I am just baffled how they are pretending that this crap is revolutionary when PSHome/Second Life did pretty much the same exact shit minus VR aeons ago.


Oct 25, 2017
Did they ever ask themselves why someone would use it? There's like 3 popular VRChat-esq social apps, and metaverse seems to be the worst parts of all of them with none of the benefits. Plus, people really, really want thier custom made anime avatars, it's not hard.

is there really no benefit to metaverse over vrchat?


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 25, 2017
Now imagine buying "digital real estate" for worlds that are basically never visited.
Oct 27, 2017
I cannot wait for the meta verse to fail. Meta/Facebook is doing irreparable harm to our world, destroying elections with unchecked propaganda, and so much more. They need to be broken up or checked hard for all the harm they are doing.

Metaverse has seemed like a grift to get more money from investors since they had unsustainable growth that will only meander or go down from here. Same for Netflix with their issues with subscribers. Feel like the 2010s streaming/social boom is gonna pop this decade and a lot of companies are gonna scale back hard by 2030.

I read somewhere meta is having to force their own employees to use metaverse, which should tell them all they need to know about how well the public will adopt it


Oct 25, 2017
The 3D chatrooms that are the most popular are the exact opposite of the 3D chatrooms that Facebook wants to push. They're like a Christian rock band wondering why their youth centre concert got outsold by The Sex Pistols playing in a seedy dive bar.

There's almost an inverse relationship between the corporate mainstreamness of a 3D social platform and its actual popularity. People want to do weirdo shit that they can't do in the real world. If the grand vision of the Metaverse is a virtual Walmart, a virtual boardroom and a virtual suburban living room then what's the appeal? I can already do that shit for free.
Absolutely I want an experience that can't be replicated in real life, or some locale that fits my aesthetic tastes.

Heck, they could recreate the Cantina from Star Wars and nerds would be crashing down doors to buy their headsets.

Garp TXB

Apr 1, 2020
VR and AR itself has an interesting and fun future. Some of the stuff being worked on is absolutely mindblowing, it will just take some time for prices to drop. But that future will have nothing to do with Facebook and some stupid metaverse with shitty Crytivo-type economies. It's a shame that Facebook is helping ruin the perception of the tech itself at the moment, but in the end it won't matter.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 28, 2017
A virtual world is a fucking sad world you bunch of morons.

(Aimed at Meta, obviously)


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah… this happen when you offer a solution to a problem that does not exist.
I'd much rather hang out in VRChat than touch a current "Metaverse". Throwing out hype marketing terms that investors love does not always work and thankfully it is that way.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
Meta is lame. Facebooks is lame. The metaverse is lame.

Millennials and Gen Z don't really care about them, so I'm not sure how they expect to survive without some major shakeups in their marketing and…products in general.

Basically. The people still using FB right now dont care about it either as they're using it for exactly what they want to use it for and nothing more.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Using a "metaverse" as the VR killer app just seems like barking up the wrong tree for the medium to me. That's not playing to its strengths, and what's even more damning, you don't need VR to create a virtual world. Look at Fortnite. No, seriously, look at it. That's the competition. You're not beating Fortnite at being Fortnite, even in VR. Not even if you're Meta.

What makes VR appealing to me is being able to do things I can't in real life. I can't be a spaceship pilot. I can't fight a dragon. I can wave my hands to music, but it's more fun in Beat Saber.

So work on that. Might be big sprawling experiences, or just a bite-sized bit of fun. Let me do things that I can't do. If I absolutely have to have a home space in VR, I want it to be in low Earth orbit, with real-time time of day and weather going on. Not in some corporate dystopia. We live in one of those. We don't live in space, making it vastly more interesting.


Oct 25, 2017
I just want to know when would be a good point to get a Fincher sequel, could have been a trilogy


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I somehow ended up briefly walking into a Metaverse workshop for a job and someone asked 'So why would people go in there and spend money?' and the legit answer the person hosting the workshop gave was 'Good question! I haven't really thought about that...' It was so funny, and really telling since this was at one of the biggest IT firms in the world.


Oct 25, 2017
I had no idea it was even available.

I remember some VR Ready Player One thing they were talking about a couple years ago.

Never really gave it any thought though. Sounds like a big fail.


Oct 25, 2017
I do think marketing is a major issue here. I'm an Occulus owner and I've put my headset on multiple times with the intention of checking out some of the main metaverses out of curiosity, but I have no idea what app I'm supposed to use or the best way to access it. End up just going back to Rec Room or Big Screen if I want a social experience.
Hahaha that's me.

Great post.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
Nobody wants a G-rated, corporate friendly, safe for advertiser metaverse (assuming most people want a metaverse to begin with). For people who actually want a social space in VR, VR Chat already exists and does it better than Meta's version ever could.

(Personally I couldn't care less about the metaverse, but I know a few people who spend a lot of time in VR Chat - I don't think you'd ever be able to convince them to move to something like Meta's version.)


Oct 29, 2017
They couldn't even explain what it was for or why anyone would want to be there. It's a solution to a problem that doesn't exist except in Zuckerberg's mind.
Am I supposed to my loved ones in a Facebook virtual space and be like "this is so much better than the other many ways of doing that where I even get to see your actual face, because now I can see like a shitty cartoon representation of your face instead" I'm so confused by the market for this as well, help me understand this man's candle budget when his company is starving

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017
Seeing Zuckerberg plan fail for sure is amusing.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It's weird that they're focusing much on Horizon Worlds when it has been presented as a minor tech demo while they spent time working on their actual major software. Maybe they don't even know if it's a tech demo or not


Oct 25, 2017
I think there's an argument to be made for things like FF14, and Fortnite to be metaverses if not metaverse-adjacent. Those are games though, they have a central hook for being there in a way that Meta's product doesn't. VR Chat and Second Life incidentally offer you a level of freedom that Meta never could and explicitly doesn't appear to want to.

Mobius 1

Oct 27, 2017
North Point, Osean Federation
I tried it. It was pathetic, many worlds have a "my first VR app" flavor to them.

It's just half avatars floating about doing nothing interesting. I was in a room with maybe 7 people with a person that was clearly an employee trying to drum up conversation. Then she turns and says "I will get us drinks!", floats away and comes back with a bunch of glitching bottles hanging by her avatar.

The cringe made me quit. It's pathetic. I hope Meta goes down with it.


Oct 26, 2017
Ya know for a company that creates software that drives marketing for tons of companies, Meta is shitty at marketing. I didn't even know it was out for public use.
Jul 27, 2020
I do think marketing is a major issue here. I'm an Occulus owner and I've put my headset on multiple times with the intention of checking out some of the main metaverses out of curiosity, but I have no idea what app I'm supposed to use or the best way to access it. End up just going back to Rec Room or Big Screen if I want a social experience.
Same here, i am too, and i thought Horizon Worlds was a game, had no idea it was fb's vr..i still have no desire to try it.


Oct 25, 2017
They aren't investing in VR to sell some software here or there, they are doing it because of some ridiculous idea that people will spend huge chunks of their income in an online world.

So we can all laugh at Metabook over their failures, but this could have consequences for other VR development.. games development, etc. as the highly subsidized price of the Quest 2 is likely based on selling virtual houses for as much as a real house, not selling a couple million copies of a game.


Oct 29, 2017
I tried it. It was pathetic, many worlds have a "my first VR app" flavor to them.

It's just half avatars floating about doing nothing interesting. I was in a room with maybe 7 people with a person that was clearly an employee trying to drum up conversation. Then she turns and says "I will get us drinks!", floats away and comes back with a bunch of glitching bottles hanging by her avatar.

The cringe made me quit. It's pathetic. I hope Meta goes down with it.

But really, being tasked with artificially drumming up interest in a megalomaniac's dying VR platform sounds like a nightmare job, even if it's WFH.

"Tell your avatar to blink three times quickly if you need help!"

Their cartoonish eyes remain glassy, staring off into the middle distance, underscoring the inner conflict between person and avatar.

An uneasy silence fills the room.

You sense they are trying to see if this is truly their moment to try to flee. The Morale Management Specialist's back is turned, offering a tantalizing opportunity, but they still relent. They may not make it past the war droids at the second marker this time. And we remember what happened the last time they tried to escape, don't we?

Their hand instinctively moves to the location of their new on-brand, Meta skin brand.

"WHO HAD THE WHISKEY NEAT? AND WHO HAD THE FROZEN MARGARITA? WHO HERE LIKES FUN?" they type out instead, disappointing themselves.

Not today.

Not today.


Oct 25, 2017
This reminds me, are there still grifters pushing metaverse real estate investments or have they all backed away now?


Oct 25, 2017
The meta verse is reminiscent of the "internet of things" which people wouldn't STFU about a while back and other such things which will organically develop over time and be a diverse ecosystem....

But the thirst Meta and Zuck have to be the controllers of that ecosystem and be first is pathetic and a bit embarrassing.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
It's going to be really interesting to see what they do with this information. Do they just keep funnelling money into the pit?

Like, it was always a bad idea and everyone rightfully said so when they announced it. Then they renamed their whole company around it and it is a complete disaster, which is shocking to nobody except higher ups at Meta themselves. So do they course correct somehow and shift their focus to something more viable, or just follow this sunk cost to the end of the road?


Mar 9, 2018
They couldn't even explain what it was for or why anyone would want to be there. It's a solution to a problem that doesn't exist except in Zuckerberg's mind.
Yeah. All of the marketing I've seen has seemed to center around stuff like "you can go to meetings, but in VR!"

It's like they didn't talk to any average people about the types of things they might actually be interested in.
Oct 29, 2017
It's something no one was asking for, so of course.

It's so weird right, like from my perspective and yours, it's obvious no one wants this, but surely Meta must have hundreds of highly-paid expert researchers working on figuring out what people want, and they've apparently determined that someone does want this. Right? Or is it literally just something Mark Zuckerberg likes and keeps funneling money into despite all the advisors telling him to stop? It just doesn't add up.